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The effects of various home cooking methods on the proximate composition of four potato varieties were investigated. The results revealed significant increases in the dry matter content of tubers during oven-baking and microwave cooking. With one exception, cooking unpeeled tubers in boiling water did not significantly alter their proximate composition. Boiling peeled tubers resulted in a significant decrease in the total ash content. Except for one variety, there was a significant decrease in crude fiber in boiled peeled and oven-baked potatoes. Changes in protein values were erratic.  相似文献   

The effect of several cooking methods on the mineral content of three major U.S. potato varieties was assessed. Significant losses of minerals in potato flesh were minimal and were unaccountably associated with the Norchip variety grown in the Red River Valley. The Irish potato was found to contribute significantly to the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance for copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus in the diet of man.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the lipid composition of potatoes during sprouting. Sprouts from Pontiac and Katahdin potatoes as well as two clones (the genetic material from crosses of a population ofSolanum andigenum from South America andSolanum tuberosum from North America) were found to be significantly higher in crude lipid than either the cortex or pith sections of the tuber. The cortex section was found to be higher in lipid than the pith section. Crude lipid was fractionated into phospholipid, neutral fat, and free fatty acids, and for each of the sections of potatoes the highest percentage of lipid was found in the phospholipid fraction. The fatty acid found in highest concentration in the phospholipid fraction was linoleic acid, but considerable quantities of linolenic and palmitic acids were also present. Synthesis of phospholipid occurs in the actively growing sprout, and compounds that interfere with lipid synthesis, particularly phospholipid synthesis, should prove to be effective sprout inhibitors.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank potatoes from the same storage lot, were processed by commercial technology and prepared for consumption as done institutionally and in the home. Products were chosen to include most of the processing or preparation steps that will influence nutrient losses, namely, boiling, baking, frying, and drying. Products were evaluated on an as-served-basis for potato solids, starch, total and reducing sugar, total and protein nitrogen, free amino acid, vitamin, and mineral contents. Comparisons of the quantity of these nutritional components in different prepared potato products were made and discussed.  相似文献   

Sucrose synthetase in potatoes decreased sharply after harvest and remained low during warm storage. The activity increased slowly when the tubers were placed in cold storage and continued to increase after 30 weeks. Sucrose phosphate synthetase also decreased in warm-stored Norchip tubers, but it increased in Kennebec tubers. It increased quite rapidly in both varieties during the first few weeks of cold storage and then essentially leveled off. Both enzymes decreased during reconditioning of cold-stored tubers, but they tended to increase in Kennebec potatoes after prolonged reconditioning. Sucrose phosphate synthetase was much higher than sucrose synthetase in all stored tubers.  相似文献   

Glycoalkaloids are important potato quality factors. Tuber-bearingSolanum species exhibit wide quantitative and qualitative diversity in glycoalkaloid contents. Some species, of interest to breeders, contain extremely high total glycoalkaloid (TGA) levels and/or unusual types of glycoalkaloids of ill-defined or unknown toxic and teratogenic properties. Characterisation of glycoalkaloid content is a dynamic and, in some cases, controversial subject. Problems associated with analytical methodology and, to a lesser extent, with environmental effects and intraspecific heterogeneity have probably been the major causes of disagreements in the literature. Recent methodological developments have facilitated more accurate and sensitive measurements of TGA levels and of individual glycoalkaloid compositions. Such measurements should be used to analyze parental material and selected hybrid progeny in breeding programs. This is particularly important when certain wildSolanum species are being exploited as undesirable levels and types of glycoalkaloid can be genetically transmitted from the wild species to hybrid progeny. Absence of glycoalkaloid assessment from a breeding program can result in wasted effort, time and money.  相似文献   

大豆被誉为“黄金食品”,萌芽大豆抗营养因子和气味得到改善,营养价值较高,深受消费者的喜爱。本实验选取了10个来源不同的大豆品种作为实验材料,用25 ℃蒸馏水浸泡使其萌发,通过测量不同时期萌芽大豆的蛋白质、还原糖、粗纤维含量,找出在萌发过程中大豆营养物质变化的规律,为萌芽大豆的进一步食品制作和生产提供实验依据。结果表明,不同大豆品种营养成分含量不同;大豆在萌发第1 d时,蛋白质的含量有所下降,之后随着萌芽时间的延长而逐渐增加;而还原糖和粗纤维的含量在萌发过程中平稳上升。综上所述,与未萌芽大豆相比,萌芽第7 d的大豆蛋白质、还原糖、粗纤维含量最高且差异达到显著水平。在实际生活中,选择萌芽7 d蛋白质含量较高的翠扇大豆及还原糖和粗纤维含量较高的绿75进行生产、加工和利用。  相似文献   

A study of “double-dip” caustic peeling of potatoes was made at two commercial potato processing plants. The “double-dip” system uses two caustic dips, each followed by a holding period at ambient temperature. The peel is then removed using rubber-tipped scrubbers. Four hundred and fiftyfour g of pure caustic peeled about 90 to 180 kg of potatoes. Good quality peel was attained with a 10 to 14% peel loss. The equipment in both plants performed with little mechanical difficulty. Quick changes in dip-time and holding-time were used to compensate for changes in the condition of raw material without causing excessive variations in caustic-use or peel-removal. Problems encountered and solutions applied to each are described in detail.  相似文献   

The decomposition of dead roots of perennial grasses was examined in nylon litter bags not containing soil at two soil depths, 10 and 20 cm, and also in larger nylon bags containing soil at 020 cm depth. Bags were sampled three times during the growing season to determine weights of organic matter, crude protein, Klason lignin and non-structural and structural carbohydrates.
From 3 July to 5 October (94 days) the litter bags at 10 and 20 cm and the nylon bags lost, respectively, 35,38 and 65% of their organic mass of particle size < 1 mm.
Non-structural carbohydrates constituted 6% of the organic matter in the original sample but only 1% or less during the sampling period. Klason lignin increased from 22 to 29% and crude protein from 8 to 10% of the remaining organic matter, whereas structural carbohydrates changed very little.
The constituents were degraded at different rates. The non-structural carbohydrates had decomposed almost completely by the first sampling and of the other constituents the structural carbohydrates were degraded most rapidly. Before the first sampling unexpected amounts of structural carbohydrates, particularly glucans, had disappeared.
The results help to explain rapid declines in root mass (up to 50%) during summer in perennial grass leys observed in earlier experiments.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fertilizer N and K rates on the nutrient concentrations in petioles of Russet Burbank potato grown on a low-K, low-Cl, highly calcareous Millville silt loam soil. Phosphate and CaSO4 were applied uniformly so that P and S did not limit plant growth. An incomplete factorial experimental design, utilizing 14 combinations of fertilizer N and K, including two forms of K, was used to develop a multi-dimensional regression model. This model was then used to produce response surfaces as an aid to analysis of the results and to illustrate the fertilizer treatment effects and their interactions on petiole chemistries. Nitrogen, K and Cl fertilizers had complex effects on petiole concentrations of NO3-N, SO4-S, Cl, K, Ca and Mg. Nitrate-N and Cl were mutually antagonistic. Soil N had a large positive effect on petiole K and Mg levels and, to a lesser extent, petiole Ca levels. There was competition between K and Mg in petiole concentration. The sum of K, Ca and Mg was essentially constant across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The sum of NO3-N, SO4-S and Cl was highly variable. The ratio of cations to anions ranged between three and five across fertilizer treatments and sampling times. The data indicate that calibration of the major nutrient element concentrations in potato petioles, as a guide to fertilization, requires knowledge of background soil fertility conditions with respect to N, K, Cl, Ca and Mg, and an understanding of the antagonisms and synergisms among these elements.  相似文献   

The effect of boiling and baking in either a convential or microwave oven on the lipid content of potatoes was investigated. The crude lipid content of potatoes was lowered significantly by all methods of cooking. The loss was highest in potatoes cooked in a microwave oven, least in boiled tubers, and intermediate in tubers baked in a conventional oven. Similar trends were observed for both cortex and pith tissues. Generally, the phospholipid content followed the same trend as the crude lipid, the exception being the cortex tissue of tubers baked in the conventional oven, in which the greatest loss of phospholipid occurred. Cooking did not significantly alter the fatty acid composition of tubers. A possible relationship between the degree of cell rupturing, known to be influenced by different mechanisms of heat transfer, and the amounts of tuber lipid associated with different cooking methods was discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A partially automated modification of the potato press described in the previous paper (Sharrock, 1968) is illustrated, the steps involved in compression of a tuber-block are described, and a comparison made between the rates of compression for the modified and the unmodified presses.  相似文献   

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