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In conclusion, rabbits have a variety of common disease presentations that require wound management. Anatomic and physiologic characteristics should be kept in mind, as they may have influences upon the management of wounds. Many new topical medications and dressings have been designed that are routinely used in mammalian wound management cases and are potentially useful for rabbits. When topical medications are used in rabbits, care must be taken to ensure the medications are not ingested. In addition to topical therapies, surgical options such as flaps and skin grafts have been researched in rabbits. Many of the wound management concepts that are useful for dogs and cats should be considered when addressing rabbit wounds.  相似文献   

The rabbit's gastrointestinal physiology is a complex system that centers around the separation of digestible and indigestible components of the diet in the proximal colon. The clinical importance of this system is the need for a consistent diet high in long particle length (> 0.5 mm) indigestible fiber to maintain the motility of the cecum and colon. Most of the common gastrointestinal problems seen in captive rabbits are related to inappropriate diets (low fiber; high protein; high carbohydrate) and infrequent feeding of treats to which the rabbit is not accustomed. Many of these problems can be avoided if captive rabbits are fed a diet consisting primarily of fibrous vegetation, such as grass, hay, and fibrous weeds. Feeding of fruits, grains, and carbohydrate or fat-based treats should be avoided. Pelleted feeds, although convenient, should be kept to a minimum, and where pellets are used those manufactured by an extrusion process, which retains the long particle length of the indigestible fiber, should be chosen.  相似文献   

Orthopedic surgery in rabbits poses several unique parameters for the veterinary surgeon. It is imperative for the veterinarian to be knowledgeable about the anatomic features of the surgical repair site and to become familiar with a rabbit's pain and discomfort often associated with orthopedic injuries. Handling the perioperative and postoperative pain and potential GI disturbances are crucial for a successful outcome of the surgical case. This article is designed to help the veterinary surgeon prepare for the orthopedic surgical procedure and the peripheral physiologic needs of the rabbit from presentation through recovery.  相似文献   

Using laboratory animal medicine as an established resource, companion animal veterinarians have access to many physiologic and basic science studies that we can now merge with our clinical impressions. By working with reference laboratories, companion animal veterinarians are poised to accelerate our knowledge of the normal rabbit rapidly. The aim of this article is to discuss normal hematopoiesis and infectious and metabolic diseases that specifically target the hemolymphatic system. Additionally, photographic representation of cell types is provided.  相似文献   

对中国白兔与日本土耳兔的核型及C带进行研究比较显示,其核型染色体数均为44,性染色体xy()、xx()。按A.Ievan标准把常染色体各分为4组,两者间有所不同。两品种的C带显示,其结构异染质的多态性在品种间表现明显差异。中国白兔核型中几乎所有染色体的着丝粒区均呈深染,大小有异;日本大耳兔则主要集中在每条染色单体二臂端部位,大小有异。另对分组不同的原因与结构异染质多态现象的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

我校兔场2003年11月22~27日先后死亡种兔10只,幼兔3只。经现场调查发现:①死亡兔除3只是2月龄左右的幼兔外,全是3kg以上膘肥体壮的壮年公兔和怀孕母兔。②由于是种兔,都是在面对面双向三层重叠式兔笼内单笼饲养。但兔舍通风条件较差,空气不对流,比较潮湿阴冷。③死亡的种兔是2003年9月从外场引入,引入后未注射任何预防疫苗。  相似文献   

我国是传统的兔肉生产国和出口国,20世纪80年代以前,兔肉年产量基本在5万t左右,且以供应国际市场为主,最高年份出口量曾达到4.35万t,占产量的90%.改革开放以来,作为我国兔业主导产业的肉兔业经历了稳中有升的发展.我国兔业的真正飞跃是自20世纪末,在中央"三农"政策的推动下,在国内市场消费增长以及兔产业科技进步的拉动下,养兔产业突飞猛进.  相似文献   

With rabbit patients, as in other species, analyzing blood and urine samples can be useful and informative, although interpretation of the results is sometimes challenging. This article summarizes the interpretation of laboratory results from rabbits. Hematological parameters can yield information about the red blood cell population and leukocyte response to stress and pathogens. Biochemistry evaluation can be used to investigate liver, kidney, and other organ function, and urinalysis results may yield additional information about kidney function and electrolyte imbalances. Serological tests are available for several pathogens of rabbits, including Encephalitozoon cuniculi, although the significance of positive results and antibody titers is not clear. Serum protein electrophoresis aids the understanding of protein disorders and the immune response to acute and chronic inflammation.  相似文献   

杨小华 《广东饲料》2005,14(2):38-39
试期内肉兔添加饲喂人生菜的试验组,其日均增重为27.5±.3g,而不添加的对照组为26.2±3.7g,两组差异不显著(p>0.05);饲料报酬比对照组提高11.4%,两组差异极显著(p<0.01);试验组比对照组提高经济效益17%。  相似文献   

豫丰黄兔与新西兰兔、哈白兔进行增重对比试验表明,豫丰黄兔在增重、饲料转换率方面都略高于新西兰兔,而稍低于哈白兔,经t检验差异不显著(P>0.05),说明豫丰黄兔作为一个新的培育品种,具有良好的生产能力和饲料转换能力。  相似文献   

THE BSAVA has been aware of the reported problem of damage to rabbits' legs following the use of leg identification rings. A survey was conducted via regional meetings and newsletters together with a letter in The Veterinary Record to seek to establish the extent of the problem.  相似文献   

This article reviews biological characteristics and husbandry practices affecting rabbit health, with emphasis on nutrition, housing, and breeding. Clinical and therapeutic procedures, zoonotic concerns, and important bacterial, protozoal, and parasitic diseases and reproductive problems are discussed.  相似文献   

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