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An investigation of the effects of level of nutrition, both in lactation and from weaning to remating, on subsequent litter size and associated reproductive characteristics in the early-weaned sow is reported. Subjects were 75 sows in 5 groups. In 4 of the groups the sows were weaned after a 10-day lactation period. Group 5 was weaned following a 42-day gestation. The control group was fed up to 6.3 kg/day during lactation and 2.7 kg/day from weaning to remating. The 4 early-weaned groups were each fed differently. In lactation and during the inverval from weaning to remating they were fed either 2 or 4 kg/day. The group receiving only 2 kg/day during each period lost more weight than the others (p less than .05). Weight loss in lactation was significantly (p less than .001) affected by feeding. Sows weaned after a 10-day lactation period farrowed 2.7 piglets/litter less in the next parity than sows weaned after a 6-week lactation period. Weight losses during lactation were not related to subsequent litter size. Level of nutrition from weaning to remating in these tests had no influence on subsequent litter size. The early-weaned sow, even with large fluctuations in weight change over the period from parturition to remating, did not alter their ceiling for litter size. It seems unlikely that ovulation rate is the major factor limiting litter size in the early-weaned sow. Results suggest that embryo mortality following ovulation and coitus is increased in the early-weaned sow and that this effect then manifests itself as a ceiling to subsequent litter size.  相似文献   

Forty-five gravid cross-bred sows (mean parity 3.3 +/- .3) were randomly allotted to two dietary treatments: corn-soybean mean (CS) or CS plus 60 mg salinomycin per kilogram of diet (CSS). Sows were fed their respective diets through two successive parities with dietary treatment initiated at 100 d postcoitum and continued until weaning of the second successive litter. Therefore, sows fed CSS received salinomycin for 14 d before the first parturition and for approximately 153 d before the second parturition. Daily feed intake was restricted to 2 kg.hd-1.d-1 during gestation and to 3 kg.hd-1.d-1 from weaning to breeding. All sows. had ad libitum access to feed during lactation. Sows were weighed 7 d prior to parturition, at weaning and at breeding. Weaning-to-estrus interval and farrowing interval were recorded for all sows. Litters were weighed at birth and weaning. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between dietary treatments in sow weights before parturition, at weaning or at breeding for either first or second farrowing. The CSS-fed sows lost more weight from weaning to breeding after the first (P less than .03) and second (P less than .05) lactation periods than CS-fed sows. The CSS-fed sows tended to gain more (P = .06) weight during lactation than CS-fed sows. There were no differences (P greater than .05) between treatments in lactation feed intake, weaning-to-estrus interval, farrowing interval, litter size born or weaned, litter weights at birth or at weaning, or in sow culling rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

影响母猪泌乳期采食量的主要因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从泌乳母猪采食量与生产性能的关系出发,阐述了提高母猪泌乳期采食量的重要性及影响采食量的主要因素。  相似文献   

The effect of lasalocid (140 mg . head-1 . d-1) on sow reproductive performance and subsequent piglet performance during lactation were examined in a trial that involved 114 sows. Treatments consisted of 1) control diet with no lasalocid during gestation and lactation; 2) lasalocid diet during gestation, control diet during lactation; 3) control diet during gestation and lasalocid diet during lactation; and 4) lasalocid diet during gestation and lactation. The addition of lasalocid either to gestation or lactation diets had no effect (P greater than .10) on sow weight gains or days to return to estrus postweaning. Milk protein percentages were similar (P greater than .10) for sows in all treatment groups for samples taken at 3, 7 and 14 d postfarrowing. Milk fat percentages were higher (P less than .05) in fall-bred sows at d 3 for Treatments 1, 3 and 4 than for Treatment 2 No significant differences (P less than .10) were observed for litter size at birth, 21 d postfarrowing or at weaning. Piglet weights at birth, 21 d and weaning were similar (P less than .10) among treatment groups. However, litter size and litter weight gains tended to be heavier at 21 d postfarrowing and at weaning for fall-bred sows fed lasalocid in either gestation and (or) lactation compared with those fed the control diet.  相似文献   

Number of pigs produced per sow per year is dependent upon the number of pigs born live, the number that survive to weaning and the interval between consecutive farrowings for the sow. Feeding and management of the sow during late gestation affects birth weight and amount of energy stored as glycogen and lipid in the piglet. Piglets that are heavier and that have more energy stores have a higher survival rate. Adding fat to the sow's diet during the last month of gestation or altering the sow's metabolism to direct more nutrients to the fetus are methods for increasing piglet birthweight and energy stores. Feeding the sow properly during lactation is important for maximum yield of milk and milk energy, which affects survival of pigs to weaning, and for rebreeding performance of the sow after weaning. Energy intake during lactation can be increased by adding fat to diets, and this is beneficial in situations where feed intake is insufficient to meet the sow's requirements. For example, fat supplementation during lactation is beneficial for primiparous sows and for sows lactating during hot weather. The minimum practical lactation length is about 2 wk for normal rebreeding performance of the sow. Split weaning or separation of the litter from the sow for 6 to 12 h/d will shorten the rebreeding interval or induce estrus during lactation. Administration of pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin, with or without human chorionic gonadotropin, will induce estrus during lactation, and the response is better after the second week of lactation. Similar treatments at weaning will shorten the rebreeding interval.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of the daily frequency of feed distribution (once, One; twice, Two; and four times, Four,) on the rate of feed consumption (RFC) and reproductive performance were investigated in Large White sows farrowing in the hot season from June to September (H sows) and in the rest of the year (R sows). The RFC was greater in feeding treatment Four than Two (P < 0.01) in H sows; however, bodyweight loss during lactation was not affected by the feeding treatment. No difference in effects of frequency of feed distribution for sows was observed on piglet growth. The survival rate of the piglets was not different between feeding treatments. The number of sows that came into estrus within 7 days post‐weaning was smaller in the feeding treatment Four than One (P < 0.05) in H sows and those of Four than One (P < 0.01) and Two (P < 0.05) in R sows. These results suggest that in sows during lactation increasing the daily frequency of feed distribution may have a negative effect on reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to measure the effect of creep feeding during lactation on net absorption in the small intestine at 4 days after weaning. Intermittent suckling was used to increase creep feed intake during lactation. Creep feed containing chromic oxide was provided. Based on the colour of the faeces, piglets were classified as ‘eaters’ or ‘non-eaters’, respectively. At day 4 after weaning, an in vivo small intestine segment perfusion test was performed at 5 sites along the small intestine in 24 piglets (12 eaters and 12 non-eaters). At both sides of each intestinal segment a tube was fitted to perfuse and drain fluid in order to assess net absorption. Net absorption was higher in eaters than in non-eaters (P < 0.001). Net absorption varied greatly between and within piglets and was highest in the caudal segments of the small intestine (P < 0.001). These data suggest that creep feeding could be a useful tool in the prevention of post-weaning diarrhoea.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed to study the effect of litter size before weaning on subsequent body development and composition, feed intake, and reproductive performance of young rabbit does with the objective to improve reproductive performance. Litter size (LS) before weaning (treatment) was 6, 9, or 12 kits. After weaning (30 d), 58 female kits per treatment (in two successive replicates) were reared and fed for ad libitum intake to 14.5 wk of age (end of rearing). At 14.5 wk of age, receptive does were inseminated. Nonreceptive and nonpregnant does were inseminated at 17.5 wk of age. The experiment ended when the second litter was weaned. Part of the animals was slaughtered to determine body composition at the end of the experiment (replicate one) and at the end of rearing (replicate two). At weaning, BW differed among treatments (P < 0.05; 855, 773, and 664 +/- 15 g for LS6, 9, and 12, respectively). Compensatory growth was observed. At the end of rearing, LS12 does were smaller (P < 0.05) than LS9 and LS6 does (3,524, 3,778, and 3,850 +/- 48 g, respectively). After first lactation, no difference in BW among treatments was found. Compared with LS6, empty body weight (BW minus gut, bladder, and uterus content) of LS12 contained more (P < 0.05) nitrogen (32.5 vs 31.1 +/- 0.3 g/kg), more (P < 0.05) ash (30.7 vs 28.3 +/- 0.6 g/kg), and less (P < 0.05) fat (168.6 vs 200.2 +/- 8.6 g/kg). No differences in body composition among treatments were found at the end of the experiment. During rearing, LS12 had the lowest (P < 0.05) daily feed intake (152, 164, and 169 +/- 2 g/d for LS12, 9, and 6, respectively). During the reproductive period, no differences in feed intake among treatments were found. Kindling rate (the number of kindlings per number of inseminations) was not influenced by treatment. In the first parity, total litter size (number of alive and stillborn kits) was lower (P < 0.10) for LS12 than for LS9 (6.4 vs 8.6 +/- 0.5, respectively). When first mating was delayed by 3 wk, an increased (P < 0.05) total litter size was found regardless of treatment (7.5 and 9.4 +/- 0.3 for 14.5, and 17.5 wk, respectively). Decreasing litter size before weaning from nine to six kits did not alter future reproductive performance. Based on results of this study, it seems advisable to perform a limited standardization level (at nine kits) after kindling and postpone first mating to an older age (17.5 wk) to improve reproductive performance.  相似文献   

One-hundred-three multiparous sows were randomly assigned to one of two lactation diets containing either no supplemental animal fat (C) or 10% added fat (F) during two seasons, summer (S) and winter (W), in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Sows were placed on their respective dietary treatments 1 wk prior to farrowing and were fed these diets ad libitum throughout the 28-d lactation period. Weekly feed intake and total feed intake were not affected by diet or season, while weekly metabolizable energy (ME) intake tended to be higher during week 1 and 3, and was higher (P less than .04) during wk 2 for sows fed diet F. Sow weight loss from farrowing to 21 d of lactation and to weaning (28 d) were unaffected by diet or season. Average pig birth weight was .15 kg higher (P less than .01) for pigs born during S compared with those born in W. Sows receiving diet F had heavier litters at 21 d (P less than .01) and heavier average pig 21-d weights (P less than .01). This was primarily due to the 13.1% increase (P less than .04) in estimated milk yield and the higher fat concentration (P less than .001) of milk consumed by the pigs nursing sows fed diet F. Interval between weaning and rebreeding was shortened by 5.9 d (P less than .01) for sows during W than during S, and tended to be lower for sows fed diet F (7.3 d) compared with that of sows fed diet C (9.7 d).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

为了研究“EM”发酵饲料饲喂生产母猪的效果,在母猪妊娠饲料中添加50%“EM”发酵饲料(1%的“EM”原液发酵稻谷制成)饲喂生产母猪,结果表明,用“EM”发酵饲料饲喂生产母猪,对其配种性能影响不大,但可使生产母猪的繁殖性能显著提高。  相似文献   

提高母猪泌乳性能的生理生化途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪的初乳和乳是新生仔猪成活、健康生长和发育的关键。本文介绍了哺乳仔猪的生长潜能以及制约因素 ,猪乳的组成特点和分泌规律。探索了调节和促进母猪乳腺分泌功能、改善乳成分和提高母猪泌乳量的可能途径 ,以利于断奶前仔猪的生长发育和提高养猪效益  相似文献   

Feed intake was investigated in early weaned pigs housed in two environments. In the first experiment, pigs in an unfamiliar environment (removed from the sow and placed in nursery pens) were offered a dry diet either ad libitum or at different meal intervals (2, 4 and 6 h). Regardless of meal interval (ad libitum or hourly intervals), early weaned (21 d) pigs failed to consume sufficient feed for maintenance during the first 3 d postweaning. Pigs provided feed ad libitum consumed more (P less than .001) feed (142 vs 84 g/d) and gained more (P less than .05) weight (57 vs 3 g/d) than meal-fed pigs over the 7-d period. Pigs fed at 2-h intervals consumed more (P less than .001) feed than pigs fed at 4-h or 6-h intervals. Compared with preweaning levels (307 mu eq/liter), plasma free fatty acid (FFA) levels increased approximately fourfold by d 1 postweaning (1,372 mu eq/liter), then decreased through d 7 to levels below preweaning (142 mu eq/liter). The FFA levels were not affected (P greater than .1) by meal interval. In a second experiment, feed intake was investigated in weaned pigs that were allowed to consume food by a familiar method and in a familiar environment (suckling the sow). When allowed to nurse following a 24-h weaning period, weaned pigs consumed (24.3 +/- 2.8 g/suckling) the same amount (P greater than .1) as non-weaned littermates (28.7 +/- 1.8 g/suckling).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of an all vegetable protein diet on the occurrence of agalacatia was studied. The experiment was performed in a commercial one thousand sow unit with an average frequency of agalactia of 50%. The all vegetable diet significantly reduced the rectal temperature 48 h post partum and the number of medical treatments required. The litter size at weaning was larger (p greater than 0.05) in the group on the all vegetable protein diet.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge, and weaning-to-mating intervals, on sow fertility and litter size. DESIGN REPRODUCTIVE: data were collected and analysed from 19 Hungarian swine herds over a 4 year period. Conception rates, farrowing rates and litter sizes of sows with periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge were used to evaluate the relationship between duration of vulval discharge and subsequent fertility and litter size. The possibility of interactions between weaning-to-mating intervals and duration of vulval discharges was investigated to determine if there was any effect on subsequent fertility and litter size. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Both parity 1 and parity 2 to 8 sows having had periparturient disease accompanied by vulval discharge in excess of 6 days duration had significantly (P < 0.001) lower subsequent fertility (conception, farrowing and adjusted farrowing rates) compared with sows of similar parity where the duration of vulval discharge was < 4 or 4 to 6 days. There was no difference in fertility rates between sows, in both parity categories, with vulval discharge for < 4 days compared with 4 to 6 days. A duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days in parity 1 sows significantly reduced litter size (total born and live-born) in subsequent farrowings, but not in parity 2 to 8 sows. There was no interaction between the duration of vulval discharge and post-weaning to mating intervals. However sows with weaning to mating intervals between 7 and 10 days had smaller (P < 0.001) subsequent litter sizes compared with 3 to 6 or 11 to 14 day intervals. It was concluded that the duration of vulval discharge in excess of 6 days was an indication of a severe persistent endometritis adversely affecting fertility of sows.  相似文献   

雨诺 《饲料广角》2007,(7):39-41,45
1饲料行业竞争格局的演变20世纪80年代前半期,我国饲料工业尚处在初创期,绝大多数饲料企业出身粮食系统,基本上是按照过去经营面粉、油脂的思路来经营饲  相似文献   

正非洲猪瘟疫情趋缓,猪场养殖量逐渐回温,在目前高利润、高价格的行情下,复养的热度越来越高。母猪通过繁育可以生产出大量仔猪,在兼顾育种的同时,还要满足市场对于生猪肉类的基本需求。在中国这样的传统猪肉消费国家,猪肉在百姓餐桌上的占比一度高达60%,疫情的暴发使得生猪供应大量减少,但百姓的肉类需求以及饮食结构在短期内却并未因此而发生重大改变,这种状态的最终造成猪肉价格的飞涨。养殖户  相似文献   

The effects of dietary consumption of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and dextrose during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance and sow plasma constituents were examined in 45 multiparous and 36 primiparous crossbred sows. Isocaloric and isonitrogenous corn-soybean meal diets were formulated to contain either 20% fructose or 20% glucose. Diets were fed on a metabolic BW basis from d 0 to d 28 of lactation. Litter and pig weights on d 28 were not affected (P greater than .05) by treatment. Litter size was greater (P less than .10) at weaning for primiparous sows fed HFCS, but multiparous sows weaned heavier (P less than .05) pigs. Sow weight change during lactation was not influenced by diet, but primiparous sows lost more (P less than .05) weight during lactation and had longer intervals to estrus than multiparous sows did. Milk yields on d 17 and 21 of lactation were not different (P greater than .05) for sows fed HFCS vs dextrose, but sows fed HFCS tended to have greater (P = .05) percentage of milk fat. Preprandial concentrations of fructose in plasma were low in sows fed HFCS and nondetectable in those fed dextrose but were elevated (P less than .05) after consumption of HFCS. Conversely, similar (P greater than .05) concentrations of glucose in plasma preprandially were followed by greater (P less than .05) postprandial glucose concentrations in sows fed dextrose. Although postprandial concentrations of insulin were not affected (P greater than .05) by diet, sows fed dextrose had greater (P less than .05) preprandial insulin concentrations in plasma. Concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and growth hormone in plasma and response to a glucose challenge were not affected (P greater than .05) by feeding HFCS. However, concentrations of insulin in plasma following glucose infusion were less (P less than .05) during the glucose challenge period on d 25 than on d 13 of lactation.  相似文献   

针对国内外有关仔猪断奶日龄对下一胎次母猪排卵率、卵子受精率、胚胎存活率、情期受胎率、分娩率、产仔数和断奶至再发情间隔影响的研究成果及现状进行综述。  相似文献   

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