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A feeding trial was conducted to evaluate low-quality diets for growout of pond-raised channel catfish. Five practical diets containing various levels of protein (10-28%) of varying quality (with or without animal protein and/or soybean meal), and with or without certain nutrient supplements (vitamin, minerals, lysine, or fat) were fed to channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatusstocked in 0.04-ha earthen ponds at a rate of 17,290 fish/ha. The diets were as follows: (1) 28% protein, nutritionally complete control; (2) 28% protein without supplemental vitamins, minerals, or fat; (3) 18% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein; (4) 10% protein without animal protein, soybean meal, or supplemental vitamins and minerals; and (5) 10% protein + supplemental lysine, vitamins, and minerals, but without animal protein or soybean meal. Each diet was fed once daily to apparent satiation to fish in five replicate ponds for a single growing season. Fish fed diets containing 18% or 28% protein without supplements had similar diet consumption rates and weight gain as those fed the 28% control diet, but the fish fed the control diet converted diet more efficiently. Fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements consumed less diet, converted diet less efficiently, and gained less weight than fish fed diets containing higher levels of protein. The addition of supplements to the 10% protein diet increased weight gain and processing yield as compared to fish fed the 10% protein diet without supplements. Body fattiness increased, fillet protein decreased, and carcass, fillet and nugget yields decreased as dietary protein decreased. The data show that pond-raised channel catfish can be grown effectively on a diet containing 18% protein that is of relatively low quality, but fattiness is increased and processing yield is decreased. However, because of the negative aspects of this diet, we would not recommend it for general use in commercial catfish culture. It could be used where fattiness and processing yield are not of consequence, such as recreational ponds. For that matter, the 10% diet without supplements could be used as well in these situations if maximum growth is not desired.  相似文献   

An in‐pond confinement system to separate channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, by size within a single pond provides an opportunity for improved growth of understocked fish in ponds with larger market‐sized fish. A barrier of polyvinyl chloride–coated galvanized wire mesh was constructed in five 0.10‐ha earthen ponds to partition the pond into one‐third and two‐third sections, while five other 0.10‐ha ponds were left as traditional open ponds for a control. To evaluate catfish performance in this confinement system, fingerlings (25 g) were stocked at 14,820/ha into the smaller one‐third section of the barrier and carryover fish (408 g) at 2580 kg/ha into the larger two‐third section of the barrier. The control ponds were stocked with the same sizes and numbers of fish in a traditional earthen pond without a barrier. Yield, survival, feed conversion ratio (FCR), growth, and economics were compared between treatments. Fingerling yields were greater in the barrier system that allowed fingerlings to be separated physically from larger carryover fish. There were no differences in yield of carryover fish, survival, FCR, or growth between the control and the barrier ponds. Partial budget analysis revealed a positive net change of $367/ha or $38,125 for a 104‐ha catfish farm (at a market price of $1.54/kg of additional stockers produced). The value of the greater weight of understocked fish produced in the barrier system was greater than the annualized cost of installing the barrier, for farmers raising fish in multiple batch. Thus, on an experimental basis, the confinement system was economically profitable; however, trials on commercial farms are needed to evaluate performance on a larger scale.  相似文献   


A project was initiated to investigate coloration (L*, a*, b*; Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage 1976) characteristics of mechanically processed channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillets. Experienced personnel were evaluated in their efficacy of visual organization of fillets into four distinct yellowness (b*) coloration categories. There was a significant (P < 0.001) difference in yellowness only between the two extreme categories, suggesting the need for development of physical coloration standards.

Coloration was measured at six sites per fillet ≤24 h post processing and after seven day refrigerated (4°–5°C) storage. There was a significant (P < 0.001) increase in overall lightness (L*) from 58.9 ± 5.2 to 60.1 ± 2.3. There was a significant (P < 0.001) increase in the overall mean yellowness (b*) value from 0.8 ± 3.2 to 1.9 ± 3.8. Most individual fillet sites exhibited a significant increase in yellowness.  相似文献   

Previous work suggested that feeding catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, more frequently over the winter might reduce weight loss. Twelve 0.10-ha ponds were stocked with 987 kg/ha market-sized fish and 2,960 kg/ha sub-marketable fish in November 2008 with treatments of: (1) unfed, (2) fed daily (fed 90 d), and (3) temperature-threshold feeding (fed 62 d). Total gross yield was significantly greater for the temperature-threshold feeding treatment than the unfed control, but survival and mean weight of fish at harvest were not. Net yield was negative for all treatments, due primarily to mortality of market-sized fish. Plasma glucose and insulin-like growth factor-1 did not differ significantly, but plasma osmolality was significantly lower in fasted than in fed fish. Mean feed consumption rates in vats provided evidence to support more frequent feeding over the winter. Overwintering costs were $0.11/kg with temperature-threshold feeding. Research on strategies to reduce winter mortality has potential to reduce overwintering costs.  相似文献   

The effects of chemical treatments on color change of yellow discolored catfish fillets during both refrigerated and frozen storage were investigated in this work. For the refrigerated storage (4°C), the effects of concentration of sodium bisulfite on reducing the yellow discoloration were studied. Compared to the untreated fillets, sodium bisulfite treatments with concentrations ranging from 0.75 to 1.50% could evidently reduce the yellowness and increase the brightness of the fillets after 7 days refrigerated storage. Since no notable improvement was observed when increasing the concentration of sodium bisulfite beyond 1.0%, the concentration range of 0.75–1.0% is recommended in this work. For the frozen storage (?20°C), the effects of sodium bisulfite and sodium bicarbonate treatments were investigated. Both 1.0% sodium bisulfite and 0.5% sodium bicarbonate treatments made the fillets slightly less yellow and less red. The 1.0% sodium bisulfite treatment also made the fillets slightly brighter. These effects were similar to those under refrigerated storage, but the changes in color were much less. The color changes were related to the degradation of carotenoids in the discolored fillets. The low temperature of frozen storage significantly limited the reaction rates and suppressed the color change processes.  相似文献   

Abstract.— This study was conducted to evaluate corn gluten feed as an alternative feedstuff in the diet of pond-raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . Three 32%-protein diets containing 0%, 25%, or 50% corn gluten feed were tested. Channel catfish fingerlings (average weight: 57 g/fish) were stocked into 15 0.04-ha ponds at a rate of 18,530 fish/ha. Five ponds were used for each dietary treatment. Fish were fed to satiation once daily for a 147-d growing period. No differences were observed in feed consumption, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, survival, or fillet protein concentration among fish fed the test diets. Fish fed diets containing 25% and 50% corn gluten feed exhibited a lower level of visceral fat and a higher carcass yield than fish fed the control diet without corn gluten feed. The diet containing 50% corn gluten feed resulted in a lower level of fillet fat and a higher level of moisture than the control diet. There were no visible differences in the coloration of skin or fillet of channel catfish fed diets with and without corn gluten feed. Results from this study indicated that channel catfish can efficiently utilize corn gluten feed at levels up to 50%n without adverse effect on feed palatability, weight gain, or feed efficiency. Corn gluten feed may be beneficial in reducing fattiness of channel catfish and improving carcass yield by reducing the digestible energy to protein ratio of the diet.  相似文献   

Most microalgae evaluated in aquaculture diets have been produced autotrophically. In order to produce a cost‐efficient biomass at greater magnitudes for biofuel feedstock, heterotrophic production may be warranted. However, the chemical/nutritional attributes of these microalgae could differ from those grown autotrophically. An 8‐wk feeding trial was conducted to evaluate Chlorella spp. algae meal (AM) that had been cultured heterotrophically. The oil (lipid) was extracted to simulate biofuel production. Juvenile channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (5.7 ± 1.4 g; 8.9 ± 0.8 cm), were stocked at 10 fish/tank into fifteen 37.7‐L aquaria in a closed recirculating system and fed one of the five experimental diets to apparent satiation twice daily. Diets contained either 0 (control, CTL), 10, 20, or 40% AM and an additional diet containing 40% AM was supplemented with 2% lysine (40% AM+LYS). After 8 wk, there were no statistically significant differences in terms of survival, dressout percentages, whole‐body proximate composition, or fatty acid composition of the fillets among fish fed the diets containing varying levels of AM without added lysine. Feed consumption and weight gain for fish fed the 10, 40, and 40% AM+LYS diets were significantly greater than those fed the CTL diet. Feed conversion ratio was significantly lower for fish fed the 40% AM+LYS diet compared to those fed all other diets, which did not differ significantly from each other. These data indicate that channel catfish readily accept and can efficiently utilize heterotrophically produced AM at levels up to at least 40% of the total diet and that AM may enhance diet palatability.  相似文献   

The National Agricultural Statistics Service surveyed by telephone and mail in January and February 1997 all known producers of channel catfish letalurus punctatus to acquire current information about wildlife-caused losses in calendar year 1996. Many producers tried to prevent wildlife-caused losses of their catfish by shooting (57%), vehicle patrol (55%), or frightening (36%), at an estimated cost of >$5 million. Yet, 69% of catfish producers cited some wildlife-caused losses. Birds were most frequently cited as a cause of losses, and double-crested cormorants Phalacrocorax auritus was the species cited most frequently (53%). The next most frequently cited birds were herons Ardea spp. (48%), egrets Egretta spp . (16%), and pelicans Pelecanus spp. (8%). Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus were cited by 10% of producers, primarily for damaging dikes and roads. The main problems caused by wildlife were feeding on catfish (67%), injuring catfish (40%) or disturbing feeding patterns of the catfish (23%). The total estimated cost of losses was $12 million. Overall, wildlife damage and damage prevention may have cost catfish producers > $17 million, about 4% of the total $425 million of catfish sales in 1996. Of the 44% of all catfish producers who were familiar with Wildlife Services (WS), 51% had ever contacted WS for assistance, 55% used methods suggested by WS to reduce their losses, and 40% received direct assistance from WS in 1996. Mississippi producers, who most frequently received direct assistance from WS, had proportionately lower wildlife-caused losses.  相似文献   

The leuteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analog, DAla6DesGly10 LH-RH-ethyl amide, delivered by intraperitoneal or intracranial injection was an effective agent for the induced spawning of channel catfish ( Icrulurus punctatus ) held in aquaria. A daily dose of 100 μg LH-RH analog (LH-RHa) per kg fish body weight was recommended as the dosage schedule of choice, but daily doses as low as 1 cg LH-RHa per kg fish body weight induced spawning of channel catfish. LH-RHa was as good or better than human chorionic gonadotropin or carp pituitary to induce spawning of channel catfish in aquaria. Sham-injected (control) channel caffish spawned in this study contradicting observations in earlier studies.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) marketed for measuring cortisol in human sera was evaluated and validated for use in the quantification of plasma cortisol concentrations of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . Time-resolved fluoroim-munoassays provide non-isotopic alternatives to the use of radioimmunoassays (RIA). The evaluated TR-FIA satisfied strict criteria of precision (intra-assay coefficients of variation (CV) < 7%) and reproducibility (inter-assay CV ≤ 9%). Accuracy of the TR-FIA, calculated as the percent of exogenous cortisol recovered from spiked catfish plasma, averaged 99.5%. Assay sensitivity (minimum detection limit) in catfish plasma was 1.2 ng/mL, and the displacement curve for serially diluted channel catfish plasma paralleled the cortisol standard curve. Plasma cortisol concentrations of channel catfish in the presence and absence of a confinement stressor were used to characterize the im-munoreactive cortisol measurable by TR-FIA, and compared favorably to RIA values for the same samples ( r 2 = 0.95, P < 0.001).  相似文献   

Abstract.— In order to monitor spawning success in earthen ponds, individual channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus broodfish were identified prior to stocking by genotype analysis with polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers. Individual spawns were collected and reared in a hatchery, and eight sac-fry per spawn were sampled for genotype analysis. Mendelian inheritance of microsatellite alleles was used to identify parents of each spawn. The probability of detecting a falsely matched offspring and spawning pair was >99%. Average spawning success was 44% (17–80%). Multiple spawning by males was found in seven of the eight ponds sampled. In these ponds, 47% of the males fertilized 2–6 egg masses over 1–8 wk, although most were 2–3 wk apart. Four different spawns were identified as two full-sib families and were probably due to interrupted spawning. Parent/offspring genotype analysis will be useful for production of half-sib families for estimation of genetic components of variation, estimation of effective breeding population, and selection of broodstock for multiple reproductive traits under natural spawning conditions.  相似文献   

A Fischtechnik fingerling grader and bioscanner counter were evaluated for speed and accuracy in grading and counting channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," fingerlings. Channel catfish fingerlings ranging in total length from 90 to 280 mm were graded into 110- to 140-mm, 140- to 170-mm, 170- to 200-mm and >200-mm length groups and counted. A sample of the fingerlings was manually separated through grader boxes with 109 mm (7/16 inch), 141 mm (9/16 inch) and 172 mm (11/16 inch) bar spaces to compare length variation within size groups with the mechanical grader. The accuracy of the bioscanner counter was tested by comparison with hand countintg. Fingerlings weighing 679 kg were mechanically graded and counted in 56 minutes, a rate of 12.1 kg/minute. Standard deviation for length within size groups was 10.9, 13.5, and 24.0 mm for the 109-mm, 141-mm, and 172-mm grader boxes, respectively; and 13.4, 12.6, 13.0, and 16.4 mm for the 110- to 140-mm, 140- to 170-mm, 170- to 200-mm and >200-mm mechanical grader length categories, respectively. Length variance within size groups was statistically lower for the mechanical grader compared with the box graders (P < 0.05). The bioscanner counter averaged a 5% overcount of channel catfish fingerlings compared with the manual count (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Abstract Canola meal was used in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus diets at levels of 0, 15.4, 30.8, 46.2 and 61.6%, by progressively replacing (on an equal nitrogen basis) 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100% of solvent-extracted soybean meal in the control diet. The feeds were formulated to contain approximately 29% crude protein and 2,650 kcal of digestible energy/kg on an air-dry basis. Each diet was fed to juvenile channel catfish to satiation twice daily for 10 wk. Fish fed the diets containing the two lowest levels of canola meal (15.4 and 30.8%) had similar weight gains, feed intakes, feed utilization efficiencies, and percent survivals relative to the group fed the control diet. Weight gains and feed intakes declined significantly as the dietary levels of canola meal were increased to 46.2% or higher, probably because of reductions in diet palatability and some impairment of feed utilization due to the presence of increased levels of antinutritional factors, particularly glucosinolates. Whole body percentages for moisture and crude protein were unaffected by the dietary treatments. Body ash contents, however, were lowest for fish fed the control diets but were essentially the same for fish fed the other diets. Fish fed the diet containing 30.8% canola meal had lowest body fat content but this effect may not have been diet related. Values for red blood cell concentration, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were not affected by dietary canola meal level, but hematocrit was higher (although not always significant) for fish fed the control diet. The results of this study suggest that canola meal can comprise about 31% of the diet of channel catfish by replacing half of the amount of soybean meal used in the control diet without adversely affecting growth or any other aspect of performance.  相似文献   

In response to concerns over availability and cost of fishmeal for aquaculture feeds, a study was conducted to evaluate the suitability of a protein isolate from coastal Bermuda grass Cynodon dactylon for channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus . The coastal Bermuda grass was treated by soaking in liquid anhydrous ammonia under high pressure at 70 C, a process known as Ammonia Fiber Explosion (AFEX), followed by pressure release, extraction and isoelectric precipitation for isolation of the protein. Amino acid analysis of the isolate (32% crude protein) indicated a generally balanced profile that was first limiting in methionine. A feeding trial was conducted in which four isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing incremental levels of the extracted, isolated protein were evaluated. The control diet contained 10% menhaden fishmeal and experimental diets were formulated so that the isolate replaced 33, 66 and 100% of the fishmeal on an equal-protein basis. Each diet was fed for 9 wk to triplicate groups of channel catfish fingerlings initially weighing approximately 14 g/fish. Apparent protein and organic matter digestibility of the isolate also was determined utilizing chromic oxide as an inert marker. Results of the feeding trial indicated that substitution of the isolate at all levels did not significantly ( P > 0.05) affect weight gain, feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio or protein retention of channel catfish. Apparent protein and organic matter digestibility coeflicients of the isolate were 85 and 89%, respectively. These data indicate that the isolate was readily digested by channel catfish and was able to replace menhaden fishmeal (at 10% of diet) without adversely affecting fish performance. Additional research to evaluate substitution of other ingredients with the protein isolate appear warranted. Further research to optimize protein isolation procedures also is required.  相似文献   

Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) of amino acids, crude protein, gross energy, and dry matter of canola meal, corn gluten feed, fish offal meal, shrimp and fish offal meal, poultry by‐product meal, and hydrolyzed feather meal were determined for channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. Experimental diets contained 30% test ingredient, 69.5% casein‐based reference diet, and 0.5% chromic oxide. Groups of 20 fish (102.45 g) were fed the experimental diets twice a day at 3.5% body weight. Fecal samples were collected in triplicate daily at 0000 h and 0600 h after settlement into collection devices. Shrimp and fish offal meal and corn gluten feed presented significantly lower (P < 0.05) ADC for dry matter (59.5 and 39.3%) suggesting their low value as feedstuffs for catfish feeds. Although ADC values for crude protein were above 80% for all the test ingredients, amino acid digestibility varied significantly, except for histidine whose ADC remained constant regardless of the protein source. Lysine was the first limiting amino acid in most of the test ingredients, except in fish offal meal and poultry by‐product meal. Among the protein sources tested, only fish offal meal and poultry by‐product meal met channel catfish amino acid requirements for a 28% digestible protein grow‐out diet.  相似文献   

Total bacterial numbers on freshly processed channel catfish, "Ictalurus punctatus," fillets were determined and correlated with shelf-life. In addition, the Bactometer Microbial Monitoring System (bioMérieux-Vitek, Hazelwood, Missouri), an automated instrument using the principles of impedance microbiology, was evaluated as a rapid method to determine microorganism numbers on fillets. Freshly processed channel catfish fillets were collected from two commercial farms from May, 1991 to January, 1992. After using the rinse bag method to isolate bacteria from samples, the microorganisms in the rinsate were enumerated on plates by means of serial dilutions and the spread plate method. The total number of colony-forming units per gram (cfu/g) of channel catfish fillet was then correlated with the capacitence detection time in the bactometer. Fillets collected in May and June typically contained 2.0 to 2.5 x 104 cfu/g, and the bactometer detection time varied from 4.3 to 5.1 hours. The microbial quality of freshly processed fillets decreased in July and August, and 1.3 to 2.4 x 105 cfu/g were isolated with a bactometer detection time that varied from 3.4 to 4.4 hours. Shelf-life was examined in July and August and again for December and January samples and ranged from 6-8 days for the different lots. Fillets that exceeded shelf-life contained over 107 cfu/g. The Bactometer Microbial Monitorial System provided a rapid estimation of microorganism numbers on processed channel catfish fillets. Product with a detect time of 3.8 hours or less (i.e., more than 2.5 x 105 cfu/g) did not have a shelf-life greater than 6 days when maintained at a refrigeration temperature of 1.7°C.  相似文献   


Cuphea meal is a new, alternative feedstuff that has potential as a sustainable, economical replacement for wheat, rice, and corn ingredients in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, diets. Channel catfish fingerlings were fed a control diet containing wheat or two experimental diets containing 7.5% cuphea meal, or 12.5% cuphea meal for eight weeks to determine if cuphea meal could replace wheat products in catfish diets. Mean (±SE) weight gains were 317.8 ± 28.8 g, 407.0 ± 36.9 g, and 372.8 ± 29.8 g for fish fed the control diet, the 7.5% cuphea meal diet, and the 15% cuphea meal diet, respectively, and there were no significant differences (P < 0.05) among treatments. Mean (±SE) whole-body protein of fish fed the cuphea diets (13.3 ± 0.66 and 14.5 ± 0.21%) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that of fish fed the wheat diet (12.7 ± 0.44%). Cuphea meal enhanced body composition of juvenile channel catfish without affecting growth or survival. Therefore, cuphea meal is a promising candidate for replacement of wheat bran at the levels tested.  相似文献   

在江西峡江和赣州进行了HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)体系在斑点叉尾(Ictaluruspunctatus)人工繁殖中的应用研究。应用HACCP的基本原理,对整个斑点叉尾人工繁殖过程进行危害分析,确立了亲鱼培育池的选择、亲鱼种质选择、亲鱼产卵池的选择、受精卵孵化、苗种培育、水质监测、饲料供应、日常管理等8个关键控制点,提出了相应的预防措施、关键限值、监控措施以及超过关键限值时的纠正措施,使各关键控制点处于人为控制之下。实现了斑点叉尾人工繁殖按无公害化、规范化、标准化生产。  相似文献   


This study was conducted to determine if channel catfish could be cultured at an increased density in the Partitioned Aquaculture System (PAS) without significantly affecting performance. Channel catfish fingerlings (36.53±6.76 g; mean ±SD) were initially stocked into six 9.15 m3 sections at 3,461±317 fish per section, twice the designed carrying capacity, and fed twice daily to satiation. After 75 days, the density of three units was reduced by approximately 50% and all six units were fed for another 97 days. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in mean growth rate, feed conversion ratio, or production between fish grown at the low- and high-density treatments. Also, length variation (CV) and condition factors (K) were similar (P > 0.05) between fish grown at the low and high-density. Increasing density by twice the designed carrying capacity did not affect performance of channel catfish in the PAS.  相似文献   

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