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The reproduction of wild-caught Farfantepenaeus paulensis in captivity has been successfully achieved since 1983. However, year-round supply of wild broodstock is costly and unpredictable. This study compares the reproductive performance of animals of similar size (females from 32–33 g and males from 19–21 g) but from different sources: estuary-caught juveniles reared indoors for 9 mo and wild-caught adults from shallow coastal waters. Groups of 20 males and 30 unilaterally eyestalk-ablated females were maintained for 60 d in four maturation tanks under controlled environmental conditions. A higher number of eggs per spawning event (78,414 ± 34,491) and total egg production (4,469,600) were observed for the wild females. Nevertheless, captive females produced a higher number of nauplii (1,788,259) due to their higher percentage of fertilized spawns. Therefore, within the size range of this study, the reproductive performance of estuary-caught F. paulensis juveniles over-wintered indoors was found to be equivalent to that of wild-caught females from shallow coastal waters.  相似文献   

Good broodstock health is necessary for successful reproduction of captive penaeid shrimp. Diseases caused by opportunistic, gram-negative bacterial pathogens (especially species of Vibrio ) are a common problem in broodstock maturation systems worldwide. A variety of management practices, including frequent disinfection of the maturation system and use of antibiotics in water or feeds, have been used to reduce losses associated with vibriosis (Brock and LeaMaster 1992). Nevertheless, effective control of vibriosis remains an elusive goal. Failure of most management practices to control losses and controversy over the widespread use of antibiotics has stimulated interest in vaccination as a prophylactic measure to manage vibriosis in penaeid broodstock.  相似文献   

An incidence of gas-bubble disease in Penaeus brasiliensis and Penaeus paulensis caused convulsions due to air-bubbles within body cavities and fluids of the shrimps. The cause was related to mechanical conditions within the water supply system.  相似文献   

Abstract.— The breeding frequency, fecundity, egg hatchability, larval output and viability of pond-reared, mature Macrobrachium rosenbergii females were individually followed up during 180 d. Sexually mature prawns were maintained under controlled laboratory conditions (28.7 C and 12-h light/d) in a 190-L freshwater recirculation system and fed a formulated diet. Ovarian development, moulting and spawning events were checked daily. At least six consecutive moults were recorded for each of the 18 females. The duration of the intermoult period averaged 27.5 d and was not affected by ovarian development or spawning, but intermoult periods followed by spawning had significantly lower growth rates. From a total of 126 moulting events recorded, egg laying successfully followed 76 (60.3%) of them. The number of eggs per spawn (NES) varied from 26,587 to 74,775 for females weighing 20.0 to 55.8 g. The relationship between NES and female size (W; in g) was found to be NES = 484 + 1454W ( r 2= 0.74). Results suggest that the number of viable larvae produced per egg clutch may be increased by in vitro incubation, as the losses of eggs, which usually occur under in vivo incubation, are prevented. The present study illustrates that under adequate and stable rearing conditions, M. rosenbergii females are able to spawn up to five times during 180 d, in comparison to three to five times per year as reported for wild prawn populations.  相似文献   

The effects of total ammonia (TAN; NH4++ NH3) on the reproductive performance, survival, growth and moulting of wild Penaeus paulensis (Pérez-Farfante) broodstock were studied to determine optimal rearing conditions. Based on previously established ‘safe levels’ for P. paulensis adults (3.4 and 4.2 mg L?1 TAN), two 46-day trials were performed. In the first trial, six females and four males were stocked in 700-L tanks under three treatments (0.37, 2.53 and 6.86 mg L?1 TAN) with at least two replicates per treatment. In trial 2, ammonia levels of 0.68, 1.55 and 2.62 mg L?1 TAN were assigned to three 6000-L tanks, each stocked with 36 females and 24 males. Ammonia only influenced the survival of females and the growth of males exposed to 6.86 mg L?1 TAN (0.21 mg L?1 NH3). No further effects of ammonia on moulting and reproductive performance were detected. The present results demonstrate that up to 2.62 mg L?1 TAN, coupled with 0.07 mg L?1 NH3 and 1.50 mg L?1 NO2, will not impair reproductive performance of P. paulensis. It is suggested that water quality for the maturation of P. paulensis may be maintained through lower daily water exchange rates instead of the usual high levels (150-300%) employed on penaeid shrimp maturation systems.  相似文献   

Reproductive Response of Penaeus stylirostris to Temperature Manipulation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of temperature manipulation on the reproduction of Penaeus stylirostris was investigated as a possible method for increasing larval production. Six 3.66 m diameter black tanks were stocked with unilaterally eyestalk enucleated females and intact males. Temperature was designed to vary between 20 and 28 C at a rate of 2 C per day in the "Fast" treatment and 2 C per week in the "Slow" treatment; upper and lower temperatures were maintained for 10 days before another cycle was initiated. In the "Ambient" treatment, temperature averaged 27.8 ± 0.9 C.
During the 105 day study maturation, mating and larval production were highest in the Ambient tanks. Temperature manipulation as tested in the Fast and Slow treatments did not produce any burst of mating and spawning activity at the upper ends of the cycles to compensate for the steady production in the Ambient group. Thus, the temperature regimes examined did not afford any practical advantage.
The effect of temperature on mating was marked. In the Slow treatment which most closely mimicked natural seasonal temperature change, mating began initially when the temperature increased to 25 C. Throughout the study mating occurred more frequently at the higher temperatures, and these results suggest that the optimal temperature range was 27–29 C for reproduction. However, the shrimp did mate at all temperatures encountered. It is notable that this tropical species can successfully reproduce at temperatures as Iow as 20 C.  相似文献   

Abstract.— A stressful environment induces cortisol that might affect fish breeding and reproduction. In the present work, which aimed to mimic aquacultural conditions of the jundia (Rhamdia quelen) hatcheries in southern South America, females were submitted to normal or stressful handling and the effects of cortisol on serum levels of 17β‐estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were determined. In addition, the effect of stress on reproductive parameters such as eggs and swim‐up fry production was also measured. Eight females from a group submitted to stressful handling (SH) conditions and eight females from a group with normal handling (NH) conditions were captured for blood sampling at D 0 and at D 1, 10, 20, 30, and 40 of the experiment. A typical cortisol response was observed in the SH females group in that they presented higher cortisol level in contrast to the NH female group, in all days sampled, except at D 0. In the 10th and 20th d, the E2 levels were lower in SH females, but cortisol levels were higher, suggesting an effect of cortisol on E2 production and/or release. Stressful handling appeared to affect both the number and the quality of the gametes because a lower number of oocytes was stripped from SH females, and from SH fertilized eggs, a lower number of viable swim‐up fry was obtained to be transferred to earthen larviculture ponds. Taken together, the results indicated that stressful handling of broodstock impairs R. quelen reproduction.  相似文献   

日本对虾种虾干包装运输与性腺培育技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了日本对虾种虾干包装运输与性腺培育试验效果。种虾在暂养和分级降温低温休眠后,用低温木屑干包装,经10-15h运输,存活率达94.6%-96.8%。种虾性腺培育期间,切除眼柄后第3d存活率为62.5%-79.3%,第8d存活率为41.9%-61.2%。一批种虾连续产卵11-15d,平均产卵量为23.3-37.3万粒/尾。  相似文献   

The effects of squid flesh, two pelleted diets containing 41% and 53% protein, and starvation on the ammonia-N efflux rate and the biochemical composition of pink shrimp, Penaeus paulensis (Perez-Farfante), were investigated. A transient increase in the ammonia-N efflux rates of shrimp subjected to starvation was observed. Ammonia-N efflux rates of shrimp fed the diet with 41% protein were lower than in those fed the diet with 53% protein or squid flesh. Ammonia-N efflux rates were inversely related to body weight, except during starvation, which affected mainly small individuals. Increased ammonia-N excretion rates increased immediately after the ingestion of high-protein diets. Such rates were also found to be higher during light periods (cf. dark periods), possibly reflecting differences in activity levels. Dietary-related alterations in the blood, muscle and midgut gland constituents were also detected. In general terms, starvation tended to reduce the levels of such constituents, whilst pelleted diets promoted increases in lipid and carbohydrate concentrations.  相似文献   

鲢幼鱼游泳能力及游泳行为的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究四大家鱼的游泳能力,指导鱼道水力学设计,提高鱼道过鱼成功率,增殖鱼类资源总量,以四大家鱼之一的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)为试验对象,研究其游泳能力及游泳行为。在(30±1)℃水温下,采用流速递增法,鲢的体长7.3~16.8 cm,体重6.10~66.50 g,按体长将鲢分为(8.17±0.59)cm、(10.09±0.53)cm、(11.84±0.67)cm、(13.94±0.68)cm、(15.90±0.64)cm共计5个试验组。结果表明,鲢的临界游泳速度为52~100 cm/s,相对临界游泳速度为5.90~7.14 BL/s,摆尾频率为98.7~432.2次/min。鲢的临界游泳速度随体长增加而增大,其线性拟合方程为Ucrit=4.908L+17.63(R2=0.998);其相对临界游泳速度随体长增加而减小,线性拟合方程为U'crit=-0.130L+8.025(R2=0.979);在整个试验过程中,根据鱼类对水流速度的游泳行为响应,鲢摆尾频率随水流速度的增大而增加,两者呈线性关系;在相同流速下,较长个体鲢的摆尾频率显著小于较小的个体。  相似文献   


The shrimp hatchery industry worldwide has placed immense interest on the production of closed-life cycle broodstock from farm stock. Unfortunately, majority of the studies have proven that pond-reared broodstock are inferior to their wild counterparts in terms of reproductive performance, spawn quality and post-hatching performance. In the present study, reproductive performance, egg, and nauplii quality of wild and pond-reared Indian white shrimp, Fenneropenaeus indicus, broodstock were analyzed. Biochemical analyses were done with egg and nauplii from both the sources, in an attempt to explain the difference in their performance. Results indicated better reproductive performance by wild females compared to pond-reared ones. The wild eggs contained higher total lipid, and vital HUFAs namely EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid), DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and ARA (Arachidonic acid). However, one of the dominant PUFA, 18:2 (n-6) was high in pond broodstock eggs. Biochemical analysis also indicated that glucose, carotenoids, and triacylglycerol content were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in wild eggs. But, egg protein and triacylglycerol content did not record significant difference between the egg samples. The percentage viable nauplii, nauplii length and triacylglycerol content were all significantly higher (P < 0.05) with wild nauplii. This study proves the better nutritional profile of wild eggs and nauplii in terms of analyzed biochemical components. But, as our knowledge on specific nutrient requirement for successful reproductive performance and offspring quality is limited, the better performance of wild eggs could not be attributed to any single nutrient. Meanwhile, it could be presumed that all the deficient nutrients collectively contributed to the poor reproductive performance and spawn quality.  相似文献   

The growth, survival and reproductive performance of domesticated Australian stocks of the giant tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon were evaluated in trials conducted in 1997 and 2003. The 1997 trials assessed the performance of first generation progeny of wild broodstock from the northeast coast of Australia and fourth generation progeny of pond‐reared broodstock, which also originated from northeast coast wild stocks. In these trials, growth and survival of the shrimp were assessed when reared for 17 mo in tanks. Reproductive performance of the shrimp was assessed at 14.5 mo and 17 mo. The 2003 trials assessed the performance of first generation progeny of wild broodstock from the Gulf of Carpentaria (north coast of Australia). In these trials, growth and survival of shrimp were assessed when reared for 14 mo in tanks and raceways. Reproductive performance of the shrimp was assessed at 11 mo, 12 mo, and 15 mo. Growth and reproductive performance of the stocks varied between trials, families, ages and rearing systems. The most pronounced differences in growth and reproductive performance were between the 1997 and 2003 trials. At 11 mo of age, the average wet weight of the shrimp in the 2003 trials (females 117.1 ± 5.8 g; males 87.9 ± 7.6 g) was 200% greater than the average wet weight of shrimp in the 1997 trials (females 55.2 ± 6.8 g; males 41.2 ± 3.4 g). The reproductive performance of the shrimp was also higher in the 2003 trials in terms of the percentage of spawnings hatching (52.0% in 1997; 77.1% in 2003) and mean hatch rate (21.5% in 1997; 31.6% in 2003). Differences in the growth and reproductive performance of the tank‐reared stocks between years were indicative of significant improvements in the rearing environment, diet and husbandry techniques. Variation in the reproductive performance between families was consistent across rearing environments and at different ages and suggests the potential to improve reproductive performance through genetic selection. Notably, this study identified hatch rates of nauplii from the spawned eggs as a key area for future improvement of domesticated stocks reared in tanks and raceways. Future efforts to improve the growth and reproductive performance of domesticated P. monodon could benefit from integrating incremental improvements to husbandry with genetic selection.  相似文献   

以本实验室建立的三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)全同胞家系为研究对象,通过连续观测6代三疣梭子蟹近交家系的抱卵量、排幼量、孵化率、单位体重抱卵量、单位体重排幼量及幼体发育各阶段的变态率6个指标来评价近交对三疣梭子蟹繁殖性能的影响.方差分析显示,在实验亲蟹的规格大小对测量数据无影响的条件下,近交系数每增加10%,各近交代与非近交代F1m在单位体重抱卵量与单位体重排幼量的差异不显著(P>0.05),这2个指标的近交衰退系数分别为-2.789%~-6.620%和-1.188%~-5.938%;孵化率的差异也不显著(P>0.05),衰退系数为-1.859%~-7.222%,表明没有明显的近交衰退;由溞状幼体(Z)阶段、大眼幼体(M)阶段到Ⅱ期幼蟹阶段的变态率变化趋势可知,随着近交代数的增加,各阶段的变态率呈下降趋势.  相似文献   

试验选用15周龄个体发育良好、冠髯大而鲜红的海蓝褐种公鸡108只,随机分为6组,每组18只,3个重复。CK为对照组,饲喂基础日粮,Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ和Ⅴ组添加水平分别为VA10000IU/kg+VE15mg/kg、VA12000IU/㎏+VE30mg/㎏、VA14000IU/Kg+VE45mg/㎏、VA14000IU/㎏+VE60mg/㎏和VA18000IU/㎏+VE75mg/Kg。结果表明,(1)试验Ⅲ组睾丸重量极显著于其他各组(P<0.01);Ⅰ~Ⅴ组睾丸纵径均极显著于CK组(P<0.01);Ⅲ组处理睾丸横径显著于CK和Ⅳ、Ⅴ组(P<0.05);(2)Ⅴ组处理射精量均极显著于其他组(P<0.01);Ⅲ组和Ⅴ组处理精子密度均极显著于其他组(P<0.01);Ⅲ组处理精子活力极显著于其他组(P<0.01);Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组受精率显著于其他各组(P<0.05);(3)各组间精子pH值无显著差异(P>0.05)。综合分析不同VA和VE水平对试验种公鸡繁殖性能指标的变化,本试验研究表明:VA和VE的适宜添加量为VA14000IU/kg+VE45mg/㎏。  相似文献   

Abstract— This study was conducted to determine the effect of water temperature on male reproductive tract degenerative syndrome (MRTDS) and male reproductive system melanization (MRSM) in Penaeus setiferus , and to evaluate the effect of water temperature on spermatophore regeneration time and sperm quality in electrically ejaculated adult males. Variation in sperm quality, gonadosomatic index, and histological changes in the reproductive system were used to assess reproductive tract changes in the first experiment. Sperm quality and regeneration time were measured before and after successive regenerations in the second experiment. Sperm quality was stable when shrimp were held at 26 C for 30 d but was reduced when shrimp were held at 30 C. Reproductive tissues of 20% of the shrimp held at 30 C were melanized to some degree but tissue melanization was found in only 2.5% of the shrimp held at 26 C. Spennatophore regeneration time was also affected by temperature. Average times for first spermatophore regeneration were 192 h at 25 C, 152 h at 30 C, and 144 h at 33 C. Sperm quality of regenerated shrimp was not affected at 25 C but was reduced for regenerated animals held at 33 C. Based on these results, we recommend a water temperature between 25 and 27 C to obtain adequate spermatophore regeneration and to maintain healthy male P. setiferus broodstock for at least 30 d.  相似文献   

Tissues (hepatopancreas, muscle, gonad) of wild Penacus mordon females with ovaries in different stages of development and males were analyzed for Upid content and fatty acid composition. Hepatopancreatic tissue had the highest mean levels of lipid at 15.72–25.20% in females and averaged 46.20 ± 1.53% in males. Levels of Lipid in the muscle were low with no marked variation throughout the maturation s-es. Ovarian lipid levels increased significantly at stage II (early maturing ovaries) and remained high through stage IV (fully mature ovaries). Peak lipid level was found at stage III (late maturing ovaries) and coincided with a decline in hepatopancreas lipid. Ovarian and hepatopancreatic lipids declined drastically in spent females. Profiles of fatty acid in the tissues consistently showed the presence of PUFA 204n-6, 20:5n-3 and 22611-3, with high levels in the polar lipid fraction of vitellogenic ovaries. These values were reflected in the male testis and spawned eggs. The finding suggest storage and utilization of lipids for maturation and spawning processes and that the phospholipids were mainly responsible for increases in ovarian lipids. The type of fatty acids present in maturing prawn ovaries is indicative of their importance in reproductive physiology.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the reproductive performance, physical condition and tissue biochemical composition of wild‐caught Farfantepenaeus paulensis kept for 50 days in maturation tanks provided with sand or hard substrate. The use of sand in F. paulensis maturation tanks had limited impact on the performance and biochemical composition of broodstock. Females in the hard‐bottom tank produced more spawns and more eggs in total, but those kept in the presence of the sand substrate produced a larger number of nauplii because an improvement in mating success was observed. An increased survival of females was also related to the presence of the sand substrate, which agrees with improvements in water quality and the physical condition of females. On the other hand, sourcing mature females was more difficult and time consuming in sand‐bottom tanks. The decision on whether or not to use sand substrates in F. paulensis maturation tanks must take into account not only productivity and animal welfare but also considers ease of operation and costs. These findings may have implications for the design of maturation systems for closed thelycum species.  相似文献   


Due to the low nauplii production of cultivated broodstock, and to reduce the dependence on the wild stock, an experiment was carried out with 400 adult blue shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris, from wild and cultivated (F6) populations. Four treatments, each in duplicate, were applied: (1) wild females and males (W-W); (2) wild females and cultivated males (W-C); (3) cultivated females and wild males (C-W); and (4) cultivated females and males (C-C). More than 300 individual spawns were monitored to evaluate the egg and nauplii production per female. Mixed model ANOVA for factorial arrangements (4 × 3 × 23 and 3 × 23) were conducted. The factors considered besides the treatments were: rematuration (number of successive spawnings for a female), ovarian maturity, integrity of the spermatophore attached (complete spermatophore, “wings,” or “remnant”) and condition of spawning (partial or complete). The introduction of both wild females and males was a successful measure to improve the overall egg and nauplii production. Both mixed populations outperformed the cultivated broodstock, but were inferior to the wild stock (average production of eggs and nauplii: W-W-l 12,713 and 34,682, respectively; W-C-l 13,215 and 22,038, respectively; C-W-82,702 and 11,715, respectively; C-C-66,948 and 7,653, respectively). Populations with wild females produce a larger number of eggs, and wild males contribute to higher hatching rates. Other observations indicate the need to select for spawning only those females showing an advanced degree of ovarian maturity, having a complete spermatophore attached to the thelycum, and spawning completely.  相似文献   

There has been a trend toward intensification of shrimp farming in the U.S. FiCteen simulated farms were used to evaluate economies of scale and to compare three Penaeus vannclmei commercial production strategies: semi-intensive, intensive, and very-intensive. Large economies of scale were associated with each production strategy. Over the range of farm sizes considered, investment cost per hectare decreased approximately 50% and production cost decreased approximately 25%. Farms' returns were measured with Internal Rate of Return (IRR). When investment was greater than $0.75 million, the intensive strategy provided slightly better returns to the investor than semi-intensive or very-intensive strategies. At investment levels less than $0.75 million, the semi-intensive strategy provided the highest IRR.  相似文献   

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