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In view of the deficiency of national forest cities in the exploration of spatial pattern and influencing factors, this paper adopted the methods of nearest neighbor analysis, kernel density analysis and unbalanced index calculation to analyze the spatial agglomeration pattern and spatial differentiation pattern of national forest cities.The factors affecting the selection and distribution of national forest cities were investigated by using the geographic detector and GWR model.The research results show that:(1) National forest cities show a spatial aggregation pattern of east and west sparse, gradient change, whose distribution is closely related to the climatic area;(2) The number of national garden cities, forest coverage rate, urbanization rate and local general budget income are four factors that have significant influence on the selection and distribution of national forest cities;(3) The four significant influencing factors all have different degrees of spatial non-stationarity, and their two-factor and nonlinear enhancement effects can be generated after two interactions, among which the enhancement effect is the most obvious when the local general budget income interacts with other factors.  相似文献   

以兰州-白银经济区的高新技术产业为研究对象,依据2000—2011年的时间序列数据,采用区位熵指数对高新技术产业的集聚水平进行测度,并在此基础上,对高新技术产业的集聚与经济增长的关系进行协整及格兰杰因果检验,进而构造VAR模型并得到脉冲响应函数。实证结果表明:兰白经济区的高新技术产业已经形成了集聚且集聚度呈稳定增长的趋势,同时,高新技术产业的集聚与经济增长之间存在长期的均衡关系。最后分析得出兰白经济区的高新技术产业集聚是一种政府主导型的集聚模式,并提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper makes an economic analysis of the Financial Supporting Policy to invite outside investments in the Economic Development Zones(EDZs),deduces the formula of the optimal ratio of the quantity of financial support to the local financial income and draws figures of the curve.The EDZs should consider the effectiveness of financial subsidy before they use this policy;technical progress is the precondition of subsidy.The Financial Supporting Policy should first help those industries that can promote local economic growth best get subsidy.Under the conditions of low initial economic level and subsidy combining with other preferred policies,the ratio of financial subsidy should reduce;properly by prolonging the time limit and the EDZs' paying more attention to long-run objection lead to lower subsidy ratio.  相似文献   

以1995-2009年统计数据为基础,利用偏离-份额分析法(SSM)重点探究了中部地区的产业结构演替与经济增长之间的关系,为各省调整产业结构、促进中部崛起提供理论指导。结果表明:1.中部地区产业结构变化总体与产业结构演进的一般规律相符。2.中部地区产业结构演替对经济发展的影响情况分为:江西和安徽产业结构偏离为负,竞争力偏离份额为负;山西和河南产业结构偏离为正,竞争力偏离份额为负;湖北和湖南产业结构偏离为负,竞争力偏离份额为正等3种类型。3.产业结构变迁对各省经济增长的影响差异较大。  相似文献   

A total of 126 traditional villages in Guangdong were selected for research to analyze their spatial distribution pattern, spatial autocorrelation, and Han subgroup characteristics through the spatial analysis with GIS. The results showed that the traditional villages in Guangdong were distributed compactly, which was similar to that in other provinces; on the prefecture-level city scale, they were mainly distributed in Meizhou, Qingyuan, Zhanjiang, and Zhaoqing, showing a central distribution; on the regional scale, they were mainly distributed in northern Guangdong and the Pearl River Delta, indicating an unbalanced distribution; their density of spatial distribution showed a significant difference with a provincial distribution density of 0.59 per thousand km~2 and the highest distribution density of 2.14 per thousand km~2; there were four gathering areas accommodating many traditional villages, namely Meizhou-Chaoshan area, Guangfo-Dongguan area, Leizhou in Zhanjiang, and Lianzhou in Qingyuan; the spatial distribution of traditional villages, which presented a pattern of hot spot—sub-hot spot—sub-cold spot—cold spot, had a significant global spatial autocorrelation, and areas in similar sizes were tending towards gathering; traditional villages in Guangdong belonged to the Cantonese-speaking group and Hakka-speaking group with a density of 0.59 per thousand km~2 and 0.48 per thousand km~2 respectively, and Han subgroup with the highest distribution density was the minority areas of 1.31 per thousand km~2, followed by Shaozhou dialect area with a density of 1.00 per thousand km~2.  相似文献   

中国种子企业与产业发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国种子企业经过20年的改革与发展取得了很大进步,但其竞争力同国内已发育成熟的其他行业和国际同类企业相比还较弱。我国加入WTO已经3年,国内巨大的种业市场及其商业潜力吸引了许多世界大型种子企业,纷纷在国内投资建立合作关系,目前在我国登记注册的外商投资农作物种子企业已达70家,我国民族种业处于激烈的竞争中。如何快速提高我国种业的竞争力,值得深思探讨。  相似文献   

In the context of global warming, there are more frequent heavy rainstorms and extraordinary rainstorms, which leads to growingly severe rainstorm disasters.In previous studies, heavy rainstorms and extraordinary rainstorms were classified into rainstorms so that it was impossible to fully grasp the spatiotemporal pattern of heavy rainstorms and extraordinary rainstorms.Therefore, based on the daily precipitation data of 659 meteorological stations in China, this study calculated the rainfall amount, the rain day, and the rainfall intensity of rainstorms, heavy rainstorms, and extraordinary rainstorms in 1951–2010, and analyzed the spatiotemporal patterns of rainstorms, heavy rainstorms, and extraordinary rainstorms in China.The results showed that: In terms of the proportion to the total rainstorms, rainstorms were the largest, followed by heavy rainstorms and extraordinary rainstorms; in terms of time, the rainfall amount, the rain day, and the rainfall intensity of interdecadal rainstorms and heavy rainstorms in China show a dynamic increase trend; in terms of space, only the rainfall amount and rainy days had an expansion trend, while the rainfall intensity did not change much.Temporally, the rainfall amount and the rain day of interdecadal extraordinary rainstorms were characterized by increase—decline—increase, while their rain intensity was characterized by decline-increase-decline.Spatially, there was no significant change in the rainfall amount, the rain day, and the rainfall intensity of extraordinary rainstorms.In short, rainstorms in China were developing towards extremes, which might be a result of combination of human factors and natural factors.  相似文献   

茶产业发展的经济学浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文结合贵州山区茶产业发展的实际,从茶资源的利用着手,就茶叶消费、生产成本效益、投资风险三个方面进行定量和定性的经济理论分析,初步提出“茶业经济”的概念,倡导科学规划、发挥优势、理性发展、规避风险。希望时贵州拟发展500万亩高品质绿茶基地的建设有所推动  相似文献   

中国对虾养殖业发展轨迹及技术变迁   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对虾养殖业的兴起与发展是市场需求与技术进步共同推动的结果。文章借助于中国渔业统计年鉴及联合国粮农组织渔业统计数据库,梳理了1958—2015年中国对虾养殖业整体发展规模、养殖品种、单产水平、生产成本与收益等指标的发展变化情况;分析了对虾苗种繁育和养殖环节的病害防控、营养需求和饲料配方以及精细化管理等技术变迁的路径,以便深度挖掘产业发展的演进规律,为制定产业可持续发展战略提供参考。  相似文献   

小扁豆(Lens culinaris Medik.)是一年生自花授粉、长日照草本植物,是重要食用豆类作物之一。据统计,全世界5大洲55个国家生产小扁豆。小扁豆耐旱、耐瘠、耐寒,抗逆性强,稳产性好。在我国,小扁豆主要分布于北方干旱、半干旱区及云南部分区域,属小宗杂粮(豆)作物。本文从小扁豆的起源、科学研究、生产等方面综述了我国小扁豆的研究现状以及产业发展对策。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact on firms' productivity of innovative activities and agglomeration effects among firms belonging to Marshallian industrial districts and the possible joint effect of these two forces. We study a sample of 2,821 firms active in the Italian manufacturing industry in the period 1992–1995. Our analysis uses an original data set based on three different Istituto Nazionale di Statistica statistical sources—Community Innovation Survey, Archivio Statistico delle Imprese Attive (Italian Business Register), and Sistema dei Conti delle Imprese (Italian Structural Business Statistics)—to estimate an “augmented” Cobb‐Douglas production function to account for the impact of technological innovations and district‐specific agglomeration effects on a firm's productivity growth. Our data set allows us to distinguish between product and process innovations, thus, through econometric analysis, we hope to achieve a better understanding of which of these two types of innovative activities benefits most from participation in an industrial district. Our empirical results show that belonging to an industrial district and making product innovations are key factors in the productivity growth of firms and that product innovations appear to have a greater effect on the economic performance of district rather than non‐district firms.  相似文献   

利用1960—2017年石羊河流域5个气象站逐日平均气温资料,计算各地年负积温,并运用线性趋势系数法、方差分析周期法、累计距平和信噪比法以及相关系数法,分析了石羊河流域负积温的时空分布特征及负积温与气温和冻土的关系。结果表明:受海拔高度、地形地貌、植被覆盖和天气系统的影响,石羊河流域负积温具有明显地域特征,负积温平均和极值为绿洲平原区高于荒漠区,荒漠区高于山区。负积温正常年份最多,概率在60%以上,依次向两端迅速递减。年、年代负积温总体呈升高趋势,古浪升高趋势最明显。年负积温的时间序列存在7~9年的准周期变化,古浪负积温在1986年发生了气候突变,其他各地没有发生气候突变。各地负积温初日、终日、负积温期有一定的差异,最早负积温初日(1972-9-2)和最迟负积温终日(1969-6-9)均出现在天祝,负积温期最长258天(1972年)在天祝,最短100天(2001年)在民勤。石羊河流域年负积温与年气温呈极显著正相关,负积温的升高与年气温上升具有较好的同步性。石羊河流域冻土的变化对负积温的响应敏感,负积温每升高100℃,冻土日数减少约6.2天,平均冻土深度减小约4.5 cm,最大冻土深度减...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many counties in the mountainous areas of the western U.S. are experiencing rapid growth in population and income, even though extractive industries that served historically as their primary economic base are in decline. The purpose of this paper is to establish statistically the spatial determinants of population, employment, and income densities in 86 rural mountain counties and any changes in those determinants between 1985 and 1994. The results of this analysis indicate that densities are oriented to regional metropolitan centers and critical amenities such as ski areas, national parks, and universities or colleges. Negatively sloped density gradients with respect to distance from regional metropolitan centers suggest that the densities of settlement patterns beyond metropolitan boundaries are analogous to those within metropolitan areas relative to urban centers. In short, a tension apparently exists in locational choice; residents of the Mountain West desire to live near the beauties and amenities of the mountain landscape but do not want to entirely sever their urban ties. Because amenities are the primary attraction of mountain counties rather than employment in locationally dependent industries, at least some migrants must have relatively footloose forms of income.  相似文献   

以2007年的快鸟数据为信息源,以2004年郑州市土地详查数据为对比基准,利用遥感技术、地理信息技术对郑州高新技术产业开发区土地利用状况进行动态遥感监测。监测结果表明:高新产业开发区土地利用方面存在建设用地规模增长过快、后备土地资源不足、土地集约利用程度不高等问题。针对现存问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

根据1983~2017年江苏省35a气象台站观测资料、相关灾情数据及国民经济数据,本文选取灾害损失最大的强对流、暴雨洪涝、干旱、台风和雪灾五种气象灾害作为主要研究对象,分析了江苏省主要气象灾损事件的时空变化特征。研究表明,江苏省暴雨洪涝主要发生在夏季(6~8月),集中于7月份,高值区主要位于淮北大部、里下河地区及沿江苏南西部地区;强对流灾害主要出现在春夏季(3~8月),分布区域集中在江苏沿海和里下河地区,以盐城和南通地区最为严重;干旱灾害发生持续时间长,一年四季均有发生,范围分布较广,总体呈现出东南轻西北重的趋势,大值区位于沿淮淮北东部地区及宁镇扬丘陵地区;台风灾害主要发生在夏季(6~8月),灾害影响范围具有典型的沿海大于内陆的特征;雪灾主要发生在冬季(12~次年2月),1月最多,发生的高频区域呈无规律零星分布。本研究采用直接经济损失和死亡人口两项指标来表征气象灾情的演变,结果显示累计死亡人口总体呈下降趋势,从20世纪80年代至今,因气象灾害死亡人数总体下降了83%。直接经济损失呈明显上升趋势,1998年之后经济损失约为之前的1.38倍。总体而言,气象灾害损失率呈波动下降趋势,2010年以来的地区灾损率大致在0.1%左右。  相似文献   

A brief introduction of literature on the nexus of financial development and growth in the economy is given first. In the light of traditional thinking over the nexus of financial development and growth, an empirical analysis,by the method of SURE in the framework of two sector model, of the causality of China financial development and industrial growth is carried out covering the relative data since the adoption of reform and open policy.The externalities of finance over industry and industry over tinance show that the supply leading version is prevalent in the chines economy. Finally the policy implication is suggested.  相似文献   

中国休闲农业的特点、模式与发展对策   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
中国休闲农业发展速度很快,正在成为农村社会经济的重要产业之一,建立休闲农业理论体系是休闲农业实践的客观要求。在考察国内一些休闲农业景点的基础上,探析休闲农业发展过程,阐述了休闲农业发展的特点和模式。认为中国休闲农业正在形成自己的特色,探讨了休闲农业的特性及其影响因素。休闲农业的发展经历了从简单到复杂、从自发到开发的发展模式。针对休闲农业的现状和存在问题,从组织管理、技术支持、服务质量、产品设计等角度,建设性地提出实现休闲农业持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

都市农业是中国改革开发的重要成果之一,也是现代农业的有机组成部分。为在工业化、城镇化快速发展的同时加快都市地区农业现代化的发展,加强都市地区农业发展理论与实践规律的探讨,通过对北京、上海、南京、深圳、武汉等大城市都市农业发展模式等案例的分析,对中国都市农业发展模式和可持续发展相关因素进行了初步研究,提出了应制定有利于都市农业发展的法律和规划、加强都市农业人才培养、促进都市农业一体化发展、通过科技引领都市农业创新、大力发展循环农业以及培育都市农业社会组织等有利于都市农业健康发展的建议。  相似文献   

中国冬小麦施肥历史演变及阶段特征研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了对今后中国小麦施肥进行决策导向和科学指导,本研究总结了建国以来中国冬小麦生产发展历程,从阶段产量、面积及相应栽培措施对6个发展阶段进行了相应阐述;重点分析了建国以后冬小麦施肥阶段划分(共划分为7个阶段)、有机肥与化肥施用的阶段特征,并以代表性地区进行了大样本数据说明;特别剖析了2009年以来的现阶段施肥特点、产量效率及生产存在的问题。文末针对当前小麦生产方式与格局的变化,列举了小麦施肥方面的新技术、新方法等重点研究领域,提出了展望。  相似文献   

我国种衣剂生产行业发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 我国种衣剂生产行业现状 20世纪50年代,我国开始推广浸种、拌种技术,用于防治地下害虫。1978年,沈阳化工研究院用甲拌磷、多菌灵、五氯硝基苯等作为有效成分,开始研制种衣剂。1983年北京农业大学李金玉教授成功研制了由克百威和多菌灵组成的第一个种衣剂产品,并开发了系列产……  相似文献   

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