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Cattle grazing effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates were assessed in a 4-year experiment of a mountain stream in northeastern Oregon. From 1996 through 1999, 10 cow–calf pairs were introduced into 6 experimental units along the stream for 42 days between July and September, and effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates were compared with 3 units in which no grazing occurred. Streambank and geomorphological variables were also measured to provide context for interpretation of effects on aquatic macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrate response to grazing was subtle, indicated by significantly lower abundance in grazed units. We measured more profound effects on streambanks: grazing caused an average decrease of 18% in bank length of the highest stability/cover class and caused an average increase of 8% in the lowest condition class over the course of each summer. By June of each following year, banks had recovered to their previous June condition, but grazing each summer caused a progressively larger decline in bank condition by September. Streambank effects were accompanied by an increase in cobble embeddedness over time in grazed units and were correlated with grazing-associated stream widening. Treatment effects were overwhelmed, however, by a profound decline in the abundance of most macroinvertebrates over the study period, with a drop in September 1999 to 14% of the initial September abundance of 1997. While the drop was more precipitous in grazed units, declines were common to all study units, suggesting that something more widespread affected the system during this time. Logging on lands just upstream of the study area in 1998 and 1999, in which trucks drove through the study stream without the benefit of a culvert, sent sediment plumes into the study area each of those 2 years and could have caused the precipitous decline in aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Three grazing trials with growing cattle were conducted to evaluate three cool season perennial grasses (Manska pubescent wheatgrass, Lincoln smooth bromegrass, and Paiute orchardgrass) as complementary forages for winter wheat pasture. Initial stocking rate averaged 1,359 kg BW/ha for approximately 60 d in the two spring trials (April and May) and 857 kg BW/ha for 40 d in the fall trial (late September and October). The ADG and gain per hectare averaged, respectively, 0.86 kg/d and 287 kg/ha and 0.50 kg/d and 59 kg/ha for the spring and fall trials. Generally, neither animal growth performance nor production per hectare was different among the three grasses. However, OM of wheatgrass was more digestible, and its CP was more ruminally degradable, than that of the other grasses. Crude protein concentrations of the grasses generally ranged from 13.6 to 32.4% of DM and were more than adequate to support BW gains of 1 kg/d for growing cattle. Grazing days per hectare and BW gain per hectare from the fall grazing period were only about 30 and 20%, respectively, of the totals for spring and fall 1999, which supports previous findings that most of the production of these grasses occurs in the spring. Orchardgrass was the least resistant to summer drought. Cattle must be removed from dual-purpose winter wheat at the first hollow stem stage of maturity in late winter. However, late winter forage production of these cool season perennial grasses was inadequate to serve as complementary forage to dual-purpose winter wheat.  相似文献   

为明晰青藏高原高寒草甸冷季牧场的适宜休牧期,在东祁连山天祝高寒草甸设置了土壤解冻临界期—牧草枯黄期(RP1)、土壤解冻后期—牧草枯黄期(RP2)、牧草返青初期—牧草枯黄期(RP3)、牧草返青后期—牧草枯黄期(RP4)和当地传统休牧(优势牧草高5 cm—牧草枯黄期)(RP5)5个休牧期,研究了土壤种子库的物种组成、密度、多样性及其与地上植被的关系。结果表明:供试土壤种子库中共萌发27种植物,分属12科23属;5个休牧期土壤种子库密度表现为RP1(2 136.67粒·m-2)>RP2(1 983.33粒·m-2)>RP3(1 576.67粒·m-2)>RP4(1 220粒·m-2)>RP5(863.33粒·m-2);香农-威纳指数和辛普森多样性指数在RP1休牧土壤种子库中较高,Pielou均匀度指数在RP5中最高;5个休牧期土壤种子库与地上植被的Sorensen相似性指数在0.38~0.49,其中RP1休牧与地上植被的相似性最高。综上,土壤解冻临界期—牧草枯黄期休牧更有利于土壤储备植物种子,增加草地的抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

Despite a shift from yr-round bison grazing throughout the Great Plains before European settlement to extensive seasonal cattle grazing, little is known about ungulate grazing impacts on grassland streams. In this study we 1) determine whether grazing management is a significant driver of grassland stream morphology within the Flint Hills Ecoregion (Kansas, United States); 2) determine if yr-round bison grazing (the precolonial condition) and seasonal cattle grazing (the currently dominant grazing practice in the region) result in distinct stream morphology; and 3) determine if the introduction of cattle into ungrazed watersheds produces significant changes to channel morphology. We use a replicated watershed-scale study design and survey 17 streams across four grazing treatments (ungrazed, long-term bison grazed [yr-round], long-term cattle grazed [seasonal], and newly cattle grazed [seasonal]). Baseline geomorphic surveys were completed in 2010 following consistent grazing management since 1992, and resurveys were completed in 2011 and 2013 to determine short-term grazing impacts. Under the conditions of the experiment, we did not detect significant differences (P > 0.10) in channel morphology or stream bed substrate size among grazing treatments following nearly 2 decades of consistent grazing management. Cattle introduction into ungrazed watersheds resulted in modest (P < 0.05) stream widening (0.19 m, 3.9%) following two grazing seasons. Bison grazed watersheds also experienced modest (P < 0.05) stream widening (0.20 m, 5.1%) during the resurvey period. Stream widening from 2010 to 2013 within newly cattle-grazed and long-term bison-grazed treatments indicates that cattle and bison are capable of producing moderate alterations to grassland stream morphology over short time periods. However, longer time periods containing more diverse hydrologic conditions may be necessary to generate larger geomorphic changes between surveys. Although we detected modest changes to stream morphology in response to grazing over short time periods, overall, stream morphology does not vary among grazing treatments in the study area.  相似文献   

不同补饲水平对盘江黄牛放牧育肥效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用60头盘江黄牛公牛,随机分为4个组(其中3个试验组1个对照组),在放牧情况下分别按每头每日2.0、2.5、3.0、0kg的水平补饲料料,90d的育肥结果表明:补饲组的增重水平和育肥效益,明显优于不补饲组,其中以补饲2.5kg组的效果最好,其日增重达到0.783kg,比对照组的0.231kg提高239%;育肥收入和日均收入分别为218.79元和2.43元,比对照组的145.53元和1.62元增加收入33.6%,表明放牧补饲能提高日增重,缩短养牛时间,增加养牛收。  相似文献   

红池坝人工草地放牧方式和放牧强度的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王淑强 《草地学报》1995,3(3):173-180
在红池坝人工草地对放牧方式和放牧强度进行比较研究,同时对已给定的载畜量加以验证,以便制定该草地的最适放牧制度。研究结果表明,适于该地区的放牧管理制度是划区轮牧;各个阶段的载畜量与牧草生长速度之间的关系可用数学模型表示为:Y=179.5+5.48X,在每公顷7.5个绵羊单位的载畜量下进行中度放牧强度可获得草地最大产草量,并保持其稳定。  相似文献   

白可喻  王培 《草地学报》1999,7(1):46-53
本文研究放牧强度对新麦草草地氮素在牧草和土壤中的分配与季节动态。结果表明,草地氮素贮量在0 ̄3cm土层为每平方米663.5 ̄983.4,其中70%集中于0 ̄20cm。土壤氮素随着时间的变化沿有显著差异。中度放牧可提高牧草对氮素的利用率。随着土层的加深,氮素呈“T”型分布,其中以中度放牧最为明显。随着放牧强度的增强,表层氮素的积累增多,以对照区土壤氮素的含量最高,重牧区次之,中牧区最低(P〈0.05  相似文献   

放牧强度对南方人工草地和绵羊生产性能的影响(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放牧强度对草地生存环境和家畜生产性能关系密切[1]。我国对放牧强度的研究集中于北方[2],南方草地建设比较晚,尤其是南方人工草地相关研究比较少。本试验旨在探讨南方人工草地不同放牧强度与草地植物产量和放牧家畜生产性能之间的关系,为确定合理的载牧量提供参考依据。  相似文献   

春季禁牧对内蒙古草原植被的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
赵钢  曹子龙  李青丰 《草地学报》2003,11(2):183-188
2002年春季进行禁牧与自由放牧的对比研究。结果表明,春季禁牧对草原植被的群落特征具有十分显著的影响;在禁牧区,植被产草量、盖度、高度和密度等与自由放牧区之间差异显著(P<0.05)。春季禁牧有利于草原植被的可持续利用。同时,禁牧期的长短对草原植被也有一定的影响,但是不显著。  相似文献   

Background: Pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID) is a risk factor for pasture‐associated laminitis, which follows a seasonal pattern. Hypothesis: Hormonal responses to season differ between PPID and unaffected horses. Animals: Seventeen horses aged 8–30 years (14 horses ≥ 20 years of age). Methods: Longitudinal observational study. Blood was collected monthly from August 2007 until July 2008 after pasture grazing and again after overnight stall confinement. Blood hormone and metabolite concentrations were measured and pasture grass samples were analyzed to determine carbohydrate content. Analysis of variance analysis for repeated measures was performed. Results: Mean ACTH concentrations varied significantly over time (P < .001), with higher concentrations detected in August, September, and October compared with November–April. Pasture × time effects were detected for glucose and insulin concentrations, with peaks observed in September. Horses were retrospectively allocated to PPID (n = 8) and control (n = 9) groups on the basis of plasma ACTH concentrations. Changes in insulin concentrations over time differed in the PPID group when compared with the control group. Insulin concentrations were positively correlated with grass carbohydrate composition. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: PPID did not affect the timing or duration of the seasonal increase in ACTH concentrations, but higher values were detected in affected horses. Insulin concentrations differed between groups, but hyperinsulinemia was rarely detected. Glucose and insulin concentrations peaked in September when horses were grazing on pasture, which could be relevant to the seasonal pattern of laminitis.  相似文献   

The distribution of livestock across heterogeneous landscapes is often uneven, which has important implications for vegetation dynamics and how rangeland managers achieve desired outcomes from these landscapes. Here, we use data from widely available digital elevation models to classify a landscape in the shortgrass steppe with subtle topographic variation using two different approaches: topographic wetness index (TWI) and topographic position classes (TPCs) derived from topographic position indices. We used global positioning system collars to track the grazing locations of cattle within replicate pastures and fit generalized linear mixed models to their locations to quantify the influence of topography on grazing distribution. In addition, we examine the influence of the presence of saline vegetation communities on cattle use of lowlands. The resulting models indicate that TPC more effectively predicts grazing distribution than TWI and that the patterns are strongest in the second half of the growing season (August ? October). Model performance was improved with the inclusion of saline vegetation communities, although the magnitude of cattle grazing time in these communities was not consistent across multiple pastures. These models, in combination with local knowledge, can be used by managers to predict and manage livestock distribution even in landscapes with relatively subtle topographic variability.  相似文献   

放牧强度和时期对内蒙古草原土壤压实效应的研究   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:28  
贾树海  李绍良 《草地学报》1999,7(3):217-222
在不同牧压下,测定土壤容重,硬度,孔隙度,毛管持水量等与土壤压实作用的有关物理指标。结果表明,供试放牧强度对土壤容重的影响仅局限于0-10cm,其中以0-5cm最显著。0-10cm土壤容重的为y=1.236+0.595x-7.764*10^-3x^2,R=0.978。相同放牧强度不同放牧时期对土壤容重的表现丰夏季放牧对于土壤的压实作用最轻,秋季最重,春季居中。  相似文献   

Grazing management effects on soil property dynamics are poorly understood. A study was conducted to assess effects of grazing management and season on soil property dynamics and greenhouse gas flux within semiarid rangeland. Grazing management treatments evaluated in the study included two permanent pastures differing in stocking rate (moderately and heavily grazed pastures) and a fertilized, heavily grazed crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum [Fisch. ex. Link] Schult.) pasture near Mandan, North Dakota. Over a period of 3 yr, soil properties were measured in the spring, summer, and fall at 0–5 cm and 5–10 cm. Concurrent to soil-based measurements, fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxidewere measured on 1-wk to 2-wk intervals and related to soil properties via stepwise regression. High stocking rate and fertilizer nitrogen (N) application within the crested wheatgrass pasture contributed to increased soil bulk density and extractable N, and decreased soil pH and microbial biomass compared to permanent pastures. Soil nitrate nitrogen tended to be greatest at peak aboveground biomass, whereas soil ammonium nitrogen was greatest in early spring. Drought conditions during the third year of the study contributed to nearly two-fold increases in extractable N under the crested wheatgrass pasture and the heavily grazed permanent pasture, but not the moderately grazed permanent pasture. Stepwise regression found select soil properties to be modestly related to soil–atmosphere greenhouse gas fluxes, with model r2 ranging from 0.09 to 0.76. Electrical conductivity was included most frequently in stepwise regressions and, accordingly, may serve as a useful screening indicator for greenhouse gas “hot spots” in grazing land.  相似文献   

The objectives of the current study were to determine the amounts of above- and below-ground plant biomass production, P uptake by forage, and P concentration of cool-season grass forage as influenced by management and season. Five forage management treatments were evaluated over 3 years in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) pastures. Management practices were: ungrazed (U), hay harvest/fall stockpile grazing (HS), rotational stocking to residual sward heights of 10 (10R) or 5 (5R) cm, and continuous stocking to maintain sward height at 5 cm (5C). Forage samples were hand-clipped within and outside grazing exclosures monthly from April through November of each year and analyzed for mass and P concentration. Root samples were collected at the initiation and completion of the study for determination of root length density (RLD) and root surface area density (RSAD). Phosphorus concentrations of forage outside the grazing exclosures did not differ among 5C, 5R, and 10R treatments, which were greater than U paddocks in April and August and less than HS paddocks in June. Mean annual forage productivity was greater in HS, 10R, 5R, and 5C paddocks (6 744 ± 62 kg · ha-1 mean ± SE) than in the U paddocks (1 872 ± 255 kg · ha-1). Mean P concentration of forage outside exclosures was greatest during the spring (0.21 ± 0.01%), and lowest during the fall (0.13 ± 0.01%). Mean annual P uptake by forage followed the same trend as forage production, being greater in the HS, 10R, 5R, and 5C paddocks (13.9 ±  kg · ha-1) than in the U paddocks (3.7 ±  kg · ha-1). After 3 years, RLD decreased in the ungrazed paddocks, but was unchanged in the HS, 10R, 5R, and 5C paddocks. Forage production and P uptake by forage is stimulated by forage harvest, either by grazing or hay harvest in smooth bromegrass pastures.  相似文献   

A 4-yr study was conducted to determine performance of stocker calves on tallgrass prairie under three grazing management strategies. Pastures were assigned to one of three grazing treatments. Grazing was initiated in June, and pastures were grazed only during the summer months for 57 to 104 d (79.5 ± 20.7 d). Two of the pastures were grazed season-long. Calves in one of the season-long treatments were fed a protein supplement during the second half of the grazing season; calves in the other season-long treatment were not supplemented (control group). The third pasture, an intensive early stocking (IES) treatment, was grazed at twice the stocking rate used in the season-long pastures for the first half of the grazing season (40 ± 11 d) and rested for the second half (39.5 ± 10 d). Individual stocker performance during the first half of the summer was similar among grazing treatments. Providing supplemental protein during the second half of the grazing season increased BW gain by 30 kg/ha during the last 40 d of the 80-d grazing season and increased BW gain by 12 kg/ha for the entire summer. Over the summer, IES stocker calves produced 24% more gain/ha than season-long stocked calves. Nonetheless, IES management was not more profitable than season-long grazing with or without protein supplementation. Under short-term ownership of calves in the IES system, fixed costs represented a large portion of the total cost.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Brazil to identify factors affecting grazing distribution of yearling Nelore cross heifers and to evaluate the efficacy of placement of a salt–mineral mix away from water to improve uniformity of grazing. Two pastures (25 ha and 42 ha) were evaluated for four 15-d sessions. Mineral mix was placed 590 m to 780 m from water during two sessions and at water for two sessions. Stubble heights were measured at the beginning and end of each session in 1-ha subunits of each pasture. Cattle locations were recorded on day 13 and 14 of each session by horseback observers. Heifers avoided areas with a preponderance of forbs and taller grass (P < 0.001). For the first 15 days of the study cattle avoided subunits farther from water. Thereafter, horizontal distance from water had no affect on grazing use (P > 0.10). Stubble height reduction was more uniform (P < 0.05) when the mineral mix was at water compared to away from water. In contrast, heifers spent less time farther from water when mineral mix was placed at water (P = 0.02) based on visual observations. Strategic placement of a salt–mineral mix away from water does not appear to be a reliable tool to improve cattle grazing distribution in humid tropical pastures from 25 ha to 45 ha in size.  相似文献   

There is limited information about the effects of cattle grazing to longer-term plant community composition and herbage production following fire in sagebrush steppe. This study evaluated vegetation response to cattle grazing over 7 yr (2007–2013) on burned Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis [Beetle & Young] Welsh) steppe in eastern Oregon. Treatments, replicated four times and applied in a randomized complete block design, included no grazing on burned (nonuse) and unburned (control) sagebrush steppe; and cattle grazing at low (low), moderate (moderate), and high (high) stocking on burned sagebrush steppe. Vegetation dynamics were evaluated by quantifying herbaceous (canopy and basal cover, density, production, reproductive shoot weight) and shrub (canopy cover, density) response variables. Aside from basal cover, herbaceous canopy cover, production, and reproduction were not different among low, moderate, and nonuse treatments. Perennial bunchgrass basal cover was about 25% lower in the low and moderate treatments than the nonuse. Production, reproductive stem weight, and perennial grass basal cover were greater in the low, moderate, and nonuse treatments than the control. The high treatment had lower perennial bunchgrass cover (canopy and basal) and production than other grazed and nonuse treatments. Bunchgrass density remained unchanged in the high treatment, not differing from other treatments, and reproductive effort was comparable to the other treatments, indicating these areas are potentially recoverable by reducing stocking. Cover and production of Bromus tectorum L. (cheatgrass) did not differ among the grazed and nonuse treatments, though all were greater than the control. Cover and density of A.t. spp. wyomingensis did not differ among the burned grazed and nonuse treatments and were less than the control. We concluded that light to moderate stocking rates are compatible to sustainable grazing of burned sagebrush steppe rangelands.  相似文献   

放牧强度对新麦草土壤氮素分配及其季节动态的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
白可喻  韩建国 《草地学报》1999,7(4):308-318
通过不同放牧处理对新麦草人工草地土壤氮素分配及其在生长期间的动态研究。结果表明,0~30cm土层全氮量月均值的顺序为对照〉重牧〉轻牧〉中牧(P〈0.01)。放牧强度对铵未形成显著影响(P〉0.05)。0~30cm土层随着放牧强度的增加,硝态氮量逐渐增加。放牧区净可矿化氮量大于对照区,其中以中度放牧区最高。0~30cm土层土壤微生物生物量氮的顺序为重牧〉对照〉中牧〉轻牧(P〈0.05)。  相似文献   

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