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鄂东南花岗岩崩岗岩土抗剪强度与含水量的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崩岗是我国南方特殊的一种土壤侵蚀现象,其形成主要是由于岩土稳定性降低所致;土壤抗剪强度是表征崩岗岩土稳定性的重要指标,而土壤含水量是影响抗剪强度的关键因子.以通城县2处崩岗为研究对象,采集淋溶层(A)、淀积层(B)、过渡层(BC)和母质层(C)原状土样,通过室内直剪试验,研究崩岗岩土不同层次抗剪强度与含水量的关系及变化规律.结果表明:A层抗剪强度随含水量增加呈现先增大后下降趋势,其余各土层抗剪强度整体上随含水量增加呈现而下降,B层抗剪强度较大,C层抗剪强度最小,且B层抗剪强度受含水量影响最大;土壤黏聚力变化幅度较大,A层随含水量增加先增大后减小,其余各层均随含水量增加而减小,B层黏聚力在4个层次中最大,同时其衰减幅度也较大,C层因黏粒质量分数低、缺少胶结物质而黏聚力极低;土壤内摩擦角4个土壤层次均随含水量增加而减小.研究结果可为崩岗侵蚀机理研究以及进一步防治崩岗侵蚀提供理论依据.  相似文献   

Critical shear stress is an important soil parameter governing detachment by runoff which appears in numerous erosion models. Soil shear strength has been often presented as the best soil property to predict critical shear stress. However, only a few studies have documented the relationship between soil shear strength and critical shear stress, and the results obtained have sometimes seemed contradictory. This is why we have put together all available data about the relationship between critical shear stress and soil shear strength in order to analyse and discuss its significance and its generality. Results showed that contradictions between different studies mainly arise because total shear stress is a poor predictor of detachment on rough soils. When grain shear stress is used rather than total shear stress, a significant relationship between saturated soil shear strength and critical shear stress does exist. Soil shear strength may thus be used to predict critical grain shear stress. However, it is recalled that in general only total shear stress is predicted by erosion models, which makes detachment predictions difficult on rough natural soils.  相似文献   

玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布是准确量化植被与气候相互作用不可缺少的参数,也是玉米生产科学管理和节水农业发展的重要科学依据.在中国气象科学研究院固城生态环境与农业气象实验站内的大型根系观测系统中,采用地下室玻璃窗观测法和方形整段标本法,观测了"屯玉46号"玉米的根深、根宽、根长和根重,分析了玉米根长、根长密度、根重密度和根系粗度等在土壤剖面中的分布状况.结果表明,玉米根长、根干重均随土壤深度的增加基本呈递减类型.吐丝期0~40 cm土层根长占整层根长51.5%,0~80 cm土层占76.2%,0~120 cm土层占90.5%.乳熟后期其分布趋势与吐丝期相似.玉米根系粗度随着土壤深度增加,在上层呈减少分布型,在下层呈增加分布型.乳熟后期,玉米最大根深可达230 cm,根长总量达8.288 km·m-2,显示出该玉米品种有较发达的根系.通过玻璃窗观测的根深大于远离玻璃窗处的根深.  相似文献   

为明确红壤结构特征与抗剪强度对坡面土壤分离能力的影响,选取8种典型红壤为研究对象,通过团聚体稳定性分析,饱和抗剪强度测定,和室内模拟冲刷试验,就各参数间定量关系进行了初步探讨。研究结果表明:团聚体稳定性特征参数As集合了红壤团聚体破碎的主要机制,与不同水流剪切力中红壤分离速率有较好的相关性;红壤饱和抗剪强度(σs)与集中水流内临界水流剪切力(τc)呈较好的线性关系。基于WEPP细沟侵蚀模型,将团聚体稳定性特征参数As代替可蚀性因子Kc,饱和抗剪强度(σs)代替临界水流剪切力(τc),得出新的预测方程。结果显示预测方程能准确的预测坡面集中水流内红壤分离速率(R2=0.887 1)。该结果为深入研究红壤侵蚀机理提供了新思路,对完善侵蚀物理过程模型具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区枣林地土壤水分时空变化研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
为探索枣树种植对黄土丘陵沟壑区土壤水分的影响,在陕西省米脂县,以5 a和15 a枣林地及14 a更新枣林地(与15 a枣林同年栽植,14 a时截枝截干更新)为研究对象,对枣林地土壤水分进行长期定位观测,分别研究了不同树龄枣林地的土壤水分差异、土壤水分与土壤质地关系、枣树耗水深度以及土壤干燥化问题。结果表明:1)不同树龄枣林地土壤水分存在显著差异,随树龄增加,枣树年耗水量增大,枣树耗水深度增加。2)枣林地枣树根系吸水影响范围内的土壤水分与粉粒含量呈显著正相关关系。3)不同树龄枣林地的耗水深度分别为5 a枣林地440 cm、14 a更新枣林地800 cm、15 a枣林地840 cm。4)5 a枣林地在根系吸水影响范围内出现了100 cm深的重度干燥化土层(土层深度为400~500 cm),14 a更新枣林地在根系吸水影响范围内出现了300 cm深的重度干燥化土层(土层深度为300~600 cm),15 a枣林地在根系吸水影响范围内分别出现了100 cm深的重度干燥化土层(土层深度为200~300 cm)和300 cm深的极度干燥化土层(土层深度为300~600 cm)。枣林地土壤水分状况与树龄、土壤质地相关,截干更新具有减少耗水的作用。研究结果可为今后半干旱山地枣林可持续经营及防治林地土壤干层研究提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

土壤含水率与干密度对油松根-土界面摩擦性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究土壤物理特性对植物根系固土性能的影响,通过对油松单根施加拔出荷载进行直接拉拔实验,分析土壤含水率与干密度对拔出过程中根-土界面摩擦性能的影响。结果表明:单根拉拔实验中根系有被拔出和被拉断2种破坏模式:根-土最大摩擦力与根系直径有明显的线性相关关系,通过建立单根简化模型分析根-土间的摩擦情况,证明与实验结论一致;且根系直径在一定范围内时,根-土的最大摩擦力随土壤含水率的升高先增大后减小,而随土体干密度的升高单调增大。  相似文献   

紫色土坡耕地埂坎土壤抗剪性能对含水率的响应   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
选取三峡库区典型紫色土坡耕地埂坎进行试验,通过室内三轴试验研究不同含水率(质量分数6%、11%、16%、21%、26%和31%)对埂坎土壤抗剪强度指标的影响,以深化紫色土坡耕地埂坎力学性质研究。结果表明:1)试验含水率范围内,紫色土坡耕地埂坎土壤黏聚力受含水率影响显著(P0.05),且随着含水率增加呈现出先增大后减小的趋势,明显的峰值出现在含水率质量分数11%左右,黏聚力为85.52 k Pa;2)埂坎土壤内摩擦角随含水率增加而减小,呈非线性衰减,符合一阶指数衰减规律。高含水率时,衰减缓慢;3)紫色土坡耕地埂坎抗剪强度受含水率变化影响显著(P0.05),埂坎土壤极限主应力差随含水率和围压的变化明显且具有规律性。相同围压下,埂坎土壤极限主应力差随含水率增大而迅速减小,即土体的抗剪强度降低。相同含水率下,极限主应力差随围压增大而增大,低含水率时增加明显,高含水率时增加缓慢。当含水率质量分数达到26%左右,埂坎土壤抗剪强度趋于低值;4)紫色土埂坎土壤的应力-应变曲线随含水率递增依次呈现应变软化型、硬化型和弱硬化型。研究结果可为三峡库区高标准基本农田等工程的埂坎建设提供依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

为明确用于三峡库区植被构建的边坡植物物种根系特征与土壤抗剪强度之间的关系,该文以裸地为对照,应用WinRHIZO(Pro.2004c)根系分析系统对香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides(Lin.) Nash)、百喜草(Paspalum notatum Flugge)、狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon(L) Pers.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)4种护坡草本的根系特征进行定量分析.研究发现:香根草的根长密度和根表面积密度显著大于其他草本;各草本类型的根长密度、根表面积密度及根重密度均随着土壤深度的增加递减,但随深度的增加,不同草本类型的差异逐步缩小;不同草本类型土壤内摩擦角φ和粘聚力c大小均为:香根草>百喜草>紫花苜蓿>狗牙根>裸地,且随土层深度的增加而降低;随着根长密度、根表面积密度的增大,土壤内摩擦角φ呈显著的对数增长,土壤粘聚力c呈显著的线性增长,且与直径D≤5 mm不同径级的根系特征之间存在明显的相关性.结果表明:相对于裸地而言,4种草本均能显著增强土壤内摩擦角φ和粘聚力c,且根系对土壤内摩擦角φ的提高程度大于土壤粘聚力c;根长密度和根表面积密度,尤其是直径D≤5 mm径级的根长密度和根表面积密度能很好的表征土壤的抗剪强度,可作为评估土壤抗剪强度的重要参数.  相似文献   

不同剪切方式下崩岗红土层抗剪特征随水分变化规律   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
崩壁土体抗剪强度随水分变化的规律是研究崩岗发生机理的关键,但不同剪切方式得出的抗剪特性可能存在差异。该研究采用直接剪切和三轴剪切试验方法,在100、200、300和400 k Pa 4个围压下,测量10%~30%之间5个不同体积含水率下崩岗红土的抗剪应力和内摩擦角,确定典型崩岗土体抗剪特征随水分变化规律。结果表明:直接剪切试验中当土壤体积含水率在10%~15%之间时,黏聚力的最高值达80 k Pa,随着土壤含水率增加,黏聚力和内摩擦角逐渐降低到最小。三轴剪切试验得出的结果与直接剪切试验相似,但黏聚力总体接近或大于直接剪切试验结果,而内摩擦角小于直接剪切试验结果,这与2种试验的土样制备方法、试验原理等密切相关。研究可为花岗岩崩岗区崩岗土体抗剪强度测定方法合理选择提供依据。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿不同根系分布模式的土壤水分模拟和验证   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
根系分布影响着土壤水分养分吸收,实测根系分布费时费力,经验根系分布函数参数简单,应用方便。该研究在田间采用苜蓿栽培土柱试验,测定根系分布,并将其和不同经验根系分布函数分别应用于Hydrus-1D对土壤水分进行动态模拟,通过土壤水分实测值和模拟值比较,验证分析了经验根系分布函数的适用性以及对土壤水分动态变化的影响。结果表明:拟合的根系分布、Prasad分布、Hoffman和van Genuchten分布3种根系分布函数的根长密度模拟值与36 cm以下的根长密度实测值较为吻合,Raats根系分布模拟值与实测值及其他分布函数则差别较大。不同根系分布下土壤水分模拟差别不大,平均相对均方根误差在3.5%以下。非胁迫生长条件下,Prasad根系分布、Hoffman和van Genuchten根系分布都可描述紫花苜蓿实际根系分布状况。  相似文献   

Combining soils and terrain information is the key to understanding hydrological processes at a landscape scale. Increasing the scale of soil maps has been shown to allow the spatial patterns of soil moisture to be more fully represented in the landscape, but soil data are often only available at reconnaissance scales (e.g. 1:250 000). It is widely acknowledged that soil hydrological properties vary within the landscape and there are widely available digital terrain models at a 10-m grid resolution in the UK. The aim of this study was to investigate soil moisture variations and how soil and terrain data can be used in combination to explain the spatial variation in soil moisture contents. Field monitoring of surface soil moisture content on eight occasions in three different fields in Bedfordshire (UK) was undertaken between April and July in 2004 and 2005. Between 100 and 120 points were sampled in each survey using a Delta-T ML2x™ Theta Probe. The results from regression models show that up to 80% of the variation in surface soil moisture can be explained using 1:10 000 soil series maps and terrain variables. Short-wave radiation on a sloping surface (SWRSS), calculated by SRAD, and a topographic wetness index combined explained a maximum of 44% of the variation. The results show that the terrain effect on soil moisture is modified by soils. The additional variation explained by adding 1:10 000 soil series information to terrain variables was up to 50% and adding 1:25 000 soil series information increased the variation explained by up to 29%. The interactions in the variation explained by soils and landscape indices at different scales tie in with the concept of hydropedology. It also has implications for data requirements for modelling soil hydrological response and associated soil functions.  相似文献   

The landscape of many semiarid rangelands is characterized by a two-phase, shrub–intershrub vegetation mosaic, each phase having different soil properties. However, this broad subdivision groups together types of intershrub surface cover that may also differ in their soil properties and play important roles in ecosystem functioning. In the northern Negev region of Israel, we examined the soil properties associated with flock trampling routes and rock fragment clusters, as well as those associated with the remainder of the intershrub area and shrub patches. Moisture content, organic carbon content, bulk density and calcium carbonate content of the soil were determined for the above four types of cover, inside and outside long-term grazing exclosures. Soil was sampled in the peak of the growing season and in the end of the dry season, on a north- and a south-facing hillside, and from two depths. The shrub patches exhibited the highest soil moisture and organic carbon contents, and the lowest bulk density and calcium carbonate contents. The trampling routes showed opposite trends. The rock fragment clusters and the remainder of the intershrub area did not generally differ and had intermediate values of these properties. Grazing did not have a significant effect on soil properties at the whole-plot scale, but there were highly significant interactions between grazing and type of cover. Compared with the former trampling routes in the exclosures, the active trampling routes outside them had higher bulk density and lower moisture and organic carbon contents. The intershrub area had higher moisture and organic carbon contents under grazing than in the exclosures. Grazing increased the spatial heterogeneity of the soil properties examined via the creation of a network of trampling routes on the hillsides. The routes themselves, which constituted over 20% of the landscape cover, had degraded soil properties but they led to the improvement of the properties of the remainder of the intershrub area via functionally important source–sink relationships. The study of the soil of regions in which such networks are apparent should be duly cognizant of this intershrub subdivision in addition to the widely recognized shrub–intershrub dichotomy.  相似文献   

Lodging is the permanent displacement of cereal stems from the vertical. Cereal plants growing in the edge rows next to both wheel tracks (‘tramlines’) and the gaps between experimental plots (‘inter-plot spaces’), which are traversed by farm vehicles during planting operations and agrochemical application, are less prone to lodge than plants growing elsewhere in fields and plots. Previous research has attributed this phenomenon to an increase in the stem strength of edge row plants, and hence their resistance to stem lodging, resulting from reduced competition between edge row plants for resources. However, this explanation gives no consideration to the anchorage strength of edge row plants, and hence their resistance to root lodging. Differences in soil and plant characteristics between the edge and centre rows of plots of winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) were examined on sand, silt and clay dominated soil types. Edge rows next to tramlines were investigated on the silt and clay soil types, whereas edge rows next to inter-plot spaces were investigated on the sand soil type. Edge row plants next to both tramlines and inter-plot spaces had 58.8% greater anchorage strength and hence resistance to root lodging than centre row plants. This was attributed to (1) greater soil compaction in the edge rows resulting from wheel traffic in the tramlines and inter-plot spaces, which increased the strength of the soil matrix surrounding the roots, and (2) greater plant root growth in the edge rows resulting from reduced competition. Bulk density, root plate spread and structural rooting depth were 19, 22, and 12% greater, respectively, in the edge rows of all soil types. The results suggest that in order to reduce lodging risk, energies should be directed towards identifying agricultural practices that optimise soil compaction in the seedbed without causing significant limitations to root growth.  相似文献   

寒旱环境灌木根系增强边坡土体抗剪强度特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为深入研究根系与剪切面呈不同夹角α条件下,边坡土体中根系对土体抗剪强度的影响,以及定量分析评价植物根系对边坡土体抗剪强度的增强作用,该项研究以生长期为150 d的柠条锦鸡儿、霸王根系及其组成的柠条锦鸡儿根-土复合体、霸王根-土复合体为研究对象分别进行室内单根拉伸试验和复合体剪切试验。通过对2灌木根系进行单根拉伸试验,得到2种灌木根系单根的抗拉强度,并对根系与剪切面夹角α分别为45°、60°、75°、90°等4种条件下的根-土复合体进行剪切试验,得到4种α角度条件下的根-土复合体试样抗剪强度;在此基础上,分析探讨了单根抗拉强度与根-土复合体试样粘聚力值之间的关系。结果表明:柠条锦鸡儿根系的单根抗拉强度较霸王根系的单根抗拉强度略高;柠条锦鸡儿根-土复合体、霸王根-土复合体试样,在4种不同α角度条件下的黏聚力均显著大于素土黏聚力;当α角由45°增大至90°时,2种灌木根-土复合体的黏聚力值呈逐渐增大的趋势,且黏聚力的增长率亦表现出一致性变化规律,即2种灌木根-土复合体试样的黏聚力的增长率均随着α角的增大而呈增大趋势;根-土复合体黏聚力值与单根抗拉强度存在正相关关系。由上述复合体黏聚力值的变化规律反映出,试验区2种灌木根系对边坡土体抗剪强度具有显著增强作用,同时亦反映出随根系的单根抗拉强度的增大,根系对土体粘聚力值的增强效果相对愈加显著,且随根系与剪切面间夹角不同,根系增强边坡土体抗剪强度贡献具有不同的变化规律,即表现在根系与剪切面之间的夹角趋于垂直时,根系具有相对最大限度地增强土体抗剪强度的作用。该研究结果为定量评价植物根系增强边坡土体抗剪强度的贡献,提供了试验方面的数据支撑,这为进一步深入探讨植物根系增强边坡土体抗剪强机理提供参考。  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystems contain ∼12% of global soil organic carbon (C) stocks and are located in regions where global climate change will likely alter the timing and size of precipitation events, increasing soil moisture variability. In response to increased soil moisture variability and other forms of stress, microorganisms can induce ecosystem-scale alterations in C and N cycling processes through alterations in their function. We explored the influence of physiological stress on microbial communities by manipulating moisture variability in soils from four grassland sites in the Great Plains, representing a precipitation gradient of 485-1003 mm y−1. Keeping water totals constant, we manipulated the frequency and size of water additions and dry down periods in these soils by applying water in two different, two-week long wetting-drying cycles in a 72-day laboratory incubation. To assess the effects of the treatments on microbial community function, we measured C mineralization, N dynamics, extracellular enzyme activities (EEA) and a proxy for substrate use efficiency. In soils from all four sites undergoing a long interval (LI) treatment for which added water was applied once at the beginning of each two-week cycle, 1.4-2.0 times more C was mineralized compared to soils undergoing a short interval (SI) treatment, for which four wetting events were evenly distributed over each two-week cycle. A proxy for carbon use efficiency (CUE) suggests declines in this parameter with the greater soil moisture stress imposed in LI soils from all four different native soil moisture regimes. A decline in CUE in LI soils may have been related to an increased effort by microbes to obtain N-rich organic substrates for use as protection against osmotic shock, consistent with EEA data. These results contrast with similar in situ studies of response to increased soil moisture variability and may indicate divergent autotrophic vs. heterotrophic responses to increased moisture variability. Increases in microbial N demand and decreases in microbial CUE with increased moisture variability observed in this study, regardless of the soils’ site of origin, imply that these systems may experience enhanced heterotrophic CO2 release and declines in plant-available N with climate change. This has particularly important implications for C budgets in these grasslands when coupled with the declines in net primary productivity reported in other studies as a result of increases in precipitation variability across the region.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of soil respiration (Rs) was measured and analyzed in a 74-year-old, mixedwood, boreal forest in Ontario, Canada, over a period of 2 years (August 2003–July 2005). The ranges of Rs measured during the two study years were 0.5–6.9 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for 2003–2004 (Year 1) and 0.4–6.8 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 for 2004–2005 (Year 2). Mean annual Rs for the stand was the same for both years, 2.7 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Temporal variability of Rs was controlled mainly by soil temperature (Ts), but soil moisture had a confounding effect on Ts. Annual estimates of total soil CO2 emissions at the site, calculated using a simple empirical RsTs relationship, showed that Rs can account for about 88 ± 27% of total annual ecosystem respiration at the site. The majority of soil CO2 emissions came from the upper 12 to 20 cm organic LFH (litter–fibric–humic) soil layer. The degree of spatial variability in Rs, along the measured transect, was seasonal and followed the seasonal trend of mean Rs: increasing through the growing season and converging to a minimum in winter (coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 4 to 74% in Year 1 and 4 to 62% in Year 2). Spatial variability in Rs was found to be negatively related to spatial variability in the C:N ratio of the LHF layer at the site. Spatial variability in Rs was also found to depend on forest tree species composition within the stand. Rs was about 15% higher in a broadleaf deciduous tree patch compared to evergreen coniferous area. However, the difference was not always significant (at 95% CI). In general, Rs in the mixedwood patch, having both deciduous and coniferous species, was dominated by broadleaf trees, reflecting changing physiological controls on Rs with seasons. Our results highlight the importance of discerning soil CO2 emissions at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. They also suggest including the LFH soil layer and allowing for seasonal variability in CO2 production within that layer, when modeling soil respiration in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

ZHENG Yi  ZHANG Fu-Suo 《土壤圈》2000,10(4):333-338
A three-compartments rhizobox was designed and used to study the low-molecular-weight organic acids in root exudates and the root apoplastic iron of “lime-induced chlorosis“ peanut grown on a clacareous soil in realtion to different soil moistrue conditions.Results showed that chlorosis of peanuts developed under condition of high soil mositure level(250 g kg^-1),while peanuts grew well and chlorosis did not develop when soil moisture was managed to a normal level(150 g kg^-1).The malic acid maleic acid and succinic acid contents of chlorotic peanut increased by 108.723,0.029,and 22.446ug cm^-1 ,respectively,compared with healthy peanuts.The content of citric acid and fumaric acid also increased in root exudates of chlorotic peanuts.On Days 28 and 42 of peanut growth,the accumulation of root apoplastic iron in chlorotic peanuts was higher than that of healthy peanuts.From Day 28 to Day 42,the mobilization percentages of chlorotic peanuts and healthy peanuts to root apoplastic iron were almost the smae,being 52.4% and 52.8%,respectively,indicating that the chlorosis might be caused by the inactivation of iron within peanut plant grown on a calcareous soil under soil moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Root tensile strength is commonly affected by root morphology and fiber content, which combinedly affect the effectiveness of terrace hedgerow on controlling soil erosion in sloping farmland. However, the relationships between these root characteristics are still elusive. This study aimed to compare the root tensile strength, root morphologies, and root fiber contents, and quantify their differences among different plant species. Complete root systems of three terrace hedgerow plant species, i.e., O. bodinieri, V. villosa, and D. lablab L. were sampled for detecting root morphologies and fiber contents at different slope positions on a representative hillslope in karst trough valley. Single root specimens were collected to measure root tensile properties for these three plant species. Results showed that most root morphological parameters were the highest in O. bodinieri, followed by D. lablab L. Three plant species presented the same dominant diameter class as < 1.0 mm, and root volumes as < 1.50 cm3. Cellulose with contents closing to 50% was the main fiber type, and increased significantly linearly with the increasing root diameter in both O. bodinieri and V. villosa. The highest tensile strength and Young's modulus were found in D. lablab L., while the best ultimate tensile force and ultimate elongation were displayed in O. bodinieri. Root diameter showed negative power relationships with tensile strength and Young's modulus, a positive power relationship with ultimate tensile force, and a positive linear relationship with ultimate elongation. Our results will deepen the understanding of the terrace hedgerow functions for controlling soil erosion worldwide.  相似文献   

Tillage-induced changes in soil quality are important to understanding soil strength and water retention and transmission properties. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the effects of two tillage systems under un-drained and drained conditions on tensile strength (TS) of 5–8 mm aggregates, soil water characteristics (SWC), plant available water (PAW), and the water infiltration rate (i). Soil properties were determined mainly in the surface (0–10 cm) layer on a Crosby (fine, mixed, mesic, Aeric Ochraqualf) silt loam soil at the Waterman Farm of the Ohio State University, Columbus, OH on a 14-year-old field study. Effect of two tillage treatments comprising no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) were studied for two levels of drainage: un-drained (UD) and tile drained (D). The TS for 0–10 cm depth was significantly (P ≤ 0.01) affected by tillage and drainage treatments, and was higher in CT than NT by 61% in UD and by 48% in D soil. In comparison, TS increased by 13% in NT and 4% in CT in D compared with the UD treatments. Soil organic carbon (SOC) in 0–10 cm depth of NT–UD treatment was 23% higher than CT–UD treatment and 38% more than NT–D treatments. Tillage and drainage impact on SWC was non-significant at 0 kPa suction, but significant (P ≤ 0.1) at −3, −6, −10, −30, −100 and −300 kPa suctions indicating that water was retained more in NT–UD than CT–UD soil. The PAW was significantly influenced by drainage (P ≤ 0.01) but not by tillage treatments. Yet, there existed a general trend of about 8% more PAW in NT–UD than CT–UD treatments. In contrast, PAW was 48% more in soil from NT–UD than NT–D treatments. PAW increased with increase in the SOC concentration (R2 = 0.89; P ≤ 0.01). There were also differences in soil water sorptivity (S), and equilibrium infiltration rate (ic) in NT–UD compared with CT–UD treatments. A positive and significant correlation (r = 0.57, P ≤ 0.05) occurred between ic and SOC concentration. The value of S was more in NT–UD by 70% than CT–UD, and 46% in NT–D than CT–D. Similarly, the ic was more in NT than CT by 119% in UD compared with 82% in D soil. The value of A in NT was higher than that in CT by 39% and 12% in UD and D treatments, respectively. The mean cumulative infiltration (I) in 3 h was 71.4 cm in NT versus 44.0 cm in CT in UD compared with 62.1 cm in NT and 48.4 cm in CT for the D treatment. The I was positively and significantly correlated with SOC concentration (r = 0.32, n = 12, P ≤ 0.1) indicating improvement of I with increase in SOC concentration. Results of this study suggest that conversion from CT to NT management system may reduce the risk of surface runoff, increase soil aggregation, and improve soil hydrological properties.  相似文献   

以关帝山华北落叶松林下土壤为研究对象,选择采伐干扰样地A(人工间伐)和未采伐干扰样地B,采用地统计学小支撑、多样点的布点采样设计;用根钻法(直径Φ=7.0 cm)分别采取0~10、10~20、20~30 cm三层土壤样品。分析测定了土壤含水量、pH和全氮含量,采用传统统计和地统计学变异函数相结合的方法进行数据分析。结果表明:(1)采伐干扰样地A,土壤含水量降低,土壤含水量的变异减小。0~10 cm土层,未采伐干扰样地B,土壤含水量呈现强的异质性(C0+C=12.12),空间变异特征较复杂(分维数D=1.944);采伐干扰样地A异质性程度降低(C0+C=10.39),在较小尺度(0.5~12.9 m)上表现出空间自相关变异。(2)未采伐干扰样地B土壤pH为6.69,采伐干扰样地A土壤pH升高(6.86);采伐后土壤pH空间自相关变异减少,随机性变异增强。(3)未采伐干扰样地B土壤全氮含量(0~30 cm)均值为0.106 g kg-1,采伐干扰样地A(0.022 g kg-1)土壤全氮含量显著降低。未采伐干扰样地B土壤全氮的空间异质性特征明显,主要呈现较小尺度的空间自相关变异;采伐干扰样地A土壤全氮异质性强度明显降低,而空间变异尺度加大。土壤含水量、pH和全氮含量空间异质性的垂直分异均表现为随土层深度的增加而减小。  相似文献   

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