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Micromorphology indicates that soils of the central part of the Gangetic Plains are polygenetic. They occur on surfaces originating at 13 500, 8000, 2500, >500 and <500 BP (QGH5 to QGH1, respectively). The QGH5 soils on upland interfluves show degraded illuvial clay pedofeatures of an early humid phase (13 500–11 000 BP) and thick (150–200 μm) microlaminated clay pedofeatures of a later humid phase (6500–4000 BP). The earlier clay pedofeatures were degraded by bleaching, loss of preferred orientation, development of a coarse speckled appearance and fragmentation, whereas those of the later phase are thick, smooth and strongly birefringent microlaminated clay pedofeatures. The illuviation was more extensive during the later phase, as indicated by enrichment of groundmass as discrete pedofeatures of clay intercalations. Pedogenic carbonate was formed during the intervening dry phase from the early Holocene to 6500 BP. It forms irregularly shaped nodules of micrite and diffuse needles with inclusions of soil constituents. The subsequent change to wetter conditions caused dissolution–reprecipitation, which resulted in partial to complete removal of carbonate from soils over large areas.  相似文献   

One of the significant features of loess-derived soils in Kansas is the occurrence of clay-rich subsurface horizons above a layer enriched with pedogenic carbonates. In order to examine the extent of clay increase and pedogenic carbonate enrichment in a precipitation gradient, ten soil profiles from three different precipitation regions were studied using micromorphological and mineralogical techniques. The precipitation gradient was divided into three groups: 400–550 mm, 550–750 mm, and 750–1100 mm regions. The objectives were to (1) understand the cause of clay orientation in clay-rich horizons (2) investigate the reasons for the clay increase, and (3) observe the interaction of clay and pedogenic carbonate accumulation features along a precipitation gradient in Kansas. Although clay films were identified in the field for soils in the 400–550 mm regions, illuvial clay films were not observed in thin section analysis. The clay accumulations mostly occurred as grain coatings. The rest of the clay accumulations observed were very thin, striated, and mostly associated with voids. The argillic horizons had a granostriated b-fabric, which indicates stress orientation of micromass caused by high shrink–swell activity. Thick and continuous illuvial coatings were observed in the buried horizons of paleosols. In the other two regions where precipitation exceeds 550 mm, illuvial clay coatings with strong orientation were observed along with thin and striated stress-oriented clay. Both types of clay orientations exceeded 1% of the cross-sectional area for the thin section. Although illuvial clay features and pedogenic carbonates were observed in all soils at approximately the same depth, complete obliteration of clay coatings was not observed in these horizons. In-situ weathering of biotite was one of the reasons for the clay increase in all soil profiles. In all soils studied, the clay increase and cause of clay orientation cannot be attributed to a single genetic process or event. Both illuviation and shrink–swell activity were involved in the orientation of clay. Although orientation of clay and pedogenic carbonates were observed in all soils at approximately the same depth, the decomposition of clay coatings was not observed in these horizons.  相似文献   

The paper describes Late Quaternary pedosedimentary sequences of the alluvial fans from the Kangra basin of NW Himalayas for tectonic and paleoclimatic implications. In the proximal part of the Kangra basin three coalescing alluvial fans, namely Rait-Rihlu fans (~ 65 km2), Kangra fans (~ 200 km2), and Palampur fans (~ 170 km2) from west to east evolved due to reactivation of longitudinal and transverse faults and climatic changes during the Late Quaternary. The fans are characterised by subsidence of Rait-Rihlu fans, uplift of Kangra fans and tilting of Palampur fans. The thick (~ 90 m) pedosedimentary sequences exposed along the rivers characterise the dominant formative processes over the fans. The stream flow sediments dominate the Rait-Rihlu fans, whereas the debris flow sediments dominate the Kangra and Palampur fans. The fan sequences are also marked by the formation of strongly developed paleosols on loess (L1–L3 loess paleosols) and weakly developed paleosols on fluvial deposits in response to the tectonics and climate change in NW Himalayas.  相似文献   

Physical and chemical properties, macro‐ and micromorphology, clay mineralogy, and stable‐isotope compositions of paleosols within a pedostratigraphic column (PSC) of early to late Pleistocene age, interstratified paleosols, and loess (NW Caucasus, S Russia) were examined to better understand the evolution of the pedogenic environment over this time period, separating the effects of postpedogenic diagenesis. The column includes eight paleosols and six intercalated loessic horizons. Most of paleosols represent Vertisols or vertic intergrades. Vertic features increase in the middle of the PSC, where the paleosols are more clayey in texture and reddish in color. The morphology of carbonate nodules and soft masses, morphology‐ and depth(age)‐related changes in stable C and O isotope compositions, soil color, redoximorphic features, clay mineralogy, and illuviated clay indicate periods of wetter pedoenvironment in the past and suggest the Pleistocene paleosols are polygenetic and were formed with several wet/dry stages under a climate generally similar to the modern environment in the N Caucasus (mean annual temperature approx. 9°C–12°C). Interpretation of the time sequence of climate/environmental change requires careful separation of pedogenic mineral phases from phases altered by later diagenesis. The early Pleistocene period of paleosol formation appeared to be wetter or more humid, resulting in more significant development of vertic features. The terrestrial ecosystem remained dominated by C3 vegetation throughout the formation of the PSC, with four small periods of change towards a greater proportion of C4 plants or increased moisture stress.  相似文献   

Red palaeosols of the late Pleistocene‐early Holocene, both buried and non‐buried, were studied recently in Sonora (NW Mexico) to reconstruct their pedogenesis as well as the palaeoenvironmental conditions. The alluvial palaeosol‐sedimentary sequence of the La Playa archaeological site is a key locality for the buried San Rafael palaeosol, which exhibits a 2Ah‐2Bw‐2BCk‐3Bgk profile and was defined as a Chromic Cambisol. Radiocarbon dates from pedogenic carbonates and charcoal set the soil formation interval between > 18 000 and 4300 calibrated years before present (cal. year BP). Micro‐morphological observations together with profile distribution of clay, carbonates, organic carbon, pedogenic iron oxides and rock magnetic properties indicated a strong eluvial‐illuvial redistribution of carbonates, moderate silicate weathering and gleying in the lower horizon. Although this soil was much more developed than the overlying syn‐sedimentary late Holocene Fluvisols, clay mineral composition and stable carbon isotope signatures of humus and carbonates were similar in both soils. We suggest that pedogenesis of the San Rafael palaeosol took place under a slightly more humid climate and relative geomorphic stability. This agrees with the regional palaeoclimate reconstruction, which indicates a moister climate during the Late Wisconsin glaciation (MIS 2). An abrupt termination of the San Rafael pedogenesis marked by disturbance and aridization features in the Ap horizon of the palaeosol could be linked to a global drought around 4200 years cal. year BP. Surface Chromic Cambisols in northern Sonora show similar pedogenetic characteristics to the buried red palaeosols of La Playa. They appear to be a relict component of the present day soil mantle.  相似文献   

The mineralogical composition of coarse fraction and characteristic features of the micro- and submicrofabrics and chemical composition of desert varnish on gravels of desert pavements and the underlying vesicular crust soil horizons were studied in the extremely arid soils of the Mojave (USA) and Trans-Altai Gobi (Mongolia) deserts. A set of common diagnostic features of elementary pedogenetic processes was identified in the automorphic desert soils developed on ancient (70–90 ka) piedmont plains composed of alluvial deposits with the high content of red-earth clay. The results of this study attest to the long and complicated history of the extremely arid soils with alternation of the humid and arid phases of pedogenesis reflected in a specific combination of textural (clay-illuvial) and carbonate pedofeatures and in the distribution patterns of iron, manganese, titanium, and barium in different layers of the desert varnish. The chemical composition of the latter did not depend on the mineralogical composition of the underlying substrates and was formed with active participation of soil microorganisms. This allowed us to conclude about the polygenetic (accretionary–microbiological) nature of desert varnish.  相似文献   

Carbonate pedofeatures of three chernozemic soils developed from loesslike loams in the foreststeppe zone of Lipetsk oblast under fallow plot (Luvic Chernozem (Clayic, Pachic)) and under forest (Calcic Chernozem (Clayic, Pachic)) and in the steppe zone of Dnepropetrovsk oblast (Calcic Chernozem (Episiltic, Endoclayic, Pachic)) were studied in the field and laboratory with the use of a set of methods, including the radiocarbon method, mass spectrometry, and micro- and submicromorphology. The morphological diversity of carbonate pedofeatures in these soils was represented by carbonate veins, coatings, disperse carbonates (carbonate impregnations), soft masses (beloglazka), and concretions. In the forest-steppe soils, disperse carbonates and soft masses were absent. The radiocarbon age of carbonate pedofeatures in the forest-steppe soils varied within a relatively narrow range of 3–4.3 ka cal BP with a tendency for a younger age of carbonate concretions subjected to destruction (geodes). In the steppe chernozem, this range was larger, and the 14C ages of different forms of carbonate pedofeatures were different. Thus, soft masses (beloglazka) had the age of 5.5–6 ka cal BP; disperse carbonates, 17.5–18.5 ka cal BP; and hard carbonate concretions, 26–27 ka cal BP. Data on δ13C demonstrated that the isotopic composition of carbon in virtually all the “nonlabile” carbonate pedofeatures does not correspond to the isotopic composition of carbon of the modern soil organic matter. It was shown that the studied chernozemic soils are polygenetic formations containing carbonate pedofeatures of different ages: (a) recent (currently growing), (b) relict, and (c) inherited pedofeatures. The latter group represents complex pedofeatures that include ancient fragments integrated in younger pedofeatures, e.g., the Holocene soft carbonate nodules with inclusions of fragments of the ancient microcodium.  相似文献   

Regional mapping of soils helped to identify and map 24 soil-geomorphic units on the Deoha/Ganga–Ghaghara Interfluve in the Upper Gangetic Plains (Himalayan Foreland Basin). On the basis of luminescence ages soil-geomorphic units can be grouped into five members of a Morphostratigraphic Sequence with ages of ≤ 1.7 ka, 1.8–3.6 ka, 4.6–6.4 ka, 6.8–10 ka and > 10 ka. Except for two units with sandy parent material, all the members with loamy parent materials show systematic increase in the degree of soil development from Member QGMS-I to V. Major pedogenic processes are salinization, alkalinization, illuviation, calcrete development and gleying, and degradation of some micromorphological features is observed in the oldest soils.Regional mapping and dating of soils show that the Interfluve between the Deoha/Ganga–Ghaghara rivers is bounded by longitudinal faults, along the bounding rivers. The major longitudinal faults trend N–S or NNE–SSW in the northern region; turn N–S in the central region and take easterly to SEE direction in the south, giving the Interfluve a curvilinear shape. Strike of a set of six transverse extensional normal faults changes from approximately E–W to NEE–SWW in the southernmost region of the Interfluve. Downthrown sides are to the south and to the east in northern region and western region, respectively.Due to the activity of different segments of various transverse faults during a probably dry sub-humid to semi-arid climatic period of 10–5 ka, terminal fans were deposited on the downthrown blocks. Thus, role of extensional tectonics in an overall compressional regime is significant. Also, tilting of smaller blocks leading to the shifting away of large rivers seems to be an additional control on the distribution of soils and sedimentation on the Interfluve.  相似文献   

The results of a hierarchical morphogenetic, physicochemical, and mineralogical study of the Ryshkovo full-profile texture-differentiated paleosol of the Mikulino Interglacial from the section at Aleksandrov quarry in Kursk oblast are discussed. The correlation analysis of the stratigraphy of this section with global geological records made it possible to determine the position of the Ryshkovo paleosol in the chronostratigraphic system of the Late Pleistocene and to attribute it to stage MIS 5e; the duration of pedogenesis for this paleosol was no more than 12–15 ka. The results of the study indicate that the Ryshkovo paleosol is close in its properties to the Holocene soddy-podzolic soils of the East European Plain. No direct evidences in favor of the former interpretation of this paleosol as a lessivated soil genetically close to Luvisols of nemoral broadleaved forest of Central Europe have been found. The difference between the paleosol of the Mikulino Interglacial and the modern soddy-podzolic soils is mainly related to the distribution of clay coatings. In the upper part of the illuvial horizon of Mikulino paleosol, clay coatings are few in number, and typical tongues of podzolized (albic) material are absent in the profile. At the same time, silty coatings (skeletans) are abundant even in the lower part of the illuvial horizon. In general, the Mikulino paleosol is characterized by a smaller diversity of clay pedofeatures. These differences might be related to less contrasting fluctuations of the environmental conditions in the second half of the Mikulino Interglacial, to the periodical renewal of the eluvial part of Mikulino paleosol by erosional and accumulative processes, and to the absence of anthropogenic impacts on the soil during the Mikulino Interglacial. The burying of the Ryshkovo paleosol took place due to the intense development of erosional processes induced by the contrasting climatic events at the end of the interglacial period accompanied by catastrophic forest fires and sharp cooling of the climate upon the transition to the Valdai glaciation.  相似文献   

主要运用土壤微形态学、粘土矿物学和土壤化学方法,对海南岛三个不同母质的砖红壤剖面的微形态特征和成壤过程进行研究,并将网纹红土和砖红壤进行比较.结果表明,砖红壤典型的微形态特征为易风化矿物颗粒和粘粒胶膜的缺失、均质状的b-垒结以及风化成因铁锰质结核的出现;典型的成壤过程为强烈的化学风化、红化、均质化、淋溶以及显著的脱硅富铝化过程.随着成土母质和土壤排水条件的变化,砖红壤的微形态特征亦有所差异.而我国南方的网纹红土的发育程度低于砖红壤,不宜被划分为砖红壤或氧化土,而更趋向归入老成土,在我国土壤发生学分类中大致相当于红壤.  相似文献   

Av horizons found in desert pavement environments are known to evolve pedogenically over geologic time. This study was conducted to determine whether increased pedogenic development of the Av (vesicular) horizon over relative time impacts the hydraulic properties of individual soil peds and the mechanism of infiltration as inferred by dye patterns. We examined peds from the Av horizons associated with desert pavements that mantled three different alluvial deposits with different relative surface ages (Qf5 (∼ 10 ka), Qf3 (∼ 50–100 ka), and Qf2 (∼ 10–50 ka)) and included an additional surface (Qf6 (∼ 4 ka)) for the dye studies. We hypothesized that increases in the development of the Av over time would lead to a more structured soil surface with greater potential flow between soil peds and lower hydraulic conductivity of the soil peds themselves. Results showed that average Ks and α of the Qf5 peds were significantly greater than estimated for the Qf2 and Qf3 peds. Although Ks was greater for the Qf5 peds, the steady-state infiltration rate was equal for the Qf3, Qf2, and Qf5 surfaces, perhaps indicating a reduction in matrix flow through soil peds and an increase in interped flow between soil peds.  相似文献   

The Purna Valley, a part of the Payanghat Plain, is an oval basin covering an area of about 1.9 Mha in central India. The soils are deep, calcareous, clayey and very dark greyish brown to dark brown in colour, and meet criteria for the Vertisols order of Soil Taxonomy. Cracks extend down to the slickenside zones in soils of the northeastern part of the valley, but cut through the slickenside zones in the soils of the southwestern part. Soils of the southwestern part are strongly alkaline with exchangeable sodium percentages (ESPs) of 5–26, whereas those of the northeastern part are moderately alkaline and have ESP values <5. Despite their similar coefficients of linear extensibility, volumetric shrinkage potentials, clay contents and amounts of fine clay smectite, the plasmic fabric of the slickenside horizons in soils of the northeastern part is porostriated, whereas in soils of the southwestern part, it is stipple-speckled to mosaic-speckled, indicating weak plasma separation. The soils have both pedogenic and nonpedogenic calcium carbonate, but those of the southwestern part have more pedogenic carbonate than those in the northeastern part. The semiarid climate removes Ca2+ ions from the soil solution by precipitating carbonate, and also causes the ESP and sodium absorption ratio to increase with depth. The lack of soil water in soils of the southwestern area is thought to be the reason for weak swelling of smectite, for larger amounts of pedogenic carbonate and for cracks cutting through the slickenside zones. The Vertisols of the southwestern part of the of the Purna Valley are, therefore, polygenetic because they exhibit distinctly different soil properties resulting from increasing aridity in the valley during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Available micronutrient status of zinc, copper, manganese, and iron (Zn, Cu, Mn, and Fe) in surface soil samples under a rice–wheat system collected from farmers' fields in 40 districts representing different agroclimatic zones of the Indo‐Gangetic Plain (IGP) were determined. The selection of farmers, villages, blocks, and districts within an agroclimatic zone was made on the basis of a multistage statistical approach. In Trans‐Gangetic Plains, the diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Zn ranged from 0.11 to 5.08, Cu ranged from 0.22 to 4.72, Mn ranged from 2.9 to 101.2, and Fe ranged from 1.05 to 97.9 mg kg?1. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 2.53, Cu ranged from 0.06 to 4.32, Mn ranged from 11.1 to 421.0, and Fe ranged from 3.48 to 90.2 mg kg?1. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.17 to 8.60, Cu ranged from 0.09 to 7.80, Mn ranged from 3.0 to 155.1, and Fe ranged from 9.22 to 256.7 mg kg?1. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the DTPA‐extractable Zn ranged from 0.04 to 3.46, Cu ranged from 0.21 to 4.38, Mn ranged from 9.54 to 252.2, and Fe ranged from 3.60 to 182.5 mg kg?1. The intensively cultivated Trans‐Gangetic transect representing the midplain and Siwalik had more available micronutrients than the arid plain. Midplain and arid plain showed 17 to 20% of soil samples were low to medium in Zn and 5 and 8% were low in Fe. In the Upper Gangetic Plains, only 25% samples were deficient in Zn, especially in central and southwest plains. In the Middle Gangetic Plains, 20 to 30% of samples were deficient in Zn, and very few samples were deficient in other micronutrients. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, a majority of the samples were medium to high in micronutrients except in Barind and Rarh Plains where 30% of samples were deficient in Zn. In the Lower Gangetic Plains, the available micronutrients were plentiful. Available micronutrients increased with increase in organic C content and decreased with increase in sand content, pH, and calcium carbonate. These soils are alluvial in nature, and there was no definite pattern of micronutrient distribution with depth in the profile. However, there was more accumulation in the Ap horizon than in the B horizon.  相似文献   

Red clay layers interbedded with basalt flows of Pleistocene age in the Golan Heights have been described and sampled for analyses. Data for these layers have been compared with those for modern soils of the locality. Because the layers have pedogenic features and most also contain quartz of assumed aeolian origin, they are considered to by paleosols even though they are low in organic matter. Smectite is the dominant clay mineral in the paleosols, as it is in modern soils of the area. At the same time, minerals characteristic of hydrothermal activities are absent. Low proportions of kaolinite as compared to those of modern soils are attributed to weathering under a drier climate in the Middle Pleistocene (approximately 0.7–1.6 m.y. B.P.) than that of the present. The paleosols are dense, have strong columnar structure and have well expressed mangans. These features, as well as the dehydration of iron oxides, are attributed to contacts with molten rock that become the basalt flows.  相似文献   

A sequence of five paleosol units (with seven individual paleosol profiles) buried in the Late Pleistocene (20–40 ka) deposits was studied at the Kostenki 14 (K14) key section in Voronezh oblast with the use of a set of morphological, physicochemical, and instrumental methods. The upper-lying paleosols differed from the lower-lying paleosols in the less pronounced gley features, stronger aggregation of the soil material, more significant accumulation of carbonates, and higher percentage of calcium humates and fulvates. These features attested to the higher aridity of the paleoclimate and the development of the upper-lying paleosols under grassy vegetation. Within the studied paleosol sequence, the most developed profiles were typical of the soils that formed 27–32 ka ago during the Bryansk interstadial. The good aggregation, the presence of features left by the soil fauna activity, the high magnetic susceptibility, and the morphology of the secondary carbonates in the studied paleosols suggest that they were formed under meadow-steppe vegetation in well-drained positions and resembled modern cryoarid soils.  相似文献   

Clay illuviation in Red Mediterranean soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
N. Fedoroff   《CATENA》1997,28(3-4)
Theories regarding pedogenesis in Red Mediterranean soils have undergone several stages of development. The concept of clay illuviation in these soils was not a part of early theories and it is not yet unanimously accepted as a leading soil forming process. A methodology is presented for studying the illuviation of clay in these soils emphasizing typology of textural features and fabrics. The problem of age determination is also addressed, through the use of radiometric dates and correlation with archaeological artifacts. Clay illuviation in Red Mediterranean soils under present day environmental conditions suggests that it occurs presently only on humid and sub-humid margins of the Mediterranean basin. Elsewhere illuvial clay accumulations are inherited from Interglacial periods. Red Mediterranean soils during glacial periods were eroded, colluviated, aggraded with aeolian dust, calcitic fraction of which was redistributed in form of calcitic features and eventually were affected by water logging. An example of water logging of Red Mediterranean soils (Mamora, Morocco) which took place during the last Glacial cycle, consists of yellow illuvial clays accompanied by a yellowing of the ground mass. During earlier cycles water logging resulted in whitish grey stains in which hydromorphic textural features were deposited.  相似文献   

Characteristics of Clay Minerals in Podzols and Podzolic Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clay minerals in Podzols and podzolic soils developed under coniferous forests in the Subarctic and Cool-temperate zones are characterized by the predominance of smectite and/or mica-smectite interstratified minerals in the eluvial horizons and chlorite-vermiculite intergrade in the illuvial horizons. A large amount of vermiculite is present in the eluvial horizons of some podzolic soils in the Cool-temperate zone. The illuvial horizons of these soils also contain free iron oxides such as goethite. Imogolite and allophane are present in the illuvial horizons of several soils derived from volcanic ashes. It is suggested that the critical bioclimate for the release of interlayered aluminum from the 2:1-type minerals lies between the Cool- and Warm-temperate zone. In the eluvial horizons of Podzols and podzolic soils, mica minerals and chlorite, as primary minerals, have been transformed to smectite through the pedogenic process. Based on previous studies on the structure and degradation of the dioctahedral mica minerals, it is considered that smectite is transformed from 1M-type mica minerals directly, and from 2M-type mica minerals via mica-smectite interstratifled minerals. The formation of a smectite lattice in the eluvial horizon should be a clay-mineralogical indicator of podzolization.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on the changes of surface chemical properties of tropical soils with time during the pedogenesis. Soil samples of three profiles derived from basalts of 10, 1330 and 2290 kilo annum (ka) in age were collected from adjacent locations in a tropical region of Hainan Province, China. The changes in soil surface chemical properties and the mineralogy of the soil clay fraction with time were investigated using ion adsorption, micro-electrophoresis, and X-ray diffraction analysis. The content of 2:1-type clay minerals decreased, while those of kaolinite and gibbsite increased with increasing basalt age and degree of soil development. The content of pedogenic free iron (Fe) oxides and the ratio of free Fe oxides/total Fe oxides increased with soil development stage, while soil poorly crystalline Fe and aluminum (Al) oxides had an opposite trend. The positive surface charge of the soils increased with increasing basalt age and degree of soil development; this was consistent with the change in their contents of free Fe/Al oxides. However, the value of negative surface charge had an opposite behavior. The soil derived from 10-ka-basalt had much more negative charge than soils derived from 1330- and 2290-ka-basalt. Soil net surface charge and zeta potential of the soil clay-fraction decreased with the increase in basalt age. Both net charge–pH curves and zeta potential–pH curves shifted to positive values with increased basalt age and degree of soil development. Increasing age also elevated the point of zero net charge of the soil and the isoelectric point of soil colloids.  相似文献   

Three major landforms, Uplands, Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains and Young Fluvial Plains are identified from the Lower Gangetic Plains of West Bengal, India, on the basis of remote sensing and field studies. Morphologic, quantitative and thermoluminescence studies of soils of the study area have been conducted. Two types of Uplands are recognised: Upland in the west overlain by red soils (autochthonous and allochthonous types) and upland in the north (Barind Tract), characterised by three topographic levels. Aspects of the autochthonous Upland Red Soils (Lower to Middle Pleistocene age) show the ferrugination (ferrisol) phase of development. Soils of the Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains (6–3 ka) and Lower Level of the Barind Tract have argillic horizons and exhibit the fersiallitisation phase of development. Development of ferrugination and fersiallitisation phases was favored due to the pre-weathered nature of the parent material. Soils of the Old Fluvial/Deltaic Plains, Barind Tract (Lower Level) and Young Fluvial Plains show effects of hydromorphism due to waterlogging in the form of segregations of Fe–Mn oxides/gleying and chloritisation, probably due to ferrolysis in the upper horizons of some of these soils. Neotectonics seems to have affected development of landforms and soils significantly. Due to reactivation of some basement faults in the western region, some tectonic blocks subsided, causing transgression during the Early Pleistocene and at ca. 7 ka. Subsequent uplift of these blocks caused regressions and development of soils on the exposed landscapes. Episodic uplift of the Barind Tract in the northern region may have given rise to three topographic levels. Some faults confine the courses of the Damodar, Ganga and Bhagirathi rivers.  相似文献   

A loess/soil section near the Republican River in northeastern Kansas includes three superposed soils/paleosols in at least three superposed loess units, including Peoria Loess (PL), the Gilman Canyon Formation (GCF), and Loveland Loess (LL), The GCF coincides with a composite soil with a 1.3 m thick, buried organic-rich (A) horizon that yields AMS radiocarbon ages from 30.3 to 22.4 ka (or 35.7 to 26.9 ka when calibrated) that overlies a 1.6 m oxidized B horizon complex. The B subhorizons stratigraphically and morphologically resemble the “reddish pedocomplex” described elsewhere in Kansas and Illinois that dates between about 69 and 35 ka. The upper LL yields a TL age of about 136 and 130 + 30 ka. Thus, PL, the GCF, and LL were probably deposited mainly during the late Wisconsinan, middle Wisconsinan, and Illinoian (∼ Oxygen Isotope Stages (OIS) 2, 3, and 6, or about 12 to 24, 24 to 60, and 130 to 188 ka, respectively). Soils 1, 2, and 3, then formed mainly during OIS stages 1, 3, and 5, respectively, or about 12 to 12, 60 to 60, and 73 to 130 ka.  相似文献   

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