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In the Eastern Rif of N Morocco, soil conservation is seriously threatened by water erosion. Large areas of soil have reached an irreversible state of degradation. In this study, the 137Cs technique was used to quantify erosion rates and identify the main factors involved in the erosion process based on a representative catchment of the Eastern Rif. To estimate erosion rates in terms of the main factors affecting soil losses, samples were collected taking into account the lithology, slope and land use along six selected transects within the Boussouab catchment. The transects were representative of the main land uses and physiographic characteristics of that Rif sector. The reference inventory for the area was established at a stable, well preserved, matorral site (value of 4250 Bq m− 2). All the sampling sites were eroded and 137Cs inventories varied widely (between 245 and 3670 Bq m− 2). The effective soil losses were also highly variable (between 5.1 and 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Soil losses varied with land use. The lowest average values were on matorral and fallow land (10.5 and 15.2 t ha− 1 yr− 1, respectively) but much higher with alfa vegetation or cereal crops (31.6 and 27.3, respectively). The highest erosion rate was on a badland transect at the more eroded part of the catchment, with rates exceeding 40 t ha− 1 yr− 1 and reaching a maximum of 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1.The average soil losses increased by more than 100% when the slope increased from 10° (17.7 t ha− 1 yr− 1) to 25° (40. 8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Similar results were obtained when comparing erosion rates in soils that were covered by matorral with respect to those under cultivation. Lithology was also a key factor affecting soil loss. Soils on marls were more erodible and the average erosion rates reached 29.36 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which was twice as high as soils on the glacis and old fluvial terraces (average rates of 14.98 t ha− 1 yr− 1). The radiometric approach was very useful to quantify erosion rates and to examine the pattern of soil movement. The analysis of main erosion factors can help to promote rational soil use and establish conservation strategies in the study area.  相似文献   

In order to assess its potential for estimating soil redistribution rates, the naturally occurring fallout radionuclide 210Pbex has been used in parallel with 137Cs, derived from the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapon testing in the 1950s to 1970s, to estimate rates of soil redistribution on a sloping field with traditional erosion control measures located near Jiajia Village, Jianyang County, in the Sichuan Hilly Basin of China. The local 210Pbex reference inventory of 12,860 Bq m− 2 is higher than those reported for many other areas of the world and may reflect the influence of cloudy weather in preventing 210Pb released to the atmosphere across the local region moving up into the upper troposphere, where is would be more widely dispersed. The mean 210Pbex and 137Cs inventories measured in cores collected from the upper part of the field with an average slope of 10° were 8028 Bq m− 2 and 993 Bq m− 2, respectively, and the equivalent values for the lower part of the field, where the slopes are steeper (20°) were 11,388 Bq m− 2 and 1299 Bq m− 2. The pattern of post-fallout 210Pbex and 137Cs redistribution on the sloping field reflects not only the effects of water erosion and redistribution by tillage, but also the local traditional practice of “Tiaoshamiantu”, whereby sediment trapped in the ditches is returned to the fields by the farmer. The estimates of annual rates of soil loss provided by the 210Pbex measurement are closely comparable with those derived from the 137Cs measurements and are consistent with existing knowledge for the study area. The results obtained from this study confirm the potential for using 210Pbex measurement to estimate soil erosion rates over medium-term timescale of 50–100 years. By combining the estimates of erosion rates provided by the 210Pbex and 137Cs measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss was estimated to be 48.7 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the upper subfield and 16.9 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the lower subfield. These rates are considerably lower than the erosion rates obtained from runoff plot measurements in the local area. It is suggested that the traditional erosion control practices and the practice of “Tiaoshamiantu” have a significant effect in reducing soil loss and conserving valuable cultivated soil on sloping fields in the Sichuan Hilly Basin.  相似文献   

Terrain attributes, landform segmentation, and soil redistribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 137Cs technique has greatly expanded our knowledge of the topography–soil redistribution relationship. For the technique to be useful in upscaling of process models and regional-scale conservation planning, we must be able to show that a consistent relationship exists between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and terrain attributes in a given region. In this paper, the association between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and quantitatively defined landform elements was examined at nine hummocky terrain sites in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Shoulder (SH) elements with convex plan curvatures had the highest mean soil loss rates of 33 t ha−1 yr−1, followed closely by other SH and backslope (BS) elements. The erosional behavior of level elements (i.e. those with gradients less than 3°) was highly dependent on the specific dispersal area (SDA) of the element—elements with high dispersal areas were dominantly erosional (mean soil loss of 14 t ha−1 yr−1), whereas level elements with low dispersal areas were depositional (mean soil gain of 15 t ha−1 yr−1). Doubly concave footslope (FS) elements had mean soil gain of 10 t ha−1 yr−1. The dispersion of values across the nine sites was much greater for the depositional units than the erosional units, indicating a complex relationship between deposition and terrain attributes in the depositional units. The results clearly indicate that regional-scale patterns of soil redistribution can be developed using the 137Cs technique.  相似文献   

Soil loss tolerance limit is defined as the threshold upper limit of soil erosion that can be allowed without degrading long term productivity of specific soils. In India a default soil loss tolerance limit (SLTL) of 11.2 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1 is followed for planning soil conservation activities. The objective of this investigation is to provide a methodology to estimate quantitative SLTL for the Shivalik–Himalayan region in India for suggesting suitable soil conservation measures. A quantitative model was used to integrate potential soil indicators such as infiltration rate, bulk density, water stable aggregate, organic carbon and fertility status to assess soil quality governing soil resistibility to erosion. Scaling functions were used to convert soil parameters to unit less 0 to 1 scale. Normalized values of soil parameters were then multiplied by assigned weights based on relative importance and sensitivity analysis of each indicator. Soils were grouped into 1, 2 and 3 depending on overall additive score. A general guideline developed by the USDA-Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) was followed with certain modifications in depth category for estimation of SLTLs. Soil loss tolerance limits varied from 2.5 to 12.5 Mg ha− 1 yr − 1 compared to single value of 11.2 Mg ha− 1 yr − 1 being followed earlier. Consideration of the newly estimated SLTLs would facilitate site specific conservation planning and prioritising areas for watershed management activities in India.  相似文献   

该文通过紫色丘陵区响水滩小流域不同土地利用类型、不同坡度和坡长、不同地貌部位土壤剖面中 137Cs含量的测定与分析,对其侵蚀空间分布进行了估算。研究结果表明:该流域 137Cs含量的背景值为1870 Bq/m2;流域内坡耕地、林地的年平均侵蚀强度分别为4468、1759 t/(km2·a);土壤侵蚀量与坡长、坡度均指数相关;丘顶、丘坡和鞍部的年平均侵蚀强度分别为2125、4676、3625 t/(km2·a)。结果表明土地利用类型、坡长和坡度、地貌部位对土壤侵蚀量影响很大,坡耕地是该流域泥沙的主要来源。  相似文献   

Estimation of sediment load from Himalayan basins is of considerable importance for the planning, designing, installation and operation of hydro-power projects, including management of reservoirs. In the present study, an assessment of physical and chemical load, sediment yield and erosion rate has been undertaken at eight different locations in the Sainj and Tirthan watersheds. The analysis revealed that the maximum load was transferred during the monsoon season. Moreover, the estimated average chemical erosion rate of the Sainj (83 t km− 2 yr− 1) and Tirthan (80 t km− 2 yr− 1) watersheds were higher than that of the Indian average (69 t km− 2 yr− 1) representing all the rivers. Both watersheds were eroding physically and chemically at a faster rate than that of the world global average erosion rate (185 t km− 2 yr− 1). The flattish nature of the channels in some segments of these watersheds showed a lower transport of sediments, where as the constricted segments having steep bed slopes increased the velocity of flow and the sediment transport rate. These findings have important implications for water resource management in the context of sediments mobilization, erosion, channel management, ecological functions and operation of the hydro-power projects in the Lesser Himalayan region.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to obtain a representative set of data on long-term erosion rates from a pilot area located close to the Jaslovske Bohunice village, in western Slovakia using the 137Cs-method. The study area chosen was representative of the hilly loess cultivated areas of Slovakia. The sampling strategy was based on a multiple transect approach. Analyses of the samples for 137Cs activity were made at the Nuclear Power Plant Research Institute, Jaslovske Bohunice. The 137Cs-method was used to obtain long-term estimates of soil erosion in the Jaslovske Bohunice site, a representative hilly loess cultivated area of Slovakia. The estimated reference 137Cs inventory was 2910 Bq m−2, with a coefficient of variation of 4.3%.Examination of the 137Cs redistribution in relation to the topography of the study area revealed that, within individual transects the 137Cs inventories were closely related to major landforms. The 137Cs inventories were considerably lower on the slopes than on the plateau and they were highest in the valley. However, when plotted against a selection of individual quantitative slope parameters, i.e. the S and the LS factors of the USLE or slope inclination, the correlations obtained were weak.Three conversion models, i.e. the proportional model (PM), the simplified mass balance model (MBM1) and the standard mass balance model (MBM2), from the set of models developed at Exeter University, Great Britain were selected to interpret the resulting 137Cs measurements into soil erosion/deposition rates. The mean erosion rates estimated with the PM were 22.4, 35.6 with MBM1 and 17.3 t ha−1 per year with MBM2. There was a good agreement between the average of these mean erosion rates (25.1 t ha−1 per year) for the Jaslovske Bohunice site and the estimated mean soil erosion rate obtained for small erosion plots (15 t ha−1 per year) for conditions similar to the study site. Nevertheless, further research on the application of the 137Cs-method, in particular the independent validation of the results obtained, is needed. Several issues requiring further study have been highlighted.  相似文献   

Soil erosion significantly affects the most productive lands in Argentina, particularly the region called “Pampa Ondulada”. Quantification of the actual rates and patterns of soil loss is necessary for designing efficient degradation control strategies. The aim of this investigation was to gather using the 137Cs technique a reliable set of data of erosion and sedimentation rates, in order to describe the long-term erosive landscape dynamic in a 300 ha basin representative for the “Pampa Ondulada” region of Argentina. The general topography of the basin is undulated with slopes gradients between 0 and 2.5% and slope lengths up to 800 m long. The main land use consisted in annual cropping under conventional tillage.For the soil erosion study in the basin the 137Cs technique was used, which is based on the comparison between the 137Cs inventories surveyed with a local reference 137Cs profile. The sampling strategy was based on a multiple transect approach.The estimated mean soil erosion rates obtained applying Mass Balance Model 2 for the studied hillslopes ranged between −11.5 and −36 t ha−1 per year and fitted the low and moderate erosion classes according to FAO. These values ranged beyond the admitted tolerance. Sedimentation was observed at the lower landscape positions probably related to changes from convex to concave slopes. The application of the 137Cs technique in the studied basin proved to be a useful and sensible tool for assessing erosion/deposition rates. In areas with low topographic gradients like the Pampa Ondulada region, the slope length appears to be an important property for predicting spatial patterns of erosion rates.  相似文献   

A Holocene sediment budget was constructed for the 758 km2 Dijle catchment in the Belgian loess belt, in order to understand long-term sediment dynamics. Hillslope sediment redistribution was calculated using soil profile information from 809 soil augerings, which was extrapolated to the entire catchment using morphometric classes. As large parts of the forests within the catchment prove to have undergone little or no erosion since medieval times, a correction was applied for the presence of forests. Total Holocene erosion amounts 817 ± 66 Mt for the catchment, of which 327 ± 34 Mt was deposited as colluvium. This corresponds with a net Holocene soil erosion rate of 10.8 ± 0.8 × 103 Mg ha− 1 for the entire Dijle catchment. Alluvial deposits were studied through 187 augerings spread over 17 cross-valley transects. The total alluvial sediment deposition equals 352 ± 11 Mt or 42% of total eroded sediment mass. Results indicate that at the scale of a medium-sized catchment the colluvial sediment sink is as important as the alluvial sediment sink and should not be neglected. As a result the estimation of erosion through alluvial storage and sediment export would yield large errors. Dating of sediment units show an important increase in alluvial deposition from medieval times onwards, indicating the important influence of agricultural activities that developed from that period. Mean sediment export rates from the catchment for the last 1000–1200 years range between 0.8 and 1.3 Mg ha− 1 a− 1 and are consistent with present suspended sediment measurements in the Dijle. Erosion for agricultural land for this period is 9.2 ± 2.2 Mg ha− 1 a− 1. Sediment budgets for the various tributary catchments provide an insight in the sources and sinks of sediment at different scales within the catchment.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of using the 137Cs technique to assess soil erosion rates of both sloping cultivated land and flat terraces in the Upper Yangtze River Basin, China. The study was carried out on eighteen sloping cultivated fields and four flat terrace fields in eight counties and cities over the eastern part of the basin. The 137Cs-reference inventory ranged from 620.5 to 2573.2 Bq/m2. For the 18 sloping cultivated fields, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged from 204.9 to 1847.7 Bq/m2, which accounts for 15–77% of the local 137Cs reference inventory, and the average water erosion rate ranged from 758 to 9854 t/km2 per year, with erosion rates of <1000 t/km2 per year in two fields; 1000–5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields; and >5000 t/km2 per year in eight fields. It is apparent that most of the sloping cultivated fields suffer severe or very severe soil erosion. For the four terrace fields under this study, the average 137Cs inventory over a field ranged between 915.8 and 2675.4 Bq/m2, which accounts for 97–104% of the local 137Cs reference inventory. However, water erosion is very slight on the terrace fields and little soil is lost from the terraces. The study also indicated that the severity of soil erosion is strongly related to soil texture and slope gradient.  相似文献   

Surface runoff, soil loss, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), texture of eroded soils and suspended sediment were determined on slightly eroded chernozems (mouldboard fall-ploughed) during years with different amounts of snow in three areas of southern West Siberia (Predsalairye, Priobye and Kuznetsk hollow). These areas have different geomorphological and climatic characteristics and soils. Observations were made from 1969 to 2007. The soil loss during very low-snow and low-snow years did not exceed 2 t ha− 1. After winters with normal amounts of snow, the runoff led to slight soil loss (2–5 t ha− 1). Soil losses in high-snow and very high-snow years varied from slight to severe (4.8–15.8 t ha− 1) depending on studied area. The main sediment exported during intensive snowmelt and the 1 mm of runoff transported from 35 to 150 kg ha− 1 of soil material. The removal of soil particles < 0.01 mm (especially clay) prevailed during the initial and final stages of snowmelt. Clay removal by meltwater from the ploughed layer in high-snow and very high-snow years varied from 3300 to 4200 kg ha− 1 and, in the initial and final stages of snowmelt clay removal, accounted for 1260–1,500 kg ha− 1. Among the three studied regions, Predsalairye had decreased soil erosion resistance and was the area with the greatest danger of erosion.  相似文献   

以青木关岩溶槽谷区内代表性耕地型与林地型洼地小流域为研究对象,从洼地沉积物入手,探明各洼地沉积物剖面~(137)Cs比活度、六六六(HCHs)、有机质、黏粒含量及容重的深度分布特征;运用~(137)Cs示踪法,辅以HCHs进行沉积物断代,追溯流域近60年来的土壤侵蚀量演变特征及探讨其驱动因素。结果表明:(1)炮台院子耕地型洼地沉积物剖面~(137)Cs、HCHs仅有个别层位检出,无法利用~(137)Cs、HCHs深度分布进行沉积物断代,反映了发育的落水洞对其沉积物剖面影响大。(2)龙洞槽耕地型和劳动村林地型洼地小流域1963—1983,1984—2019年产沙模数分别为231.78,82.04 t/(km~2·a)和68.79,39.46 t/(km~2·a),表明流域生态环境得到明显改善。与1963—1983年时段相比,该地区1984—2019年时段年平均降水量无明显变化,2个小流域产沙模数均显著减小,表明近60年流域产沙强度主要受土地利用方式、水土保持措施等人类活动控制。(3)龙洞槽洼地剖面~(137)Cs、HCHs峰值,表层泥沙~(137)Cs、HCHs数值和不同时期流域产沙模数均明显大于劳动村洼地,主要是由2个洼地分别控制的耕地型与林地型小流域在人类活动影响下产沙强度的差异所致。另外,~(137)Cs和HCHs相结合的示踪方法可较好地用于评估西南岩溶流域产沙量的时间变化。  相似文献   

Water erosion in the hilly areas of west China is the main process contributing to the overall sediment of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. The impact of gully erosion in total sediment output has been mostly neglected. Our objective was to assess the sediment production and sediment sources at both the hillslope and catchment scales in the Yangjuangou reservoir catchment of the Chinese Loess Plateau, northwest China. Distribution patterns in sediment production caused by water erosion on hills and gully slopes under different land use types were assessed using the fallout 137Cs technique. The total sediment production from the catchment was estimated by using the sediment record in a reservoir. Sediment sources and dominant water erosion processes were determined by comparing 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in surface soils and sub-surface soils with those of sediment deposits from the reservoir at the outlet of the catchment. Results indicated that landscape location had the most significant impact on sediment production for cultivated hillslopes, followed by the terraced hillslope, and the least for the vegetated hillslope. Sediment production increased in the following order: top>upper>lower>middle for the cultivated hillslope, and top>lower>upper>middle for the terraced hillslope. The mean value of sediment production declined by 49% for the terraced hillslope and by 80% for the vegetated hillslope compared with the cultivated hillslope. Vegetated gully slope reduced the sediment production by 38% compared with the cultivated gully slope. These data demonstrate the effectiveness of terracing and perennial vegetation cover in controlling sediment delivery at a hillslope scale. Averaged 137Cs activities and 210Pb/137Cs ratios in the 0–5 cm surface soil (2.22–4.70 Bq kg−1 and 20.70–22.07, respectively) and in the 5–30 cm subsoil (2.60 Bq kg−1 and 28.57, respectively) on the cultivated hills and gully slopes were close to those of the deposited sediment in the reservoir (3.37 Bq kg−1 and 29.08, respectively). These results suggest that the main sediment sources in the catchment were from the surface soil and subsoil on the cultivated slopes, and that gully erosion is the dominant water erosion process contributing sediment in the study area. Changes in land use types can greatly affect sediment production from gully erosion. An increase in grassland and forestland by 42%, and a corresponding decrease in farmland by 46%, reduced sediment production by 31% in the catchment.  相似文献   

Sediment budgets have been established for two small (<4 km2), lowland, agricultural catchments, by using 137Cs measurements, sediment source fingerprinting and more traditional monitoring techniques to quantify the individual components of the budget. The gross and net erosion rates for the fields on the catchment slopes were estimated using 137Cs measurements within selected fields, which encompassed a representative range of slope angles, slope lengths and land use. These estimates were extrapolated over the entire catchment, using a simple topographically driven soil erosion model (Terrain-Based GIS, TBGIS) superimposed on a DEM, to derive catchment average gross and net erosion rates. Suspended sediment yields were measured at the catchment outlets and sediment source fingerprinting techniques were used to establish the relative contributions from the catchment surface, subsurface tile drains and eroding channel banks to the sediment yields. In-channel and wetland storage were quantified using both direct measurements and 137Cs measurements. The sediment budgets established for the catchments highlighted the importance of subsurface tile drains as a pathway for sediment transfer, accounting for ca. 60% and 30% of the sediment output from the two catchments. Erosion from channel banks contributed ca. 10% and 6% of the sediment output from the two catchments. Although the suspended sediment yields from these catchments were considered high by UK standards (ca. 90 t km−2 year−1), the sediment delivery ratios ranged between 14% and 27%, indicating that a major proportion of the mobilised sediment was stored within the catchments. In-field and field-to-channel storage were shown to be of similar magnitude, but storage of sediment in the channel system and associated wetlands was relatively small, representing <5% of the annual suspended sediment yield.  相似文献   

Glomalin concentrations of extra-radical arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) hyphae were estimated by deploying hyphal in-growth cores containing glomalin-free sand in field soils in a tropical forest and in pot cultures. In field soils, glomalin was 0.044±0.013 μg m−1 hyphae. In pot cultures glomalin concentrations were lower (range 0.0068-0.036 μg m−1), and varied significantly among species. Using this technique, preliminary estimates of extraradical AM hyphal production on Inceptisols were 1.91 Mg ha−1yr−1 and on Oxisol were 1.47 Mg ha−1 yr−1, but they could range between 0.9-5.7 Mg ha−1 yr−1. These rates of hyphal production are approximately 10% (range 5-33%) of estimated above ground primary production of the forest.  相似文献   

Sediment tracers were used to quantify erosion from cultivated fields and identify major source areas of channel bottom sediment within the Wildhorse Creek drainage, an intensively cropped tributary of the Umatilla River in northeastern Oregon, USA. Available data indicated that Wildhorse Creek was one of the largest sediment yielding tributaries of the Umatilla River. Carbon, nitrogen and the nuclear bomb‐derived radionuclide 137Cs were used as tracers to fingerprint sediment sources. Sediment was collected from the stream bottom and active floodplain and compared to samples from cultivated fields and channel banks. Samples were characterized on the basis of tracer concentrations and a simple mixing model was used to estimate the relative portion of bottom sediment derived from cultivated surface and channel banks. The results indicate that the amount of bottom sediment derived from cultivated surface sources was less than 26 per cent for the 1998 winter season, although this estimate has a high margin of error. Cesium‐137 was also used to estimate surface erosion from three cultivated fields in the watershed. Annual estimates of erosion since 1963 from the three sampled fields were from 3 to 7ċ5 t ha−1 yr−1. For the 1998 season, it appears that most channel‐bottom sediment was of subsurface origin with much of it likely coming from channel and gully banks indicating that significant reductions in sediment in Wildhorse Creek might be accomplished by the stabilization of eroding riparian areas and swales on the lower slopes of agricultural fields. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After the 1998 North 25 Fire in the Wenatchee National Forest, eight study sites were established on steep, severely burned hillslopes to examine the effectiveness of postfire seeding and fertilizing treatments in increasing cover to reduce hillslope erosion, and to measure the nutrient content of the eroded sediment. At each site, four 4 by 9 m plots were located with four randomly applied treatments: seed (winter wheat, Triticum estivum) at 34 kg ha− 1, fertilizer (75% ammonium nitrate and 25% ammonium sulfate) at 31 kg ha− 1, seed and fertilizer, and untreated control. Sediment fences were installed at the base of each plot to measure erosion rates and sample the eroded sediments. In addition, precipitation amounts and intensities, surface cover, canopy cover, and nutrient concentrations in the eroded sediments were measured for four years after the fire. Total precipitation was below average during the four-year study period, and most erosion occurred during short duration, moderate intensity summer rainfall events. The overall first year mean erosion rate was 16 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1, and this decreased significantly in the second year to 0.66 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1. There were no significant differences in erosion rates between treatments. In the first year, the seeded winter wheat provided 4.5% canopy cover, about a fourth of the total canopy cover, on the seeded plots; however, the total canopy cover on the seeded plots did not differ from the unseeded plots. The below average precipitation in the spring after seeding may have affected the winter wheat survival rate. In the fourth year of the study, the mean canopy cover in the fertilization treatment plots was 74%, and this was greater than the 55% mean canopy cover in the unfertilized plots (p = 0.04); however, there was no accompanying reduction in erosion rate for either the seeding or fertilization treatments. Revegetation by naturally occurring species was apparently not impacted by seeding during the four years of this study. The pH of the sediment as well as the concentrations of NO3–N, NH4–N, and K was not affected by seeding or fertilizing. The nutrient loads in the eroded sediment were minimal, with most of the nutrient loss occurring in the first postfire year. These results confirm that seeding success is highly dependent on rainfall intensity, amounts, and timing, and that soil nutrients lost in eroded sediments are unlikely to impair the site productivity.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Pan‐European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (pesera ) model was evaluated using existing soil erosion data collected under various types of climate, vegetation, landscape and soil conditions. The data used represent a variety of typical Mediterranean land uses such as winter wheat, vines, olives and bare, stony land prevailing in hilly areas. Using this data, the model was calibrated for sediment transport by overland flow and results compared to measured soil erosion values from runoff plots and a watershed on a monthly basis. The performance of the model was assessed statistically, showing that it can be satisfactorily used for predicting soil erosion rates under the conditions included in the study. The overall model estimate including all the available experimental data was 0.69 t ha?1 yr?1 with a maximum error of 1.49 t ha?1 yr?1. After validation, the model was applied to a small watershed (60 ha) of great ecological importance for the sea turtle Caretta caretta. For this purpose, soil and vegetation maps were compiled from all the necessary data for applying the model. The model was run for three years using daily data from an existing nearby meteorological station. The predicted and measured soil erosion rates for a 7‐month period were 0.31 t and 0.18 t, respectively. Application of the model to each mapping unit showed the over‐riding importance of land use for sediment generation under the given climatic conditions. Bare land, occupying 5.5% of the watershed area, generated up to 69% of the total sediments estimated for the watershed. It is concluded that the pesera model can be used as a regional diagnostic tool under a range of soil, topographic and climatic conditions for identifying the best land use type and vegetation cover to protect hilly areas from soil erosion. The calculated overall root mean square error for the model is 0.06 t ha?1 yr?1, compared to a soil erosion rate of 0.04 t ha?1 yr?1, which can be tolerated for protecting the area for the sea turtle.  相似文献   

Cesium and soil carbon in a small agricultural watershed   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Scientific, political, and social interests have developed recently in the concept of using agricultural soils to sequester carbon. Studies supporting this concept indicate that soil erosion and subsequent redeposition of eroded soils in the same field may establish an ecosystem disequilibrium that promotes the buildup of carbon on agricultural landscapes. The problem is to determine the patterns of soil erosion and redeposition on the landscape and to relate these to soil carbon patterns. Radioactive 137cesium (137Cs) can be used to estimate soil erosion patterns and, more importantly, redeposition patterns at the field level. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between 137Cs, soil erosion, and soil carbon patterns on a small agricultural watershed. Profiles of soils from an upland area and soils in an adjacent riparian system were collected in 5 cm increments and the concentrations of 137Cs and carbon were determined. 137Cs and carbon were uniformly mixed in the upper 15–20 cm of upland soils. 137Cs (Bq g−1) and carbon (%) in the upland soils were significantly correlated (r2=0.66). Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer was higher (1.4±0.3%) in areas of soil deposition than carbon content (1.1±0.3%) in areas of soil erosion as determined by the 137Cs technique. These data suggest that measurements of 137Cs in the soils can be useful for understanding carbon distribution patterns in surface soil. Carbon content of the upland soils ranged from 0.5 to 1.9% with an average of 1.2±0.4% in the 0–20 cm layer while carbon below this upper tilled layer (20–30 cm) ranged from 0.2 to 1.5% with an average of 0.5±0.3%. Total carbon was 2.66 and 3.20 kg m−2 in the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the upland soils, respectively. Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer in the riparian system ranged from 1.1 to 67.0% with an average 11.7±17.1%. Carbon content below 20 cm ranged from 1.8 to 79.3% with an average of 18.3±17.5%. Soil carbon in the upper 20 cm of the riparian profile was 10.1 and 15.0 kg m−2 in the upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles. This is an increase of organic carbon by a factor of 3.8 and 4.7 for the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles, respectively, when compared to the upland soil profiles.  相似文献   

The principal objective of this investigation was to quantify erosion rates for five agricultural fields in three separate study areas in Saskatchewan. The radionuclide tracer caesium-137 (137Cs) was used to quantify net erosion and net deposition within the landscape over a 30-year period. Uneroded (native) sites were used to establish the mean background level of 137Cs in each of the study areas. The assumption being that agricultural sites with 137Cs areal activities greater than the native site were subject to deposition, and sites with 137Cs less than the native control site were subject to erosion. A linear proportionality model was used to convert the loss or gain of 137Cs to net soil erosion or deposition. Results have indicated that accelerated (anthropogenic) erosion has been commonplace on arable land in Saskatchewan, even on near-level fields (< 1.3 degrees). The net integrated sediment output from the five agricultural fields ranged from — 0.6 t th−1 y−1 to — 6.8 t ha−1 y−1 (where negative values represent erosion). What is more alarming is that between 40 and 75 per cent of all sites sampled within individual fields had erosion rates in excess of the generally accepted rate of soil formation (1.0 t ha−1 y−1). Also, in one highly eroded field (Crystal Springs medium sloping site) 65 per cent of the sites sampled exceeded the upper tolerable erosion rate of 11.0 t ha−1 y−1. These results indicate significant degradation of the non-renewable soil resource has occurred over the past 30 years and is still presently active. Land degradation by accelerated erosion would result in reductions in effective rooting depth, soil moisture holding capacity, essential nutrient stores, and would adversely effect the physical structure of the topsoil. The major reason for accelerated erosion on arable land in Saskatchewan is the practice of summer fallowing, where the field is left in a ‘bare’ state and repeatedly tilled every second or third year. During a fallow period, or prior to crop emergence during a cropping year, fields are subject to wind and water erosion. On near-level fields wind would be the dominant transport agent, while on sloping fields inter-rill and rill erosion would be the primary forces of erosion. It is suggested that the appropriate conservation farming response would be to increase application of surface mulches and possibly to decrease the frequency of summer fallowing. Without such efforts long-term sustainable agricultural production in the Prairies of Canada is considered to be a tenuous land use practice.  相似文献   

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