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Regional economists in search of data by state usually turn first to Washington. There they are generously served in the tasteful surroundings of the U.S. Department of Commerce. Sometimes they come away hungry, however. Two data consumers at the Graduate School of Management, UCLA, believe that a gross state product series should be added to the menu. They are respectively Lecturer in Business Economics and Professor of Business Economics and Statistics. Dr. Williams is also Director of the UCLA Business Forecasting Project.  相似文献   

文莱达鲁萨兰国水稻生产现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正>文莱达鲁萨兰国(文莱)位于东南亚(115°E、5°N)加里曼丹岛北部,北濒南中国海,东南西三面与马来西亚沙捞越州接壤,并被沙捞越州分隔成不相连的东西两部分。国土面积仅5765km2,被誉为"袖珍之国",海岸线长约161km,沿海为平原,内地多山地,有33个岛  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Using Washington State Department of Revenue and Employment Security Department data, this article uses non‐parametric duration analysis to examine the nine‐year time path of rural firm survival and hazard rates. The focus is on a cohort of rural firms that started operations in 1992; the cohort is followed up to the year 2000. Survival rates are estimated by using standard non‐parametric (life‐table) duration analysis. Using straightforward statistical tests, the study finds evidence that survival rates are statistically higher for firms that start as employers and for firms in the natural resource and service‐based sectors.  相似文献   

With an increasingly assertive China and the intensifying influence of the Sinocentre, Chinese overseas who have access to Chineseness can exercise their agentic power in using their cultural capital for economic gains. Beijing has recognised the potential for diasporic Chinese entrepreneurs to contribute to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) given their influence in Southeast Asia's economy. Correspondingly, these entrepreneurs hail the BRI as a strategic opportunity for them to turn their cultural capital into fiscal capital. Considering the increased global connectivity and new Chinese migration geographies led by the BRI, this article examines the case of Chinese business associations in Brunei Darussalam. The heterogenous responses of these ethnic Chinese and their associations to China and the BRI attest to the multiplicity and contestations of Chineseness based on different migration histories and sentiments to their ancestral land. We focus on the dynamics between the old Chinese Bruneian business elites and the more recent Chinese business migrants from Malaysia and China. An investigation of the cultural and economic politics within the Chinese Bruneian business community will provide insights into the modality of Chineseness as an economic asset that can be tactically used by diasporic Chinese entrepreneurs to maintain their social position and to respond to China's economic rise.  相似文献   

秸秆肥料化生产的现状、问题及发展前景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为解决因秸秆资源浪费和不合理利用等带来的环境污染以及农业生产中有机肥大量需求等问题,开展此项研究。通过查阅大量的相关文献,并结合实践经验,掌握了翔实的有关秸秆肥料化生产的资料。主要阐述了中国的秸秆资源量,秸秆生产有机肥、有机无机复混肥的现有工艺技术,以及相关企业的发展现状等,提出秸秆本身性质、有机肥生产过程调控不易、原材料成本较高和社会激励制度建设滞后等是当前制约秸秆肥料化生产的主要问题所在,指出相关企业进行更先进的技术工艺研究以及相关部门尽快出台激励、支持政策,是目前促进秸秆肥料化生产大发展的关键。  相似文献   

核桃果实中酚类物质含量变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用分光光度法测定并分析了晚实光皮绵核桃和地方特异性品种白水核桃在其果实生长发育阶段的青皮和种皮内酚类物质含量。结果表明:①核桃果实中酚类物质的含量是很高的;②光皮绵核桃和白水核桃两品种的种皮和青皮内果实酚类物质含量存在显著差异;③在核桃果实中酚类物质的含量多少在一定程度上影响核桃果实的品质。  相似文献   

Shoal wetland and riverfront greening are important contents of afforestation for flood control,in addition to increasing shoal wetland biodiversity and waterscapes,they can also restore and improve coastal ecological environment,and broaden the green area on the plain effectively. Through analyzing problems of shoal wetland and riverfront greening in Zhejiang Province,this paper took successful cases for example to propose the ideas for implementing plain greening effectively,such as afforestation for flood control,landscaping construction is an ecological infrastructure project,plan wetland greening according to actual conditions,promote wetland greening by enhancing the cooperation among relevant departments,adopt multiple measures to enhance riverfront greening.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区小流域横断面土壤水分的空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以黄土丘陵区的纸坊沟小流域为研究对象,研究了横断面上土壤水分空间变化特征,得出如下规律:①从总体来看,土壤水分含量大致是阴坡高于阳坡,坡下高于坡上,地形起着决定性作用,但植被的影响也非常重要。②在小流域断面水分分布中,乔木林地的平均含水量最低,灌木林次之,草本植被最高。表明丘陵区最适宜的植被应是草本植被和灌木群落。③植被的生长弱化了断面地形变化的影响,刺槐的阴阳坡、上下坡的土壤水分含量趋于接近,柠条的生长良好时的大耗水量也使阴坡和坡下的水分优势减弱,长势良好的草本群落使梁峁坡上的土壤水分状况优于其他坡位。④纸坊沟小流域除阴坡草本植被外,全部有土壤干层的存在,但并不影响植被的正常生长,因此,在植被恢复良好的地区,干层的产生是正常的。  相似文献   

分析城市周边(以贵阳市某区为例)蔬菜规模化种植农药残留情况及其质量安全状况。本文利用气相色谱对贵阳市某区7个蔬菜基地有机磷、有机氯和菊酯类17种农药残留进行定量检测分析,采用食品安全指数对蔬菜安全进行风险分析。结果表明:该地区均有3种农药(百菌清、甲氰菊酯、毒死蜱)在蔬菜样品中被不同程度检出,平均检出率为6.63%,百菌清的检出率最高(9.84%)、甲氰菊酯(8.2%)的检出率次之、毒死蜱(1.83%)的检出率最低,检出的农药除毒死蜱不做判定之外其余的两种农药残留均未超标。一至四季度蔬菜样品中农药残留检出率三季度最高(15.68%),四季度次之(15%),将被检的109个蔬菜样品按照6个大类进行分析,不同种类蔬菜农残检出率依次为:豆类蔬菜(33.34%)>茄类(21.43%)>瓜果类(17.06%)>叶菜类(3.13%)。所检蔬菜样品的$\bar{IFS}$值<<1,2017年农药对该地区7个蔬菜基地均没有影响,蔬菜农药残留检出率级别均属安全,可为消费者所接受。该研究为当地的农业生产质量安全提供了理论数据,保证了当地居民的健康饮食。  相似文献   

保护性耕作是国际农业可持续发展的重要支撑技术。但目前该技术类型种类繁多且零散、规范性差,限制了其大面积的推广应用。因此,亟需根据不同区域的自然、社会、经济条件来研究不同技术的空间适应性和布局,制定区域保护性耕作技术区划,为区域保护性耕作技术的推广应用提供科学支撑。基于以往对保护性耕作(以免耕为例)的研究成果,综合分析了免耕与自然环境以及社会经济环境之间的内在联系,利用层次分析法提出了免耕区划的指标体系,对免耕这项保护性耕作技术的适宜性区划进行了初步探讨,以期能够抛砖引玉,为保护性耕作技术区划的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

新疆兵团农业知识产权保护现状及问题分析进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了对新疆兵团农业知识产权进行更为有效的保护和管理.运用调查访谈的方式,对兵团农业知识产权保护现状与存在问题进行了研究.结果表明:兵团农业知识产权保护水平显著提高,但仍存在农业知识产权创造数量少、质量低,农业知识产权运用难,农业知识产权保护体系不健全、缺乏激励机制等问题.通过明确兵团现代农业知识产权保护战略、健全农业知识产权制度保障措施、加大农业知识产权执法力度、推动知识产权服务保障体系建设、加强人才队伍建设等措施,能有效解决上述问题,促进新疆兵团农业知识产权事业健康发展.  相似文献   

According to the requirements of the national rural revitalization strategy and the construction of new countryside, the current situation of rural construction in Luocun Town, Zichuan District, Zibo City was taken as the entry point, the problems occurred in the local revitalization and construction were analyzed, and corresponding improvement measures were put forward.  相似文献   

The states, in their taxing and regulating activities, are in contact with a rich lode of information which could be of immense value to them in their efforts to achieve more rapid economic development. Two University of Tennessee regionalists are concerned that in many states this valuable resource is neither exploited nor conserved. Dean Cotham is Director of Executive Programs and Dr. Quindry is Research Professor at the Center for Business and Economic Research, both in the College of Business Administration.  相似文献   

New urbanization targets at coordinated urban-rural development, and construction of ecological and livable environment, it is the foundation for breaking urban-rural dual structure of China and promoting the agricultural modernization. Small cities and towns as carriers of new urbanization have already become important paths of realizing new urbanization and solving problems concerning 300 million peasants in China. Considering the requirements of new urbanization, this paper took Luzhou City in Sichuan Province for example to explore development path suitable for small cities and towns in west China and gave pertinent suggestions.  相似文献   

A necessary and sufficient condition and some sufficient conditions concerning the convergence of a 2-block AOR method for large-scaled least-square problems are given. It is shown that, by appropriately selecting parameters, the 2-block AOR method is always convergent and the theorem in [3] is only a corollary of this paper.  相似文献   

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