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The prevalence, mode of inheritance and urinalysis findings in Bull Terriers with polycystic kidney disease were assessed by screening 150 clinically normal dogs. The disorder was diagnosed in 39 dogs on the basis of renal ultrasound results and family history of the disease. In equivocal cases confirmation required gross and histopathological renal examination. Necropsy was performed on nine affected dogs and the kidneys from another five affected animals were also examined. Renal cysts were usually bilateral, occurred in cortex and medulla and varied from less than 1 mm to over 2.5 cm in diameter. Cysts were lined by epithelial cells of nephron origin. Abnormal urine sediment and proteinuria were common in affected dogs. The disease appears to be inherited in a highly penetrant autosomal dominant manner.  相似文献   

Polycystic kidney disease was observed in eight related bull terriers. Two dogs died suddenly, two were presented for haematuria, while the remainder were outwardly normal but detected during ultrasonographic screening programmes. A definitive diagnosis was made at either necropsy or using renal ultrasonography, although affected dogs also had abnormal urinalyses with haematuria, proteinuria, cast formation and sometimes bacterial infection. Valvular heart disease was detected clinically or at necropsy in all the affected dogs. The presence of polycystic kidney disease in several related dogs suggests that this condition is familial. The disease has clinical and pathological similarities with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease of humans.  相似文献   

Chronic renal failure was diagnosed in 15 Bull terrier dogs. The dogs ranged in age from one to 8 years. History and clinical findings typically included lethargy, anorexia, polyuria, polydipsia and weight loss. Affected dogs were azotaemic, had elevated serum phosphate and cholesterol, and proteinuria was apparent in all dogs tested (13/13). The concentration of urine was consistently in the nil to minimally concentrated range (specific gravities 1.011-1.017). In those dogs necropsied, both kidneys were approximately two-thirds normal size, tough in consistency, with a pale cortex and a finely nodular capsular surface. Histologically, there was marked nephron loss, diffuse interstitial fibrosis and focal dense radial fibrosis which was especially evident in the renal medulla. Tubular dilation was widespread with focal mineralisation of tubular epithelium and adjacent basement membranes. Glomeruli were often shrunken and segmentally fibrotic. Some Bowman's spaces were extremely dilated. Many less severely affected glomeruli had thickened basement membranes.  相似文献   

To predict the fertility of frozen-thawed bull spermatozoa, a sperm penetration assay (SPA) using zona-free hamster oocytes was optimized, and the assay results were compared with data from field fertility expressed as the non-return rate (NRR). To increase sperm penetration, the spermatozoa were pre-incubated and coincubated with oocytes in media containing various concentrations of heparin (0 to 50 μg/ml). Coincubation with 10 μg/ml heparin showed the highest sperm penetration (P<0.05); it is considered to be the optimized SPA method. Sperm fertility index values obtained from WSPA were significantly correlated with the historic average NRR of 46 bulls (P<0.01). To determine the normal range for SPA, we established the lower limits of the sperm fertility index and set the cut-off value at 2.55, at which point the NRR was more than 70%, using the receiver operating characteristic curve. The overall accuracy for the 46 bulls was 95.7% (44/46) for both the low and high NRR, with a sensitivity of 95.5% (21/22) and a specificity of 95.8%. This protocol would make it easier to discriminate bulls according to their sperm fertilizing ability.  相似文献   

In 12 cases of lethal acrodermatitis (LAD), four sampling techniques (brush, swab, scrape and adhesive tape strip) were used to study the distribution of yeasts in various body sites and these results were compared with those from five cases of atopic dermatitis and those of 10 normal dogs. Malassezia was frequently isolated from lesional and non-lesional skin and haircoat, footpads, nails and mucous membranes from dogs with either LAD or atopic dermatitis, although, generally, more Malassezia organisms were isolated from LAD cases. In normal dogs, Malassezia was most frequently recovered from the ear canal and the perianal skin. Candida was isolated frequently from dogs with LAD, but only a single isolate of this yeast was found in the other two groups. Fungal hyphae and pseudohyphae, probably Candida albicans, could be detected in samples collected from the nails and footpads of dogs with LAD. Both Malassezia and Candida could be isolated using all four sampling techniques. The MacKenzie (toothbrush) technique and adhesive tape strip cultures proved simple methods for the semiquantitative evaluation of yeasts. The high recovery rate of Malassezia and Candida from dogs with LAD is probably related to immune dysfunction, particularly T-cell dysfunction, known to be present in these dogs. C albicans infection may in part be responsible for the pathogenic changes of the nails and footpads commonly seen in cases of LAD.  相似文献   

An entire female English bull terrier, aged five years and one month, was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease by renal ultrasonography. It had thickening and abnormal motion of the mitral valve on 2D and M mode echocardiography, and left ventricular outflow tract obstruction, characterised by turbulence in the left ventricular outflow tract and elevated aortic blood flow velocity, detected by colour flow and spectral Doppler echocardiography, respectively. Two years later, haematology, serum biochemistry and urinalysis data suggested the presence of compensated renal failure. The dog was euthanased at 10 years and eight months of age, with haematology, serum biochemistry and urinalysis data Indicating decompensated chronic renal failure. Postmortem examination confirmed polycystic kidney disease, chronic renal disease, mitral and aortic valvular myxomatous degeneration, and mixed mammary neoplasia. This case demonstrates that bull terriers with polycystic kidney disease may develop associated chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

Lethal acrodermatitis (LAD) is a genetically determined metabolic disease of bull terriers first described in the USA in the 1980s. In this study, the largest so far reported, 28 bull terriers born in the UK were diagnosed as suffering from LAD, and the clinical findings and the progression of the disease with time are described. The main characteristics of LAD are stunting, splayed digits, eating difficulties, skin disease of the face and feet, and increased susceptibility to microbial infections. In older dogs, paronychia, nail disease and hyperkeratosis of the footpads develops, becoming severe in dogs over six months of age. A diagnosis of LAD can be strongly suspected in any bull terrier showing a combination of the aforementioned signs from an early age. Dermatohistopathological demonstration of marked parakeratotic hyperkeratosis is strongly supportive of the diagnosis of LAD and, in association with the typical clinical findings, is sufficient to confirm a diagnosis. Although many of the clinical signs and the pathology of this condition suggest zinc deficiency, the measurement of blood zinc levels as a diagnostic aid is of limited value.  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) complex causes considerable distress to domestic livestock and economic hardship to the beef industry. Furthermore, the resulting extensive use of antimicrobial treatments is a growing concern from the perspective of facilitating antibiotic resistant microbes. The earlier detection of BRD would enable an earlier, more targeted treatment regime and earlier isolation of infected individuals. The objective of the present study was to investigate the use of non-invasive infrared thermography in the early detection of BRD in cattle. Studies were conducted on 133 head of weaned calves. Data demonstrated that infrared thermography was able to identify animals at early stages of illness, often several days to over one week before clinical signs were manifest. Data indicated that 4-6 days prior to the onset of clinical symptoms of BRD, greater positive and negative predictive values and test efficiency for infrared thermography (80%, 65% and 71%, respectively) compared to the industry standard practice of clinical scoring (70%, 45% and 55%, respectively).  相似文献   

Stray dogs (n=359) and kennel dogs (n=149) from North Carolina were tested for evidence of antiBabesia antibodies. AntiBabesia antibodies were detected in 21/359 and 22/149 of the stray and kennel dogs, respectively. A total of 57 dogs from both groups were tested for babesiasis by light microscopy and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Babesia deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was detected in 3/28 of the stray dogs and 14/29 of the kennel dogs. When Babesia DNA was detected by PCR, the species-specific PCR results differed from the Babesia species antibody titer results in 6/17 of the PCR-positive dogs. There was no association between antiBabesia antibodies and the presence of ticks. There are currently Babesia gibsoni epizootics affecting American pit bull terrier kennels.  相似文献   

Serum bile acids as an indicator of liver disease in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Total serum bile acids were determined in 62 dogs with different primary or secondary liver diseases, using 3α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase coupled to nitrobluetetrazolium in a centrifugal analyzer. A reaction time of 4 min was sufficient, yielding a within run coefficient of variation of 7% at 6 µmol/1 and 3% at 27 µmol/1. A reference range of 0–4.4 µmol/1 2 h post prandially was observed. The sensitivity of bile acids as a liver function test was superior to that of alanine and aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyltransferase and combinations of two of these. The bile acids test detected 36 of 39 patients with a morphological or clinical liver diagnosis. For dogs with heart failure the bile acids test was a markedly more sensitive indicator of secondary liver involvement than alanine aminotransferase or alkaline phosphatase. For secondary liver affections associated with pyometra or epilepsy medication the opposite was the case. Bile acid values in the pooled patient material was not correlated to any of the 4 enzymes measured. For cirrhosis there was positive correlation, however, with the amino transferase values.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the renal lesions in Bull Terrier polycystic kidney disease (BTPKD), to confirm that the renal cysts in BTPKD arise from the nephron or collecting tubule, and to identify lesions consistent with concurrent BTPKD and Bull Terrier hereditary nephritis (BTHN). DESIGN: Renal tissue from five Bull Terriers with BTPKD and eight control dogs was examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Clinical data were collected from all dogs, and family history of BTPKD and BTHN for all Bull Terriers. RESULTS: In BTPKD the renal cysts were lined by epithelial cells of nephron or collecting duct origin that were usually squamous or cuboidal, with few organelles. They had normal junctional complexes, and basal laminae of varying thicknesses. Glomeruli with small, atrophic tufts and dilated Bowman's capsules, tubular loss and dilation, and interstitial inflammation and fibrosis were common. Whereas the lesions seen in BTHN by light microscope were nonspecific, the presence of characteristic ultrastructural glomerular basement membrane (GMB) lesions and a family history of this disease indicated concurrent BTHN was likely in three of five cases of BTPKD. CONCLUSION: This paper provides evidence that renal cysts in BTPKD are of nephron or collecting duct origin. In addition, GBM lesions are described that strongly suggest that BTPKD and BTHN may occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

Twenty-three dogs with heart failure were evaluated in a 12-month study by measuring baseline plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) concentrations. Ten dogs were classified as having mild to moderate cardiac disease (group 1) and 13 dogs were classified as having severe cardiac disease (group 2). The mean plasma ANP concentration for the group 1 dogs was 64 +/- 45 pg/mL and for the group 2 dogs, 328 +/- 122 pg/mL. The median survival time (1,095 d) for group 1 dogs was significantly greater (P < 0.05) than for group 2 dogs (58 d). A significantly (P < 0.05) greater median survival was noted for dogs with plasma ANP < 95 pg/mL (1095 d) compared with those with ANP > 95 pg/mL (58 d). Plasma ANP concentrations are a potential noninvasive predictor of survival in dogs with heart failure.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of renal failure has been reported in bull terriers in Australia. The pattern of inheritance was analysed in a family of 33 bull terriers in which 10 dogs had renal disease manifested by proteinuria, ultrastructural abnormalities in the glomerular basement membrane, renal failure, or 'end stage' kidneys. The presence of at least one affected parent for each affected offspring, the approximately equal male/female ratio and the apparent absence of 'generation-skipping', strongly supported an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, assuming a fully penetrant single major gene locus. Further evidence was not compatible with either an autosomal recessive or X-linked inheritance pattern. This contrasts with the X-linked inheritance shown in Alport's-type human hereditary nephritis and hereditary glomerulopathy in the samoyeds. Hereditary nephritis in the bull terrier should be a useful model for non-Alport's-type human hereditary nephritis, which is also reported to have an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern.  相似文献   

New form of X-linked dominant hereditary nephritis in dogs   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To determine features of a new form of hereditary nephritis (HN) in dogs. ANIMALS: Parents and 16 first-generation offspring (8 males, 8 females). PROCEDURE: Adolescent dogs that developed renal failure were euthanatized and necropsied. Unaffected dogs were monitored until they were at least 2 years old. Studies included light and electron microscopy of kidneys obtained from affected and unaffected dogs and immunolabeling for collagen-IV chains in renal and epidermal basement membranes (BM). The nucleotide sequence of a portion of exon 35 of the COL4A5 gene was determined in genomic DNA isolated from affected and unaffected males. RESULTS: 7 of 8 male and 2 of 8 female offspring had proteinuria and juvenile-onset chronic renal failure, which progressed more rapidly in the males. Labeling for alpha3-alpha6(IV) chains was completely absent in renal BM of affected males and segmentally absent in affected females. Expression of alpha1-alpha2(IV) chains in glomerular BM (GBM) of affected dogs was increased. Labeling for alpha5-alpha6(IV) chains in epidermal BM was absent in affected males and segmental in affected females. Ultrastructural changes characteristic of HN were observed in GBM of affected dogs. The sequence of exon 35 of COL4A5 was normal in affected dogs. CONCLUSIONS: This renal disease is an example of X-linked dominant HN, with typical abnormalities of GBM ultrastructure and alpha(IV) chain expression. CLINICAL RELEVANCE AND IMPLICATIONS FOR HUMAN MEDICINE: Dogs with this naturally acquired progressive renal disease can be used to investigate the pathogenesis and treatment of similar disorders in human beings and dogs.  相似文献   

A hereditary cerebellar degenerative disorder has emerged in Scottish Terriers. The aims of this study were to describe and quantify polyglucosan body accumulation and quantify Purkinje neurons in the cerebellum of affected and control dogs. The brains of 6 affected Scottish Terriers ranging in age from 8 to 15 years and 8 age-matched control dogs were examined histopathologically. Counts of Purkinje neurons and polyglucosan bodies were performed in control and affected dogs on cerebellar sections stained with periodic acid-Schiff. Affected dogs showed a significant loss of Purkinje neurons compared with control dogs (vermis: P < .0001; hemisphere: P = .0104). The degeneration was significantly more pronounced dorsally than ventrally (P < .0001). There were significantly more polyglucosan bodies in the ventral half of the vermis when compared with the dorsal half (P < .0001) in affected dogs. In addition, there were more polyglucosan bodies in the ventral half of the vermis in affected dogs than in control dogs (P = .0005). Polyglucosan bodies in all affected dogs stained positively with toluidine blue and alcian blue. Immunohistochemically, polyglucosan bodies in affected dogs were positive for neurofilament 200 kD and ubiquitin and negative for glial fibrillary acidic protein, synaptophysin, neurospecific enolase, vimentin, and S100; the bodies were negative for all antigens in control dogs. Ultrastructurally, polyglucosan bodies in 1 affected dog were non-membrane-bound, amorphous structures with a dense core. This study demonstrates significant Purkinje cell loss and increased polyglucosan bodies in the cerebellum of affected Scottish Terriers.  相似文献   

Background: Hyperthyroid cats are at risk of developing azotemic chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diagnostic tools currently used to screen for CKD in hyperthyroid cats are either unreliable or impractical.
Hypothesis: Urine N -acetyl-β- d -glucosaminidase index (NAGi) is a good biomarker for azotemic CKD in hyperthyroid cats.
Animals: Twenty-four newly diagnosed nonazotemic hyperthyroid cats and 10 healthy cats.
Methods: All cats were evaluated for hyperthyroidism at baseline. Hyperthyroid cats were treated with methimazole and reevaluated once euthyroid. At the end of the study, cats were divided into 3 groups: healthy cats, nonazotemic, and azotemic euthyroid cats. Baseline group characteristics were compared to predict azotemic CKD. The influence of treatment on NAGi was evaluated.
Results: Baseline NAGi was significantly different among groups ( P = .004). Azotemic cats had a higher median value (13.12 U/g) when compared with healthy cats (1.38 U/g). With NAGi >2.76 U/g, negative and positive predictive values for development of azotemia were 77.7 and 50%, whereas the combination of a urine specific gravity (USG) ≤1.035 and T4 >7.80 μg/dL enhanced predictive values to 88.9 and 83.3%, respectively. NAGi values decreased significantly over time in treated nonazotemic cats.
Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Baseline NAGi did not differentiate azotemic from nonazotemic euthyroid cats. NAGi could be used to assess renal function during medical therapy allowing the clinician to adjust methimazole dosage accordingly. The combination of USG and T4 could optimize identification of appropriate candidates for permanent treatment of hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

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