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Three types of raised perforated floor were compared with floor-level concrete which had perforated flooring at the rear. Piglets on raised perforated floors grew faster (P less than 0.05) to 21 days than pigs on mainly solid floors (205 g/day and 198 g/day, respectively). The mortality in the first 21 days of all pigs born did not differ between raised (18.4 per cent) and mainly solid floors (18.7 per cent) and there were no effects of individual floor types on overall survival or on deaths due to crushing. The incidence of diarrhoea was not significantly less on raised than on solid floors (27 per cent and 34 per cent of litters, respectively) but antibiotic treatment time was shortened (0.9 days and 1.2 days, P less than 0.05). The incidence of splayleg was highest on fibreglass slats. Concrete floors caused most knee abrasions but the incidence of arthritis was unaffected. Approximately twice as many sows on mainly solid floors went off their feed or had a high rectal temperature compared with sows on raised perforated floors. No differences were observed between narrow or A-frame farrowing crates.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed sow and litter performance when design features of farrowing huts varied. A fender is a structure that extends out the front of the hut to create a veranda that prevents young piglets from leaving. In Exp. 1, 206 lactating sows and their litters were used to assess litter performance and the time required to process litters for two fender designs (short wooden [WS] vs. tall metal with a board front [MT-b]) and insulation status (insulated [IN] vs. uninsulated [UN]) farrowing huts. A significant fender x insulation interaction was observed for total litter weaning weight. Lighter litters weaned (P = 0.013) from WS fenders with UN huts compared with the other treatments. Fender design did not (P > 0.05) influence the time required to process a litter with one stockperson. Less total time (P = 0.001) was required to process a litter when two people were present (10.60 +/- 0.74 min) compared with one stockperson (14.52 +/- 0.74 min). There were no (P > 0.05) differences between IN and UN huts for temperature and relative humidity measurements. In Exp. 2, 331 lactating sows and their litters were used to determine sow and litter performance when using one of two fender front designs (boards [MT-b] vs. roller [MT-r]). The front design of the fender did not influence (P > 0.05) most litter performance measures. We conclude that fender design, fender fronts, and insulation effects did not have large influences on sow and litter performance in a West Texas environment.  相似文献   

Our objective was to study the effects of housing conditions and the amount of boar contact in a protocol for estrus detection on estrus detection rate, timing of onset of estrus, duration of estrus, and timing of ovulation. After weaning, 130 multiparous sows were assigned to three treatments: HI, in which 52 sows were housed individually in crates and received a high amount of boar contact during estrus detection; HG, in which 52 sows were housed in groups and received a high amount of boar contact; and NI, in which 26 sows were housed individually in crates and received a normal amount of boar contact. Estrus detection was performed every 8 h. For each treatment, the standing response to three levels of stimuli was recorded: a back pressure test (BPT) by a man (man-estrus), presence of a teaser boar (spontaneous-estrus), and BPT in the presence of a teaser boar (boar-estrus). In addition, for HI and HG, the standing response to a fourth level of stimuli was recorded: BPT in a detection-mating area, surrounded by four boar pens (DMA-estrus). To detect ovulation, ultrasonography was performed every 4 h during estrus. Of 117 sows that ovulated, 46% showed man-estrus, 56% spontaneous-estrus, 90% boar-estrus, and 97% DMA-estrus. Mean onset of man-estrus was 107 h (SD 26) after weaning, of spontaneous-estrus was 106 h (SD 22) after weaning, of boar-estrus was 99 h (SD 21) after weaning, and of DMA-estrus was 93 h (SD 22) after weaning. Duration of man-estrus was 22 h (SD 14), of spontaneous-estrus was 29 h (SD 16), of boar-estrus was 42 h (SD 20), and of DMA-estrus was 55 h (SD 18). The high amount of boar contact reduced the number of sows showing man-estrus (P < .05; 41% for HG and HI vs 68% for NI) and reduced duration of boar-estrus (P < .05; 43 h for HG and HI vs 52 h for NI). Duration of DMA-estrus for HG and HI was similar to duration of boar-estrus for NI. Onset of estrus and timing of ovulation were not affected by amount of boar contact. Group housing did not affect detection rate and duration of estrus, but it did postpone average onset of estrus by 10 h, paralleled by a postponement of ovulation. In conclusion, estrus expression is similar at the highest level of stimuli in different protocols for estrus detection. Including higher levels of stimuli in a protocol reduces estrus expression at lower levels of stimuli. This reduction indicates adaptation of sows to a given protocol for estrus detection. Group housing can delay ovulation and related behavioral estrus.  相似文献   

The current study was carried out to determine the effects of alpha‐lipoic acid (LA) supplementation during late‐gestation and lactation on antioxidative ability and performance of sows and their nursing piglets. A total of 160 multiparous sows were randomly allocated to four treatments with 40 replicates per treatment according to parity number and backfat (BF) thickness. Sows were fed 1 of 4 diets from day 85 of gestation to day 21 of lactation. Diets were control without LA; 400 ppm LA supplementation; 600 ppm LA supplementation; and 800 ppm LA supplementation. BF thickness of sows was determined on day 85 and 110 of gestation and days 1 and 21 of lactation. Piglet bodyweight was measured at birth, days 7, 14 and 21. Blood samples were obtained from the sows, and average daily feed intake (ADFI) of the sows during lactation was recorded. There were no differences in BF thickness or ADFI among treatment groups. Dietary LA supplementation resulted in a decrease in blood urea nitrogen (p < 0.01) concentration at days 110 of gestation. Dietary 800 ppm LA increased serum glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐Px) activity (p < 0.05) and reduced maleic dialdehyde levels (p < 0.01) of sows compared with the control diet at days 21 of lactation. Alpha‐lipoic acid supplementation increased the birthweight and weaning weight of piglets (p < 0.01) compared with the control group. Weight gains of piglets from sows fed the 800 ppm LA diets were greater (p < 0.01) between days 7 and 14 compared with piglets from control sows. Weight gains of piglets from sows fed the LA‐supplemented diets were greater between days 14 and 21 (p < 0.05) and between days 1 and 21 (p < 0.01) compared with piglets from control‐fed sows. In conclusion, the results indicate that antioxidant LA was effective in enhancing antioxidant enzymes activity and improving the performance of sows and their nursing piglets.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplemental magnesium (Mg) on the performance of gilts and parity 3 sows and their piglets. Fifty-six gilts (Trial 1) and 56 sows (Trial 2) were assigned to one of 4 treatments according to their mating weight, respectively. The treatments comprised corn-soybean meal based gestation and lactation diets (0.21% magnesium) supplemented with 0, 0.015, 0.03, or 0.045% Mg from mating until weaning. The results showed that magnesium supplementation significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the weaning to estrus interval in both gilts and sows. There were significant effects (P < 0.05) of supplemental magnesium on the total number of piglets born, born alive and weaned in sows. In late gestation and lactation, the digestibility of crude fiber (quadratic effects, P < 0.05), and crude protein (P < 0.05), were significantly influenced by magnesium in gilts and sows, respectively. There were differences among the 4 groups in terms of the apparent digestibility of dry matter and crude fiber in sows (P < 0.05) during both early and late gestation. The apparent digestibility of gross energy was increased for sows in late gestation (P < 0.05), and lactation (quadratic effects, P < 0.05). At farrowing and weaning, serum prolactin levels and alkaline phosphate activities linearly increased in sows as the Mg supplementation increased (P < 0.05). Serum Mg of sows at farrowing and serum urea nitrogen of sows at weaning was significantly influenced by Mg supplementation (P < 0.05). The Mg concentration in sow colostrum and the serum of their piglets were increased by supplemental magnesium (P < 0.05). In addition, growth hormone levels were linearly elevated (P < 0.05) in the serum of piglets suckling sows. Our data demonstrated that supplemental magnesium has the potential to improve the reproduction performance of sows, and the suitable supplemental dose ranged from 0.015% to 0.03%.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of supplemental magnesium(Mg) on the performance of gilts and parity 3 sows and their piglets.Fifty-six gilts(Trial 1) and 56 sows(Trial 2) were assigned to one of 4treatments according to their mating weight,respectively.The treatments comprised corn-soybean meal based gestation and lactation diets(0.21%magnesium) supplemented with 0,0.015,0.03,or 0.045%Mg from mating until weaning.The results showed that magnesium supplementation significantly(P 0.05) reduced the weaning to estrus interval in both gilts and sows.There were significant effects(P 0.05) of supplemental magnesium on the total number of piglets born,born alive and weaned in sows.In late gestation and lactation,the digestibility of crude fiber(quadratic effects,P 0.05),and crude protein(P 0.05),were significantly influenced by magnesium in gilts and sows,respectively.There were differences among the 4 groups in terms of the apparent digestibility of dry matter and crude fiber in sows(P 0.05) during both early and late gestation.The apparent digestibility of gross energy was increased for sows in late gestation(P 0.05),and lactation(quadratic effects,P 0.05).At farrowing and weaning,serum prolactin levels and alkaline phosphate activities linearly increased in sows as the Mg supplementation increased(P 0.05).Serum Mg of sows at farrowing and serum urea nitrogen of sows at weaning was significantly influenced by Mg supplementation(P 0.05).The Mg concentration in sow colostrum and the serum of their piglets were increased by supplemental magnesium(P 0.05).In addition,growth hormone levels were linearly elevated(P 0.05) in the serum of piglets suckling sows.Our data demonstrated that supplemental magnesium has the potential to improve the reproduction performance of sows,and the suitable supplemental dose ranged from 0.015%to 0.03%.  相似文献   

In a study with sows at various stages of the reproductive cycle, the effects of parturition, feed quantity and composition (content and type of crude fibre), exercise and access to water on dry matter content, and consistency of faeces were estimated. Parturition caused an increase in the dry matter content and reduced the defaecation frequency. The restriction of feed amounts in the last days of gestation and the change to lactation feed with reduced crude fibre content (6-3% in feed) intensified the physiologically occurring increase of the dry matter content. Moving activity and the amount of water ingested had only a small insignificant effect on the moisture of the faeces. The faeces became markedly softer when large amounts of fermentable fibre were used in the diet. The risk for constipation in periparturient sows increases when feed amounts and fibre content in the diet are strongly reduced. Therefore, it is recommended to offer sows daily minimum amounts of a diet (<2 kg) containing >7-8% crude fibre (including a highly fermentable fibre to improve faeces consistency) especially on the days near parturition.  相似文献   

Effects of sow-crate design on health and performance of sows and piglets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of sow-crate design on certain health and performance traits of 211 sows and their piglets were evaluated with a 2 X 2 X 4 factorial arrangement of crate width (narrow [N = 55 cm] or wide [W = 64] between lowest horizontal pipes), length (short [S = 183 cm] or long [L = 198] from rump stop to front gate) and side type (lower side of sow crate "fingered" [F], "bowed" bottom bar--marking the sow zone 19.3 cm wider at the bottom--20 cm above the floor [B], or straight bottom bar 20 cm [S20] or 25 cm above the floor [S25]). Between d 107 to 110 postcoitum and d 21 postpartum, no crate design variable affected the sow's body-weight change, but side type tended to affect the most prominent head-neck and leg integumentary lesions. Number of stillborn piglets/litter was greater with W crates than with N, except with crates having S20 sides, and was greater with L crates than with S. More piglets were crushed to death in W crates than N crates, and stillbirth frequency was greater in L crates than in S, but overall preweaning piglet mortality was affected by no crate-design feature. At both 7 and 21 d of age, piglets' knee lesions were most severe with S20 crates and least with S25, whereas face-lesion score was unaffected by crate design. Piglet body weight at age 21 d was least with S20 crates and greatest with F and S25. No crate-design variable affected within-litter variation in piglet growth rate. Sow-crate design affected important health and performance traits of piglets through postnatal d 21.  相似文献   

We detected Torque teno sus virus 1 and 2 (TTSuV1 and TTSuV2) in tissue samples from 18 stillborn piglets using nested polymerase chain reaction. The detection rates of TTSuV1 and TTSuV2 were 78% and 50%, respectively, with 83% of the stillborn piglets positive for TTSuV1 or TTSuV2. TTSuV1 was detected highest in the liver (72%) followed by heart (56%), spleen (38%) and tonsils (38%) while TTSuV2 was detected highest in the tonsils (38%) followed by liver (33%), spleen (25%), and heart (17%). These results indicate that TTSuVs are commonly present but not equally distributed among the tissues of stillborn piglets.  相似文献   

The influence of the probiotic bacterium Enterococcus faecium SF68 on the immune system and the intestinal colonization of pigs were determined in a feeding experiment with sows and piglets. Mucosal immunity of the developing piglets was monitored by isolation and detection of intestinal lymphocyte cell populations from the proximal jejunal epithelium and the continuous Peyers patches by the use of flow cytometry. The levels of intestinal IgA in both groups of piglets were compared, as well as total IgG in the serum of sows and piglets. Feces of the sows and intestinal contents of the piglets were taken for determination of total anaerobe and coliform bacterial counts in both probiotic and control groups. Villus length and depth of the crypts were measured in the jejunum of sacrificed piglets to monitor the development of the intestinal mucosal surface amplification. Total serum IgG of the sows appeared to be unaffected. Piglets of both groups showed similar IgG levels up to 5 weeks after birth with a slight tendency toward lower values in the probiotic group. At an age of 8 weeks the total IgG levels of the probiotic animals were significantly lower (p<0.01). No differences were observed in the populations of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the Peyers patches. However, the levels of cytotoxic T cells (CD8+) in the jejunal epithelium of piglets of the probiotic group were significantly reduced. The depth of the jejunal crypts and length of the villi were similar in both groups, suggesting the relative T-cell population differences were not due to alterations in the epithelial cell numbers. The total anaerobe and coliform bacterial populations were not significantly affected by the probiotic treatment, either in sows or in the piglets. However, a remarkable decline in the frequency of beta-haemolytic and O141 serovars of Escherichia coli was observed in the intestinal contents of probiotic piglets, suggesting an explanation for the reduction in cytotoxic T-cell populations.  相似文献   

The air temperatures inside uninsulated and insulated huts were recorded on an outdoor pig unit in the south of England between September 1997 and September 1998, and the herd's production parameters were also recorded. During the summer the temperatures inside some of the uninsulated huts exceeded 45 degrees C, but the temperatures inside the insulated huts were lower and fluctuated less. Despite the high temperatures, the weaning weight of piglets reared in the uninsulated huts were often higher than those of the piglets reared in the insulated huts, possibly as a result of the higher mortality of small piglets in the uninsulated huts, especially during the winter. The weaning weights of the piglets were higher during the summer.  相似文献   

To counteract the effects of perinatal hypoxia in piglets, the oral administration of caffeine to sows with induced parturition was evaluated. On day 113 of gestation 9 sows received 27 mg/kg body weight (BW) of caffeine mixed with 200 g of standard diet. The same amount of feed without the addition of caffeine was administered to 9 control sows. Additionally, on day 113 of gestation, all sows were treated by two injections in the perianal area of 1 mg of alfaprostol (at 8:00 am and 14:00 pm), and on the morning of farrowing by 14 IU of oxytocin in the perianal area. Caffeine did not affect BW of piglets and size of litters; however piglets from treated sows showed a higher capacity to adapt to extra-uterine life. Particularly, they showed a greater thermoregulatory ability (P<0.001) and a higher percentage of viability score≥7 compared to piglets from control sows (92% vs. 75%, respectively; P=0.030). Caffeine furthermore reduced the frequency of high serum biopterin values (>80 nmol/L) in piglets born from treated sows (P=0.001). In conclusion, the caffeine orally administered to sows with induced parturition showed a protective effect on the consequences of neonatal hypoxia in tissue ischemia–reperfusion injury in piglets.  相似文献   

本文旨在进一步探讨猪圆环病毒2型(PorcineCircovirustype2,PCV-2)的垂直传播以及母猪接种PCV-2灭活疫苗对新生仔猪抵抗PCV-2感染的作用。试验以从两家猪场中随机选择的繁殖母猪及其所产仔猪为研究对象,将所选母猪随机分入未接种疫苗的对照组和接种疫苗的试验组。母猪断奶后接种商用PCV-2灭活疫苗,18d后对两家猪场各一半的试验母猪接种疫苗。母猪分娩时,研究人员从两家猪场分别采集70头母猪的初乳,并在哺乳前(猪场1)或哺乳后(猪场2)从每窝中随机选择5头仔猪采集血液样本。检测发现98.5%的初乳样本含PCV-2抗体(135/137),且PCV-2抗体在免疫母猪的初乳中的分布率显著更广(P=0.0039)。在仔猪中,43.9%的仔猪血清(301/685)呈PCV-2阳性,11.7%(80/686)呈PCV-2 DNA阳性。对所有PCV-2 DNA阳性样本进一步分析后发现,28份样本中的PCV-2为PCV-2a型,28份样本中的为PCV-2b型,5份样本中的PCV-2既有PCV-2a型又有PCV-2b型。PCV-2DNA在仔猪群的流行性(0.7%~22.8%)低于早先...  相似文献   

在应用显微注射、胚胎移植系统技术,进行猪OMT/PGH基因导入的研究中,对移入受体的胚数,PMSG处理受体以及不同的移植方法(自体移植与异体移植)等影响受体受孕率及产仔率的因素,进行了试验分析,结果表明:(1)移入受体的注射胚数分别为10—19枚、20—29枚、30枚以上时,其受孕率为45.5%、64.7%和71.4%,产仔率为8.0%、19.6%和14.5%,以移入20—29枚效率最高;(2)用PMSG对受体母猪做同期发情处理,其受孕率和产仔率比选择自然发情的受体分别下降25%和8.5%;(3)采用自体移植的方式,在移入胚数基本相同的情况下(15枚左右),比异体移植的受孕率和产仔率分别提高14.3%和6.4%。  相似文献   

Extensive cross-fostering is widely used in early-weaning units in order to standardize and improve body weight at weaning. However, young suckling piglets develop teat fidelity and repeated cross-fosterings could go against this behavior. This experiment was therefore conducted to compare the behavior and growth of 13 control and 14 fostered litters. Once every 3 d (from d 1 to 16 of lactation), all piglets were weighed and three piglets were switched between two fostered litters. Their unfostered littermates were called residents. Behavior was recorded for 2 h after weighing and(or) adoption and during one nursing period 24 h later. Fights were more frequent (P < 0.05) in treated than in control litters during and between nursings at all ages of adoption except d 1. Most fights occurred between resident and fostered piglets (P < 0.001), except at d 1. Fights during nursing were still more frequent in treated than in control litters 24 h after adoption (P < 0.02), except at d 1 and 16. More piglets had skin lacerations in treated than in control litters except at d 1 (P < 0.05), and scratches were more frequent in fostered than in resident piglets at d 1 (P = 0.07), 7, 13, and 16 (P < 0.01). At all ages except d 1, failed nursings and snaps at piglets were more frequent in fostered than in control litters (P < 0.05), most snaps being directed at adopted piglets (P < 0.001). In fostered litters, sows spent 15 to 30% less time lying on their sides at d 4, 7, 13, and 16 (P < 0.05). Finally, adopted piglets were 13% lighter than controls at weaning (P < 0.001), whereas residents were heavier than adopted piglets (P < 0.05) but lighter than controls (P = 0.1). These data demonstrate that cross-fostering done repeatedly during lactation is stressful for piglets and sows and does not improve body weight at weaning.  相似文献   

<正>我们研究了哺乳期舍饲散养母猪以及断奶前后猪栏丰容对刚断奶仔猪生产性能的影响。断奶前,将限位饲养或散养母猪(n=32)所产仔猪(n=320)饲养在丰容(稻草、木屑、泥炭和枝条)或者贫瘠的圈舍  相似文献   

试验旨在研究母猪日粮中添加多肽菌素对妊娠母猪繁殖性能和新生仔猪生长性能的影响。试验选取胎次、体况相近,预产期前45 d的母猪23头,随机分为2组,试验组12头,对照组11头。每头母猪单栏饲喂,作为一个重复。对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组在基础日粮中添加2 g/kg多肽菌素。试验期69 d(妊娠期45 d,哺乳期24 d)。结果表明:(1)试验组母猪窝产仔总数比对照组高2.98%,窝产活仔数比对照组高4.98%,窝产健仔数比对照组高6.95%,健仔率比对照组高3.90%,但差异均不显著(P0.05)。(2)试验组仔猪初生窝重、初生个体重、断奶窝重、断奶个体重、平均窝增重及平均个体增重均比对照组显著提高(P0.05);(3)试验组仔猪初生窝重均匀度及断奶窝重均匀度分别比对照组提高32.23%和38.78%,差异极显著(P0.01)。说明妊娠母猪日粮添加2 g/kg多肽菌素可提高妊娠母猪繁殖性能和初生仔猪生长性能,提高生猪养殖的实际效益。  相似文献   

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