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Seventy Angus x Simmental calves (BW = 166.3 +/- 4.2 kg) were used in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement to determine the effect of age at feedlot entry and castration on growth, performance, and carcass characteristics. At 82 d of age, steers were castrated. Calves were placed in the feedlot at 111 (early-weaned), 202, or 371 (yearling) d of age. Steers were implanted with Synovex-S followed 93 d later with Revalor-S. Calves were harvested on an individual basis when fat thickness was estimated to be 1.27 cm. During the feedlot phase, yearlings gained faster (P < 0.01) than calves placed in the feedlot at 202 or 111 d of age (1.88, 1.68, and 1.62 kg/d, respectively); however, from 111 d of age until harvest, ADG was greatest for early-weaned calves, intermediate for cattle placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and lowest for yearlings (1.62, 1.47, and 1.21 kg/d, respectively; P < 0.01). Early-weaned calves spent the most days in the feedlot, followed by calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age; yearlings spent the fewest days in the feedlot (221, 190, and 163 d, respectively; P < 0.01). Total DMI when in the feedlot was similar (P = 0.22) among age groups; however, daily DMI was lowest for early-weaned calves, intermediate for calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and the highest for yearlings (7.1, 8.1, 10.5 kg/ d, respectively; P < 0.01). Early-weaned calves were the most efficient, followed by calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age; yearlings were the least efficient (227, 207, 180 g gain/kg feed, respectively; P < 0.01). Weight at harvest (682, 582, 517 kg, respectively; P < 0.01) and hot carcass weight (413, 358, 314 kg, respectively; P < 0.01) were greatest for yearlings, intermediate for cattle placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and lowest for early-weaned calves. Early-weaned calves had the smallest longissimus area, followed by calves placed in the feed-lot at 202 d of age; yearlings had the largest longissimus area (77, 86, 88 cm2, respectively; P < 0.01). Calves placed in the feedlot at 111 and 202 d of age had lower yield grades (3.2, 3.1, 3.5, respectively; P < 0.04), and produced fewer select carcasses than yearlings (25, 13, 48%, respectively; P < 0.01). Bulls and implanted steers both had an ADG of 1.7 kg/d when in the feedlot; however, bulls had a greater (P < 0.09) hot carcass weight (370 vs 354 kg) and a larger (P < 0.01) longissimus area (85.8 vs 81.3 cm2) than steers. Earlier feedlot placement resulted in greater quality grades but lower carcass weights.  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to examine the effects of zinc concentration or source in diets of finishing beef steers. In Exp. 1, 108 (British x Continental) beef steers were supplemented with concentrations of added zinc (as ZnSO4) at 20, 100, or 200 mg/kg of dietary DM. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted among treatments for ADG or gain:feed for the 112-d finishing period. However, a linear (P < 0.10) decrease was noted in daily DMI with increasing zinc concentrations for the overall finishing period. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted in hot carcass weight; dressing percentage; longissimus muscle area; percentage of kidney, pelvic, and heart fat; or marbling score. There were, however, quadratic increases in s.c. fat thickness (P < 0.05) and yield grade (P < 0.01) with added zinc. In Exp. 2, 12 beef steers were used to examine effects of added dietary zinc on serum concentrations of cholesterol and fatty acid profiles. No differences (P > 0.10) were observed in cholesterol or fatty acids among the supplemental zinc levels. In Exp. 3, 84 Brangus- and Angus-sired steers were fed a steam-flaked corn-based diet containing 30 mg of supplemental zinc per kilogram of dietary DM from one of the following sources: 1) ZnSO4, 2) Zn amino acid complex, or 3) a zinc polysaccharide complex. No differences (P > 0.10) were noted for the overall 126-d trial for ADG, DMI, or gain:feed ratio. Percentage kidney, pelvic, and heart fat was increased (P < 0.10) in steers supplemented with ZnSO4 vs the average of Zn amino acid and Zn polysaccharide complexes. However, s.c. fat thickness was greater (P < 0.10) in steers supplemented with Zn amino acid and Zn polysaccharide complexes vs ZnSO4. Serum zinc concentration did not differ (P > 0.10) among zinc sources. Supplemental zinc concentration in finishing diets did not seem to influence feedlot performance and had a minimal impact on carcass quality. Either the organic or inorganic source can be included in finishing diets without affecting feedlot performance.  相似文献   

Crossbred steers (n = 136) were used to assess breed differences in growth performance, carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition (total lipids and phospholipids), and palatability attributes of longissimus muscle. A multiple regression model was applied to crossbreeding data to estimate genetic differences between Simmental and Red Angus at the same level of backfat finish (10 mm). Simmental spent 71 more (P < 0.001) days on feed to acquire the same degree of backfat thickness as Red Angus, had heavier (P < 0.001) slaughter weights, larger (P = 0.002) longissimus muscle area, and increased (P = 0.023) lean yield. Average daily gain did not differ (P = 0.297) between breeds. Simmental were less (P = 0.012) efficient in converting feed to gain than Red Angus. Generally, there were few breed differences in palatability attributes for longissimus and semitendinosus muscles, with the exception of increased (P < 0.05) beef flavor scores for Simmental beef vs Red Angus beef across both muscles. For total lipids, concentrations of myristoleic acid (14:1), palmitoleic acid (16:1), and vaccenic acid (18:1n-7), along with n-6 to n-3 fatty acid (n-6:n-3) ratio, were greater (P < 0.05) in Simmental than Red Angus. In contrast, concentrations of margaric acid (17:0), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), and total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) were greater (P < 0.05) in Red Angus than Simmental. For phospholipids, Simmental had lower (P < 0.05) amounts of 20:5n-3, docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), and n-3 PUFA, with a greater (P = 0.017) n-6:n-3 ratio. Activity of delta9-desaturase enzyme in the conversion of palmitic acid (16:0) to 16:1 was greater (P = 0.001) in total lipids from Simmental as compared with Red Angus. A genetic basis for fatty acid differences is suggested, although the biological and practical significance needs to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Seventy-three crossbred steers (initial BW = 170.5 +/- 5.5 kg) from The Ohio State University (Exp. 1) and 216 crossbred steers (initial BW 135.4 +/- 4.4 kg) from the University of Illinois (Exp. 2) were used to determine the effect of source of energy and rate of growth on performance, carcass characteristics, and glucose and insulin profiles on early-weaned steers. Effects of the diets used in Exp. 1 and 2 on ruminal pH and VFA concentrations were quantified using ruminally fistulated steers (Exp. 3). Cattle were weaned at an average age of 119 d in all experiments and were allotted by age, BW, and breed to one of four diets: high-concentrate, fed ad libitum (ALCONC), high-concentrate fed to achieve a gain of either 1.2 kg/d (1.2CONC) or 0.8 kg/d (0.8CONC), or high-fiber, fed ad libitum (ALFIBER). At 218 d of age, all steers were placed on the ALCONC diet until slaughter. Steers were implanted with Compudose at the initiation of all experiments and with Revalor-S when they were estimated to be 100 d from slaughter. When steers in Exp. 1 averaged 181 and 279 d of age, serum samples were collected to determine glucose and insulin concentrations. Steers were slaughtered when a fat thickness of 1.27 cm was reached (Exp. 1) or after 273 d on feed (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, days in the feedlot (P < 0.01) and age at slaughter (P < 0.01) were lowest for ALCONC and ALFIBER steers, and greatest for 0.8CONC steers. Overall, ADG was greatest for ALCONC and lowest for 0.8CONC steers; feed efficiency was lowest (P < 0.01) for ALFIBER steers. Final BW did not differ (P > 0.57) among treatments. At 181 and 218 d of age, serum insulin was increased (P < 0.10) and intramuscular fat percentage was greatest (P < 0.07), respectively, for ALCONC steers. In Exp. 2, overall ADG (P < 0.06) and final BW (P < 0.04) were greatest for ALCONC and lowest for 1.2CONC and 0.8CONC steers. Overall feed efficiency was greatest for 0.8CONC and lowest for ALFIBER (P < 0.01). Growing phase diet did not affect marbling score at 218 d of age or at slaughter (P > 0.81). In Exp. 3, differences in ruminal pH after feeding may have been a consequence of increasing acetate (ALFIBER), propionate (ALCONC), or a combination of VFA (0.8CONC and 1.2CONC), respectively (diet x time after feeding, P < 0.10). Controlling growth by limit-feeding a high-concentrate diet for only 100 d does not extend the growth curve of early-weaned steers or enhance intramuscular fat deposition at slaughter compared to ad libitum intake of a high-concentrate or high-fiber diet.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine differences in scrotal circumference, sperm motility, and percentage of normal sperm cells between two lines of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for blood serum IGF-I concentration. Data were obtained from an ongoing experiment involving 100 spring-calving (50 high and 50 low line) and 100 fall-calving (50 high and 50 low line) purebred Angus cows. Scrotal circumference, percentage of motile sperm cells, and percentage of normal sperm cells did not differ between high and low IGF-I line yearling bulls (P = .79, .50, and .56, respectively). The IGF-I concentrations measured at d 28, 42, and 56 of the postweaning test are abbreviated as IGF28, IGF42, and IGF56, respectively. Coefficients for the quadratic regression of scrotal circumference on IGF28 and IGF42 tended to be negative (P = .07 and .08, respectively), as did the coefficient for the quadratic regression of the percentage of motile sperm cells on IGF42 (P = .08). The coefficient for the linear regression of percentage of normal sperm cells on IGF28 was positive (P = .02). The coefficient for the quadratic regression of percentage of normal sperm cells on IGF56 was negative (P = .04). Coefficients for the quadratic regression of scrotal circumference and percentage of normal sperm cells on mean IGF-I concentrations were negative and important (P = .04 and .08, respectively). Thus, scrotal circumference and percentage of normal sperm cells are related to blood serum IGF-I concentration in yearling Angus bulls.  相似文献   

One hundred forty-three Angus x Simmental crossbred steers (initial BW = 155.1 +/- 4.5 kg) were used in a 2-yr study (yr 1, n = 67; yr 2, n = 76) to determine the effects of weaning age, implant regimen, and the weaning age x implant regimen interaction on steer growth and performance, organ mass, carcass characteristics, and cooked beef palatability. Steers were early-weaned at an average age of 108 d (EW) or normally weaned at an average age of 202 d (NW) and allotted by weight to an aggressive or nonaggressive implant regimen. On their respective weaning dates, EW and NW steers were penned individually and fed a grain-based diet until they were slaughtered at a final BW of 546 kg. A subsample of steers (n = 2 per treatment) were slaughtered at 254 kg. At 254 kg, EW steers implanted with the aggressive implant regimen had 64% greater backfat depth than those implanted with the nonaggressive implant regimen; conversely, NW steers implanted with the aggressive implant regimen had 52% lower backfat depth than those implanted with the nonaggressive implant regimen (weaning status x implant regimen interaction; P < 0.01). A similar interaction was observed for empty visceral organ weights. Early-weaned steers were younger (354.7 vs 372.4 d; P < 0.01) at final slaughter but were in the feedlot longer (246.5 vs 169.6 d; P < 0.01) than NW steers, whereas the aggressive implant regimen decreased days fed (203.3 vs 212.7; P < 0.07) compared to the nonaggressive implant regimen. Overall ADG was greater for EW than for NW steers (1.61 vs 1.50 kg/d; P < 0.01) and for the aggressive compared with the nonaggressive implant regimen (1.59 vs 1.52 kg/d; P < 0.02). Early-weaned steers consumed less DM per day (7.4 vs 8.5 kg/d; P < 0.01) and were more efficient (0.217 vs 0.208 kg/kg; P < 0.02) but consumed more total DM (1,817 vs 1,429 kg; P < 0.01) than NW steers while in the feedlot. Implant regimen did not affect DMI (P > 0.37) or feed efficiency (P > 0.15). Weaning status did not affect carcass characteristics (P > 0.14), final empty body composition (P > 0.25), or final longissimus muscle composition (P > 0.18); however, steaks from EW steers had higher (P < 0.05) taste panel tenderness and juiciness ratings than steaks from NW steers. The aggressive implant regimen decreased yield grade (P < 0.02), but did not affect quality grade (P > 0.86) compared to the nonaggressive implant regimen. Placing early-weaned steers on an aggressive implant regimen is a viable management option.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted in which pregnant crossbred cows were randomly assigned to a control group or implanted with testosterone propionate/silastic implants between d 110 and 140 of gestation in Exp. 1 and between d 80 and 110 of gestation in Exp. 2. Androgenized heifers (TH) and treated steers (TS), born to implanted dams, possessed similar birth weights compared with control heifers (CH) and steers (CS), respectively, in both experiments. In Exp. 1, yield grades were lower (P less than .05) for TH than for CH. In Exp. 2, TH possessed 9.4% greater (P less than .07) 205-d adjusted weaning weights and 9.8% heavier (P less than .05) adjusted yearling weights than CH. In Exp. 2, daily gain was 19.5% faster (P less than .05) and feed intake was 13.6% greater (P less than .05) for TH than for CH. In Exp. 2, TH possessed less (P less than .05) s.c. fat, greater (P less than .10) carcass weight gains and lower (P less than .05) yield grades than CH. Liver weight per unit of carcass weight was greater (P less than .07) for TH than for CH in Exp. 2. Androgenized heifers had lower (P less than .07) lipid content in the 9-10-11th rib section than did CH. Calving intervals were similar for implanted and nonimplanted cows in both experiments. Results from these two trials suggest that efficiency of heifers for producing carcass beef can be improved by prenatal testosterone exposure.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted at two locations to determine the effects of dietary CP concentration and source on performance, carcass characteristics, and serum urea nitrogen (SUN) concentrations of finishing beef steers. British x Continental steers were blocked by BW (357 +/- 28 and 305 +/- 25 kg initial BW; n = 360 and 225; four and five pens per treatment in Exp. 1 and 2, respectively). Steam-flaked corn-based diets were arranged in a 3 x 3 factorial with three CP concentrations (11.5, 13, or 14.5% of DM) and three sources of supplemental CP (N basis): 100% urea; 50:50 blend of urea and cottonseed meal; or 100% cottonseed meal. Steers in both experiments were initially implanted with Ralgro and reimplanted with Revalor-S on d 56. Performance and carcass data were pooled across locations. Crude protein concentration x source interactions were not observed (P = 0.22 to 0.93) for performance and carcass data. Crude protein concentration affected ADG (P = 0.02) and carcass-adjusted (to a common dressing percent within location) ADG quadratically (P = 0.06). Increasing the concentration of supplemental urea linearly increased carcass-adjusted ADG and G:F (P < 0.05) and carcass-adjusted G:F (P < 0.001). Dry matter intake was not affected (P = 0.93) by either CP concentration or source. Hot carcass weight (HCW; P = 0.02), LM area (P = 0.05), and dressing percent (P = 0.03) increased linearly with increasing urea concentration, whereas increasing CP concentration quadratically affected HCW (P = 0.02), with a maximum at 13% CP. Differences in backfat thickness and yield grade were negligible across treatments. Neither marbling score nor percentage of carcasses grading USDA Choice was affected by CP concentration or source. At all times measured, SUN concentrations increased (P < 0.05) with increasing CP concentration, but effects of CP source were small and variable across time. Results indicate that increasing CP concentrations from 11.5 to 13% slightly increased ADG and carcass-adjusted ADG, whereas increasing the proportion of supplemental urea increased carcass-adjusted ADG, G:F, and carcass-adjusted G:F and increased HCW, LM area, and dressing percent. A CP concentration above 13% seemed detrimental to ADG and HCW. Serum urea N increased over time, with CP concentration having a greater effect than CP source.  相似文献   

Dietary selenium influences the Se content in edible muscle of beef cattle. Limited data are available to describe the effects that feeds naturally high in Se have on production, carcass characteristics, and Se distribution in terminal tissues. Therefore, 43 crossbred steers (BW = 351 +/- 24 kg) were stratified by BW and assigned to one of four dietary treatments: Se adequate (CON; n = 12), Se provided as high-Se wheat (WHT; n = 9), high-Se hay (HAY; n = 11), or sodium selenate (SEO; n = 11). Daily selenium intake for WHT, HAY, and SEO diets was 65 microg/kg BW, whereas it was 9.5 microg/kg BW for CON. Diets were similar in ingredient composition (25% wheat, 39% corn, 25% grass hay, 5% desugared molasses, and 6% wheat middling-based supplement; DM basis), isonitrogenous and isocaloric (14.0% CP, 2.12 Mcal NEm/kg DM and 1.26 Mcal NEg/ kg DM), and offered once daily (1500) individually to steers in a Calan gate system for 126 d. At the end of the trial, steers were slaughtered; carcass data were recorded; and samples of the liver, kidney, spleen, semitendinosus, and hair were collected for Se analysis. Intake of DM, G:F, and ADG did not differ (P > 0.13). No differences (P > 0.12) were noted for hot carcass weight, organ weights, longissimus muscle area, back-fat thickness, marbling scores, or quality and yield grade. Kidney, pelvic, and heart fat tended to be higher (P = 0.06) in CON and WHT compared with SEO and HAY steers (2.9, 2.4, 2.5, 2.9 +/- 0.2% for CON, SEO, HAY, and WHT, respectively). Selenium concentrations in all tissues collected differed (P < 0.003) due to treatment. Distribution of Se to the kidney, spleen, and hair were similar with CON < SEO < HAY < WHT (8.40, 10.05, 10.86, 12.89 +/- 0.26 ppm for kidney; 2.00, 2.60, 3.82, 5.16 +/- 0.09 ppm for spleen; 1.80, 4.00, 5.93, 10.54 +/- 0.56 ppm for hair; P < 0.01). The distribution of Se in liver and muscle (DM basis) differed from that in other tissues, with CON < HAY < SEO = WHT (2.33, 6.56, 9.91, 10.79 +/- 0.80 ppm; P < 0.01) and CON = SEO < HAY < WHT (1.33, 1.55, 3.32, 4.41 +/- 0.18 ppm; P < 0.01), respectively. When providing dietary Se at supranutritional levels, source of Se did not affect production or carcass characteristics, but it altered the distribution and concentration of Se throughout the tissues of finishing beef steers.  相似文献   

The impact of using 2 beta-adrenergic agonists in feedlot cattle fed finishing diets was evaluated using 54 steers (45 crossbred Charolais and 9 Brangus) initially weighing 424 +/- 26.6 kg in a randomized complete block design with 3 treatments and 6 blocks (i.e., 18 pens with 3 steers per pen). Response variables were feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. Treatments were 1) control (no supplement added); 2) zilpaterol hydrochloride (ZH; 60 mg.steer(-1).d(-1)); and 3) ractopamine hydrochloride (RH; 300 mg.steer(-1).d(-1)). The beta-agonists were added to the diets during the final 33 d of the experiment. The groups of steers fed ZH or RH improved (P < 0.01) ADG by 26 or 24%, respectively, compared with control steers. Steers supplemented with RH consumed less (P = 0.03) DM (8.37 kg) than control steers (8.51 kg), whereas intake was similar (P = 0.37) for ZH and control steers. Addition of either beta-agonist to the diet considerably improved (P < 0.01) the G:F (ZH, 0.253 and RH, 0.248 vs. control, 0.185). Hot carcass weight and carcass yield were enhanced (P < 0.05) with both beta-agonists. The LM area was increased (P = 0.026) by ZH (75.2 cm(2)), but that of RH (72.2 cm(2)) was similar (P = 0.132) to the control steers (66.8 cm(2)). Meat from the ZH- (P = 0.0007) and RH- (P = 0.0267) supplemented steers had greater shear force values than control steers (ZH = 5.11; RH = 4.83; control = 4.39 kg/cm(2)). Variables related to meat color indicated that both beta-agonists led to a similar redness of the LM area related to the control group. In general, feedlot performance was greatly enhanced by beta-adrenergic agonists, and meat tenderness from treated animals was classified as intermediate. Furthermore, meat color was not altered by beta-agonist supplementation.  相似文献   

Barrows and gilts (n = 100 per gender) were used to determine the effects of an increasing, decreasing, or constant ractopamine (RAC) dietary concentration on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Pigs, within a gender, were assigned randomly to pens (five pigs per pen and 10 pens per treatment). Pens were assigned randomly to one of four dietary treatments at a starting weight of 71.2 kg, to target an average ending weight of 109 kg. The four dietary treatments (as-fed basis) were 1) control = 0 ppm RAC, wk 0 to 6; 2) RAC step-up = 5.0 ppm, wk 1 to 2; 10.0 ppm, wk 3 to 4; and 20.0 ppm, wk 5 to 6; 3) RAC step-down = 20.0 ppm, wk 1 to 2; 10.0 ppm, wk 3 to 4; and 5.0 ppm, wk 5 to 6; and 4) RAC constant = 11.7 ppm, wk 0 to 6. Feed allocation was recorded daily, and pigs were weighed and feed was weighed back every 2 wk. Jugular blood samples were obtained from two randomly selected pigs per pen on d -3, 7, 21, 35, and 41 for determination of plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) concentrations. Two pigs were selected randomly per pen and sent to a commercial slaughter facility at the end of the 6-wk experimental period. Carcass data were evaluated on an equal time basis and on an equal weight basis by using hot carcass weight (HCW) as a covariate. Overall, ADG and G:F were improved (P < 0.05) for pigs fed RAC compared with control, with no differences among RAC feeding programs. In wk 3 and 4, improvements (P < 0.05) in ADG and G:F were realized with the implementation of a RAC step-up program compared with control pigs. The concentrations of PUN were decreased (P < 0.05) at d 7 and 21 with RAC feeding, and a RAC step-up program maintained the decrease (P < 0.05) in PUN through d 35 and 41. A RAC step-up and constant program increased (P < 0.05) HCW and percent yield. Loin muscle area and percentage of fat-free lean increased (P < 0.05) and backfat thickness decreased (P < 0.05) in pigs fed RAC. If pigs were considered to be on feed for an equal time period, advantages (P < 0.05) were observed for weight of boneless trimmed ham, shoulder and loin for the step-up and constant RAC treatments compared with the controls. Feeding a RAC step-up or constant feeding program resulted in favorable responses in growth performance and yielded more lean pork.  相似文献   

With a growing global population and increased environmental concerns around animal agriculture, it is essential to humanely maximize animal performance and reduce environmental emissions. This study aims to determine the efficacy of feeding ractopamine hydrochloride (RAC), an orally active, β 1-adrenergic agonist (β1AA), to feedlot steers in the last 42 d of finishing to reduce ammonia (NH3) emissions and improve animal performance. A randomized complete block design was used to allocate 112 Angus and crossbred Angus steers (initial body weight [BW] = 566.0 ± 10.4 kg) to 8 cattle pen enclosures. Pens (n = 4 per treatment, 14 steers per pen, and 56 steers per treatment) were randomly assigned to one of two treatments: 1) CON; finishing ration containing no RAC, 2) RAC; finishing ration containing 27.3 g/907 kg dry matter (DM) basis RAC. Steers were weighed on day −1 and 0 before treatment and day 14, 28, and 42 during treatment. Treatment rations were mixed and delivered daily by masked personnel. Measured emissions included NH3, nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and carbon dioxide (CO2). The primary response variables assessed were emissions standardized by live weight (LW) and hot carcass weight (HCW). Steers were harvested on day 43 and carcass data were collected on day 43 and 44. Steers fed RAC reduced NH3 emissions by 17.21% from day 0 to 28 (P = 0.032) and tended to reduce NH3 from day 0 to 42 by 11.07% (P = 0.070) vs. CON. When standardized for LW, NH3 was reduced by 23.88% from day 0 to 14 (P = 0.018), 17.80% from day 0 to 28 (P = 0.006), and 12.50% for day 0 to 42 (P = 0.027) in steers fed RAC vs. CON. Steers fed RAC had 14.05% (P = 0.013) lower cumulative NH3 emissions when standardized by HCW vs. CON. Feeding RAC to Steers reduced H2S by 29.49% from day 0 to 14 (P = 0.009) and tended to reduce H2S over day 0 to 28 by 11.14% (P = 0.086) vs. CON. When H2S emissions were standardized for LW, RAC fed steers had a 28.81% reduction from day 0 to 14 (P = 0.008) vs. CON. From day 0 to 42 the RAC fed steers tended to have a 0.24 kg/d greater average daily gain (ADG) (P = 0.066) and tended to eat 4.27% less (P = 0.069) on a DM basis vs. CON. The RAC fed steers had a 19.95% greater gain to feed ratio (G:F) compared to CON (P = 0.012). Steers fed RAC had an average of 12.52 kg greater HCW (P = 0.006) and an increase of 1.93 percentage units in dressing percent (DP) (P = 0.004) vs. CON. Ractopamine is an effective medicated feed additive for reducing NH3 and improving end product performance through HCW yields.  相似文献   

Whole field peas were fed at 0, 10, 20, and 30% of DM to 139 yearling steers (British cross; 409 ± 31 kg of initial BW) for a 119-d finishing period. Carcass data and Choice grade strip loins (n = 98) were collected from a commercial abattoir in Lexington, Nebraska. Consumer sensory and Warner-Bratzler shear force analyses were performed on 2.5-cm strip steaks. No differences (P ≥ 0.17) were observed in final BW, ADG, DMI, and G:F of steers. Likewise, no differences (P ≥ 0.23) were observed for HCW, LM area, fat thickness at the 12th rib, yield grade, and marbling scores. However, KPH responded quadratically to increasing dietary amount of field peas (P = 0.02). Regarding the sensorial analysis, feeding peas linearly increased subjective tenderness (P < 0.01) and led to a quadratic response of overall like ratings (P = 0.01) and flavor like ratings (P = 0.12). Feeding peas did not alter (P ≥ 0.64) juiciness, but decreased shear force values linearly when quantities were increased (P = 0.02). These data suggest that feeding peas does not affect steer performance or carcass characteristics differently from dry-rolled corn, but does improve objective and subjective tenderness, overall desirability, and flavor of beef. Field peas could be fed to cattle and give positive attributes to the quality of the meat up to 30% inclusion in the diet.  相似文献   

The impact of respiratory disease during a 150-d feedlot finishing period on daily gain, carcass traits, and longissimus tenderness was measured using 204 steer calves. Feedlot health status was monitored in two ways. First, clinical signs of respiratory infection were evaluated each day; treatment with antibiotic was based on degree of fever (if rectal temperature exceeded 40 degrees C then calves were treated). Steers that were treated (n = 102) had lower (P<.05) final live weights, ADG, hot carcass weights (HCW), less external and internal fat, and more desirable yield grades. Steers that were treated had a higher prevalence of carcasses that graded U.S. Standard than steers that were never treated. Second, as an alternative index of health status, lungs of all steers were evaluated at the processing plant using a respiratory tract lesion classification system; this health index included presence or absence of preexisting pneumonic lesions in the anterioventral lobes plus activity of the bronchial lymph nodes (inactive vs active). Lung lesions were present in 33% of all lungs and were distributed almost equally between treated (37%) and untreated cattle (29%). Steers with lesions (n = 87) had lower (P<.05) daily gains, lighter HCW, less internal fat, and lower marbling scores than steers without lesions. Compared to steers with lesions but inactive bronchial lymph nodes (n = 78), steers with lung lesions plus active lymph nodes had lower (P<.01) ADG and dressing percentage. Longissimus shear force values for steaks aged 7 d were lower (P = .05) from steers without lung lesions than those for steaks from steers with lung lesions. Overall, morbidity suppressed daily gains and increased the percentage of U.S. Standard carcasses. Compared to health assessment by clinical appraisal (based on elevated body temperature), classification based on respiratory tract lesions at slaughter proved more reliable statistically and, thereby, more predictive of adverse effects of morbidity on production and meat tenderness.  相似文献   

Two hundred forty single-source, cross-bred steers (304 kg) were used to evaluate the effects of various water sulfate concentrations on performance, water intake, and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. Cattle were stratified by weight and assigned within weight blocks to five water treatments. Averaged over time, actual water sulfate concentrations (+/- SEM) were 136.1 (+/- 6.3), 291.2 (+/- 15.3), 582.6 (+/- 16.9), 1,219.2 (+/- 23.7), and 2,360.4 (+/- 68.2) mg/L, respectively. Weather-related data were recorded. Increasing water sulfate concentration resulted in linear decreases in ADG (P < 0.01) and gain:feed ratio (P < 0.01) and a quadratic effect on water intake (P = 0.02) and tended to quadratically increase then decrease DMI (P = 0.13). Sulfate x period interactions were evident for DMI (P = 0.01), ADG (P < 0.01), and feed efficiency (P < 0.01). Time had quadratic effects on DMI, water intake, ADG, and feed efficiency (P < 0.01 for all models). Increasing water sulfate concentration resulted in linear decreases in final weight, hot carcass weight, and dressing percentage, a linear increase in longissimus muscle area, and a quadratic effect on fat thickness over the 12th rib and predicted yield grade (P < 0.05 for all dependent variables). Mean daily temperature explained 25.7% of the observed variation in water intake. Other factors that explained a significant (P < 0.01) amount of variation in water intake were BW, DMI, water sulfate concentration, barometric pressure, wind speed, and humidity. High water sulfate concentrations had a significant and deleterious effect on performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. Increasing the sulfate concentration in water may have resulted in a functional water restriction early in the trial when ambient temperatures were greatest. However, toward the latter stages of the trial, cattle supplied higher-sulfate water had higher ADG and FE. These improvements later in the trial may represent compensatory gain associated with decreased ambient temperature and water requirements. Averaged over time, a water sulfate concentration of greater than 583 mg/L, equivalent to 0.22% of the diet, decreased feedlot performance.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess the effects of fermented total mixed ration (FTMR) on the growth performance, carcass and meat quality traits of Hanwoo steers. The present study evidenced that the FTMR had a strong effect on dry matter intake, body weight, daily gain, slaughter weight and carcass characteristics compared with control animals. The results showed that the dry matter intake (7.17 ± 0.13 kg), average body weight (615.20 ± 112.82 kg), and daily gain (0.56 ± 0.16 kg) were greater in animals receiving FTMR than in control animals (P < 0.05). The meat quality characteristics indicated that cooking loss and the pH values did not vary between control and FTMR treated animals; however, animals in the treated groups (FTMR) had higher meat quality grades, carcass weight (396.13 ± 18.35), fat thickness (13.25 ± 1.75), marbling score (5.63 ± 0.56), meat color (40.06 ± 1.23), crude fat (18.39 ± 1.32) and sensory characteristics (flavor 5.03 ± 0.17; tenderness 4.42 ± 0.33; juiciness 5.10 ± 0.16). Nevertheless, the shear force values decreased significantly in FTMR‐treated animals compared with control group steers. Overall, FTMR may not only improve the growth performance, biochemical metabolites, and fatty and acetic acid profiles of steers, but may also enhance the carcass and meat quality characteristics of Hanwoo steers. Regarding economics, our research findings suggest that FTMR‐based feeds may enhance Hanwoo steer meat quality at a low cost.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the correlation of seminal plasma IGF-I and total proteins from peripubertal bulls with semen characteristics and onset of puberty. Sixteen dairy Gyr bulls were separated into early (n = 8) and regular (n = 8) groups, according to the onset of puberty. Semen was monthly collected by electroejaculation from 14 to 26 months of age, and the onset of puberty was retrospectively determined (17.0 ± 1.6 and 19.2 ± 1.5 months, to early and regular group, respectively). Five time points were evaluated (day −60, day −30, day 0, day 30 and day 60 days of puberty), being day 0 considered as beginning of puberty. Scrotal circumference and body weight were also assessed. Semen characteristics were evaluated, the seminal plasma was separated by centrifugation and total protein and IGF-I concentrations were determined. There was no difference between groups to concentration of the seminal plasma total proteins, but we found an interaction between group and age. Seminal plasma IGF-I concentrations were not different between early and regular groups; thus, the data were combined for analysis. Combined IGF-I concentrations were positively correlated with sperm motility and concentration, age, body weight and scrotal circumference. Negative correlation was found between IGF-I concentration and total sperm defects. Increased IGF-I was observed in day −30 and day 0 of puberty in early and regular groups, respectively. Seminal plasma total proteins are involved in peripubertal modifications and IGF-I from Zebus dairy bulls can influence the seminal characteristics and the growth factor increase occurs concomitantly with body growth but cannot be used to define puberty bulls earlier.  相似文献   

Angus-crossbred steers (n = 216) were used in a 3-yr study to assess the effects of winter stocker growth rate and finishing system on finishing performance and carcass characteristics. During winter months (December to April) steers were randomly allotted to 3 stocker growth rates: low (0.23 kg x d(-1)), medium (0.45 kg x d(-1)), or high (0.68 kg x d(-1)). Upon completion of the winter phase, steers were randomly allotted within each stocker treatment to a corn silage-concentrate or pasture finishing system. All steers regardless of finishing treatment were finished to an equal-time endpoint to eliminate confounding of treatments with animal age or seasonal factors. Upon completion of the finishing period, steers were slaughtered in 2 groups (one-half of pasture and one-half of feedlot cattle each time) and carcass data were collected. Winter data were analyzed as a completely randomized design, with winter treatment, pen replicate, year, and the winter x year interaction in the model. Finishing performance and carcass data were analyzed in a split-plot design with finishing system in the whole plot, and winter growth rate and winter x finish in the split-plot. Winter treatment mean within finishing replication was the experimental unit, and year was considered a random effect. Winter stocker phase treatments resulted in differences (P < 0.001) in final BW, ADG, and ultrasound LM area between all treatments for that phase. Pasture-finished cattle had lower (P < 0.001) final BW, ADG, HCW, LM area, fat thickness, KPH, dressing percent, USDA yield grade, and USDA quality grade. Winter stocker treatment influenced (P < 0.05) final BW and HCW, with low and medium being less than high. Steers with low stocker gain had greater (P < 0.05) finishing ADG. Dressing percent was greater (P < 0.001) for high than low, and USDA quality grade was greater (P < 0.05) for high than low and medium. Carcass LM area, fat thickness, KPH, and USDA yield grade were not influenced (P > 0.05) by winter rate of gain. Cattle on low during winter exhibited compensatory gain during finishing but were unable to catch the high group regarding BW or HCW. The USDA quality grade was greater for high than low or medium. Animal performance during the winter stocker period clearly impacts finishing performance, carcass quality and beef production in both pasture- and feedlot-finishing systems, when cattle were finished to an equal-time endpoint.  相似文献   

A total of 400 barrows from Dekalb EB and 83 terminal sires mated to 43 and 45 maternal lines were used to evaluate the effects of dietary ractopamine (RAC; Paylean, Elanco Animal Health, Greenfield, IN) concentrations (0, 5, 10, or 20 ppm; as-fed basis) and feeding durations (6 to 34 d) on growth, efficiency, carcass, and meat quality characteristics of finishing pigs. Barrows were weighed and sorted into five weight blocks, each block consisting of 16 pens (five pigs per pen). Weight blocks were allocated to feeding duration treatments and assigned consecutively by weight from lightest to heaviest to represent 34, 27, 20, 13, and 6 d on test, respectively. The lightest and heaviest blocks averaged 79.8 and 103.8 kg, respectively, at the start of the test. Within a weight block, pens (four per treatment) were randomly assigned to one of four dietary concentrations of RAC in a basal diet containing 18.5% CP and 1.13% lysine. The experiment-wide target slaughter weight was 109 kg, and pigs and feeders were weighed weekly. Weight blocks (80 barrows per block) were slaughtered at a commercial packing plant after 6, 13, 20, 27, or 34 d on test. Overall, RAC supplementation improved (P < 0.05) ADG; however, ADG was not different (P > 0.08) from controls for pigs fed 5, 10, and 20 ppm RAC for 27, 34, and 6 d, respectively. During each feeding period, RAC-fed pigs had improved (P < 0.05) G:F, and, after 20, 27, and 34 d on test, pigs fed 20 ppm RAC had greater (P < 0.05) G:F compared with those fed 0 or 5 ppm RAC. Hot carcass weight was increased (P < 0.05) by RAC feeding after 13 and 27 d of feeding, and by feeding 10 and 20 ppm RAC after 20 d of feeding. After 34 d, pigs fed 20 ppm RAC had heavier (P < 0.05) hot carcass weight than pigs fed 10 ppm RAC. Fat-free lean estimates and the 10th-rib LM area were increased (P < 0.05) by feeding 10 and 20 ppm RAC after 27 d, and by feeding 20 ppm RAC after 34 d compared with controls. Japanese and American color scores, as well as L*, a*, and b* values of the LM, were not affected (P > 0.11) by 5 and 10 ppm RAC compared with controls during each feeding period. Visual marbling score for the LM was decreased (P < 0.05) when RAC was fed at 10 and 20 ppm compared with 0 ppm RAC when fed for 34 d. Dietary RAC improved growth performance at all feeding durations, whereas carcass composition was improved at longer feeding durations. In addition, 5 and 10 ppm RAC did not affect objective and subjective measures of pork quality.  相似文献   

We conducted an experiment to determine the effects of dietary copper (Cu) source and level on carcass characteristics, longissimus muscle fatty acid composition, and serum and muscle cholesterol concentrations in steers. Sixty Angus and Angus x Hereford steers were stratified by weight and initial liver Cu concentration within a breed and randomly assigned to treatments. Treatments consisted of: 1) control (no supplemental Cu); 2) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Cu sulfate (CuSO4); 3) 40 mg Cu/kg DM from CuSO4; 4) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Cu citrate; 5) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from Cu proteinate; and 6) 20 mg Cu/kg DM from tribasic Cu chloride. A corn silage-soybean meal-based diet was fed for 56 d. Steers were then switched to a high-concentrate diet. Equal numbers (n = 5) of steers per treatment were slaughtered after receiving the finishing diets for either 101 or 121 d. Serum cholesterol was not affected by treatment during the growing phase but was decreased (P < .05) in steers supplemented with Cu by d 84 of the finishing period and remained lower (P < . 05) at subsequent sampling periods. Longissimus muscle cholesterol concentration tended to be reduced (P < .11) by Cu supplementation. Hot carcass weight and backfat were lower (P < .05) in animals receiving supplemental Cu. However, Cu-supplemented and control steers had similar marbling scores. Longissimus muscle polyunsaturated fatty acid concentrations (18:2 and 18:3) were increased (P < .07) and saturated fatty acid concentrations tended (P < . 11) to be reduced by Cu supplementation. These results indicate that as little as 20 mg of supplemental Cu/kg diet can reduce backfat and serum cholesterol and increase muscle polyunsaturated fatty acids in steers fed high-concentrate diets.  相似文献   

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