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Little is known of the importance of mineral levels in buffalo semen or the relationship of the level of various elements to spermatozoan activity. To establish a basis upon which further studies could be conducted, the accessory glands (seminal vesicles, prostate and bulbo-urethrals) of 43 buffalo bulls (2-4 years old) with intact testes and eight steers (3-4 years old) were analysed for their content of bulk and trace elements. The ash obtained from known weights of various accessory glands was used to determine the concentrations of Na and K using emission flame photometry. P was determined chemically, whereas Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe and Zn were assayed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The accessory glands of intact bulls varied significantly in the concentration of all elements except Fe. Ca and Cu were relatively more concentrated in the seminal vesicles. The prostate had the highest concentration of Zn, while the highest concentrations of Na, K, Mg and P were found in the bulbo-urethral glands. Age of the bulls had no marked effect on any of the elements studied except Cu which appeared to decrease significantly in older bulls. Seasonal variation was significant for the levels of K, Ca and Zn. Castration appeared to result in a highly significant reduction of Zn concentration in all accessory glands.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic images of the accessory sex glands of 8 stallions were recorded immediately prior to sexual preparation, immediately after sexual preparation, and immediately after ejaculation. Relative size changes, determined by measurements of ultrasonograms of accessory sex gland, were contrasted. Length and width of the bulbourethral glands increased significantly (P less than 0.05) after sexual preparation and decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after ejaculation. The increase in bulbourethral gland volume following sexual preparation was correlated significantly (P less than 0.01) with the number of false mounts attempted by stallions during sexual preparation. Diameter of the pelvic portion of the urethra did not change significantly (P greater than 0.05) after sexual preparation or after ejaculation. Prostate gland lobular and isthmic thickness increased significantly (P less than 0.05) after sexual preparation and decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after ejaculation. Total and lumenal diameter of the ampullae increased significantly (P less than 0.05) after sexual preparation and decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after ejaculation. Diameter of the ampulla wall did not change significantly (P greater than 0.05) after sexual preparation or ejaculation. Reduction of the lumenal area of the ampullae after ejaculation was not correlated (P greater than 0.05) to concentration of spermatozoa or total spermatozoa per ejaculate. Total and lumenal diameters of the vesicular glands increased significantly (P less than 0.05) after sexual preparation and decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) after ejaculation. Diameter of the vesicular gland wall did not change significantly (P greater than 0.05) after sexual preparation or ejaculation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article reviews the capabilities of transrectal ultrasonography for determining the distribution of fluid and tissue within stallion accessory sex glands. Emphasis is placed on describing the normal ultrasonographic appearance of the accessory sex glands, excurrent ducts, and pelvic urethra of stallions during rest, after teasing, and after ejaculation and using this information to detect glandular abnormalities.  相似文献   

The bulbourethral glands of 323 Bos indicus or B. indicus crossbred bulls more than 1 1/2 years old were examined in an abattoir study. Bulbourethral adenitis was diagnosed grossly and confirmed by histological examination in 4 (1.2%). Unilateral chronic interstitial inflammation was seen in 2 cases; one of these was associated with a degenerative-type seminal vesiculitis. In the others adenitis was bilateral; in one case it was associated with a concretion and foreign (plant) material in the principal duct of the left bulbourethral gland; in the other bilateral case, numerous calculi were present and microscopically, a chronic active and diffuse inflammation was observed. Chemical analysis of the calculi showed calcium oxalate and tricalcium phosphate to be the most important components. Corynebacterium spp was isolated from the lesion with multiple calculi but attempts to isolate Chlamydia spp, Mycoplasma spp and Brucella abortus from the 4 adenitis cases were unsuccessful. Congenital abnormalities such as glandular fusion (2.2%) or unilateral aplasia (0.6%) were also observed. Cysts were the most common finding (19.2%), and duct dilation was frequent (7.1%). The significance of these findings in relation to fertility is considered.  相似文献   

In an examination of the immunoglobulin containing cells in the respiratory mucosa of three-month-old non-pneumonic calves, IgA was found to be the predominant plasma cell type. In calves with cuffing pneumonia there was a marked increase in the plasma cell population in the bronchial wall and IgG1 cells became the major cell type. Similarly in calves with an exudative type of pneumonia IgG1 plasma cells were the significant cell type in the respiratory mucosa but the total number of plasma cells was similar to that found in the non-pneumonic animals. The immunohistochemical results suggest that IgA and, to a lesser extent, IgM are both transported across the mucous membrane via bronchial epithelial secretory cells and submucosal glands.  相似文献   

Boldenone and its precursor Boldione are illegally used for anabolic purposes in humans, horses and cattle. To develop more effective policies and programs to maximize food security, Italian Public Health Services investigate all indicators capable of assisting the recognition of treated animals, and prioritize research and the formulation of action strategies for the promotion of healthy eating. Thus, an experimental administration of boldenone and boldione at anabolic dosages in veal calves was carried out to evaluate the changes in target organs by qualitative and semi-quantitative morphological analysis. The lesions resembled the effects already observed after the administration of androgen hormones to cattle. Main findings were represented by prostate hypersecretion, increased rate of apoptotic cells and decreased rate of Ki67 positive cells in the germ cell line of treated animals, particularly in boldione group and finally some new features like hypertrophy of the prostate urothelial cells.  相似文献   

The cells of the pulmonary immune system of cattle were examined using an immunoperoxidase technique to identify cytoplasmic immunoglobulins. Cells reacting immunohistochemically with bovine IgG1, IgG2, IgA and IgM antisera were quantified in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues from systematically selected sites within the tracheobronchial tree. Non-pneumonic lungs were selected for study from five groups of cattle which ranged in age from neonatal calves to aged adult cattle. Age associated differences were found. Neonatal calves lacked immunoglobulin containing cells (ICC). The numbers of ICC in 18-month-old cattle were significantly greater than in other age groups. The relative frequency of each immunoglobulin class among the cells of the airway mucosa was IgA greater than IgG1 greater than IgG2 greater than IgM for all cattle four months and older (n = 20) with an IgA to IgG1 ratio of 3.46. All airway categories from trachea to bronchiole had similar proportions of cells in each immunoglobulin class although the cell density declined in the distal airways.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether testicular needle biopsy is detrimental to testicular function in clinically normal bulls. DESIGN: Prospective study. ANIMALS: 6 mixed-breed mature bulls. PROCEDURE: A randomly selected testicle from each bull was biopsied with a 14-gauge needle biopsy instrument. Bulls were then evaluated over a 90-day period for changes in scrotal temperature and thermal patterns, ultrasonographic appearance, and quality of spermatozoa. At the end of the 90-day study, bulls were castrated, and testicles were examined grossly and histologically. RESULTS: Changes were detected in scrotal temperatures and thermal patterns and in the breeding soundness examination results during the first 2 weeks of the study. However, there were no long-term changes in semen quality over the course of the experiment. Hyperechoic areas were detected on ultrasonographic examination and corresponded to the areas of penetration by the biopsy instrument. Microscopic lesions that were indicative of testicular dysfunction were not found. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results indicate that testicular biopsy is a safe procedure in bulls. Testicular biopsy could possibly be used to further examine bulls that have less than satisfactory results for breeding soundness examinations.  相似文献   

Three normal, sexually mature young boars of Swedish Yorkshire breed were treated with daily intramuscular injections of diethylstilboestrol and/or oestradiolbenzoate for a total period of 13–15 weeks. Whole ejaculates were collected on a dummy sow with an artificial vagina twice a week. The ejaculate was examined as regards semen volume, sperm concentration, sperm motility and sperm morphology. The seminal plasma was analysed for Na, K, Cl, Mg, inorganic phosphate, total protein and fructose. Testicles, epididymides and the accessory sex glands were obtained at slaughter. Material from epididymal segments A, B, Db, Fa and Fb was collected and examined for sperm morphology. Spermatocrit, osmotic pressure and plasma concentrations of Na, K, Gl, total protein and GPC were assessed in material from epididymal segment Fa. The sex glands and the accessory sex glands were examined maeroscopically and microscopically.The semen volume, the sperm concentration and consequently the total sperm count per ejaculate showed a gradual increase during the course of the investigation. This is to be expected as the boars used were comparatively young at the beginning of the experiment. These values were all within normal limits for adolescent boars.Taking all the characteristics examined into consideration no conclusive evidence was found that an exogenic administration of oestrogens to intact boars has any influence on the function of the epididymis and the accessory sex glands.  相似文献   

羊驼副性腺结构的组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解羊驼的生殖生理特性,采用大体解剖与组织学方法对羊驼副性腺的形态结构进行了研究。结果显示,羊驼副性腺有前列腺和尿道球腺,没有精囊腺。尿道球腺呈圆形,位于坐骨弓处,前列腺位于尿生殖道起始部的背侧,每一腺体都有腺管开口于尿生殖道;羊驼副性腺的基本组织结构和其他哺乳动物相似,但有较小的差异。尿道球腺为有许多弯曲分枝的复管泡状腺,分泌物较为黏稠,PAS染色强阳性,呈鲜红色;前列腺为复管泡状腺,前列腺的分泌物是一种稀薄的蛋白样液,PAS染色阳性,染色较浅。结果证实,羊驼前列腺和尿道球腺可分泌较多的糖物质,使精子生存较长时间;羊驼繁殖慢的特点可能与其生存环境差,易造成流产或妊娠期长且为单胎有关,而并不是精液本身的问题。  相似文献   

Antifungal susceptibility of 150 strains of yeasts isolated from the infected mammary secretion of cows was determined. Their susceptibility to amphoterycin B, nystatin, flucytosine, tioconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, fluconazole and clotrimazole was evaluated using the disc diffusion method on Yeast Nitrogen Base (YNB) and filter paper discs. The most active antifungal agents in vitro were found to be: tioconazole--96.7%, nystatin--95.4%, amphoterycin--94.0%, and flucytosine--92.7% of susceptible strains; the least active were fluconazole and clotrimazole--39.3% and 60.0% of susceptible strains, respectively. The individual species of yeasts were characterized by varied susceptibility to individual therapeutics.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemistry was applied to determine the distribution patterns of nerve fibres containing tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DbetaH), neuropeptide Y (NPY), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) in the prostate, seminal vesicle (SV) and bulbourethral glands (BU) of male sheep. In all organs studied, cholinergic innervation was more developed than noradrenergic innervation. Numerous VAChT-immunoreactive (IR) nerve fibres were found in the muscular layer and mucosa of the SV and BU as well as in the prostate. A similar abundance of noradrenergic nerve fibres (showing immunoreactivity both to TH and DbetaH) was also found in both layers of the SV and BU (but not in the prostate). In the prostate a moderate density of VIP-IR nerve fibres was present but only very scarce NPY-IR nerve fibres were shown. All the studied accessory sexual glands (ASG) of male sheep contained VIP-IR nerve fibres in a similar frequency. Double immunohistochemistry revealed that the vast majority of noradrenergic nerve fibres also contained NPY. None of the noradrenergic nerve fibres showed the presence of VAChT or VIP. The possible functional significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The study involved histological and immunohistochemical examinations of the adrenal glands of healthy slaughtered cattle. Glands of 13 bulls, 10 heifers and 10 cows were examined. The following histological findings were observed: Unequal thickness of connective capsule and nodular formations of the zona glomerulosa (ZG), eosinophilic granules in cells of the ZG, globoid arrangement of the zona fasciculata, nodules or pegs of cortical tissue in the medulla, mutual interlacing of superficial and deep zones of the medulla, proliferation of cortical or medullary cells into the blood vessels wall situated in the medulla and focal inflammatory infiltrates. Cortical cells and noradrenalin-secreting (N) cells in the medulla expressed cytoplasmic positivity of S100 protein. Both adrenalin (A) cells and N cells were positive in synaptophysin. The majority of the cells in the cortex and in the medulla displayed were positive for chromogranin A. Electron microscopy showed structureless, electrondense particles of varying size and shape, mostly displaying the having mostly character of secretory granules.  相似文献   

Four types of globins for oxygen transport are known in vertebrates, and the haemoglobin is responsible for carrying oxygen in blood. In this study, we found that haemoglobin was also expressed in canine mammary glands. Samples were taken from 26 malignant mammary tumors, 16 normal mammary glands and 10 other normal tissues. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), immunoblotting and mass spectrometry were used to investigate haemoglobin in mammary tissues. The results indicated that normal canine mammary glands expressed high levels of haemoglobin protein as shown by Coomassie blue staining. The identity of haemoglobin was confirmed by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry, and the mass spectrometry data revealed that both alpha-haemoglobin and beta-haemoglobin were expressed. Relative to normal mammary glands, the levels of haemoglobin expression in mammary tumors were lower. Our results also indicated that the haemoglobin was endogenously produced in mammary gland tissues and was not derived from the erythroid cells.  相似文献   

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