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R. J. HANCE 《Weed Research》1976,16(5):317-321
Suspensions of wettable powders of metribuzin and simazine were sprayed onto samples of two soils of two particle size grades, > 2.5 mm and <0.5 mm. The soils were either air-dry or at a water content of 12%. After either 1 h or 1 week, water was added to give a soil to water ratio of 1:1. Samples of solution were analysed after 1, 24 and 48 h. With metribuzin the intial concentration for both soils after wetting was greater from the >2.5 mm samples than the <0.5 mm samples, following application to dry soil, but by 48 h the differences were negligible. With simazine WRO soil did not show this effect at all and with Kirton soil only small differences were seen. If the soil was wet at the time of application, particle size had no effect except with simazine in Kirton soil. Generally metribuzin concentrations were higher after application to wet than to dry soils for at least 24 h after wetting whereas simazine concentrations were higher from initially dry soils and the differences had virtually disappeared 24 h after wetting. With the WRO soil herbicide concentrations in soil water were higher if the soil was wetted 1 h after spraying than if left for 1 week but the differences rarely persisted for 48 h. No such trend was observed with Kirton soil. It is concluded that the differences observed in these experiments could be responsible for variations in the performance of soil-applied herbicides. 相似文献
R. J. Hance 《Pest management science》1973,4(6):817-822
The rates of disappearance of atrazine and linuron when incubated at 22°C with soil or soil containing added nutrient materials were determined with 2 contrasting soils. Inorganic salts, straw or a combination of both increased atrazine degradation in both soils. None of the treatments influenced linuron breakdown greatly. It is concluded that in these soils the rate limiting step in atrazine degradation could be microbiological, not chemical. 相似文献
Rales of linuron and metrihuzin breakdown in soil were studied in four laboratory systems: fresh soil incubated in polyethylene bags; air-dry soil resetted and incubated in polyethylene bags; complete soil cores; a perfusion apparatus. The apparent order of reaction. estimated using a power rate equation, varied from 0.45 to 2.90 and was not consistent with respect either to the compounds or the incubation methods. It is possible that diffusion controlled processes may be involved in producing this variation. The results of six of the eight experiments could be fitted to the first order rate equation (P= 0.01). When the first order model was statistically valid, half-life times were within 50% of the time for 50% disappearance calculated wiih the power rate expression but there were differences up to five-fold in the times for 90% disappearance, calculated by the two methods. It is suggested that decomposition experiments giving orders of reaction greater than I require verification in more than one experimental system 相似文献
Steven J. Roberts Allan Walker Nisha R. Parekh Sarah J. Welch Martin J. Waddington 《Pest management science》1993,39(1):71-78
A stable mixed bacterial culture which degrades the herbicide linuron was isolated from soil by enrichment with linuron in a liquid mineral medium. Radio-respirometry studies showed that the culture mineralised linuron completely. No intermediate degradation products were detected in the medium. The culture was able to utilise linuron as a source of both nitrogen and carbon and was also able to degrade the related herbicides monolinuron and chlorbromuron and the possible intermediate degradation products of linuron: 3,4-dichlorophenyl-l-methylurea, 3,4-dichlorophenylurea and 3,4-dichloroaniline. The culture was unable to degrade the 1,1-dimethyl substituted ureas monuron, diuron or metoxuron. The culture contained Gram-negative aerobic rods, and Gram-positive aerobic non-spore-forming rods and cocco-bacilli. Of 124 isolates from the mixed culture, none degraded linuron in pure culture, indicating that a consortium of organisms is involved. Further investigation suggested that Pseudomonas spp. were important components of the population responsible for degradation. 相似文献
A. Vanachter C. Van Assche 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1970,76(4):240-248
Laboratory experiments were carried out to test the effect of two levels of soil moisture and two temperatures on the effectivity and persistence of five soil fumigants.Soil moisture had a great influence on the extent of the zone over which the products diffused vertically, as shown by fungicidal and phytotoxic action at various depths in soil columns. In moist soil spread of the gases from the point of application is much poorer than in dry soils. There was little or no temperature effect in the dryer soil, while in the wet soil diffusion was better at 25° than at 10°C.In studying persistence, as measured by assaying inhibition of germination and growth ofLepidium sativum, it appeared that the tested fumigants can be divided into two groups. In the case of chloropicrin and telone persistence is primarily enhanced by high soil moisture content, and in the case of the fumigants having methyl isothiocyanate as the active principle, by a low soil temperature. With chloropicrin and telone, there is a temperature effect only in the moist soil. Persistence of methylisothiocyanate is only slightly affected by soil moisture.Samenvatting In laboratoriumproeven werd de invloed van temperatuur en vochtgehalte van de bodem op de effectiviteit en persistentie van vijf grondontsmettingsmiddelen onderzocht.De bodemvochtigheid heeft een grote invloed op de verspreiding der produkten, zoals bleek bij de toetsing van fungicide en phytotoxische effecten op verschillende diepten in grondkolommen. In vochtige grond met een laag poriënvolume is de verspreiding vanaf het injectiepunt bij deze gasvormige middelen veel geringer dan in droge grond. In vochtige grond was de ontsmette zone groter bij 25°C dan bij 10°C, terwijl in droge grond geen of weinig effect van de temperatuur werd geconstateerd.Bij de bepaling van de persistentie, gemeten als kiem-en groeiremmend effect opLepidium sativum, bleek de getoetste serie middelen in twee groepen uiteen te vallen. De persistentie wordt in het geval van chloorpicrine en telone vooral verlengd door een hoog vochtgehalte, en bij de drie andere, waarvan methylisothiocyanaat het actieve bestanddeel of principe is, door een lage temperatuur. Bij chloorpicrine en telone is er alleen een temperatuureffect in de vochtige grond, terwijl de persistentie van methylisothiocyanaat zeer weinig beïnvloed wordt door het vochtgehalte.Research under the auspices of the IWONL. 相似文献
Residues of linuron and simazine were measured by both bioassay and gas-chromatographic methods in soil from field plots that had been treated either 20 weeks (both compounds). 41/2 years (linuron) or 51/2 years (simazine) previously. There were no significant differences between the results obtained with the two methods; therefore the relationship between extractable herbicide and that available to plants was independent of the age of the residue. Hence‘bound’residues, if they existed in these plots, had no phytocidal significance. 相似文献
Wettable powder formulations of simazine, metribuzin and linuron and a suspension concentrate of simazine were sprayed on to soil particles which were either at a water content equivalent to pF 2·5 or air dry. Air dry samples were then wetted to pF 2·5 immediately or after 24 h. Soil solutions were removed using a pressure membrane apparatus at intervals up to 96 h after wetting. In each case the concentration in soil solutions expressed after 96 h following application to wet soil, or dry soil wetted immediately, were close to those predicted on the basis of Freundlich adsorption isotherm data obtained in slurry equilibrium conditions. There were, however, some differences after shorter periods. Concentrations were always lower in solutions obtained from air dry soil that was not wetted for 24 h. After 96 h simazine and metribuzin concentrations were about 50% of those obtained following application to wet soil, while that of linuron was about 25%. Differences of this size may be large enough to affect mass transfer phenomena and phytotoxicity. It seems likely that suspension of these herbicides sprayed in formulations on to wet soil dissolved in soil water at least as fast as would be predicted theoretically. 相似文献
The decomposition of atrazine, linuron and picloram when incubated with two soils at four levels of application was measured for periods of 3 or 4 months. The applicability of zero-order, half-order, first-order and Michaelis-Menten kinetics was considered. None of the equations described the breakdown rates adequately in spite of the apparent theoretical advantage for using an expression of the Michaelis-Menten type. In each case the rate of decomposition increased as the initial herbicide concentration decreased. 相似文献
Allan Walker 《Pest management science》1976,7(1):50-58
The rates of degradation of simazine and linuron were measured in soil from plots not treated previously with these herbicides. Degradation of both compounds followed first-order kinetics and soil temperature and soil moisture content had a marked effect on the rate of loss. With linuron, half-lives increased from 36 to 106 days with a reduction in temperature from 30° to 5°C at 4% soil moisture, and from 29 to 83 days at 12% soil moisture. Similar temperature changes increased the half-life of simazine from 29 to 209 days and from 16 to 125 days at soil moisture contents of 4 and 12% respectively. A computer program which has been developed for simulation of herbicide persistence was used in conjunction with the laboratory data and the relevant meteorological records for the years 1964 to 1968 in order to test the model against previously published field persistence data for the two herbicides. The results with simazine showed a close correspondence between observed and predicted residue levels but those for linuron, particularly in uncropped plots, were satisfactory for limited periods only. 相似文献
不同耕作措施对冬小麦农田土壤水分和温度的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在多年田间定位试验的基础上,研究了内陆河绿洲灌区不同耕作措施对冬小麦农田土壤水分和温度的影响.结果表明,冬小麦返青至成熟,0~150 cm土层深度范围内免耕秸秆覆盖处理土壤平均含水量较免耕和传统耕作处理高0.21%和0.23%,免耕对土壤含水量影响不明显;冬小麦收获后,0~150 cm土层深度范围内土壤含水量平均值的高低顺序为:免耕秸秆覆盖>免耕>传统耕作.冬小麦返青至成熟期间,无论晴天还是阴天,0~25 cm土层深度范围内免耕秸秆处理土壤温度均低于免耕和传统耕作处理,免耕秸秆覆盖和免耕处理土壤温度平均值较传统耕作分别低2.8℃和2.6℃,免耕秸秆覆盖处理可以稳定土壤温度.相关分析表明,土壤含水量与土壤温度存在显著负相关关系. 相似文献
The inhibitory effect of the herbicide diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea] on microbial activity in red Latosol soil was followed using microcalorimetry. The activity of the micro-organisms in 1.50 g of soil sample was stimulated by addition of 6.0 mg of glucose and 6.0 mg of ammonium sulfate under 35% controlled humidity at 298.15 (+/- 0.02) K. This activity was determined by power-time curves that were recorded for increasing amounts of diuron, varying from zero to 333.33 micrograms g-1 soil. An increase in the amount of diuron in soil caused a decrease of the original thermal effect, to reach a null value above 333.33 micrograms g-1 of herbicide. The power-time curve showed that the lag-phase period and peak time increased with added herbicide. The decrease of the thermal effect evolved by micro-organisms and the increase of the lag-phase period are associated with the death of microbial populations caused by diuron, which strongly affects soil microbial communities. 相似文献
Salinas-Castillo A Fernández-Sanchez JF Segura-Carretero A Fernández-Gutiérrez A 《Pest management science》2005,61(8):816-820
A new, simple, rapid and selective phosphorimetric method for determining napropamide is proposed which demonstrates the applicability of heavy-atom-induced room-temperature phosphorescence for analyzing pesticides in real samples. The phosphorescence signals are a consequence of intermolecular protection and are found exclusively with analytes in the presence of heavy atom salts. Sodium sulfite was used as an oxygen scavenger to minimize room-temperature phosphorescence quenching. The determination was performed in 1 M potassium iodide and 6 mM sodium sulfite at 20 degrees C. The phosphorescence intensity was measured at 520 nm with excitation at 290 nm. Phosphorescence was easily developed, with a linear relation to concentration between 3.2 and 600.0 ng ml(-1) and a detection limit of 3.2 ng ml(-1). The method has been successfully applied to the analysis of napropamide in water and soil samples and an exhaustive interference study was also carried out to display the selectivity of the proposed method. 相似文献
The photochemical degradation of the herbicide isoproturon in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions and in soils has been investigated. Four new photometabolites were formed in non-aqueous solution and three in soil. These were characterised by spectroscopic methods and identified by comparison with authentic synthetic samples such as 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1-methylurea; 3-(4-isopropylphenyl)urea; 4,4′-diisopropylazobenzene and 4,4′-diisopropylazoxybenzene. The pathway of formation of these photo products is depicted. 相似文献
不同土壤改良剂对碱积盐成土改良效果研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
大田试验结合玉米室内模拟盆栽,研究宁夏回族自治区石嘴山市平罗县姚伏镇大兴墩村的盐碱土在施用硫磺、石膏、有机肥、PAM等不同改良剂后,土壤水分及相关性质的变化。结果表明:(1)4种改良剂均有效降低了土壤容重,土壤空隙度随之增加,土壤物理结构的改善与水分利用相互配合,共同促进了盐碱土的改良;(2)硫磺的最佳用量在675~900 kg/hm2之间;(3)就4种改良剂综合而言,PAM表现出最佳效果。 相似文献
不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜苗期根区土壤水分、温度及生理指标的影响 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以小型西瓜"黑美人"为试验材料,在日光温室内进行了灌溉试验研究,试验设置1.25Ep(Ep为两次灌水时间间隔内的蒸发皿蒸发量)、1.0Ep、0.75Ep和0.5Ep四个供水处理,以探求不同供水条件对温室小型西瓜根区土壤水分变化、土壤温度、西瓜的形态指标、水分生理指标和光合生理指标的影响,并采用DPS分析软件对数据进行了... 相似文献
The disappearance of linuron and metribuzin was studied during laboratory incubation of soil samples which had been taken from several depths at three sites, and treated with the pesticides. Temperature and water content of the soils were varied. There was a tendency for the rate of loss to be slower in soil taken from deeper horizons than in surface soil but the differences were not large. In only ten out of forty experiments did the value 1 for the apparent order of reaction fall within 95% confidence limits. In the remaining experiments the apparent reaction order was greater than 1 with eight values higher than 4. For one soil, the reaction order for linuron was markedly lower for incubation at 22°C compared with incubations at 10°C. The results could be explained on the basis that the systems were complex, involving consecutive or competing reactions. An alternative possibility is that the apparent complexities were artifacts brought about by the inherent limitations of the laboratory incubation system. 相似文献
The route and rate of degradation of florasulam, a low‐rate triazolopyrimidine sulfonanilide herbicide, was investigated in six soil types under aerobic conditions at 20 or 25 °C. Degradation products were isolated and identified by mass spectroscopy. Florasulam was rapidly degraded by microbial action with an average half‐life of 2.4 days (range 0.7 to 4.5 days). The first step in the degradation pathway involved conversion of the methoxy group on the triazolopyrimidine ring to a hydroxy group to form N‐(2,6‐difluorophenyl)‐8‐fluoro‐5‐hydroxy[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5‐c]pyrimidine‐2‐sulfonamide. This metabolite degraded, with a half‐life of 10 to 61 days, via partial breakdown of the triazolopyrimidine ring to form N‐(2,6‐difluorophenyl)‐5‐aminosulfonyl‐1H‐1,2,4‐triazole‐3‐carboxylic acid. This was followed by cleavage of the sulfonamide bridge to form 5‐(aminosulfonyl)‐1H‐1,2,4‐triazole‐3‐carboxylic acid. Other degradation processes involved decarboxylation of the carboxylic acid metabolites and mineralisation to form carbon dioxide and non‐extractable residues. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
草原开垦破坏草地植被,并且破坏了整个草原的生态环境,这已取得共识。然而,目前还有人想开垦呼伦贝尔天然草地来追求短期的利益。通过调查一个天然草地坡面的土层厚度和土壤水分,分析天然草地地貌部位对土层厚度和土壤水分的影响,以此为根据来阐述开垦天然草地的利害。结果表明:上部样点含水量低,坡脚和坡底样点含水量依次增加;黑土层保水性好,黄粘土层透水性差,砂土层保水性很差;坡面80%的面积黑土层小于或等于30cm,开垦压实以后厚度只能满足暂时耕作的需要。呼伦贝尔草原地形起伏较大,干旱且多大风,易发生土壤侵蚀。开垦以后将会失去保水性好的黑土层,那时,呼伦贝尔草原前景甚忧。因此,建议不应开垦呼伦贝尔草原,并给与适当保护。 相似文献
Rasmussen J Aamand J Rosenberg P Jacobsen OS Sørensen SR 《Pest management science》2005,61(9):829-837
The spatial variability in the mineralisation rate of linuron [N-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N'-methoxy-N'-methylurea] was studied within a previously treated Danish agricultural field by sampling soils from eleven different plots randomly distributed across an area of 20 x 20 m. The soils were characterised with respect to different abiotic and biotic properties including moisture content, organic matter content, pH, nutrient content, bacterial biomass, potential for mineralisation of MCPA [(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid] and linuron. Five soils had a potential for mineralisation of linuron, with 5-15% of the added [ring-U-14C]linuron metabolised to 14CO2 within 60 days at 10 degrees C, while no extensive mineralisation of linuron was observed in the six remaining soils within this period. A TLC analysis of the methanol-extractable residues showed no development of 14C-labelled metabolites from linuron in any of the samples. Multivariate analysis was conducted to elucidate relationships between the intrinsic properties of single soil samples and initial rate of linuron mineralisation. The analysis indicated that important soil parameters in determining the spatial heterogeneity included the C(total)/N(total) ratio, pH and the water-extractable potassium contents, with the first of these highly negatively correlated and the last two highly positively correlated to the initial linuron mineralisation rate. This study shows that enhanced biodegradation of linuron may develop with successive field treatments, but that considerable in-field spatial heterogeneity in the degradation rate still exists. Combined with a parallel enrichment study focused on the underlying microbial processes, the present results suggest that intrinsic soil properties affect the linuron-metabolising bacterial population and thereby determine the spatial variability in the linuron mineralisation activity. 相似文献
1,3‐Dichloropropene (1,3‐D), which consists of two isomers, (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D, is considered to be a viable alternative to methyl bromide, but atmospheric emission of 1,3‐D is often associated with deterioration of air quality. To minimize environmental impacts of 1,3‐D, emission control strategies are in need of investigation. One approach to reduce 1,3‐D emissions is to accelerate its degradation by incorporating organic amendments into the soil surface. In this study, we investigated the ability of four organic amendments to enhance the rate of degradation of (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D in a sandy loam soil. Degradation of (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D was well described by first‐order kinetics, and rates of degradation for the two isomers were similar. Composted steer manure (SM) was the most reactive of the organic amendments tested. The half‐life of both the (Z)‐ and (E)‐isomers in unamended soil at 20 °C was 6.3 days; those in 5% SM‐amended soil were 1.8 and 1.9 days, respectively. At 40 °C, the half‐life of both isomers in 5% SM‐amended soil was 0.5 day. Activation energy values for amended soil at 2, 5 and 10% SM were 56.5, 53.4 and 64.5 kJ mol?1, respectively. At 20 °C, the contribution of degradation from biological mechanisms was largest in soil amended with SM, but chemical mechanisms still accounted for more than 58% of the (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D degradation. The effect of temperature and amendment rate upon degradation should be considered when describing the fate and transport of 1,3‐D isomers in soil. Use of organic soil amendments appears to be a promising method to enhance fumigant degradation and reduce volatile emissions. Published in 2001 for SCI by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 相似文献