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国际方面.在中国秋节休市期间(9月22日至24日),受对全球供应的担忧、稳固的出口需求以及外部市场环境支持,CBOT大豆期货连续三日上涨,尤其在24日,价格突破11美元这一关键水准,为自2009年9月以来首次。  相似文献   

2011年大豆市场的总体走势大致分为高位箱体震荡和破位下行两个阶段。1月初至9月中旬,大豆市场在基本面利好支撑和系统性风险不定时打压的局面下震荡上行,于9月初创出年内高点。正当国内外集体看多大豆之际,美国农业部在9月份供需报告中意外上调美豆单产水  相似文献   

2010年世界经济延续了2009年缓慢复苏的步伐,但基础不牢固、进程不平衡,存在较大不确定性。欧元区主权债务危机、二次量化宽松以及新兴经济体的通货膨胀都是2010年国际宏观经济的焦点。  相似文献   

养殖行业和饲料行业在分析大豆、豆粕和玉米市场的现货供求状况和价格变动趋势的时候.透过期货市场可以得到许多在现货市场上无法得到的信息,而且方法非常简单.成本也更加低廉。因为期货市场充分竞争集中买卖的机制使价格涨跌更具预见性,而且其不同到期月份的合约和上下游产品期货价格间多层次价差结构更能充分反映当前市场的主要矛盾,从而为企业判断市场形势提供了更为全面可靠的依据。  相似文献   

近期美国农业部(USDA)的两份报告令大豆市场波动加剧。先是3月31日USDA公布的季度种植意向报告.报告预计2009年新季大豆的种植面积是7602.4万英亩.由于此前Informa公司以及艾伦代尔公司分别将美国新季大豆的种植面积预估为8150万英亩和8043.9万英亩.巨大的反差推动了市场价格的大幅反弹;  相似文献   

康冰 《饲料广角》2007,(12):12-13
自今年4月份以来大豆市场一直保持上升趋势.市场热衷于关注2007/08年度美国大豆播种面积的数据。由于近两年美国玉米工业消费增加,需要播种面积满足日益增长的工业需求,因此有大量土地转种玉米。此间CBOT大豆曾就美国大豆、玉米播种面积增减幅度进行了炒作。从美国农业部公布报告数字可发现,2007/08年度美国大豆播种面积和产量都较上年度有明显的下降。[第一段]  相似文献   

Information about gonadal asymmetries in ruminants is very scarce. In this work, we performed three complementary studies to compare characteristics of both testes: (i) weight and size of offspring and adult dead males; (ii) the tissue:fluid relationship determined by ultrasound scanning; and (iii) the spermatogenic status using fine needle aspiration cytology. The right testis was heavier than the left one in both offspring and adult animals and had greater width and volume in adult males than the left one. The ultrasound pixel intensity was similar in both testes. The right testis tended to have more spermatogonia (p = .06) and had a greater percentage of early spermatids (p = .004) than the left testis. On the other hand, the left testis had a greater percentage of spermatozoa (p = .05). The left testis had a greater spermatozoa/spermatogonia ratio (p = .02) and tended to have more spermatozoa/Sertoli cells ratio (p = .07). The spermatogenic index tended to be greater in the left than in the right testis (p = .06). Overall, we concluded that the right testis of pampas deer males is bigger but according to the cytology, it seems to be less spermatogenically effective than the left one, but these differences are not explained by different tissue:fluid ratio in each testis. Although differences were greater in adults than in offspring, asymmetry was observed even in just born offspring.  相似文献   

2001年1月3日,全国农业工作会议在北京召开。会议的主题是,贯彻党的十五届五中全会、中央经济工作会议和中央农村工作会议精神,总结“九五”特别是2000年农业和农村经济工作,研究部署“十五”特别是今年工作。农业部部长陈耀邦在会上作了题为《紧紧围绕增加农民收入和确保粮食安全,努力做好农业和农村经济工作》的报告,强调指出,“十五”期间特别是今年的农  相似文献   

From a parasite viewpoint, therefore, hypobiosis is a most useful life cycle adaptation to ensure persistence and has been reported in most of the important nematode species parasitizing sheep in North America. It facilitates the synchronization of the nematode life cycle to changing host and environmental conditions. It also enables the parasite to have available large numbers of infective forms at points in the host life cycle that coincide with the presence of susceptible neonates, thus ensuring transmission. The accompanying periparturient rise seen with many of these species following development of hypobiotic larvae has very important implications for the planning of control procedures. Because it appears to be the major source of pasture contamination early in the grazing season, it is the prime source of infection for the lambs. These lambs can in turn serve to augment pasture contamination, leading to very heavy levels of pasture infectivity in late summer and fall. By scheduling anthelmintic treatments so as to suppress this rise in egg counts, pasture contamination can be kept to a minimum. More effective, less frequent dosing with anthelmintics is needed.  相似文献   

今年我国小麦虽然减产,但从全国收购情况看,却好于去年。到目前为止,全国小麦入库量达2002.8万t,比去年同期增收71.53万t。造成小麦收购量较高的主要原因是粮食部门普遍积极执行敞开收购政策,许多主产省积极做好小麦收购工作,为农民售粮创造有利条件,而且收购价也比去年提高。  相似文献   

泰格 《饲料广角》2002,(24):18-18
今年12月初,国内大豆主产区黑龙江省的大豆价格已超过2400元/t,创出年内新高,出现了反季节上涨的态势。对此,我们(JCI)将透过国内产区大豆价格为何创年内新高,简要分析一下国内大豆市场的风险。一是油厂加工大豆能力显著增加。今年仅东北油厂就新增至少160万t压榨能力,以60%开工率计将多消耗大豆100万t。由于加工能力的迅速提高,对大豆的需求也随之增加,大豆的市场价格因此被抬高。  相似文献   

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