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Six dogs had signs of pelvic limb weakness, pain and collapse as a result of occlusion of the distal aorta and/or the iliac arteries by a thrombus. Antemortem diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical signs, angiography and ultrasonography. Five dogs had concurrent disease that probably predisposed to thrombosis, including hyperadrenocorticism (three dogs), neoplasia and cardiac disease. Two dogs died shortly after the episode of thrombosis. Dogs that survived the acute episode received aspirin in an attempt to prevent thrombosis occurring again and all regained pelvic limb function. For dogs that survived longer than one month after the acute episode, repeat thrombosis was uncommon; hence the prognosis was related to the underlying disease. Aortic and iliac thrombosis in dogs is an uncommon condition that usually arises secondarily to a predisposing disease process; it carries a more favourable prognosis than feline aortic thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Among 26 dogs greater than or equal to 10 years old, the most frequent owner complaints relating to behavioral problems were destructive behavior in the house (n = 10), inappropriate urination or defecation in the house (n = 10), and excessive vocalization (n = 7). The most frequent behavioral diagnoses were separation anxiety (n = 13) and breakdown of housetraining (n = 6). Most of the behavioral problems in the 26 dogs began after the dogs reached the age of 10 years, and most of the dogs had been owned for many years without having behavioral problems. Few behavioral problems in old dogs had a medical basis. Most cases of inappropriate urination or defecation in the house were not related to urinary or fecal incontinence, but were exacerbated by problems such as degenerative joint disease and renal disease. Behavioral therapy is appropriate for behavioral problems in old dogs, and, taking into account an old dog's health and physical limitations, techniques used are the same as for younger dogs.  相似文献   

Oesophageal leiomyosarcoma has yet to be reported in dogs. This retrospective case series describes the case management and clinical outcome of four dogs with oesophageal leiomyosarcoma treated by marginal excision alone. Histological features used to determine tumour grade included capsular invasion, percent necrosis, pleomorphism and mitotic rate. All tumours were designated grade 1 leiomyosarcoma. Excision of all grossly evident tumour tissue was achieved in two of the four cases; however, histopathologic evaluation showed tumour cells at the surgical margins in one of these two cases. Two dogs had grossly incomplete excision. Two dogs died from unrelated conditions, one 3 years and 5.5 months after surgery, the other at 65 days. One dog had persistent mega‐oesophagus and was lost to follow‐up 388 days after surgery and one dog is still alive (last follow‐up 405 days after surgery). Despite large tumour size and incomplete excision, surgical removal of low‐grade leiomyosarcomas can result in long‐term resolution of clinical signs.  相似文献   

Medical records of five dogs and two cats with bite wounds to the spine were reviewed. All dogs were bitten in the cervical spine and presented as quadriparetic. Both cats were bitten at the lumbar spine; one was paraparetic and the other paraplegic. Concomitant injuries to structures other than the spine were seen in two cases. Radiographic findings included vertebral fractures in all cases. Medical therapy included antibiotics (7/7), methylprednisolone sodium succinate (4/7) and analgesia (7/7). Five cases underwent minor (4/5) or extensive (1/5) surgical debridement. All cervical fractures were stabilized with fiberglass casts and animals with lumbar injury were cage rested for a month. Six of the cases survived, five of which regained good to excellent ambulatory ability within the first month. Although, the numbers of reported cases are limited, this study shows that adequate surgical debridement and wound drainage combined with external coaptation can be sufficient to manage bite wounds that involve the spine.  相似文献   

Forty-four dogs with confirmed orbital neoplasia were studied. Eighteen tumour types were represented and 95 per cent of the neoplasms were classified as malignant. The tumour types most commonly diagnosed were osteosarcoma, fibrosarcoma and nasal adenocarcinoma. Thirty-six per cent of the dogs had at least one clinical sign that was compatible with a diagnosis of orbital abscessation or cellulitis. Fifty-six per cent of the dogs, where follow-up information was available, were euthanased or had died within six months of diagnosis, while 19 per cent of the total were still alive after one year post-diagnosis. Cytological examination was diagnostic for orbital neoplasia in 49 per cent of the fine needle aspirates of the retrobulbar space. In contrast, 56 per cent of the non-surgical biopsies were diagnostic for orbital neoplasia. Of those dogs that had died or been euthanased within six months of diagnosis, only 22 per cent had undergone some form of therapy for orbital neoplasia. In comparison, 86 per cent of dogs surviving longer than six months post-diagnosis had undergone such therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare outcomes of dogs with pyothorax treated medically versus surgically and to identify prognostic indicators for dogs with pyothorax. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 26 dogs. PROCEDURE: Medical records were reviewed to obtain information regarding signalment, results of physical and laboratory evaluations at the time of initial examination, results of bacterial culture of pleural fluid, radiographic abnormalities, treatment (surgical vs medical), complications, whether the disease recurred, disease-free interval, survival time, and cause of death. RESULTS: Calculated proportions of dogs free from disease 1 year after treatment were 25 and 78%, respectively, for dogs treated medically and surgically. Treatment was 5.4 times as likely to fail in dogs treated medically as in dogs treated surgically. Two regression models relating treatment group (medical vs surgical) to disease-free interval were found to be significant. The first contained terms for medical treatment and isolation of Actinomyces spp from pleural fluid; the second contained terms for medical treatment and radiographic detection of mediastinal or pulmonary lesions at the time of initial examination. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that surgical treatment is associated with a better outcome than medical treatment in dogs with pyothorax. In addition, surgery should be considered if radiographic evidence of mediastinal or pulmonary lesions is detected or if Actinomyces spp is isolated from the pleural fluid.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine outcome of positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) for 24 hours or longer and identify factors associated with successful weaning from PPV and survival to hospital discharge in dogs and cats. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 124 dogs and 24 cats that received PPV for 24 hours or longer. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, primary diagnosis, reason for initiating PPV, measures of oxygenation and ventilation before and during PPV, ventilator settings, complications, duration of PPV, and outcome. Animals were categorized into 1 of 3 groups on the basis of the reason for PPV. RESULTS: Group 1 patients received PPV for inadequate oxygenation (67 dogs and 6 cats), group 2 for inadequate ventilation (46 dogs and 16 cats), and group 3 for inadequate oxygenation and ventilation (11 dogs and 2 cats). Of the group 1 animals, 36% (26/73) were weaned from PPV and 22% (16/73) survived to hospital discharge. In group 2, 50% (31/62) were weaned from PPV and 39% (24/62) survived to hospital discharge. In group 3, 3 of 13 were weaned from PPV and 1 of 13 survived to hospital discharge. Likelihood of successful weaning and survival to hospital discharge were significantly higher for group 2 animals, and cats had a significantly lower likelihood of successful weaning from PPV, compared with dogs. Median duration of PPV was 48 hours (range, 24 to 356 hours) and was not associated with outcome. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that long-term PPV is practical and successful in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Hemoptysis, the expectoration of blood or bloody mucus from the respiratory tract at or below the larynx, was retrospectively evaluated in 36 dogs. Cough, tachypnea, and dyspnea were common historical and physical examination signs. Anemia was documented in 11 dogs, but was severe in only one dog. Other clinicopathological findings reflected the underlying diseases. All thoracic radiographs obtained were abnormal; alveolar and interstitial patterns were most common. Diseases predisposing to hemoptysis included bacterial bronchopneumonia (n=7), neoplasia (n=5), trauma (n=5), immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (n=4), heartworm disease (n=4), rodenticide poisoning (n=3), lung-lobe torsion (n=1), left-sided congestive heart failure (n=1), pulmonary hypertension (n=1), and foreign-body pneumonia (n=1). Four additional dogs had more than one underlying disease process. Nine dogs were either euthanized or died in the hospital during the initial visit. While at least half of the 27 dogs discharged went on to completely recover, five dogs discharged were known to have either died or been euthanized as a result of their disease in <6 months.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence of and risk factors for ventilatory failure in dogs undergoing surgery for treatment of cervical spinal disorders and to document ventilator management, clinical course, and long-term outcome of dogs that experienced ventilatory failure in association with cervical spinal disorders or their management. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 14 dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs with cervical spinal disorders that required positive-pressure ventilation (PPV) were identified, and signalment, concurrent diseases, neurologic status at initial examination, clinical course, pulmonary function before, during, and after PPV, management techniques, complications, and outcome were recorded. Dogs that underwent surgery and required PPV were compared with dogs that underwent cervical spinal surgery during the same period that did not require PPV. RESULTS: 14 dogs with cervical spinal disorders required PPV to treat hypoventilation, including 13 of 263 (4.9%) dogs that underwent surgery for cervical spinal disorders. Lesions between the second and fourth cervical vertebrae and treatment by means of a dorsal decompressive laminectomy were associated with a significantly increased risk of perioperative hypoventilation. Pulmonary gas exchange function was normal or nearly normal throughout the course of PPV in dogs that survived. Ten dogs survived, and 9 of the 10 regained neurologic function. All 9 dogs that regained neurologic function had deep pain perception on initial examination at the veterinary teaching hospital. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that a small percentage of dogs with cervical spinal disorders may require perioperative ventilatory support. With prolonged PPV and aggressive management, a good outcome may be achieved in dogs similar to those described in the present study.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate metastatic rate and survival times of dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites treated by wide surgical excision. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Dogs (n=31) with chondrosarcoma. METHODS: Medical records were retrospectively reviewed to identify dogs with chondrosarcoma of bone in potentially surgically accessible sites. When complete information was not available in the medical record, owners and referring veterinarians were contacted by telephone to evaluate the course of disease and survival times. When possible, histopathologic diagnosis was confirmed by a single board certified pathologist and tumors were histologically graded. RESULTS: Dogs treated by wide surgical excision (n=18) had a mean survival time of 3097 days and did not reach median survival time. Dogs untreated except for diagnostic biopsy (n =13) had a median survival time of 523 days and a mean survival time of 495 days. Method of treatment and tumor grade predicted survival time (P=.016 and P=.007, respectively). Metastatic rate was 28% for treated dogs and 15% for untreated dogs, with no significant difference between the 2 groups (P=.39). CONCLUSIONS: Wide surgical excision significantly improves survival time for dogs with chondrosarcoma of nonnasal bony sites, but does not affect the likelihood of metastasis. Grade may be prognostic for survival. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Surgical excision benefits dogs with chondrosarcoma and can result in prolonged survival times. Metastasis still occurs in approximately 1 of 4 dogs even after surgical resection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize serologic and clinical features and outcome of dogs with leptospirosis that were treated conservatively (i.e., medical management alone) or with hemodialysis. DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: 36 dogs with leptospirosis. PROCEDURE: History; results of physical examinations, ultrasonography, and serologic, hematologic, and serum biochemical analyses; time to resolution of azotemia; and outcome were obtained from medical records. Dogs were treated conservatively (n = 22) or with hemodialysis (14). RESULTS: Between 1990 and 1998, amount of rainfall was positively correlated with number of cases of leptospirosis identified per year. Serum antibodies against 6 Leptospira serovars were measured, and titers were highest to Leptospira pomona in 16 (44%) dogs, L bratislava in 9 (25%) dogs, and L hardjo in 1 (3%) dog. Eight (22%) dogs had equally high titers to L pomona and L bratislava, 1 (3%) had equally high titers to L grippotyphosa and L canicola, and 1 (3%) had high titers to L grippotyphosa, L pomona, L canicola, and L bratislava. During initial evaluation, all dogs were azotemic. Thirty (83%) dogs survived, including 12 of 14 (86%) dogs treated with hemodialysis and 18 of 22 (82%) treated conservatively. Serum creatinine concentration was similar in both groups after resolution of clinical signs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Infection with L pomona and L bratislava was recognized as a cause of leptospirosis in dogs, and resulted in development of acute renal failure with various degrees of azotemia. Prognosis for dogs with mild to moderate azotemia was good with conservative treatment, whereas treatment with hemodialysis appeared to improve prognosis for dogs with severe azotemia.  相似文献   

With the exception of solar‐induced dermal hemangiosarcoma (HSA), the biologic behaviour of canine HSA is characterised by rapid tumour growth, a high metastatic rate and short survival times. Outcome of dogs with HSA of the tongue has not been previously reported. The purpose of this study was to assess outcome and prognostic factors in dogs with lingual HSA. Clinical data was collected retrospectively and histopathology was reviewed for 20 dogs. Median progression free survival was 524 days and the median overall survival time was 553 days. All dogs had low or intermediate grade tumours; most tumours were small and located on the ventral surface of the tongue. Prognostic factors significantly associated with increased survival included small tumour size and absence of clinical signs of an oral mass at the time of diagnosis. Dogs with HSA confined to the tongue may have a better prognosis compared with HSA in other organs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate clinical, laboratory, and necropsy findings in dogs with infective endocarditis (IE). DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 71 dogs with possible or definite IE. PROCEDURES: Medical records were reviewed for signalment, clinical features, and results of clinicopathologic testing and diagnostic imaging. Yearly incidence and the effect of variables on survival were determined by use of survival curve analysis. RESULTS: The overall incidence of IE was 0.05%. Most affected dogs were of large breeds, and > 75% were older than 5 years. The aortic valve was affected in 36 of the 71 (51%) dogs, and the mitral valve was affected in 59%. Lameness caused by immune-mediated polyarthritis, septic arthritis, or peripheral arterial thromboembolism was observed in 53% of the dogs. Neurologic complications were diagnosed in 17 of 71 (24%) dogs. Thromboembolic disease was suspected in 31 of 71 (44%) of dogs. The mortality rate associated with IE was 56%, and median survival time was 54 days. Factors negatively associated with survival included thrombocytopenia, high serum creatinine concentration, renal complications, and thromboembolic complications. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A diagnosis of IE should be suspected in dogs with fever, systolic or diastolic murmur, and locomotor problems. Dogs with thrombocytopenia, high serum creatinine concentration, thromboembolism, or renal complications may have a shorter survival time.  相似文献   

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