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通过对芍药生物学特性、促成栽培实验材料选择和促成栽培技术管理措施。分析了芍药在促成栽培方面的新进展。  相似文献   

芍药花大色艳,多在大田栽培春季开花且花期短,为满足芍药鲜切花需求,对莎拉、荷兰红等品种进行了促成栽培试验,通过采取温度、湿度调控,补充光照,使用激素、,用花多多、磷酸二氢钾等冲施肥料措施,取得较好效果,实现了每株平均采集芍药鲜切花6朵的效果。  相似文献   

周逸龄  王威  李秉玲  刘燕 《园艺学报》2011,38(11):2149-2156
 芍药生长发育的各个时期都存在花蕾败育现象,降低了成花率。以芍药品种‘巧玲’为材料,研究温室促成盆栽、室外盆栽和大田地栽方式下的花蕾败育情况,结果表明:不同栽培方式下芍药花蕾败育率明显不同,与各生长发育阶段蕾径大小相关。蕾径2 ~ 4 mm败育蕾发生率呈现温室促成栽培(67.9% ~ 86.6%)> 室外盆栽(44.9%)> 大田地栽(16.3%)的规律,此类败育蕾是由萌芽初期芽分化速度晚于同期正常芽的芽体发育而引起,蕾径达2 mm的败育蕾的雄蕊、雌蕊原基分化已完成;蕾径4 ~ 8 mm的败育蕾发生率呈现室外盆栽(29.6%)> 温室促成栽培(9.2% ~ 25.6%)> 大田地栽(11.8%)的规律,蕾径达5 mm的败育蕾处于胚珠原基分化阶段;蕾径8 ~ 17 mm的败育蕾在温室促成栽培条件下发生率为0 ~ 4.8%,但在室外盆栽及大田地栽环境中均没有发生,蕾径达10 mm的败育蕾其胚珠的珠心和珠柄已形成;蕾径17 ~ 27 mm的败育蕾在室外盆栽环境中发生率最高,为19.9%,其次为大田地栽,为9.2%,温室促成栽培最低,为0 ~ 1.4%,蕾径达18 mm的败育蕾可见胚珠的珠心、珠被、珠孔。3种栽培方式下败蕾率最高均出现在茎伸长期,即主要发生在2 ~ 4 mm大的花蕾,温室促成栽培中控制该阶段花蕾败育是降低败蕾率的关键,可以通过肥水管理,适当延长低温处理时间及保持后期栽培温度稳定来减少其发生,提高成花率。  相似文献   

李凤玉  藏小丹  曹阳 《北方园艺》2017,(20):149-153
以牡丹江栽培实生苗观赏芍药的根为试材,采用HPLC法,研究了不同生理年龄栽培实生苗芍药根和同龄生不同径级的实生苗芍药根对其次生代谢产物芍药苷含量的影响。结果表明:牡丹江栽培实生苗芍药根中前7年芍药苷的含量随着年限的增长而增高,栽培7年生芍药实生苗的芍药苷含量最高,栽培7年后芍药苷的含量并没有随着栽培年份的增长而增高;同龄的芍药根芍药苷含量随着根茎变细芍药苷含量逐渐增多。  相似文献   

草莓促成栽培售价高,以3—4月上市为目标。但是促成栽培成本也比较高。为了获得草莓促成栽培更大经济效益,我们进行了促成栽培密度试验。  相似文献   

我国栽培芍药与几个近缘种的数量分类学研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
郭先锋  王莲英 《园艺学报》2005,32(3):473-476
 对我国芍药的27个栽培品种和5个近缘种选用了21个性状进行了聚类分析, 结果表明, 5个野生种中, 芍药( Paeonia lactiflora) 与栽培芍药的遗传距离最近; 其次是草芍药( P. bovata) 、美丽芍药( P. mairei) ; 川赤芍( P. veitchii) 、块根芍药( P. anomala) 与栽培芍药的遗传距离则最远, 说明栽培品种与芍药的亲缘关系最近, 而与川赤芍、块根芍药的亲缘关系则最为疏远。该结果与比较形态学研究的结果一致。  相似文献   

为探究不同栽培模式对草莓营养生长及果实性状的影响,以草莓品种‘艳丽’为试材,分别进行促成栽培和半促成栽培,调查不同栽培模式下草莓植株的物候期、生长指标、生理指标、果实产量和果实品质。结果表明:促成栽培模式下草莓开花期、结果期均比半促成栽培模式早60 d左右;而半促成栽培模式下草莓株高、叶面积、地上部分与地下部分干鲜重,都不同程度高于促成栽培模式,生长更旺盛,果实单株产量比促成栽培模式下高21.83%,一级序果平均单果重二者差异不明显;果实品质方面,促成栽培模式好于半促成栽培模式。  相似文献   

详细介绍草莓保护地栽培技术,包括地膜覆盖栽培、小拱棚半促成栽培、塑料中棚栽培、塑料大棚促成栽培、温室促成栽培等内容,以及草莓常见病虫害的防治方法。  相似文献   

根据多年实践经验,从品种选择、定植时间、田间管理、病虫害防治、花期管理等方面介绍了豫西地区鲜切花芍药的栽培管理技术、实现芍药的优质高效栽培。  相似文献   

针对促成及抑制栽培的原理,介绍了花卉促成及抑制栽培措施。  相似文献   

芍药是中国传统名花,优良栽培品种多。现从芍药与花境关系、芍药的观赏价值、生态习性、种苗条件等方面分析芍药适合在花境中推广和应用的原因及应用前景,并提出芍药在花境中应用时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

‘Bailer’ (Endless Summer™) is a new, pink- or blue-flowered hydrangea that flowers on new wood continuously throughout the growing season. It is also winter-hardy in northern, temperate climates (USDA Z4). Use of Endless Summer as a florist's potted hydrangea would provide consumers with a dual-use product (flowering potted plant, landscape shrub). The objectives were to determine if Endless Summer could be forced as a florist's hydrangea using two forcing regimes (immediate, standard), two soil pH regimes, and two pinching treatments. ‘Merritt Supreme Pink’ (pink), ‘Blue Danube’ (blue), and Endless Summer (blue, pink) were forced under immediate (no cold treatment, short- and long-day photoperiods) and standard (6 weeks cold, 4 °C to overcome dormancy) conditions. Since commercial liners were not yet available, cuttings of Endless Summer were used in the immediate forcing experiment. Days to visible flower bud, first color, full flower were recorded, as well as height, no. of branches, no. of flowers, and flower size. In the immediate forcing experiment, only Endless Summer produced flowers. Cultivars differed significantly (P < 0.001) for days to visible flower bud, days to first color, days to full flower, and height. The number of flowers and flower size were not significantly different among pink cultivars. In the standard forcing experiment, Endless Summer reached days to visible flower bud, days to first color, and days to full flower significantly earlier than either comparison, although it exhibited weaker stems and less intense flower pigmentation. Pinching (blue pH) had a significant effect on all traits except the days to full flower and flower size, although no pinching treatment was significant for pink pH. Photoperiod was significant only for the days to visible flower bud (pink pH), days to full flower (blue pH), and final height (blue pH). Further research is needed before Endless Summer can be grown as a dual-use florist's potted hydrangea with acceptable quality.  相似文献   

为确保2011年春节兰展期间能够将从贵州引种的杏黄兜兰和硬叶兜兰及时展出,在春节前对这两种兜兰进行引种催花比较试验。结果表明:(1)杏黄兜兰更适宜换基质栽培,硬叶兜兰是否换基质对其花芽率的影响不大。(2)硬叶兜兰更适宜在11月引种并做低温处理,如果在9月引种也适宜做低温处理;杏黄兜兰对引种的月份要求不高,两个月份引种都不适宜做低温处理。(3)高温温室的催花时间应在春节布展前2~3个月较合适,大约在11月。  相似文献   

小苍兰连续6个月供花栽培技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
车生泉  秦文英 《园艺学报》1998,25(4):379-384
利用促成栽培、常规栽培和延迟栽培相结合的方法,使小苍兰在上海地区达到12月至次年5月连续6个月供花。促成栽培为种球经乙烯利处理提前打破休眠,再结合低温加赤霉素处理,于12月至次年2月供花;在高温期间采取降温措施和低温期间采取加温措施,于2月底~3月供花。常规栽培于3月底~4月底供花。延迟栽培为12月1日~12月20日种植常温贮藏的小球茎,于5月份供花。  相似文献   

花芽萌发前对砀山酥梨喷施不同浓度的石灰氮 ,观察其对打破休眠、促进花芽萌发的效应。结果表明 ,喷施 1 6.67%的石灰氮可使砀山酥梨提前 9天开花 ,平均每花序有花 4.9朵 ,花芽萌发率 5 7.0 %。喷施8.3 3 %的石灰氮 ,使花芽萌发率达 66.5 % ,在供试浓度中效果最好。但石灰氮打破休眠的机理尚不清楚  相似文献   

我国蝴蝶兰花期调控的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卢兴霞  王丽娟 《北方园艺》2011,(17):215-217
就目前我国蝴蝶兰花期调控的花芽分化及花芽分化过程中的生理代谢等成花诱导机理和高山催花、温度、植物生长调节剂、栽培技术等对花期调控的措施进行了综述,并对该领域今后的进一步研究方向进行了探讨,以期为我国蝴蝶兰花期调控深入研究提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the number of flowers produced in Pelargonium × domesticum cultivar ‘Lavender Grand Slam’, and their rate of development after the plants had been given a period of low-temperature flower induction, were studied.Under short days progressive abortion reduced flower numbers as the temperature regime during the forcing-period was increased. Under long days this effect was less marked and the high-temperature regime advanced flowering by over a month. When long days and high temperatures were used for forcing, it was necessary to maintain a high light intensity, 335 J/cm2/day giving the best results in terms of earliness of flowering and the number of flowers produced. At lower irradiance there was some risk of flower abortion, particularly in the first inflorescence.  相似文献   

以生长18个月的擎天属观赏凤梨Guzmania‘Calypso’与Guzmania‘Catherine’2个品种为试材,研究了不同催花药剂、浓度及处理次数对观赏凤梨开花的影响。结果表明:饱和乙炔水溶液与不同浓度的乙烯利均能有效促进擎天凤梨开花,但前者见效快,催花效果好,明显优于后者的各浓度梯度。饱和乙炔水溶液处理3~4次是较为理想的凤梨催花处理方式。  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(1-2):77-84
Exposure time of trees to high temperatures during flower differentiation influenced the occurrence of double pistils in ‘Satohnishiki’ sweet cherry. Mature trees were grown under both early and late forcing, and under non-forcing conditions until harvest in a commercial orchard located in Kagawa, southwestern Japan. In mid-July, when the maximum temperature began to rise rapidly following the rainy season, petal and stamen primordia had been formed in the buds under early forcing (93%) and late forcing (69%) conditions, but under non-forcing conditions most of the buds were still at the stage of sepal differentiation. Pistil doubling rarely occurred under forcing conditions, whereas 10.3% of the flowers developed double pistils under non-forcing conditions. In another experiment, potted trees were exposed to high temperatures (35°C/25°C, day/night) for 15 days at intervals of 15 days during the period from late-June to early-September. High temperature induced double pistils most severely in the buds that contained sepal and petal primordia at the beginning of the treatment, and the frequency of occurrence of double pistils was slightly lower in the buds treated at the earlier stage of flower differentiation. On the other hand, high temperature had little effect on pistil doubling in buds with differentiated stamen and pistil primordia. These results suggest that (1) the buds are most sensitive to the induction of double pistils at high temperatures at the transition stage from sepal to petal differentiation, and (2) forcing culture can be applied to sweet cherry production in warm areas to reduce double pistil formation by avoiding the exposure of buds to high temperatures while the buds are still in the sensitive period.  相似文献   

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