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龙葵和苘麻发生数量与大豆产量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龙葵和苘麻发生数量与大豆产量的关系王义明(黑龙江省农科院植保所哈尔滨150086)作物因杂草的危害而减产。但杂草发生数量不同,作物产量损失的程度也不同。龙葵(Solanumnigrum)植株繁茂多枝,菏麻(Abutilontheophrasit)植株...  相似文献   

苘麻Abutilon theophrasti Medikus具有生长旺盛、结籽量大和适应性强等特点,已成为多种农田中的恶性杂草,研究环境条件对苘麻萌发的影响对进一步探究其生物学特性与综合防治技术具有重要意义。通过室内试验研究温度、光照、酸碱度、水分胁迫、盐胁迫与苘麻种子萌发及埋土深度与其出苗的关系。结果表明,在10~35℃下苘麻种子均可萌发,20~30℃为其最适萌发温度范围;种子萌发对光照不敏感;适应pH范围广,在pH 4~9条件下种子发芽率均在70%以上;水势在-0.2~0 MPa范围内种子发芽率最高,当水势小于-0.7 MPa时,种子萌发受到完全抑制;有较强的耐盐性,NaCl浓度为160 mmol/L时发芽率超过40%;种子对播种深度适应性较强,覆盖不超过8 cm的土层均可出苗。  相似文献   

为探讨甘肃陇东地区大豆孢囊线虫田间侵染动态,于2017年-2019年对大豆根系和根际土壤定期定点取样,采用漂浮法、贝曼漏斗法及酸性品红染色法对土样中和根组织内线虫进行分离计数,研究其繁殖数量与气温、降雨量的关系。结果表明,2017年土壤中2龄幼虫和新鲜孢囊的数量有3个明显高峰,大豆根组织内2~4龄幼虫均出现3个明显高峰,即发生3代,平均世代历期35 d。2018年-2019年土壤中2龄幼虫和新鲜孢囊均有4个明显高峰,大豆根组织内2~4龄幼虫亦出现4个明显高峰,即发生4代。第1代侵染数量最多,是主要危害世代。最后1代侵染数量极少且发育缓慢。在2017年-2019年生长季中,线虫繁殖数量与生长季平均温度具有相关性,与累积降雨量无相关性。  相似文献   

陆平  梁巧玲 《杂草科学》2011,29(2):57-59
新疆伊犁河谷大豆田杂草种类有7科13种,其中发生普遍、危害严重的优势种有灰绿藜、田旋花、稗、画眉草、金色狗尾草5种。杂草的防除,以精选种子、使用腐熟有机肥、合理栽培、轮作倒茬等农业防除措施为基础,化学防除为主要手段,可把杂草危害控制在最低程度。  相似文献   

夏大豆田草害发生轻重的影响因素初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过1985~1991年的试验和典型田块调查,对耕作方式、播期、密度、秸秆还田以及除草剂等因素对夏大豆田杂草发生的影响作了粗浅的探讨。一、耕作方式 1987年夏大豆播后杂草萌发前,选近几年未深翻的豆麦连续轮作田,采取5点取样,每点0.11平方米,分层取土,再取样、水洗、过滤,统计杂草种子数。1987年小麦播种前,在同一田块人工翻土,深25厘米左右,1988年夏大豆田杂草萌发前,用同样方法统计各土层杂草种子数,  相似文献   

大豆田菟丝子的发生与防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
菟丝子是一年生的寄生性草本植物 ,属旋花科、菟丝子属 ,又称豆寄生。大豆被寄生后 ,生长受到严重抑制 ,造成植株矮小、不育或逐渐枯死 ,产量损失可达 2 0 %~ 80 %。菟丝子除寄生大豆外 ,还可寄生菊科、豆科、藜科、大戟科、茄科、苋科等多种作物和杂草 ,除此之外 ,菟丝子还可传播病毒等。1 形态特征茎线状 ,黄色 ,橙色或黄绿色 ,在寄主上左向缠绕。子房半球形 ,2室 ,每室有 2个胚乳 ,能生成4个种子。种子近圆球形 ,长 1 .3 mm,宽 1 .1 mm,黄色、黄褐色或黑褐色 ,表面粗糙 ,有微点坑。蒴果扁球形 ,外面包被萼片或花冠。2 寄生习性菟丝子…  相似文献   

我市大豆种植面积不断扩大,草害问题也日益突出,一般造成大豆减产10%~20%,严重者形成草荒,减产达90%以上。为此笔者对全市大豆田杂草及防除技术进行了调查和研究,现汇报如下:一、杂草的优势种及分布概况由于受土壤理化性质、水系配套情况、种植习惯等因素的影响,我市种植布局为西部稻棉轮作区、东部旱粮区,因此大豆田草相也具有明显的区域性特征。马唐是大豆田主要恶性杂草,遍及所有田块。西部稻棉轮作区优势种除马唐外,尚有鳢肠、稗草等。东部旱粮区优势种仍主要为马唐,其他有铁苋菜等。局部地区优势种还有菟丝子、苣…  相似文献   

河南省安阳地区夏大豆田杂草发生现状与防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省安阳地区夏大豆田杂草有14科26种,禾本科杂草有狗尾草、稗、马唐等5种,阔叶杂草有马泡、马齿苋、婆婆纳等21种.杂草的相对多度在20以上的有马泡、马齿苋、牛繁缕、牛筋草、鳢肠5种,这些杂草发生普遍、危害严重.在大豆2~3片复叶期,杂草2~4叶期用5%盖草双单1 500 ml/hm<'2>最好,防效为96.88%,对阔叶杂草校正防效以25%虎威水剂1500 ml/hm<'2>最好,防效为95.36%,施药后30 d对禾本科杂草校正防效以5%盖草双单1 500 ml/hm<'2>、25%虎威水剂600 ml/hm<'2> 12.5%高效盖草能乳油450 ml/hm<'2>、24%克阔乐乳油270ml/hm<'2> 5%盖草双单750ml/hm<'2>为佳,校正防效为96.88%~96.83%,鲜重防效为96.96%~95.71%.对阔叶杂草校正防效以25%虎威水剂600 ml/hm<'2> 12.5%高效盖草能乳油450 ml/hm<'2>最好,防效为98.96%,鲜重防效为99.92%,与12.5%高效盖草能乳油750 ml/hm<'2>差异显著,与其他处理差异不显著.  相似文献   

本文概述了9种除草剂对南方亚麻田杂草的田间防治效果,通过田间试验表明,二甲四氯钠、敌草胺、异丙甲草胺、精异丙甲草胺4种除草剂对亚麻田杂草的防除效果理想,速效株防效分别为82.05%,79.49%,82.05%,82.05%;5个月后的株防效在68%以上,鲜重防效在41%以上,且对亚麻无药害,药剂持效期长达半年,可在南方亚麻田杂草防除中推广应用。  相似文献   

5%精喹禾灵微乳剂防除大豆田禾本科杂草田间药效试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田间试验表明,5%精喹禾灵微乳剂70~90mL/667m2能有效防除大豆田一年生禾本科杂草,药后30d对金狗尾草、马唐、稗草的株防效和鲜重防效均在95%以上。在推荐剂量下,对大豆生长安全,并且增产显著。  相似文献   

为揭示农田恶性杂草苘麻种子的休眠萌发机制, 探寻基于休眠调控的绿色防控途径, 采用60℃温水浸种30 min+30℃恒温培养的方法测定了不同种群苘麻 Abutilon theophrasti 种子的萌发率?萌发势与萌发指数?结果表明, 供试的18个种群中, 种群XJ01?JL04和JL01的萌发率分别为89.95%?89.18%和87.77%, 显著高于其他种群; 而种群HB01的萌发率最低, 仅为41.50%?测定了萌发差异较大的种群JL01和HB01种子的萌发关键期指标, 发现JL01种群在温水浸种后培养2 h的吸胀数量?10 h破皮数量和20 h露白数量, 显著高于HB01种群, 其种子数量分别是HB01种群的1.37?1.76和2.96倍?通过进一步比较8个种群种子的萌发吸胀?破皮与露白数量指标, 证实苘麻不同种群种子存在显著休眠萌发差异, 其原因可能是由于母体生活环境不同所致?  相似文献   

Combining empirical research with simulation modelling may improve our understanding of the dynamics of crop:weed competition and for testing hypotheses on the importance of specific traits for enhancing crop performance in mixtures. Two field experiments were conducted to quantify and compare estimates of traits important for radiation interception and utilization in four maize hybrids and Abutilon theophrasti grown in monoculture. Early leaf area growth rate did not vary among maize hybrids within a year, but varied among years. The response of CO2 assimilation rate to absorbed radiation and leaf nitrogen content did not differ among hybrids. Abutilon theophrasti and two old maize hybrids partitioned more new biomass to stem relative to reproductive organs than newer hybrids. Old hybrids had greater specific leaf area during the period of most rapid growth, grew taller, and leaf area was distributed higher in their canopy. Extinction coefficients for diffuse radiation did not differ among hybrids or between years. Results suggest that these four maize hybrids may differ in their ability to intercept incident radiation, which may influence their ability to compete for light.  相似文献   

为明确引起我国山西晋中地区苘麻叶片表现皱缩和花叶症状的病原物及其基因组分子特征, 本研究利用双生病毒简并引物扩增获得病毒基因组部分序列,经测序、比对后设计特异性引物扩增病毒基因组序列, 进而通过生物信息学方法构建系统发育树并进行序列分析。结果表明:引起苘麻叶片皱缩、花叶的病原物为番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl virus, TYLCV), 将该分离物命名为TYLCV-Abu, GenBank登录号为OP293347, 但未扩增到β卫星。该病毒DNA-A基因组全长为2 782 bp, 含有6个开放阅读框。TYLCV-Abu分离物与TYLCV茄子分离物KSQ1-3(GenBank登录号KC428753)的核苷酸序列一致性最高, 为98.99%, 其中C4和V2编码的蛋白变异较大。重组结果分析显示,分离物TYLCV-Abu是由TYLCV-F(GenBank登录号KY971326)和TYLCV-KSQ1-3重组得到, 重组区域为其基因组2 617-2 782 nt区域。这是首次从苘麻样品中扩增到TYLCV全基因组序列并进行分析。  相似文献   

通过室内培养皿法,研究了银胶菊水浸提液对苘麻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.结果表明,根、茎、叶、花水浸提液的化感作用强度存在差异,花、叶水浸提液对苘麻的化感抑制强度高于根、茎,且抑制强度随处理浓度的升高而增强;在20%浓度下,花、叶水浸提液完全抑制苘麻幼苗生长,对苘麻种子萌发的抑制率分别为91.9%、78.4%.  相似文献   

Selection of crop genotypes that are more competitive with weeds for light interception may improve crop yield stability in the presence of weeds. The effects of interference on ecophysiological characteristics of Abutilon theophrasti Medic. and three morphologically diverse grain sorghum hybrids was evaluated to determine the relative tolerance and suppressive ability of the three hybrids and specific traits that may contribute to those differences. A tall hybrid was more tolerant to A. theophrasti interference than two medium stature hybrids. Early leaf area growth of two medium-stature sorghum hybrids was reduced by A. theophrasti interference, whereas early growth of a tall hybrid was unaffected. The height of A. theophrasti was greater than two moderate-stature hybrids but lower than the tall hybrid. Greatest leaf area density (LD) of the tall sorghum hybrid was above that of A. theophrasti , whereas greatest LD of medium-stature hybrids was below that of the weed. In monoculture, the partitioning of new biomass to various plant organs was similar among sorghum hybrids, whereas the tall sorghum hybrid partitioned less biomass to leaves and more to stems than medium hybrids in mixture. The results indicate that the three hybrids differ in their susceptibility to A. theophrasti competition. Crop traits that may contribute to greater crop competitiveness include greater maximum height and its growth rate and greater height of maximum leaf area distribution.  相似文献   

通过室内培养皿法,研究了银胶菊花水浸提液及其乙酸乙酯相、正丁醇相、剩余水相不同极性组分对苘麻和稗种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响。定性测定结果表明,在50 g/L浓度处理下,水浸提液完全抑制苘麻和稗种子萌发,对苘麻和稗根长、芽长、鲜重抑制率分别为82.6%、89.1%、84.3%和91.7%、55.8%、39.1%;正丁醇相抑制苘麻种子萌发和幼苗生长最强,乙酸乙酯相抑制稗种子萌发和幼苗生长最强。定量测定结果表明,在1 g/L浓度处理下,乙酸乙酯相生物活性最高,苘麻和稗种子萌发率分别为13.3%和33.3%,对苘麻和稗根长、芽长、鲜重的抑制率分别为63.1%、80.0%、58.3%和51.3%、26.7%、23.3%。  相似文献   

McDonald  & Riha 《Weed Research》1999,39(5):355-369
A complex set of interactions among crops, weeds and their environment determines the impact of weed interference on crop productivity. These interactions can be simulated with dynamic crop:weed competition models, such as ALMANAC. In this study, ALMANAC was modified to simulate maize: Abutilon theophrasti competition. In the modified ALMANAC model, daily increases in leaf area index (LAI), height and rooting depth are attenuated on the basis of accumulated above-ground biomass and by environmental stress. Also, a simple, flexible method is adopted to partition radiation in a mixed canopy. A maize: A. theophrasti competition study conducted near Aurora, NY, in which a range of weed densities (0–16 plants m−2) were established in a maize crop, was used to evaluate the model. The modified ALMANAC proved to be a useful tool for segregating the maize response to competition in 1991 (simulated loss of 35% at the highest weed density) from those in 1992–94 (simulated losses not greater than 16%). Based on these findings, the modified ALMANAC model is judged to be capable of distinguishing between environmental conditions that facilitate large yield losses and those that allow maize to outcompete A. theophrasti .  相似文献   

To improve understanding of over-winter weed seed predation in arable fields, we used data from winter exclosure trials to determine the amount of predation and the influence of crop habitats on predation of Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria faberi seed in 2-year (maize/soyabean) and 4-year (maize/soyabean/small grain+lucerne/lucerne) crop rotation systems between 2005 and 2008. Crop habitat influenced seed predation, and had similar impacts on the two weed species. Mean A. theophrasti predation ranged from 31% in the 2-year soyabean habitat to 99% in the 4-year lucerne habitat. Mean S. faberi predation ranged from 31% in the 2-year soyabean habitat to 97% in the 4-year lucerne habitat. Results suggest that a combination or interaction of cover and substrate may have affected crop habitat preference by seed predators. Future research should further examine the influence of physical habitat on seed predation to determine characteristics of cropping systems that encourage predation, particularly during over-winter periods, so as to routinely incorporate seed predators into long-term weed management strategies.  相似文献   

采用整株生物测定法研究了藜、铁苋菜和苘麻对草甘膦的耐受性,药后14 d测定结果表明,草甘膦对上述3种杂草的ED50分别为215.27、954.34、1 522.54 g a.i./hm~2。通过比较杂草植株地上部莽草酸积累量的变化发现,草甘膦1 230 g a.i./hm~2处理后,藜、铁苋菜和苘麻莽草酸积累量最大值分别为1 400.65、1247.19、581.28μg/g,莽草酸积累量越少的杂草对草甘膦耐受性也越强。药后5 d,对杂草不同部位莽草酸积累量的比较显示,3种杂草顶部叶片莽草酸积累量明显大于根部,敏感种和耐受种相比,顶部叶片莽草酸积累量的差异更为明显,该部位可以准确地评价杂草对草甘膦的耐受程度。  相似文献   

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