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2004~2010年,笔者对温泉县麦田鼠情进行了监测.结果表明,温泉县麦田主要害鼠种类为小家鼠、灰仓鼠、社会田鼠.通过分析3种害鼠的种群数量及繁殖特征,确定了4月和8月为最佳防治时期.对其防控应综合运用农业防治、生物防治、无害化物理器械灭鼠等绿色防鼠技术.  相似文献   

小家鼠、灰仓鼠为伴人鼠种,广泛分布于温泉县的农作区和城乡建筑物内,是农区重要的害鼠。据2003~2004年监测数据表明,在农舍内以小家鼠、灰仓鼠为优势种,平均鼠密度为19.3%,高峰时达40%~50%,可造成每个储粮户损失110kg以上。害鼠打洞破坏墙体、咬坏人类生活用品,  相似文献   

新疆石河子农耕区鼠类群落结构及其危害状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年6~9月,在石河子农耕区依不同生境类型选择9个样地,以夹夜法布夹11 300夹次,共捕获鼠417只,鼠种由小家鼠、灰仓鼠、红尾沙鼠、褐家鼠等10种组成.采用聚类分析方法将鼠类群落划分为3种类型:农田-林地鼠类群落(小家鼠 灰仓鼠 根田鼠)、荒漠-沙地鼠类群落(子午沙鼠 红尾沙鼠 大沙鼠)和城市居民点鼠类群落(褐家鼠 小家鼠 灰仓鼠).其中,农田-林地鼠类群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数较高.根据鼠类群落结构特征,并结合鼠害发生状况将垦区鼠类危害型划分为4种类型.  相似文献   

对1986-2013年贵州省桐梓县农区鼠情监测结果分析表明:桐梓县农区鼠类有黑线姬鼠Apodemus a-grarius、褐家鼠Rattusnoruegicus、黄胸鼠R.flauipectus、小家鼠Musmusculus、社鼠Rattusnivivente、白腹鼠R. coxing等6种。小家鼠为住宅区害鼠的优势种,占总鼠数的80.95%,黑线姬鼠为稻田、旱地耕作区害鼠的优势种,占总鼠数的92.48%。小家鼠、黑线姬鼠是当地监测和防治的主要对象。住宅、稻田、旱地3种生境混合鼠种平均捕获率为8.81%,不同年度混合鼠种种群数量呈明显的下降趋势,稻田、旱地耕作区混合鼠种种群数量显著高于住宅区。  相似文献   

2013—2014年在瓮安县开展TBS围栏控制农田害鼠试验。结果表明,2个TBS围栏共捕获鼠类374只。鼠种种类有黑线姬鼠、小家鼠、褐家鼠等3种,以黑线姬鼠和小家鼠数量最多,分别占总捕鼠数的56.68%和37.97%,鼠种种类及种群组成与历年鼠夹法调查结果相接近。捕鼠高峰在6月和9月。开放式TBS围栏捕鼠数量明显多于封闭式。水稻田、玉米地害鼠平均控制效果为56.67%。  相似文献   

黑龙江地区为我国最大的商品粮生产基地之一,鼠害是影响该地区粮食生产的重要因素之一。为了解当地农田害鼠种类、密度及分布特征,本研究于2010-2011年对该省主要作物田的啮齿类动物开展调查,并利用细胞色素C氧化酶Ⅰ亚基(cytochrome C oxidase subunitⅠ,COⅠ)对害鼠种类进行鉴定,分析该地区农田害鼠种类分布和发生特点,为其防治提供基础数据和方法依据。结果表明,所捕获的害鼠经形态鉴定可分为2科7属7种,分别为鼠科的黑线姬鼠、巢鼠、褐家鼠和小家鼠,以及仓鼠科的大仓鼠、黑线仓鼠和东方田鼠。DNA条形码分类结果与形态分类结果一致,但是在近缘种间的区分上还需要与形态数据相结合。黑龙江地区农田害鼠密度呈现出"春低秋高"的时间特征,并且在玉米田中最高;在鼠种特征上,黑线姬鼠为广布种和优势种,其他鼠种则在局部地区密度较高。根据上述结果,应将春季作为黑龙江地区农田害鼠的重点防治时期,重点作物为玉米,同时应重点关注大中型鼠的数量变动情况。  相似文献   

采用自动记录装置测试了黑龙江地区6种主要农业害鼠的昼夜活动节律和活动强度。结果表明,达乌尔黄鼠为昼行性鼠种,中午时段出现明显的活动间歇期以避开强烈的日晒;莫氏田鼠为昼夜活动型鼠种,日夜活动强度差异不显著,与其生活于草滩底部营食草根的生活方式相适应。大仓鼠、小家鼠、褐家鼠和黑线姬鼠都为夜行性鼠种,其中以小家鼠和黑线姬鼠最为典型,而大仓鼠和褐家鼠在日间都具有相当强度的活动,褐家鼠则是供试鼠种中唯一在各个时段都有活动的夜行鼠种。6种供试鼠种的主要活动特征与前人研究的结果基本相符,但其活动节律与其他研究结果存在活动高峰时间、活动强度等差异,表现出这些鼠种与黑龙江地区特定气候条件的适应。  相似文献   

于继洲 《植物医生》2004,17(6):35-35
近年来,果园鼠害日趋严重,害鼠种类也逐渐增加.主要有根田鼠、小家鼠、普通田鼠、小林姬鼠、鼢鼠(瞎佬)等.每年深秋、初冬杂草枯死,害鼠缺少食物,取食转向苹果、梨、葡萄等果树林木.大雪覆盖后,害鼠在雪下穿成隧道啃咬树皮、根系,使果树生长严重受阻,甚至枯死.特别是近年来由于鼠类天敌如猫头鹰、狐类、蛇类等大量被捕杀,失去了对害鼠的控制,导致鼠害频繁发生,危害日益严重,对果品生产威胁增大.防治鼠害的方法有:  相似文献   

周措吉 《中国植保导刊》2015,35(2):40-42,32
2014年,在铁盖乡七台村设立TBS示范点。结果表明,近5个月时间内,共捕获132只害鼠,鉴定并分析出共和县优势鼠种为小家鼠、褐家鼠、高原鼠兔、长尾仓鼠、黄胸鼠等。根据农作物生育期害鼠种群波动情况,确定了最佳灭鼠适期为5、8、9月。田间示范结果表明,在示范区,TBS技术对害鼠的控制率达75%,防鼠效果明显。  相似文献   

北京地区麦田害鼠分布与数量动态的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过采用沟筒调查法对北京地区春季麦田害鼠发生分布数量动态的系统调查结果表明,农田害鼠在试验地的各个环境中均有分布,害鼠群落组成为大仓鼠+褐家鼠+黑线姬鼠+小家鼠,优势鼠种为大仓鼠.同时发现大仓鼠主要集中在农田中部,潮湿的地方黑线姬鼠数量高于其他生境.  相似文献   

2012年4月至2013年4月在藏北草原进行了炔雌醚、莪术醇和增效敌鼠钠盐控鼠试验。均配制成青稞药饵,投放药饵后第20、75和350天进行控效调查。结果显示:炔雌醚具杀灭高原鼠兔作用,20d校正灭效达72.24%,对成年雌雄鼠繁殖器官均能起到明显损坏作用,且适口性最好;增效敌鼠钠盐控鼠效果最好,20d校正灭效达94.46%;莪术醇也有一定效果,75d幼体比最低,总体看,3种药物均具有一定控制效果,有一定实际应用潜力,但还需进一步试验验证其控鼠效果。  相似文献   

鼠类群落是在长期进化中,各种鼠类对栖息地选择、适应和种间生存竞争的结果,是整个生物群落的重要组成部分,对决定整个生态系统的结构和功能起着重要的作用。近年,国内对高寒荒漠(刘季科1979)、温带草原(钟文勤等,1981,周庆强等,1982)、北方丘陵山地(张洁,1984)、南方山地(洪朝长,1987)、热带森林(吴德林等,1988)的鼠类群落进行了研究,然而缺乏地带景观中不同隐域性鼠类群落的比较研究。1989年4—6月,我们对塔里木盆地东南缘公路沿线诸绿洲逐一考察,结合新疆综合考察(钱燕文等,1965)和新疆地方病研究所的调查结果(王思博等,1983)。试图分析绿洲鼠类群落结构、群落空间配  相似文献   

在毒饵杀灭家栖鼠类中,诱饵和诱饵增味剂常常受到重视,但由于地理、地产农作物的不同及人类生活习惯差异,造成鼠类对各种食物的选择。就同人类具有明显的地方口味一样,鼠类可能也有地方口味。为了解乌鲁木齐市的主要鼠种——小家鼠的地方口味,我们做了下述实验。 1.材料和方法 1.1.试验用鼠:捕自乌鲁木齐市某商场和某学院的小家鼠,即以溴氰菊酯除去体外寄生  相似文献   

R. E. MARSH 《EPPO Bulletin》1988,18(2):195-202
There is a general desire by those formulating rodent baits to improve them to achieve better rodent control. Various bait additives are currently in use while others have been evaluated without significant benefit. Some food or taste preferences are innate while other specific food preferences of rodents are learned during early experiences in life. Sugar (sweet items) and vegetable oils and animal fats are the most universally effective additives for cereal baits to improve acceptance and palatability for the three major species of commensal rodents. Salt, monosodium glutamate, and a wide array of natural, semi-natural, and synthetic flavors/aromas as bait enhancers have been explored as gustatory (taste) and olfactory (odor) additives. Their influence on rodents seeking out the bait and on bait acceptance are varied and inconsistent. Flavor additives to baits have often decreased rather than increased consumption.  相似文献   

对青海省大通县退耕还林还草地及周边农田鼠类群落组成进行调查研究,在退耕还林还草地共捕获鼠类6种728只,以根田鼠和高原鼢鼠为优势种;农田中共捕获各种鼠类3种75只,以长尾仓鼠为优势种。比较发现,退耕还林还草后,鼠类群落组成发生了明显的变化,与之相适应,鼠害治理应针对不同的鼠类种群和危害程度采取相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Zinc phosphide baits are used for controlling pest rodents but are also highly toxic to other vertebrates. The base for rodent baits containing zinc phosphide is usually wheat kernels which are highly attractive to birds. In this study, wheat-based pellets of different shapes and colours without zinc phosphide were tested for their attractiveness for pigeons (Columba livia Gmelin) and Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica Temm. & Schleg.) in aviaries and for pigeons and corvids (Corvus monedula L., Corvus corone L., Pica pica L.) in the field. RESULTS: In aviaries, wheat was clearly preferred over other bait. In the field, some bait formulations were avoided by birds in certain conditions. However, no formulation was avoided consistently across species to lower the potential uptake of zinc phosphide below the LD(50) for highly susceptible bird species (8 mg kg(-1) body weight). The formulations that were not rapidly eaten by birds (blue granules, red lentil-shaped pellets) were not avoided consistently at low and high vegetative cover.CONCLUSIONS: The bait formulations tested may not considerably enhance the safety of birds when using zinc phosphide for rodent control. Field testing other combinations of bait colour and shape to minimise background contrast may result in bait with higher potential for bird protection.  相似文献   

Developing additional techniques for reducing animal feed contamination by rodents and controlling rodent populations is critical to efforts aimed at reducing the occurrence of Salmonella spp infection on poultry farms. Capsaicin, a compound found in chili peppers of the genus Capsicum, produces a burning sensation in the mouth of mammals and is used effectively as an animal deterrent for some pest species. Applied to poultry feed, capsaicin may be effective as an aversive agent to deter rodent feeding and enhance acceptability of rodenticide baits. We tested capsaicin-treated poultry diets (2000 and 3000 Scoville Heat Units, SHU) in no-choice feeding trials at four active New York farms in the winter of 1997-1998. At all farms, consumption of the 2000 SHU diet by rodents (Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus (Berk), and house mice, Mus musculus L) was significantly less than consumption of a control diet. Consumption of the 3000 SHU diet by rodents was significantly less than consumption of a control diet at three of the four farms. Overall, consumption of treated diets was 58-97% and 55-98% less than consumption of the control diet, for the 2000 and 3000 SHU diets, respectively. These reductions appeared to be related closely to the availability of alternative feed sources at these farms. Two-choice feeding trials involving a rodenticide bait (0.05 g kg(-1) brodifacoum) and the 3000 SHU diet demonstrated that Norway rats preferred the rodenticide to the capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Overall, rodenticide bait acceptance was high (95.6%) when offered simultaneously with capsaicin-treated poultry feed. Although poultry managers must utilize several techniques to manage rodent pests, the use of capsaicin-treated diets to reduce feed losses and increase rodenticide bait acceptance appears promising. Use of capsaicin-treated feed on poultry farms may substantially reduce feed contamination by rodents and ultimately the incidence of Salmonella infection in poultry.  相似文献   

本文首次报道,用沙门氏菌的营养缺陷型细菌琼雷株作为生物杀鼠剂。以三种方法:毒饵法、鼠的同类残食法和饮水传染法,对害鼠作了毒杀效果观察。结果表明:对灰仓鼠和草原兔尾鼠的致死效果均超过95%;小家鼠70%左右;柽柳沙鼠最低。对鸡、兔、羊的安全试验表明:该菌具有相对不易感染的安全性。  相似文献   

高置式大容量毒饵站对东北农田害鼠的防治效果初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毒饵站是化学防鼠常用设施,可以减少非靶标动物的误食风险。目前常用毒饵站容量小、毒饵易浪费、添加毒饵不便的缺点限制了其在东北地区的大规模应用。本研究针对东北农业环境特点,设计了一种新型高置式大容量毒饵站,在黑龙江了进行为期1年的防效试验,并测试其作用范围。结果表明,这种毒饵站每年毒饵用量2.8~3.8kg,鼠密度控制率可长期保持在75%以下;其有效覆盖面积为1.1hm2,最佳防治效果的覆盖面积为0.5hm2。这些结果说明这种大容量高置式毒饵站具有毒饵添加便捷、无浪费的优点,在东北地区防治经济效益远远大于其他传统小容量毒饵站,值得在当地应用和推广。  相似文献   

M. LUND 《EPPO Bulletin》1988,18(2):185-193
The use of poison baits is still the most important control method against commensal as well as field rodents. The baiting techniques used must be adapted to the ecology and behaviour of the target species. The various aspects of rodent behaviour influencing the effect of a control operation are discussed with emphasis on feeding behaviour, exploratory behaviour, neophobia, bait shyness, transporting, hoarding and territoriality. Advantages and disadvantages of sustained versus pulsed baiting techniques are discussed from a behavioural point of view.  相似文献   

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