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Above-ground tree biomass in Zambian miombo woodland was determined by the harvest method. After clear-cutting and measuring 271 tress in 5 sample plots, each 400 m2, multiple regression analyses gave a set of equations relating above-ground fresh biomass, as the dependent variable, to tree diameter and height as the independant variables. Equations were calculated for 6 dominant miombo species separately, and for undisturbed miombo generally. With knowledge of tree diameter and height, these equations will enable above-ground biomass of single trees to be predicted fairly accurately. This is obviously of importance for the monitoring of forest resources in the African miombo, but has also relevance for agroforestry and the study of the shifting cultivators in the area.  相似文献   

An assessment of the effects of wood carbonization by the traditional earth kiln method in Brachystegia-Julber-nardia (miombo) woodland on soil nutrients in the field and seedling growth under laboratory conditions was made from August 1992 to March 1993. Wood carbonization increased soil pH and exchangeable P and K. Generally seed germination was better in charcoal soil than in undisturbed soil among the seven indigenous woody plants studied. Seedling growth in charcoal soil was good, except for Isoberlinia angolensis which had lower growth rate than in undisturbed soil.  相似文献   

Tyynelä  Tapani M. 《New Forests》2001,22(3):239-257
The tree species diversity, groundvegetation species richness, and soilcharacteristics were studied forEucalyptus camaldulensis woodlots and thenatural miombo woodlands in the Mukarakate Areaof Northeastern Zimbabwe. The woodlandcharacteristics were measured and soil sampleswere taken at a total of thirty-four miombowoodland plots and twenty-seven eucalyptusplantations.The number of tree species was significantlyhigher for the miombo woodland sites than forthe eucalyptus woodlots. The Berger-Parker andShannon-Wiener Index values for speciesdiversity were higher for the tree speciesfound on the miombo woodland sites. There wereno significant differences between theeucalyptus woodlots and the miombo woodlands inthe percentage of grass cover and the number ofgrass and herb species. The same grass and herbspecies were common in both the woodlots andthe woodlands. The older woodlots hadsignificantly more tree and herb species thanthe younger woodlots.Soil nutrient analyses showed no significantdifferences between the woodlots and thewoodlands regarding their available phosphorusand total nitrogen, but the total phosphorusand total carbon were higher for the miombowoodlands. The results suggest that E.camaldulensis woodlots established in areasthat were formerly fields and grazing areas inthe savannah-like conditions pertaining inSouthern Africa do not cause the loss ofspecies richness or soil nutrients. In heavilydeforested areas eucalyptus woodlots may evencontribute positively to the protection andpreservation of indigenous trees species andother flora.  相似文献   

Miombo woodland covers a large area of central Africa, south of the equator. The renewable natural resources of miombo, i.e., timber, poles, wood fuel, beeswax and honey, mushrooms, edible caterpillars, wild fruits and livestock browse are discussed and roughly evaluated. A brief account is given of the salient ecological features of miombo, including the role of fire and its timing in determining the tree population dynamics, and the parts played by tsetse fly and wildlife populations in the history of human occupation in the region.Under the traditional system of agriculture practised in northern Zambia, a form of shifting cultivation known as chitimene, the woodland is the agricultural fallow. Owing to population growth, changes in social attitudes and economic considerations, the chitimene system can no longer be practised. An important aspect of the changes taking place is the replacement of finger millet, a grain relatively rich in protein, by maize, giving a poorer diet and resulting in the need for measures to restore soil fertility periodically. One such measure discussed is the introduction of an edible leguminous fallow crop to maintain productivity.with the inevitable reduction in the area of the miombo woodlands which accompanies the changes in the agricultural system, their natural resources are becoming scarcer. Their importance in the economy is not appreciated by the people until there is a local shortage.The value of exotic pine and eucalyptus plantations, which grow well in the high rainfall areas (1000 mm+), and their economic future are considered.  相似文献   

Soil Changes Under Agroforestry (SCUAF), a computer model designed to predict changes in erosion, soil carbon and soil nitrogen over time within various agroforestry systems and climatic regimes, was assessed using input data from an undisturbed miombo woodland and an adjacent maize field in Zimbabwe. Predicted changes in soil carbon were in a realistic range for both miombo and maize treatments. However, the accuracy of the model may be a reflection of the detail required in its initialisation. Several problematic relationships were found within the model, in particular inconsistent patterns between nitrogen uptake and plant productivity under complex fertilisation simulations and a lack of attenuation of productivity in the simulation of miombo woodland as it approached maturity.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):67-71
The potential to propagate Uapaca kirkiana through air layering was investigated at Igumbilo forest, Tanzania. The objective was to determine the effect of time of setting air layers and use of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) to promote rooting. Air layers were initiated on young shoots, 1-to 2-years old, growing on mature trees. After root initiation, they were detached, potted and reared at the nursery for a further three months. Thereafter they were harvested and assessed. Two factors were investigated: effect of time at which air layers were initiated (June, September and December), and influence of IBA at 50, 100 and 150 mg l?1concentrations. Varied rooting successes were realised, being influenced by time at which air layers were initiated, IBA concentration or both. Optimal rooting of 82.5% was realised in June-initiated air layers treated with 50 mg l?1 IBA. Air layers initiated in December and treated with the control had the poorest rooting (46.7%). Application of 100 mg l?1 IBA during June significantly improved the number of roots, root length and root biomass produced. The increase in rooting ability during June is partly linked to better nutritive status, since most plants at this time have sufficient food reserves acquired during the active photosynthetic rainy period of January–May. The period is also associated with minimal plant developmental activities such as budding and flushing, which are usually antagonistic to rooting. Thus, air layering is a potential technique to propagate U. kirkiana, and can contribute effectively to capture desirable traits rapidly disappearing because of ongoing deforestation and maintain the desired fruit tree attributes once attained. Further studies are recommended to determine its cost effectiveness in relation to other vegetative techniques.  相似文献   

Coppice regrowth in a disturbed tropical dry limestone forest in Jamaica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Hellshire Hills are an extensive area of tropical dry forest over limestone, located on the south coast of Jamaica. Despite being a protected area, they are subject to encroachment and clearance by charcoal burners, leaving a relatively pristine core within more disturbed areas of forest. Future management requires a consideration of the forest’s resilience to such disturbance, and this study reports on coppice regrowth following clearance. The number of coppice shoots and the length and diameter at breast height (DBH) of the leading shoots were measured on tree stumps 14 months after they were cut in an experiment. Coppice regrowth after cutting was measured on a total of 476 stumps, representing 51 species. Coppice production and growth was vigorous as there was an extremely high incidence of coppice regrowth among and within the species in this forest after it had been cut. Initial regrowth was high with the diameter recovered by the leading shoots after 14 months approximating to 29% per year. Of the 51 species sampled three did not coppice at all and the average percent of individuals found with shoots within each species was 81%. The height and diameter of the leading shoots was significantly different among the species and the average height recorded of the leading shoots was 114 cm while the average diameter recorded was 10 mm. Larger sized stems (>10 cm DBH) on average produced more coppice shoots and larger sized shoots than smaller sized stems (<10 cm DBH) while smaller sized stems recovered more biomass than larger sized stems irrespective of species. The average diameter of the leading shoots decreased significantly with increasing shoot densities. At the species level there was a significant relationship between stem diameter and the number of shoots produced in seven of the 27 species analysed and three species returned significant relationships between stem diameter and average height of leading shoots. Coppice regrowth clearly offers considerable resilience to disturbance in this dry forest where successful regeneration by seed is highly susceptible to rainfall seasonality. However, the different abilities of species to produce coppice shoots will likely affect long-term species diversity if the present rate of clearance continues.  相似文献   

Tree vegetation and size structure was sampled in a miombo woodland area in E Tanzania and related to environmental factors, particularly soil and disturbance history. A total of 86 tree species was found. Four plant communities were distinguished through multivariate classification. Community 1 was dominated by Brachystegia boehmii, Brachystegia bussei and Julbernardia globiflora, and community 2 by B. boehmii and Brachystegia spiciformis. Community 1 was found on grey, eroded soil and community 2 on red, residual soil, a fact that opens up possibilities to use soil signals of satellite data for vegetation mapping. Community 3 is heavily disturbed miombo woodland near villages and community 4 was found on more clayey soil where miombo woodland is not expected.

At our 42 sampled sites, density ranged from 74 to 1041 individuals ha−1 and basal area from 3.9 to 16.7 m2 ha−1. Regeneration is generally good but large sized trees are less prominent in communities 3 and 4 due to harvesting. With reduced disturbance miombo species may rapidly resume dominance in community 3. A higher than expected representation by the size class 30–40 (−50) cm dbh in community 2 is probably related to disturbance history. Prevalence of certain species (Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis and Diplorhynchos condylocarpon) may be related to frequent fires. Selective logging will soon cause extinction of Dalbergia melanoxylon, whereas Pterocarpus angolensis still has good regeneration, possibly because individuals below logging size have a good seed set.

A way to get an easy overview of size classes in all species in an area using PCA is discussed.  相似文献   

Miombo woodlands near human settlements are under significant pressures from human activities,with negative consequences on their structure and composition.As studies are limited,we assessed the structure and species composition of a portion of miombo woodland along an increasing disturbance gradient from a national park,through a buffer zone to communal lands in northeast Zimbabwe.Five concentric plots of 2 and 11 m radii were established in each area to record woody species composition,diameter,height,basal area,density and volume as well as evidence of disturbance.Effects of site,growth stage and their interaction on vegetation diversity and structural parameters were tested using a general linear model(GLM).Principal component analysis(PCA) tested the association between species and site and ANOVA the differences in the level of disturbance across strata.Species diversity did not differ between sites except for evenness,which increased with disturbance.Evenness and richness were greater in seedlings and saplings than mature trees across sites,respectively.Sapling and mature tree diameters differed significantly between sites.Volume and density of mature trees declined with increasing disturbance while seedling densities peaked at intermediate disturbance levels(buffer zone).Tree harvesting,was more evident in the buffer zone and in the communal area relative to the national park.In contrast,fire frequency was greater in the national park and in the buffer zone relative to the communal area.The results of this study identify a true miombo woodland dominated by Brachystegia boehmii with a stable population,as illustrated by an inverse-J shape in diameter class distribution on all sites,and that these woodlands are generally resilient to disturbances,maintaining similar species composition and structure at various levels of disturbance.However,continued monitoring of disturbance levels and miombo woodland response is recommended to ensure sustainable utilisation of these resources.  相似文献   

In the Ethiopian highlands, communal grazing lands are one of the major land uses, and are source of livelihood for the rural people. Free and uncontrolled grazing in the communal grazing lands is the dominant grazing system. The traditional uncontrolled and free grazing system has caused severe degradation of the grazing lands. As a result, communities have started to establish exclosures and support the restoration of degraded communal grazing lands. Studies have shown that exclosures are effective to restoring degraded communal grazing lands and improving ecosystem services. However, studies that investigate the changes in aboveground biomass following the establishment of exclosures and compare it with fuelwood demand of the beneficiaries in our study area is lacking. Therefore, our study aimed at:(1) quantifying yearly biomass accumulation in exclosures and compare it to fuelwood demand of households that manage the exclosures;(2) assessing household energy sources and their consumption levels. To monitor changes in biomass production with over time, replicated(n = 3) 5 and10 year-old exclosures were sampled. To investigate fuelwood sources and consumption patterns, household surveys, key informant interviews and focus group discussion were conducted. Our results demonstrated that total biomass production increased with exclosure age. In both exclosure, biomass production from Vachellia etbaica was significantly(p \ 0.05) greater than that from Euclea.racemosa. Average daily fuelwood consumption per person was(0.63 ± 0.2) kg day-1. This means that the total biomass(27.5 Mg year-1) obtained from 114.6 ha of exclosures covers only 9.4% of yearly fuelwood demand of the residents who manage the sampled exclosures. Nearly all respondents(95%) confirmed that they travel more than10 km day-1 to gather fuelwood from surrounding degraded forest patches. We recommend plantings of fast growing native tree species within exclosures and around homesteads to provide a sustainable fuelwood supply and using improved stoves to address the problem of fuelwood shortage. District agricultural offices could provide seedlings of native plant species, while communities provide unpaid labour for planting and managing plantations.  相似文献   

Sesbania [Sesbania sesban (L.) Merr.] fallows are being promoted as a means for replenishing soil fertility in N-depleted soils of small-scale, resource-poor farmers in southern Africa. Knowledge of soil water distribution in the soil profile and water balance under proposed systems is important for knowing the long-term implications of the systems at plot, field and watershed levels. Soil water balance was quantified for maize (Zea mays L.) following 2-year sesbania fallow and in continuous maize with and without fertilizer during 1998–1999 and 1999–2000 at Chipata in eastern Zambia. Sesbania fallow increased grain yield and dry matter production of subsequent maize per unit amount of water used. Average maize grain yields following sesbania fallow, and in continuous maize with and without fertilizer were 3, 6 and 1 Mg ha−1 with corresponding water use efficiencies of 4.3, 8.8 and 1.7 kg mm−1 ha−1, respectively. Sesbania fallow increased the soil-water storage in the soil profile and drainage below the maximum crop root zone compared with the conventionally tilled non-fertilized maize. However, sesbania fallow did not significantly affect the seasonal crop water use, mainly because rainfall during both the years of the study was above the normal seasonal water requirements of maize (400 to 600 mm). Besides improving grain yields of maize in rotation, sesbania fallows have the potential to recharge the subsoil water through increased subsurface drainage and increase nitrate leaching below the crop root zone in excess rainfall seasons. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The women in Lupeta, Tanzania use fuelwood as the primary source of fuel. The choices and constraints women face in fuelwood collection were examined using walks with women and semi-structured interviews. Women primarily use fuelwood with limited charcoal use. They would prefer to use more charcoal but costs, limited income, competition and ownership of trees, and land constrains them in both fuelwood collection and alternative strategies.  相似文献   

The study aim was to determine whether enhanced dry deposition of acidic atmospheric pollutants by broadleaf woodland expansion could increase the potential for acidification of surface waters in acid-sensitive areas. Dry sulphur (S) and nitrogen (N) deposition was modelled with the Fine Resolution Atmospheric Multi-pollutant Exchange (FRAME) model using a roughness length value calculated specifically for birchwoods. Two scenarios were investigated for an acid-sensitive area in Scotland where broadleaf woodland expansion, mainly as birchwood, is occurring: (1) 2002 emissions and broadleaf woodland cover of 5.6%; (2) 2020 projected emissions and broadleaf cover of 29%. The roughness length calculated for birch with Raupach’s simplified drag-partition model was 0.73 m, lower than the value of 1.0 m for conifers which is the default for forest land cover in FRAME. Modelled dry S and N deposition increased between 2002 and 2020 from 8.7 to 29 × 10−3 keq ha−1 year−1 of H+. However, modelled total dry and wet non-marine S and N deposition decreased during the same period from 1070 to 682 × 10−3 keq ha−1 year−1 of H+ due to the lower projected emissions in 2020 and the dominance of wet deposition in the remote and upland study area (mean annual rainfall 2275 mm). The modelled total non-marine S and N deposition was used to calculate streamwater critical loads exceedance with the First-order Acidity Balance (FAB) model for five catchments in the study area. The modelled deposition for both the 2002 and 2020 scenarios was less than the calculated streamwater critical loads so the catchments were not considered at risk of streamwater acidification under the projected future emissions and increased broadleaf woodland cover. Nevertheless, broadleaf expansion could pose a greater risk of acidification in acid-sensitive areas with lower rainfall, closer to pollutant sources, where dry deposition accounts for a higher proportion of total S and N deposition.  相似文献   

MACMILLAN  D. C.; DUFF  E. I. 《Forestry》1998,71(3):247-259
The restoration of native forests is an important priority forforestry and conservation organizations in the United Kingdom.The economic case for public sector support for native woodlandrestoration in the United Kingdom rests almost entirely on theprovision of non-market benefits related to wildlife, landscapeand recreational opportunities. This paper describes a discretechoice contingent valuation (CV) to estimate the value of thenon-market benefits of restoring two native pinewood forestsin Affric and Strathspey. If only the willingness to pay (WTP)of those who supported the restoration plan was considered,the average benefit estimate per household was £35 forAffric and £53 for Strathspey. When the compensation requiredby a small proportion of respondents who preferred the currentmoorland landscape, was estimated mean WTP was unchanged forAffric, but fell to £24 for Strathspey. The study highlightsthe need to take account of non-market benefits and costs whenevaluating land use change, otherwise benefits may be overestimatedand there is a possibility that the wrong projects will be selected.The sensitivity of CV values to the scope of the environmentalchange are also investigated and the issue of embedding discussed.  相似文献   

Based on 120 stem discs collected during3 months of fieldwork along a 12 km route,the history of fires in the Wari Maro Forest(09 1000 N–02 1000E) over the past century in savanna woodland and dry forest was reconstituted.Three major ecological areas are characterized:one highly burnt zone located between two relative less burnt areas.By analyzing tree rings,246 fire scars were identified.The scars were caused by 51 fire years,occurring at a mean interval of 2.23 years.From 1890 to1965,only 6 years with fires were recorded from sampled trees.Since 1966,no year has passed without fire.The fire frequency point scale reached 14 years.This was the case of Burkea africana,which has been identified as a species tolerant to fire and could be planted to create a natural firewall.In contrast,Anogeissus leiocarpa is highly sensitive to fire,and in a dry forest ecosystem that burns seasonally,it requires a special conservation plan.Two new concepts are described:the rebarking of trees after fire and Mean Kilometer Fire Interval.The first concept was tested with Daniellia oliveri(Rolfe) Hutch & Dalz trees,and the second concept was used to evaluate spatial fire distribution.We demonstrate that savanna woodland and dry forest were subject to a degradation process caused by destructive fires related to vegetation cover clearance and illegal logging.  相似文献   

Forage and wood yield of Acacia cyanophylla, also known as Acacia saligna, was studied in a 300–400 mm precipitation zone in Tunisia. Yields were measured during and after drought. This short (2–8 m) evergreen leguminous tree is used as a forage drought reserve in frost free regions where mean annual precipitation exceeds 250 mm. The standing crop of leafy forage builds up year after year for at least four years or until the tree is cut. It rapidly regrows after cutting from coppice shoots. The leaves provide high protein forage for sheep and goats during the long dry summer season typical of the Mediterranean climate as well as emergency forage during drought. The tree is used to stabilize moving sand dunes, and as a windbreak to protect cropland. It also provides fuelwood and increasaes soil nitrogen by fixation. The need for supplemental irrigation during establishment is a major constraint. Research in the 350 mm precipitation zone of Tunisia found 3.2 year old trees to yield over 1400 kg of forage standing crop per hectare after a severe drought. Trees harvested at 2.5 years of age in May, during the worst drought in over 30 years, yielded a standing forage crop of 724 kg per hectare. Forage regrowth 8 months after cutting and 4 months after rains returned was 700 kg/ha. The forage standing crop for trees harvested only once during the 3.2 year period was double the amount of forage regrowth from trees harvested the previous year, but mean annual forage yield similar. This demonstrates that it is possible for forage to be conserved as a living forage reserve for later use during drought. Total wood yield was only 1621 kg/ha for trees cut twice compared to 3683 kg/ha for trees cut only once. Annual cutting will substantially reduce the amount of forage available during drought and reduce the production of fuelwood. It may also reduce the vigor, productivity and life of the tree. Acacia cyanophylla alley cropped on cereal farmland can protect the soil from erosion, protect the associated crop from wind damage, fix nitrogen, provide fuelwood and provide a reserve of high quality forage for use during drought. This work was supported by the Government of Tunisia and the U.S.A.I.D. Tunisia Range Development and Management Project (664-0312.8).  相似文献   

Fifteen multipurpose tree species native and introduced to the matorral (low dry shrubland and forest) of the Gulf Coastal Plain in north-eastern Mexico were planted in monoculture in four randomized blocks. Measurements of various growth parameters and volume of trees over the first five years were evaluated. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. microtheca, Leucaena leucocephala (exotic species) and Parkinsonia aculeata (native species) performed best while Prosopis glandulosa, Helietta parvifolia and Acacia rigidula (native species) did not establish well due to biotic problems which arose under plantation conditions. Acacia farnesiana, A. wrightii and two Pithecellobium spp. (native species) showed high yields which is of great interest since their multipurpose potential is the best of all fifteen species. These species could be of great importance in rehabilitating badly degraded parts of the matorral before such areas deteriorate to an irreversible desertified condition.
Resumen Para cuantificar el crecimiento y la productividad de las plantas leñosas, quince especies nativas e introducidas con caracteristicas multipropósito fueron plantadas en monocultivo en una zona de matorral de la Planicie Costera del Golfo Norte de México a partir de 1984. Durante cinco años de medición continua sobre diferentes parámetros de crecimiento, fueron evaluados los resultados sobre el comportamiento y productividad (volumen de la madera) de las especies. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. microtheca, Leucaena leucocephala (especies exóticas) y Parkinsonia aculeata (especie nativa) presentaron los mejores crecimiento en altura y en volumen en comparación con Prosopis glandulosa, Helietta parvifolia y Acacia rigidula (especies nativas). El desarrollo de Acacia farnesiana, A. wrightii y ambos Pithecellobium spp. (especies nativas) se puede considerar bastante bueno. Estas últimas especies son de gran interés como potencial forestal y forrajero. Todas las especies ensayadas son de suma importancia en la rehabilitación de matorral degradado y en el manejo silvicola de estos vastos recursos.

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