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Remarks on the determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity based on field measurements In a previous paper hydraulic conductivity — moisture tension functions have been evaluated by a field method for various layers of a fallow loess soil (grey brown podzolic soil). The aim of the paper presented here, is to demonstrate the magnitude of error when the hydraulic functions are calculated in the presence of transpiring plants, as it was done elsewhere. The error arises, because the water uptake rates of roots are added to the capillary water flux through the soil matrix. From the present investigation it becomes clear that with advancing growing stages of winter wheat and the increasing water extraction ability the error becomes more and more pronounced. The conductivity values may then be overestimated by a factor of half the power of ten as compared to the results computed from the fallow soil.  相似文献   

Course of cellulose decomposition in a brown earth under a Trisetum flavescens – meadow after different fertilization The cellulose decomposition in the soil of a Trisetum flavescens-meadow untreated and treated with NPK. and PK fertilizer was determined by means of burial of pieces of cellophane. The rate of decomposition of the cellulose film was chosen as a measure of cellulolytic activity in soil. The cellulolytic activity had its maximum in the summer months and near the surface. The decrease with increasing depth was more obvious in the untreated lot than in the lot treated with NPK fertilizer. Under field conditions the influence of fertilization on the cellulolytic activity was low. In the laboratory there was a slight effect of the addition of soil from the NPK-lot on the decomposition of filter paper only with a slightly alkaline nutritive solution. The determination of soil cellulose content and mineralization of soil cellulose showed no differences between fertilized and untreated soil.  相似文献   

An autoregressive procedure to predict the hydraulic conductivity — Comparison of measured and predicted results An instantaneous profile method was used to measure the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Relatively new techniques involving undisturbed soil samples instrumented with minitensio-meters and Time-Domain-Reflectometry (TDR) mini-probes were used for the experiments. The laboratory method allows a high spatial and temporal resolution. Laboratory measurements were carried out for 40 soil horizons with a wide spectrum of texture and bulk density. In addition, retention curves were measured using the standard pressure plate apparatus. Using this homogeneous set of data, an autoregressive model was developed which allows a stepwise calculation of the hydraulic conductivity for a water potential range of —30 up to —600 hPa. This model was developed for loamy sands, sandy, silty and clayey soils in conjunction with data from the retention curves. The calculation procedure starts with the determination of an initial unsaturated conductivity (k) close to field capacity, i.e., for water potential from —60 hPa up to —100 hPa. This first value is then used to predict other conductivity values using appropriate changes in soil water content corresponding to a defined range of the soil water potential. Subsequently, the hydraulic conductivities for higher and lower potentials were estimated considering the k value of the previous step in combination with the data of the retention curve of the next water potential range. The advantage of this empirical model is the indirect consideration of soil structure, in contrast to the closed-form van Genuchten-Mualem (vGM) model. To demonstrate these effects on different fitting procedures, the vGM model was also used to describe soil hydraulic functions. The accuracy of both, the vGM model and the autoregressive one, were compared for various fitting procedures and soils.  相似文献   

On the Determination of Capillary Conductivity at Unsteady-State Conditions . Therefore it is stated that for obtaining the effective ku-values. Considering the importance of capillary conductivity for the soil water regime the large differences up to 2 orders of magnitude between determinations on core samples from the same soil using the double-membrane-method (Henseler and Renger 1969) and the evaporation-method (Becher 1971a) initiated a study concerning the error caused by a possible nonlinearity of suction changes between two measuring levels using the latter method. The study was carried out on disturbed and undisturbed core samples from the three textural classes sand, silt and clay and with modified evaporation method. Comparing the geometric means of the obtained ku-values calculated at unsteady-state and quasisteady-state conditions for different suctions resulted in that with usual application of the method the measured ku-values must be diminished for obtaining the effective ku-values. This correction factor increased with suction and is considered to be more important in laboratory than in field use.
  • 1 For sandy soils a correction factor of 2 at 150 cmH2O increasing to 6 at 1000 cm H2O must be applied. The coarser the sand would be, at the lower suction nonlinearity will start and the more rapidly the correction factor will increase;.
  • 2 For silty soils a correction factor of 2–4 must be applied for suctions > 300 cm H2O;.
  • 3 For clayey soils a correction factor of 2 rapidly increasing to 10 must be applied for suctions > 150 cm H2O, but depending on soil cracks.
. The overestimation of water through-put resulting from the uncorrected ku-values amounts to 1.5–4.0 [l/m2 · d] at 100 cm H2O, but these values are within the variation of the effective ku-values. For 800cm H2O the overestimation amounts to 0.002–0.065 [l/m2 · d], but this makes up 300–1000 % of the effective water through-put.  相似文献   

Some remarks concerning the determination of the hydraulic conductivity with the auger hole method Values of hydraulic conductivity, achieved with the auger hole method, may depend on the calculation procedure that is used. In this paper, values obtained with the method of Ernst (1950) are compared with such of Boast and Kirkham (1971). It is found, that differences of 25 percent and more may occur. It is concluded that care should be taken when conductivities are calculated from auger hole measurements. The method of Boast and Kirkham (1971) appears to be superior.  相似文献   

Anisotropic variation of saturated hydraulic conductivity of a variously grazed salt marsh soil Undisturbed core samples were taken in horizontal and vertical direction from a variously grazed salt marsh soil for investigation of the anisotropic variation of saturated hydraulic conductity Ksat, bulk density, and pore size distribution. The results show that saturated hydraulic conductivity varies significantly anisotropically. The average Kv/Kh ratio is 0.38 for the soil profile and 0.44 for the surface soil. This anisotropy of Ksat is mainly attributed to the stratified structure of soil due to the sedimentation conditions in the salt marsh environment and decreases if soil structure development through pedological processes progresses. Furthermore. Ksat decreases significantly if the stocking rate of grazing is larger than 1.0 sheep unit/ha and the effect is more pronounced near the dike. However, both the Kv and Kh are affected by grazing in the same manner, so that the anisotropy of Ksat is independent from grazing. Bulk densitiy and macroporosity are affected by grazing but not by the direction of sampling. There are significant correlations between Ksat and > 50 μm as well as > 10 μm pore volume. The correlation between Ksat and total porosity is however not significant. The anisotropy of Ksat implicates the favouring of the lateral water flux and in the hydrological research and modelling of the salt marsh ecosystem the anisotropy of Ksat should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the distribution of hydraulic conductivity and porosity measured at horizontally and vertically orientated core samples At 90 core camples taken vertically and 90 taken horizontally from 9 horizons of luvisols from loess hydraulic conductivities (h. c.) and porosities were determined. Frequency distribution of porosity showed but little influence of sample orientation, h. c.-values however showed marked difference. Most frequent values of horizontal distribution was approximated by lowest value of vertical distribution. This result was confirmed by evaluation of measurements given by Bailly (1969) and by Baumgart (1967).  相似文献   

A computer program for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity with the auger hole method An iterative procedure is applied for the calculation of the hydraulic conductivity with the auger hole method. Results are compared with data from Ernst (1950) and from Boast and Kirkham (1971). It is found that the achieved results compare well with the data from Boast and Kirkham, but frequently deviate considerably from those of Ernst. It appears that results from Boast and Kirkham are more reliable than those from Ernst. An advantage of the iterative procedure, as compared to the method of Boast and Kirkham, is its simplicity. Calculations are easily performed for sets of data not tabulated by Boast and Kirkham. Calculations can be carried out on a desk-top computer, but do require some computer time. A computer program (in Quick-BASIC) has been developed and can be obtained on request.  相似文献   

Presentation of the SrCl2-method after Bach for the determination of the effective cation exchange capacity and comparison with the NH4Cl-method The SrCl2-method for the determination of the effective cation exchange capacity CECeff has been developed by Dr. H. Bach, a former geochemist of the “Geologisches Landesamt Schleswig-Holstein”. Exchangeable metallic cations in soils are displaced by a 0, 1 M SrCl2-solution and analyzed from the percolate. Reexchange of strontium by a 0, 1 M MgCl2-solution allows to determine the CECeff by analyzing for strontium in the second percolate. In comparison with the customary application of NH4Cl, SrCl2 shows the following advantages:
  • 1 The nearly unbuffered SrCl2-solution adopts instantly the pH of the soil.
  • 2 In contrast to the weakly acid NH4Cl-solution, no H3O+-cations compete with the exchange cation. Furthermore, partial dissolution of clay minerals is prevented because of the near-neutral character of the SrCl2-solution.
  • 3 The SrCl2-method can be applied on all types of soils including carbonate- and salt-bearing soils.
  • 4 The amount of free (dissolved) cations can be approximated.

Determination of the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of soil aggregates by use of microtensiometers The hydraulic properties of single aggregates were measured with the use of microtensiometers. They are small enough (tip diameter 1 mm, length 1–2 mm) that two of them can be installed inside an aggregate within a distance of 1–3 mm. The changes of water suction are measured with pressure transducers and recorded by a micro-computer. Results obtained for different aggregates show, that at the same water suction, the hydraulic conductivity of single aggregates is up to 2 orders of magnitude smaller than that of the bulk soil. The cross-over-suction value for aggregates can also be derived.  相似文献   

Peat properties and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of peat soils . Drainage of organic soils is closely connected with water supply of plants by the capillary fringe of the groundwater. Unsaturated flow of water was measured by the double-membrane apparatus described by Vetterlein, which was modified for experiments with undisturbed peat samples. The influence of decomposition, nature of peat, ash content, bulk density (consolidation) and flux direction on unsaturated flow of water in peat soils was determined. The correlation to unsaturated water conductivity decreased in the sequence: decomposition, flux direction, ash content, bulk density. A dependence on bulk density exists only below pF 2.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide balance in the gas filled part of the unsaturated zone, demonstrated at a Podzol Carbon dioxide concentration (with a modified Miotke-probe) and moisture distribution (with a neutron-probe) in the unsaturated zone were measured on four test fields (coniferous forest, leafy wood, grass glade, sugar-beet field) in the Segeberger Forst, south of Schleswig-Holstein, Federal Republic of Germany, during September 1976 until August 1977 down to 250 cm depth. An evaluation method to calculate carbon dioxide production rates from any horizontal soil section and carbon dioxide emission rates was established and formulated in FortranIV for computer treatment. The calculation bases on Fick's diffusion laws, which describe the direct proportional relation between diffusive transport and concentration gradient with diffusivity as proportional factor. Special measurements on undisturbed soil samples from the test region showed a relation between diffusivity and the soil parameters water content and porosity, which permits the calculation of diffusivities from moisture data in any soil depth. Seasonal distribution curves of carbon dioxide concentration, production and emission are presented as evaluation result of all data.  相似文献   

Testing of three methods to predict unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity from water retention data or from texture class Using 60 soils taken from UNSODA (Leij et al., 1996) the method proposed by Renger et al. (1999) and the prediction according to Mualem (1976)/van Genuchten (1980) were tested. The parameters of the Mualem/vanGenuchten model were estimated either from water retention data or from a table of reference values. Using the reference values requires only the knowledge of texture class (German classification system). An advantage of the method proposed by Renger et al. (1999) is its capability to predict saturated conductivity too. The model of Mualem/vanGenuchten using reference values of parameters yields the best results. The standard deviation between observed and predicted values of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity was 0.93 lg (K) for the Mualem/vanGenuchten model and 1.3 lg (K) for the Renger et al. (1999) predictions.  相似文献   

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