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The aim of the experiment was to examine the effects of foliar applications of calcium (Ca) and boron (B) on yield and fruit quality of “Elsanta” strawberries grown on a sandy loam soil with low status of available B. The study was conducted in 1999–2000 at a commercial strawberry plantation in Central Poland. Cold‐stored strawberries were planted in 1998 at a spacing of 0.25 × 0.8 m. The following treatments were applied: (i) five sprays of Ca as CaCl2 at a rate of 1.5 kg Ca ha?1 spray?1 with addition of Tween 20 adjuvant at 0.1%; the first spray was performed at the petal fall stage and the next at 5‐day intervals; (ii) three sprays of B as Borvit material at a rate of 160 g B ha?1 spray?1 at the beginning of flowering and 5, and 10 days later; (iii) sprays of B and Ca as in the combination of (i) and (ii). Plants sprayed with water served as the control. Results showed that fruit and leaves from Ca‐treated plants had increased Ca concentrations. Sprays with B increased status of this microelement in fruit and leaf tissues. Treatments did not affect total and marketable fruit yield, mean berry weight, the number deformed fruit, soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruit at harvest. Fruit sprayed with Ca or B plus Ca were firmer and more resistant to Botrytis rot at harvest and after 3 days of holding at 18°C compared to those of control plots. Moreover, sprays of Ca or B plus Ca increased soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruit after 3 days of holding at room temperature. These results indicate that sprays of CaCl2 with addition of Tween 20 should be recommended to improve quality and shelf‐life of strawberry fruit, particularly in proecological production where application of fungicides is restricted.  相似文献   

Foliar nutrient concentrations vary during the day. Field research was conducted to quantify and better understand this variation in corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) with foliar sampling during the vegetative and reproductive stages. Time of day effects occurred inconsistently across nutrients. Nitrogen (N), manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) foliar concentrations were generally high early in the day. Phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S) foliar concentrations varied inconsistently with time of day, while concentrations of boron (B) in both crops and copper (Cu) in corn were not affected. Limiting foliar sampling to after 10:00 AM reduced the variation for soybean but not for corn. Interpretation by Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) did not reduce the time of day effect. The variation caused by time of day, along with other causes, affects confidence in interpretation of foliar results suggesting use of the information with either additional foliar sampling or soil testing in making nutrient management decisions.  相似文献   


A 7‐year‐long field trial was conducted on integrated nutrient management for a dry season rice (Boro)–green manure (GM)–wet season rice (T. Aman) cropping system at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Farm, Gazipur during 1993–1999. Five packages of inorganic fertilizers, cow dung (CD), and GM dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) were evaluated for immediate and residual effect on crop productivity, nutrient uptake, soil‐nutrient balance sheet, and soil‐fertility status. Plant height, active tiller production, and grain and straw yields were significantly increased as a result of the application of inorganic fertilizer and organic manure. Usually, the soil‐test‐based (STB) fertilizer doses for a high‐yield goal produced the highest grain yield of 6.39 t ha?1 (average of 7 years) in Boro rice. Application of CD at the rate of 5 t ha?1 (oven‐dry basis) once a year at the time of Boro transplanting supplemented 50% of the fertilizer nutrients other than nitrogen (N) in the subsequent crop of the cropping pattern. A positive effect of GM on the yield of T. Aman rice was observed. Following GM, the application of reduced doses of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), and zinc (Zn) to the second crop (T. Aman) did not reduce yield, indicating the beneficial residual effect of fertilizer applied to the first crop (Boro rice) of the cropping pattern. The comparable yield of T. Aman was also observed with reduced fertilizer dose in CD‐treated plots. The total P, K, and S uptake (kg/ha/yr) in the unfertilized plot under an irrigated rice system gradually decreased over the years. The partial nutrient balance in the unfertilized plot (T1) was negative for all the nutrients. In the fertilized plots, there was an apparent positive balance of P, S, and Zn but a negative balance of N and K. This study showed that the addition of organic manure (CD, dhaincha) gave more positive balances. In the T4c treatment at 0–15 cm, the application of chemical fertilizers along with the organic manures increased soil organic carbon by (C) 0.71%. The highest concentration of total N was observed with T4c followed by T4d and T4b, where CD was applied in Boro season and dhaincha GM was incorporated in T. Aman season. The sixfold increase in soil‐available P in T4b‐, T4c‐, T4a‐treated plots was due to the addition of CD. Dhaincha GM with the combination of chemical fertilizer helps to mobilize soil‐available P by 3 to 6 ppm. The highest amount of soil‐available S was found in T4c‐ and T4a‐treated plots. It was 2.5 times higher than that of the initial soil. The application of CD and dhaincha GM along with chemical fertilizers not only increased organic C, total N, available P, and available S but also increased exchangeable K, available Zn, available iron (Fe), and available manganese (Mn) in soil.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the impact of calcium chloride applications during growth and development on tomato postharvest quality. This trial investigated supplemental calcium chloride applications on yield, nutrient content, texture, and postharvest quality of tomato fruit. Calcium (Ca) nutrient solution concentrations were: 60, 180, and 360 mg·L?1 calcium, while foliar applications were (0, 1, and 2% calcium chloride w/v). Plants grown with 60 mg·L?1 Ca had a high incidence of blossom end rot, which was not affected by calcium chloride sprays. Fruit nutrient concentrations were affected by calcium delivered through the nutrient solution. As fruit cluster position increased, fruit nutrient concentrations significantly decreased. Foliar calcium chloride sprays affected fruit soluble solids content and dry weight, but did not affect texture. Pericarp elasticity increased concomitantly with calcium in the nutrient solution. Postharvest disease incidence was not affected by calcium treatment, though weight loss during storage was negatively affected by calcium chloride sprays.  相似文献   


A field trial was conducted during the short‐day period of 2004–2005 at Ona, Fl., to study the factorial effect of nitrogen (67, 90, and 134 kg N ha?1) and phosphorus (0, 5, 10, 20, and 40 kg P ha?1) rates on forage dry‐matter yield, quality, nutrient uptake, and leaf pigment concentration of limpograss (Hemarthria altissima). The N and P fertilizers were applied 45 days before each of two harvests. There was no interaction between N and P rates on any of the measured variables. Cool‐season forage yield increased curvilinearly from 137 to 350 kg ha?1 in winter and 237 to 1389 kg ha?1 in early spring, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased from 145 to 158 g kg?1, as P was increased from 0 to 40 kg ha?1, but yield and CP were not affected by N rate. There was a decreasing linear relationship between leaf concentration of anthocyanins and P rate of application such that forage obtained with 0 kg P ha?1 had 61% more leaf anthocyanins and purple pigmentation than with 40 kg P ha?1. There was no effect of N on anthocyanins content. It was concluded that increased level of leaf anthocyanins was due to the cumulative stress from cool weather and lower plant‐tissue P levels, which resulted in reduced growth and yield of limpograss. In cool weather, P played a critical role in controlling leaf purple pigmentation and forage yield.  相似文献   

The research aimed to study the effect of presown application of primary biomethanated spentwash (PBSW) on soil properties, nutrient availability, uptake and yield of soybean–wheat sequence on Inceptisol. The field experiment with randomised block design was initiated during 2007–8 and present observation was recorded during 2009–10 and 2010–11.The five treatments were, recommended dose (RD) of NPK (T1), 100% RD of N through PBSW without (T2) and with P chemical fertilizer (T3), 50 and 25% RD of N through PBSW + remaining N and P through chemical fertilizers (T4,T5), respectively. The results revealed that the soil physical properties and microbial populations were improved in T2 and T3. The lowest soil pH and pHs were observed in T2. The soil electrical conductivity, organic carbon, exchangeable sodium percentage and sodium adsorption ratio of soil extracts and available K were increased with the increase in PBSW as compared to RD-NPK. The soil available N and P were decreased as PBSW increased at all the soil depths. The greatest yields and total N,P,K uptake of soybean and wheat were observed in T5.  相似文献   


A study was undertaken to determine the effects of different concentrations of arsenic (As) in irrigation water on Boro (dry‐season) rice (Oryza sativa) and their residual effects on the following Aman (wet‐season) rice. There were six treatments, with 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg As L?1 applied as disodium hydrogen arsenate. All the growth and yield parameters of Boro rice responded positively at lower concentrations of up to 0.25 mg As L?1 in irrigation water but decreased sharply at concentrations more than 0.5 mg As L?1. Arsenic concentrations in grain and straw of Boro rice increased significantly with increasing concentration of As in irrigation water. The grain As concentration was in the range of 0.25 to 0.97 µg g?1 and its concentration in rice straw varied from 2.4 to 9.6 µg g?1 over the treatments. Residual As from previous Boro rice showed a very similar pattern in the following Aman rice, although As concentration in Aman rice grain and straw over the treatments was almost half of the As levels in Boro rice grain. Arsenic concentrations in both grain and straw of Boro and Aman rice were found to correlate with iron and be antagonistic with phosphorus.  相似文献   

Alfalfa crops were grown in the field at the University of Ankara (473939 E, 4385149 N), over two seasons between 2001 and 2003 with sulfur (S) supplied at two different rates. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with five replicates and three cutting dates in each season. Sulfur was applied at rates of 0 (control), 160 (S1), and 240 (S2) kg ha?1 as gypsum. Alfalfa hay was harvested three times each year, and the concentrations of elements in the hay were measured by polarized energy dispersive x‐ray fluorescence (PEDXRF). Sulfur fertilization increased S concentrations and improved alfalfa hay yield for both years. Applied S slightly reduced phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) concentrations in the first year and had no significant effect on the potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) concentrations of alfalfa hay for either year. The highest S (240 kg ha?1 S) level increased sodium (Na) concentrations in the first year but decreased them in the second year. Sulfur application also decreased chloride (Cl) concentration in the first year. Molybdenum (Mo) concentration of the alfalfa was significantly reduced by S1 treatment in year 1. Iron (Fe) concentration was increased by S2 treatment in the second year, and zinc (Zn) concentration was increased by S1 treatment in the first year. However, applied S had no effect on manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), barium (Ba), uranium (U), and lead (Pb) concentrations for either year. Applied S decreased aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si) and increased bromine (Br) and rubidium (Rb) concentrations of alfalfa in the first year. In addition, strontium (Sr) concentration was increased by S2 treatment in the first year but was decreased in the second year. The stage of cutting greatly affected mineral concentrations. Compared with the first cutting, S concentrations were higher in the second and third harvest for both years. In general, the concentrations of P, Mg, Na, Cl, Mo, Ti, V, Br, Co, Ba, Sr, Rb, U, and Pb were increased, whereas the concentrations of Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, and Ni were decreased with later cutting. The concentrations of K and Ca did not vary between cuts.  相似文献   

The field experiment was conducted on black soil (Vertic Ustropept) at Zonal Agricultural Research Station farm, Solapur, for successive 30 years from 1987–1988 to 2016–2017 under dryland condition in a randomized block design with 10 treatments and 3 replications. The pooled results of seven years (2010–2011 to 2016–2017) revealed that the application of 25 kg N ha?1 through crop residue (CR, byre waste) along with 25 kg N ha-1 through Leucaena lopping (Leucaena leucocephala) to rabi sorghum gave significantly higher grain and stover yield and Sustainable Yield Index (14.61 and 36.11 q ha?1 and 0.47, respectively) which was on par with T7, where 25 kg N ha?1 through farmyard manure (FYM) + 25 kg N ha?1 through urea was applied for grain and stover yield (13.95 and 34.46 q ha?1 and 0.44, respectively). The gross and net monetary returns and benefit–cost ratio were also influenced significantly due to integrated nitrogen management (Rs. 59,796, Rs. 47,353 ha?1, and 3.13, respectively). This was also reflected in residual soil fertility status of soil after harvest of rabi sorghum. The organic carbon content and available nitrogen content of soil, as well as nitrogen uptake and moisture use efficiency for grain, were also increased. The total microbial count of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes was more where FYM or CR addition was done. The count of N fixers and P solubilizers was more under Leucaena application either alone or with CR or urea. Application of CR at 4.8 t ha?1 (25 kg N ha?1) along with Leucaena lopping at 3.5 t ha?1 (25 kg N ha?1) as green leaf manure is the best alternative organic source for fertilizer urea (50 kg N ha?1) to increase the production of dryland rabi sorghum.  相似文献   

Leaching of nutrients, particularly in sandy soil with low nutrient and water holding capacity (WHC), is a major threat to marine and fresh water pollution. Addition of clay soil to sandy soil could be an option to increase water and nutrient holding capacity of sandy soils, but the effect of clay soil addition may depend on the form in which the clay soil is added and the addition rate. Clay soil was added to sandy soil at rate of 10 or 20% (w/w) finely ground (<2 mm) or 2 and 5 mm peds with and without nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer equivalent to 60 kg N ha?1 and 15 kg P ha?1. The clay sand mixture for each treatment was weighed (30 g) in cores with nylon mesh at the bottom. The soils were incubated at 80% WHC for 7 weeks. To obtain leachate, 20 mL reverse osmosis (RO) water was added every week to each core. Leachate was analysed for inorganic N, P, and pH. Soil was analyzed for N, P, and pH before and after the leaching. Clay addition significantly reduced the leaching of N and P compared to sandy soil alone, with greatest reduction by finely ground clay soil and least with 5 mm peds. Compared to sandy soil alone, 83% more N was retained in clay-amended soil and P retention was doubled. This study showed that addition of finely ground clay soil can substantially reduce N and P leaching and thereby increase fertilizer retention compared to sandy soil alone.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted in a greenhouse on a calcareous soil (fine, mixed, mesic, Fluventic Haploxerepts) to study the interaction of zinc (Zn) and boron (B) on the growth and nutrient concentration of corn (Zea mays L.). Treatments consisted of a factorial arrangement of seven levels of B (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg kg? 1as boric acid), two sources of Zn [zinc sulfate (ZnSO4 · 7H2O) and zinc oxide (ZnO)], and three levels of Zn (0, 5, and 10 mg kg? 1) in a completely randomized design with three replications. Plants were grown for 70 d in 1.6 L plastic containers. Applied Zn significantly increased plant height and dry matter yield (DMY) of corn. Source of Zn did not significantly affect growth or nutrient concentration. High levels of B decreased plant height and DMY. There was a significant B × Zn interaction on plant growth and tissue nutrient concentration which were rate dependent. In general, the effect of B × Zn interaction was antagonistic on nutrient concentration and synergistic on growth. It is recommended that the plants be supplied with adequate Zn when corn is grown in high B soils, especially when availability of Zn is low.  相似文献   


New calcium (Ca) spray materials were made available to test for their possible improvement over the often-used dry form of calcium chloride products. Four orchards of mature ‘Anjou’ pears (Pyrus communis L.) were selected for the experiments. Three Ca materials were used at equal Ca rates, consisting of a dry Ca material derived from calcium chloride (Mora-leaf-Ca) with and without Sylgard; a liquid Ca material derived from CaCl2 (Cal-Plex-12); and a dry Ca material derived from calcium oxide (Mira-Cal) at different concentrations. In one orchard, Mira-Cal Ca at the double rate had the lowest incidence of cork spot and hard end with the highest concentration of cortex Ca and acceptable fruit finish, closely followed by the standard rate of Mora-Leaf-Ca. In a second orchard, Mora-Leaf-Ca plus Sylgard 309 had the lowest incidence of cork spot and alfalfa greening. In the third orchard, Mora-Leaf-Ca had the lowest incidence of cork spot and the highest concentration of fruit Ca in peel and cortex. In the fourth orchard, Cal-Plex-12 Ca produced nearly complete control of cork spot and the highest concentration of fruit Ca in peel and cortex. When comparing commercial spray-machine application of 935 L ha?1, control of cork spot and fruit Ca absorption was improved with six calcium applications versus only two spray applications.  相似文献   

In mussels, stress signals such as heat, osmotic shock and hypoxia lead to the activation of the phosphorylated p38 mitogen activated protein kinase (pp38-MAPK). This stress activated protein has been efficiently used as a biomarker to several natural and anthropogenic stresses. However, what has not been tested is whether differences in gender or size can affect the response of this biomarker. The present study tested whether there was variation in the expression of pp38-MAPK in mussels Perna perna of different gender and size classes when exposed to natural stress conditions, such as air exposure. The results show that gender does not affect the expression of pp38-MAPK. However, size does have an effect, where mussels smaller than 6.5 cm displayed significantly (p?<?0.05) lower levels of pp38-MAPK when compared to those larger than 7 cm. Mussels are one of the most used bioindicator species and the use of biomarkers to determine the health status of an ecosystem has been greatly increasing over the years. The present study highlights the importance of using mussels of similar size classes when performing experiments using stress-related biomarkers.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine effect of preharvest sprays of calcium (Ca) in the form of Ca-chloride (CaCl2), Ca-nitrate [Ca(NO3)2], or a mixture of Ca-formate, Ca-acetate, CaCl2, and Ca(NO3)2 on cracking and quality of ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry fruit harvested mechanically. The experiment was conducted in 2008–2009 at a commercial orchard in central Poland. Mature trees grew on a coarse-textured soil poor in organic matter, at a spacing of 4.0 × 1.5 m. The spray treatments of Ca were performed at 7-day intervals, starting 28 days before harvest, at the rates of 5.0–5.6 kg Ca ha?1 per season. The trees sprayed with water were treated as the control. Fruit were harvested mechanically when peduncle-fruit detachment force dropped below 3 N. The results showed that preharvest Ca sprays caused no leaf damage. This measure did not affect yield, mean fruit weight, soluble solids concentration and titratable acidity of fruit, and weight loss of fruit during 24 h after harvest. Fruit sprayed with Ca had improved status of this nutrient, and were less liable to juicy leakage from the stem scar, rain-induced cracking, and preharvest decay caused by Glomerella cingulata. The above effects of Ca sprays did not depend on the tested material. It was concluded that preharvest sprays of Ca as CaCl2 and/or Ca(NO3)2 should be recommended in ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry orchards to reduce fruit losses resulting from rain-induced cracking, leakage of juice, and the incidence of cherry bitter rot.  相似文献   


A greenhouse study was conducted to determine the effects of low‐rate commercial humic acid (HA) on phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) availability and spring wheat yields, in both a calcareous soil and a noncalcareous soil. In Phase I, soluble P concentrations were monitored at 1.9, 3.8, and 5.7 cm from a monoammonium phosphate (MAP) fertilizer band that had either been coated with one of two HA products at the equivalent of 1.7 kg HA ha?1, a label rate, or left uncoated. Sampling occurred periodically up to 48 d after fertilizer application. In Phase II, uptake of P, Fe, and Zn and grain yield were measured in soils that had been fertilized with 7.5 or 25 kg P ha?1, either coated with HA or left uncoated. In Phase I, only three significant differences (P=0.05) out of 66 comparisons were found in soluble P concentrations between HA and control treatments at time points ranging from 4 to 48 d after fertilization. In addition, no significant differences were found in nutrient uptake, shoot biomass, or grain yield between HA and control treatments. These greenhouse results suggest that low commercial HA rates (~1.7 kg HA ha?1) may be insufficient to enhance spring wheat growth.  相似文献   

HETIANXIU  HEFUJIAN 《土壤圈》2001,11(1):83-92
A field experiment was carried out to study nutrient balance among N,P,K and Mg in potato cultivation on an acid purple soil in Chongqing,China,The experiment included 8 treatments with equal P rate of 120 kg P2O5 hm^-2 :N0K2,N1K2,NK2K2,N3K2,N2K0,N2K1,N2K1Mg and N2K3,where N0,N1,N2 and N3 stand for the N rates of 0,75,150 and 225 kg N hm^-2 ,and K0,K1,K2 and K3 for the K rates of 0,165,330 and 495kg K2O hm^-2,respectively,Among the treatments designed ,Treatment N2K2 with a nutrient suply ration of N:P2O5:K2O:MgO=1.25:1.275:0.28 gave the highest tuber yield nd dry matter ,highest starch and Zn and lowest NO3^- contents in tuber,and high N,P and K use effciency with and uptake ratio of N:P:K:Mg=11.38:1:13.32:0.33 by tuber,Yield and starch and protein contents of tuber were the lowest in Treatment N0K2.Dry matter was the highest N,P and K utilization rates .Statistical analysis showed that yields of tuber and starch were in a positive linear correlation with the uptake amount of various nutrients and protein of the potato tuber was in a significantly positive linear correlation with tuber N content and in a singificantly negative linear correlation with tuber K and Mg contents .Balaced application of N,P,K and Mg fertilizers(Treatment N2K2)was recommended for realiztion of high yield and good quality in potato cultivation.  相似文献   

A long-term field experiment was conducted in Vertisols of Solapur (Maharashtra, India) to assess the effect of the integrated use of nutrients on yield, soil properties, and nutrient balance in post-monsoon sorghum. The highest crop yield (1.19 Mg ha?1) and available nutrients (308, 14.9, and 814 kg ha?1 nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), respectively) were recorded in the treatment of 25 kg N sorghum crop residue (CR) + 25 kg N Leucaena clippings (LCs), 25 kg N (CR) + 25 kg N (urea), 25 kg N farmyard manure + 25 kg N (urea), and 25 kg N (CR) + 25 kg N (LC), respectively. Most of the nutrients were depleted except K and Ca. The response ratio for N (16 kg kg?1) and partial factor productivity (33 kg kg?1) were considerably higher in the 25 kg N (CR) + 25 kg N (LC) treatment. Conjunctive use of organic ?and chemical fertilizers helped in reducing the nutrient losses and improved their use efficiency and yield sustainability.  相似文献   

‘Honeycrisp’ is a recently released cultivar of apple (Malus x domestica) developed by the University of Minnesota, now in high demand by growers and consumers. This cultivar is susceptible to bitter pit, especially when the trees are young and the fruit load is low. The effects of calcium (Ca) sprays, fruit thinning, vegetative growth, fruit and leaf nutrient concentration on bitter pit incidence, and two sampling methods for nutrient analysis were studied. Bitter pit incidence was associated with several variables, including Ca and phosphorus (P) concentrations in leaves and fruits, magnesium (Mg) concentration in leaves, and yield parameters. Fruit Ca concentration and content for the growing season were modeled, which allowed the determinations of Ca levels associated with bitter pit incidence. Our data suggest that plug analysis was less sensitive than fruit-segment analysis for finding differences in Ca concentrations.  相似文献   


There is a need to improve the way in which crop residues and industrial organic wastes are managed and also to study their potential use in agriculture for improving soil fertility and biological activity. This study evaluated the effects of integrated use of organic (sewage sludge (SS) and rice straw compost (RSC)) and inorganic fertilizers on crop yield, soil enzymes activity, macro- and micro-nutrients availability under rice–wheat cropping system after three consecutive years of cropping in a subtropical semi-arid area. Different combinations of inorganic nitrogen and two doses of organic sources (SS and RSC) were applied to the soil. The results revealed that substitution with 50% N through RSC significantly increased the yield and biochemical properties as compared to inorganic fertilizers (NPK) alone. Micronutrients availability was found increased in treatment having substitution of 50% N through SS @10 t ha?1. All the enzymatic activities viz. dehydrogenase, fluorescein diacetate (FDA), phosphatase, phytase, and urease) were found to be maximum by substitution of 50% N through RSC. Also, a significant positive correlation was found between soil enzymes (dehydrogenase and FDA) and organic carbon as well as crop yield. Thus, the study demonstrated that substitution of 50% inorganic nitrogen through organic sources will be a better alternative for improving soil quality and productivity.  相似文献   

In this study, interactions of nickel sulfate and urea sprays on vegetative growth, yield and leaf mineral contents in strawberry were investigated. Rooted Pajaro strawberry plants were potted in 3 liter pots filled with soil, leaf mold and sand (1:1:1, v/v/v). Established plants were foliar sprayed with nickel sulfate at 0, 150, 300 and 450 mg L?1 and urea 0 and 2 g L?1 concentrations. Results indicated that nickel (Ni; 300 mg L?1) plus urea (2 g L?1) significantly increased the yield and runner numbers. Nickel sulfate at the rate of 300 and 150 mg L?1and urea (2 g L?1) significantly increased the crown numbers. The greatest root fresh and dry weights were obtained from untreated plants. Urea at 2 g L?1 without nickel significantly increased shoot fresh and dry weights. Nickel at 450 mg L?1 without urea significantly increased Ni concentration in leaves. Overall, nickel sulfate at 150 and 300 mg L?1 along with urea at 2 g L?1 were the best treatments.  相似文献   

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