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The aim of this work was to assess how potassium (K) and nitrogen (N) fertilization might affect the variation of leaf and fruit nutrient concentrations in carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) under low precipitation. A field study was conducted in 1997, 1998, and 1999 in a calcareous soil. Four fertilization treatments were tested: no fertilizer (C), 0.8 kg N tree?1 (N treatment), 0.83 kg K tree?1 (K treatment), and 0.80 kg N tree?1 plus 0.83 kg K tree?1 (NK treatment). During the hydrological cycle 1998/1999, only 250 mm of rain were recorded. Because of this, from 1998 to 1999 a decrease in the concentrations of mobile nutrients N, phosphorus (P), and K and an increase in calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) were observed in leaves. The application of N led to higher leaf N concentration compared with other treatments. This response allowed the establishment of a linear model that relates soil plant analysis development (SPAD) readings with leaf N concentrations (r2=0.55; P<0.05). Compared with leaves, fruits showed similar amounts of N and P; less Ca, Mg, Fe, and Mn; and high concentrations of K. Fertilization did not change considerably the mineral composition of fruits, and because of large variation among trees, yield was similar for all treatments.  相似文献   


Accurate analyses of large numbers of soil samples are needed in order to reduce the uncertainty of carbon inventories. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) is still considered the most convenient assessment method, but its accuracy and precision for predicting total organic carbon (TOC) is questioned. However, our estimation of measurement precision for different samples showed comparable relative standard deviations (RSDs) for LOI and TOC determinations. Highest precision was found in forest floor samples (RSD<1.2%) and lowest (RSD 5–10%) in sandy soil samples low in organic matter. Forest floor samples (n=66) and non‐calcareous mineral soil samples (n=654) were used to calibrate and validate predictive equations. Excellent linear relationships were found. For a wide range of soils the bivariate predictive equation TOC=?0.1046 Clay+0.5936 LOI (r2=0.98) was developed and validated. After correction for clay content, slopes averaged remarkably close to the traditional 0.58 conversion factor.  相似文献   


The determination of soil organic matter by wet digestion techniques is a slow and laborious analysis. Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) provides a simple alternative technique for the estimation of soil organic carbon in non‐calcareous A horizon soils of the Natal midlands and Zululand forestry regions. Using multiple regressional techniques, the relationships between loss‐on‐ignition, Walkley organic carbon and soil texture for 55 soils were determined over a range of ignition temperatures. The relationships hold best for soil samples with relatively low organic carbon contents (< 5%). The optimum temperature for ignition was found to occur at 450°C and resulted in the relationship: Soil organic carbon = 0.284*LOI percent. No advantage is gained through ignition at higher temperatures due to the loss of clay mineral structural water, even if the soil texture is accurately known.  相似文献   


Suitability of the electro‐ultrafiltration (EUF)‐potassium (K) quotient, a ratio between strongly held and easily desorbable EUF fractions of K to measure K‐buffering capacity of illite‐dominant soils under intensive cropping, was studied. EUF‐K quotients which ranged from 0.333 to 0.580 before cropping increased to the range of 0.405 to 0.710 after the cropping. As a result of cropping, the mean K‐ replenishment rate decreased from 6.98 kg/ha/day to 0.2 kg/ha/day, whereas the mean EUF‐K quotient increased from 0.43 to 0.53. EUF‐K quotient showed significant positive correlation with dry matter yield (r = 0.78*) and K uptake (r = 0.79*) in the first harvest of crop and in the subsequent harvests it maintained correlations of lower order. While other EUK‐K fractions, i.e. EUF 20°C, EUF 80°C, and EUF 35 min increased or maintained the same extent of correlation with conventional soil test methods after cropping, EUF‐K quotient failed to have significant correlation with those soil test methods after cropping. The current study brought out that exhaustive cropping differentially depleted the EUF fractions leading to an increase in the estimated buffering capacity (EUF‐Q) which failed to show satisfactory relationship with K removal by the crop.  相似文献   


Overwintering soil temperature may influence crop response to phosphorus (P) and indices of P availability in the humid, temperate, transitional climate of Tennessee. The effects of P fertilization and soil incubation temperature on sorghumsudangrass (Sorghum bicolor x S. Sudanese) grown on a Typic Hapludalf was investigated in a greenhouse study. In order to determine the effect of temperature on P availability, soils were incubated prior to cropping, at a constant temperature of 6°C or an average diurnal temperature of 24 and 36°C. Reagent grade Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O was used as the fertilizer source and applied at rates of 0, 10, 20, and 30 mg P kg‐1 for the first test and 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mg P kg 1 for the second test. Critical P concentration in the shoots for optimum yield was found to be 1.3 mg g‐1, corresponding to soil solution and labile P concentrations of 5.5 μmol L‐1 and 167 μg g‐1, respectively. Optimum yield occurred for applications of >65 mg P kg‐1 and was unaffected by soil incubation temperature. Applied P rates affected extractable P by five chemical extractants (Bray I, Bray II, Mehlich I, Mehlich III, and Mississippi), but soil incubation temperature had no affect. The extractants, however, were poorly correlated to plant P uptake and no one extractant appeared preferable to the others as an indicator of P availability.  相似文献   

In this study, the norms for Vitis Vinifera have been derived and compared using the Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND) and Deviation from Optimum Percentage (DOP) diagnose methods to determine the nutrient deficiency in Vineyards at Central Alborz region, Iran. A total of 200 leaf samples were collected during two years from Vitis Vinifera trees and nutrient concentrations of Mn, Zn, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, P, N, B, and Cu were measured. The results showed that there are differences between DOP and CND diagnosis methods. According to mean DOP indices for nutrient elements, the priority of the deficiency of elements was as follows: Mn > P > Ca > Fe > Cu. In addition, the CND standard norms were determined as Fci(VN) = 32.34, Fci(VP) = 34.49, Fci(VK) = 48.58, Fci(VCa) = 54.39, Fci(VMg) = 64.11, Fci(VMn) = 19.71, Fci(VZn) = 47.64, Fci(VFe) = 53.32, Fci(VCu) = 32.44, Fci(VB) = 41.59, and Fci(Rd) = 39.19 ton.ha?1. The results also showed that there is the deficiency of manganese, nitrogen, iron, and phosphorus in vineyards. Therefore, the field observations due to the implications of apparent deficiencies of nutrient elements in the gardens of the region are more consistent with the DOP method.  相似文献   


Genotypic evaluation is critical to development of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars with genetic resistance to Fe‐deficiency chlorosis. Root Fe3+ reducing activity is correlated with genotypic resistance to Fe chlorosis measured in field nurseries, and thus may be a reliable method for identifying chlorosis‐resistat genotypes. However, to develop methods useful for large‐scale screening, several modifications of the previously published procedure for measuring root Fe3+ reducing activity were investigated. Several hydroponic experiments were conducted to test proposed modifications. It was determined that: (a) different genotypes may be grown together in the same nutrient solution without affecting Fe3+ reduction, (b) genotype separation is maximized by growth in CaCO3 buffered solution (37.5 mg L?1), (c) a labor‐intensive elongation step can be eliminated, and (d) denotype evaluation can be accomplished without introducing Fe into the hydroponic solutions. These refinements to the procedure should allow its adaptation and use in soybean breeding programs.  相似文献   


The actual content of the soil organic carbon (SOC) has to be periodically measured for soil classification and nutrient management purposes. Traditional SOC tests are relatively time consuming and costly. A rapid field test would be valuable to delineate soil map units with similar SOC to simplify the process of land evaluation while increasing precision. The objectives of this study were to develop and evaluate a new field measurement technique for the quick assessment of SOC. The new method measures the emitted CO2 concentration 3 min after treatment of the soil sample with acidic potassium (K) permanganate solution. The inorganic carbonate content of the soil is measured separately with the addition of sulphuric acid only. Carbon dioxide concentration from both procedures is measured with a portable infrared gas analyzer. The difference between the concentrations measured after the two separate reactions provide an estimate of SOC. Samples from brown forest soils (ca Hapludalf) (0.19–5.53% SOC) were used for the method development. The correlation coefficient between the SOC determined by the new method and laboratory wet combustion method content was 0.76 for the full range of SOC and 0.81 for the soil samples with less than 20% carbonate.  相似文献   

The unique ability of dried plant residues Azolla to adsorb iron (Fe) was employed to formulate and test an organic Fe biofertilizer. A simplified experimental system was established to examine the effectiveness of Fe‐enriched Azolla as a source of Fe for the remedy of Fe‐deficient plants. The optimal Fe‐enrichment level needed to achieve a complete recovery of starved plant by the Fe‐Azolla complex was tested using a bioassay system of hydroponically grown cucumbers. Dried Azolla plants were mixed a with a solution of ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) at pH 2.0, rinsed, and dried to form organic, compact material containing 4% (w/w) Fe bound to Azolla. The Fe‐Azolla complex was applied to the nutrient solutions of Fe‐deficient cucumber seedlings. Growth rates and development measurements as well as chlorophyll and the Fe‐containing catalase activity tests have been performed. The effect of the slowly released Fe in correcting Fe deficiency were followed for three weeks and compared with the efficiency of additions of several synthetic Fe chelates. Iron‐starved plants exhibited fast regreening of the chlorotic interveinal tissues after the addition of Fe‐Azolla complex to the nutrient solutions. Iron starvation decreased the activity of catalase. Iron‐treated‐starved plants exhibited recovery of catalase activity compared to the low level activity measured untreated Fe‐starved plants. Iron‐enriched Azolla treatment was found equivalent to Fe‐EDTA and Fe‐EDDHA. This study is the first step in our research program aimed to establish the application of Fe‐enriched Azolla as a bioagent for the benefit of Fe‐deficient crops.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - This work presents for the first time the development of a method for the analysis of cinnamaldehyde and diallyl disulfide in soil by ultrasound assisted extraction...  相似文献   


A field experiment was conducted at Star City (legal location SW6‐45‐16‐W2); Saskatchewan, Canada from May 2000 to June 2000, to measure nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) supply rates from fertilizer bands to the seed‐row of canola crop. Ion exchange resin membrane probes (PRSTM) were used to measure N and P supply rates in four treatments [80 kg N ha?1 of urea as side‐row band, 80 kg N ha?1 of urea as mid‐row band, check/no N (side‐row)/P side‐row, check/no N (mid‐row)/seed placed P]. The treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Two anion and cation exchange resin probes (PRSTM) were placed in each plot in the seed‐row immediately after seeding and fertilizing. The probes were allowed to remain in the field for 2 days and replaced with another set of probes every 4 days for a total of 14 days until canola emerged. Ammonium‐N, nitrate‐N and P supply rates were calculated based on the ion accumulated on the probes. Urea side‐row band treatments (fertilizer N 2.5 cm to side of every seed‐row) had significantly higher cumulative available N supply rates than mid‐row band placement in which fertilizer N was placed 10 cm from the seed‐row in between every second seed‐row. No significant differences were observed in P supply rates. The higher N rates (120 kg N ha?1) resulted in lower grain yield in side‐row banding than mid‐row banding possibly due to seedling damage. However, the earlier fluxes of N into the seed‐row observed with side‐row banding may be an advantage at lower N rates in N deficient soils.  相似文献   


Among several methods of diagnosis for nutritional status, two are more important: the Sufficiency range approach (SRA) and the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS). This research compared DRIS with SRA, the diagnostic method currently used by the citrus industry in São Paulo State, Brazil. The study was conducted in irrigated, commercial groves of “Valencia” sweet orange more than six years old and with yield above 40 t ha? 1 in Mogi Guaçú, São Paulo State. Data pertaining to yield, tree spacing, rootstock, and foliar concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and boron (B) in non-fruiting terminals for each plot were processed for the years 1994 through 1998. DRIS indices were calculated by the Jones method of the intermediate functions. Index of nutritional balance (INB) was calculated by the average of the sum (disregarding the sign) of all nutritional index values and the dry matter index. Results indicated that, for the conditions of this experiment: (1) DRIS, when compared with the SRA, complements nutritional diagnosis because it establishes an order of deficiency or excess for each nutrient and detects deficiencies or excesses not considered by SRA; (2) There was agreement between the two methods for nutritional diagnosis of K; (3) Cu, Mn, and Fe concentrations were determined as deficient by DRIS, but were classified as adequate or excessive by SRA.  相似文献   


Plant analyses methods have expanded immensely to document plant mineral element deficiency and toxicity disorders and to note mineral element interactions. Experiments were conducted to determine the feasibility of using cation exchange papers for the extraction of cationic elements from solutions to be analyzed by x‐ray fluorescence. The cationic elements Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu were effectively extracted from solutions by one exchange resin paper disk if solutions were passed several times through the exchange resin paper. Calcium and Mg were extracted from solutions if two or three separate exchange papers were used, and K was not extracted from solutions with the use of up to five separate exchange papers. The relatively high concentrations of K in solutions and the relatively low exchange capacity of ion exchange resin papers apparently prevented the effective removal of K from solution. The detectability limits on the exchange resin disks by this technique were <2.8 μg Al, 0.5 μg Fe, 0.10 μg Mn, 0.10 μg Zn, and 0.08 μg Cu. Extraction of cationic elements from solutions for x‐ray analysis appeared practical and relatively rapid for Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu, less practical for Ca and Mg, and impractical for K.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted with alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Aragon wide leaf) to test the performance of a zeolite (phillipsite) phosphorus‐potassium (P‐K) fertilizer versus soluble potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) applied to a coarse‐textured substratum consisting of a mixture 1: 4 (in volume) soihbasaltic ash. Plants were sown at four fertilization rates and five harvests were collected after nine months. The nutrient content in plant tissue was higher in the plants treated with zeolitic fertilizer, although the response was primarily due to P. No differences due to the fertilizer source were observed for dry matter yield. When considering nutrient uptake, differences between the two fertilizers were enhanced, although the results for P are more pronounced. The soil nutrient content found after the experiment shows that available P was significantly higher in those pots that received the zeolite fertilizer, but no differences were found for K.  相似文献   


A field investigation was conducted to compare the efficacy of plowed‐down and disked‐in Zn as ZnSO4.H2O in correcting Zn deficiency of corn (Zea mays L.). The soil, Buchanan fine sandy loam, was nearneutral in pH and contained 0.7 ppm of EDTA‐extractable Zn and 1.4 ppm of dilute HCl‐H2SO4 extractable P. Application of 6.72 kg Zn/ha as ZnSO4.H2O corrected Zn deficiency of corn plants on the soil. Corn grain yields and Zn concentrations in tissue samples indicated that the plowed‐down and disked‐in Zn were about equally effective in correcting Zn deficiency where the level of Zn application was 6.72 kg/ha.  相似文献   


The recovery of applied zinc (Zn) by plants is relatively small. Coupled with lack of leaching, this leads to accumulation of Zn in topsoil which may result in unfavorable growth conditions for the subsequent plants. Different extractants may be used for assessing the Zn status of soils previously treated with Zn sources. The extractability of retained Zn is influenced by soil properties. This experiment was conducted to study the influence of selected properties of calcareous soils on extractability of Zn by three popular Zn soil tests. Twenty samples from surface horizons (0–20 cm) of highly calcareous soils of southern Iran (pH 7.9 to 8.5; calcium carbonate equivalent 16 to 58%) previously treated with three levels of Zn (0, 10, and 20 mg Zn kg‐1 soil as ZnSO4#lb7H2O) in triplicate and under one crop of corn (Zea mays L.) were extracted with DTPA, EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3 and Na2‐EDTA. Extractability (EXT) in a particular extractant was defined as the slope of the regression line, relating extractable Zn of each soil to the rate of applied Zn, multiplied by 100. The EXT values of soils ranged from 24.9 to 73.0% for DTPA, 47.2 to 84.4% for EDTA‐(NH4)2CO3, and 28.2 to 56.7% for Na2‐EDTA. Stepwise regression equations showed that cation exchange capacity (CEC) and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) followed by clay content were the most influential soil properties in EXT of retained Zn of highly calcareous soils. The EXT values decreased with increase in CEC, and CCE but increased with increase in clay.  相似文献   

The performance of near‐infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a rapid technique for the estimation of chlorophyll and protein contents in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was investigated. A fiber‐optic probe was employed directly on a total of 198 fresh leaves to measure spectra between 1100 and 2200 nm. Partial least squares (PLS) regression models were developed with a calibration set of 120 samples spanning a concentration range of 5.20–158.5 for the chlorophyll content index (CCI), 0.39–4.60 mg g?1 (fresh weight) for the chlorophyll extracted with dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and 9.92–45.32% (dry matter) for protein content. The models obtained were validated with 78 independent samples. Standard errors of prediction of 12.49 were obtained for the CCI, 0.24 mg g?1 for DMSO‐extracted chlorophyll, and 3.27% for the protein content. These results support the use of NIRS equipped with a fiber‐optic probe to monitor and assess the composition and quality of forages in a nondestructive way.  相似文献   

Glasshouse experiments were conducted at the Newe Ya'ar Research Center in the winter seasons of 1992/93 and 1993/94 to examine a phosphorus/ potassium (PK) fertilizer for cucurbit crops. Monopotassium phosphate [(MKP), KH2PO4] was found to be very effective as a P and K source for cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) and muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) plants grown in soilless container conditions. The efficiency of MKP was essentially not different from that of the combination of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and potassium chloride (KCl) which is widely used in the commercial production of vegetables. Appropriate fertilization of cucumbers with MKP in 1992/93 affected late‐season yield more than early‐season yield. Deficiency of P and K in Gala muskmelon inhibited vegetative growth and decreased yield. The reduced yield resulted from both less fruit‐setting and smaller fruit size. The MKP rates required by cucumber plants in 1993/94 depended primarily on growth medium composition. Generally, plants grown in inert tuff (volcanic gravel) and sandy media responded more significantly to MKP than did those grown in media rich in organic matter. There are at least three reasons for preferring the use of MKP, first it is much safer to handle than is H3PO4, second it is highly soluble and can be easily incorporated in fertigation systems, and third it has a high PK content.  相似文献   

Four durum wheat cultlvars (Triticum turgidum spp. durum Desf.) from different countries of origin (Austria, Ethiopia, and Italy) were investigated. Plants were grown in pots under glasshouse conditions. Immediately after the full development of the flag leaves, these leaves were detached for the screening. Distinct differences in water‐retention capabilty among the cultivars was observed. The drought‐resistant (hardy) types, Valgerardo and Boohai, showed better water retention capabilty than the drought‐sensitive ones, such as DZ‐04–688. Poor yielding cultivars under field conditions were also found to be poor in water‐retention capability and vice versa. The applied method is simple and inexpensive. It adds another procedure when screening for drought resistance. However, it needs further confirmation by cultivars covering a broader range of genetic diversity.  相似文献   


Long‐term potassium (K) fertilization practices are likely to affect the K content of soils. This study assessed the effect of long‐term K fertilization strategies for corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotations on extractable K in the soil profile of a major Iowa soil type at two locations. The soil type was a Webster fine‐loamy, mixed, mesic, Typic Haplaquoll at both sites. Soil samples were collected from the 0–15, 15–30, 30–60, and 60–90 cm depths after 17 years (Site 1) or 19 years (Site 2) of K fertilization with combinations of two initial rates and four annual rates. The initial rates were 0 and 1,344 or 1,120 kg K ha‐1 at Site 1 and 2, respectively, and the annual rates ranged from 0 to 100 kg K ha‐1. Samples were analyzed for ammonium acetate‐extractable K (STK) and nitric acid (HNO3)‐extractable nonexchangeable K (HNO3‐K). Concentrations of STK and HNO3‐K in the top 0–15 cm soil layer at the two sites were higher for the high initial K rates and were linearly related with the annual K rate. Results for the subsoil layers varied between sites and extractants. At Site 1, annual rates of 30 kg K ha‐1 or higher resulted in a relative accumulation of HNO3‐K in the 15–30 cm layer. At Site 2, these rates resulted in relative accumulations of STK in the 30–60 cm layer and of HNO3‐K in the 60–90 cm layer, but with relative depletions of STK in the 15–30 and 60–90 cm layers. Thus, use of one extractant may not always be sufficient to evaluate cropping and fertilization effects on subsoil K. Long‐term K fertilization of corn and soybean rotations affected extractable K of both the topsoil and subsoil. The effects on subsoil K, however, were smaller compared with effects on the topsoil and varied markedly between sites, subsoil layers, and extractants.  相似文献   

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