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本文对窄缘施夜蛾防治药剂、施药时期和施药方法进行了研究。结果表明,氯虫苯甲酰胺SC毒土防治效果最好,为81.49%,噻虫嗪GR、噻虫胺GR毒土防治效果分别为78.93%和73.13%,3种药剂的667 m2商品产量比对照增产率达43%以上,增产效果显著。苏云金杆菌SC淋施防治效果最高为75.64%,比喷施防治效果提高15.89%;毒死蜱淋施防治效果为74.19%,比喷施防治效果提高17.7%;高效氯氟氰菊酯淋施防治效果为45.15%,喷施没有防治效果。氯虫苯甲酰胺SC播种期施药防治效果比块茎形成期施药提高24.11%,苏云金杆菌WP播种期施药防治效果比块茎形成期施药提高14.02%。建议曾发生窄缘施夜蛾为害的马铃薯种植区,在马铃薯播种期采用毒土法施药防治,每667 m2施用200 g/L氯虫苯甲酰胺SC 5 mL或5%噻虫嗪GR3.5 kg或0.5%噻虫胺GR 5 kg,拌细土或细沙50 kg撒施后播种种薯。  相似文献   

窄缘施夜蛾是马铃薯新发地下害虫.针对该虫主要发生在地膜覆盖的马铃薯田块,且种植时泥土粉碎程度差、泥块空隙较大的田块发生较重的情况,开展了不同整地质量、覆膜压土严密程度与为害程度关系研究.结果表明,精耕细作、土块细碎和覆膜压土严密的地下空隙小(类型田1)田块,害虫出现晚,发展缓慢,块茎虫害率5.96%;而整地质量粗糙,土...  相似文献   

甜菜夜蛾发生规律及防治技术简述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甜菜夜蛾(Spodoptera exiguaHübner),别名贪夜蛾,属鳞翅目夜蛾科灰翅夜蛾属(曾归贪夜蛾属Laphygma),可取食35科108属138种植物,其中大田作物28种,蔬菜32种。国内在20世纪60年代即有其为害的报道,但属于次要害虫,从80年代后为害逐渐加重,尤其进入90年代曾相继在台湾、广东、云南、江西、湖南、浙江、江苏、上海、山东、北京等多种蔬菜及棉花、大豆、甜菜等经济作物上暴发性发生,对当地农业生产造成重大损失。随着我国蔬菜种植面积和复种指数逐年提高,不同作物间的套作为甜菜夜蛾提供了充足的食料,发生量逐年递增,世代重叠严重。近年来大棚…  相似文献   

冬麦穗夜蛾是山西中、南部丘陵旱塬地区麦田的一种新害虫,80年代以来为害日趋严重,一般损失5%~10%,较重的达30%以上。为控制其为害作者从1991年对该虫的发生规律、防治途径进行了研究。综合防治以机械收脱、深耕、火烧麦茬、低留茬;用40%氧乐果、25%菊乐合剂、40%水胺硫磷1500倍进行防治,均能取得良好的防治效果。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病是马铃薯的重要病害,介绍马铃薯晚疫病的田间症状、发病特点和影响因素,提出以预警系统准确测报为基础、以农业防治和化学防治为主的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

马铃薯是务川县除水稻、玉米以外的重要粮食及饲料植物,近年种植面积发展到1.43万hm2,春播为1.2万hm2,秋播0.23万hm2.马铃薯晚疫病是该县发生普遍而严重的流行性病害,田间产量损失可达20%~50%,重的在30%以上,常年发生面积4 667 hm2,产量损失l 750t左右.晚疫病菌不但危害马铃薯,还可对番茄、青椒、茄子等造成危害.多雨、潮湿的气候,有利于该病的发生流行.  相似文献   

荆州市甜菜夜蛾发生规律及治理对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甜菜夜蛾在我市是一种间歇性害虫 ,90年代前期仅在番茄、辣椒、豆角等蔬菜上时有发生。从 90年代中后期开始 ,甜菜夜蛾除了危害蔬菜外 ,还在棉花、大豆等作物上造成为害 ,并有逐年加重的趋势。据 2 0 0 0年统计 ,全市累计发生面积达 1 .6 3万hm2 ,且主害代棉田平均百株虫量达 3 0 0~ 5 0 0头 ,局部田块百株虫量达 5 0 0 0头以上 ,发生面积和发生量均为历史最高值。本文根据几个典型县市近年来的发生情况、气象因子、耕作栽培制度进行综合分析 ,初步掌握了甜菜夜蛾的发生规律 ,明确了其暴发的原因。1 发生规律及为害特点1 .1 发生世代和发…  相似文献   

二点委夜蛾的发生规律及其防治技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究明确了二点委夜蛾在黄淮海小麦玉米连作区1年发生4代。1、2代幼虫以取食小麦、玉米等禾本科作物为主,3、4代幼虫转移到豆类、薯类等匍匐或有落叶的农作物造成的隐蔽潮湿处取食。该虫可在当地越冬、越夏。以成虫飞行或借风力进行扩散为害,未发现大规模迁飞为害习性。2代幼虫是为害夏玉米的主害代。通过采取适当的农业措施和高效成虫杀灭技术,幼虫期治早、治小,大龄幼虫应急防控,可以达到控制二点委夜蛾为害、减少产量损失的目的。  相似文献   

马铃薯晚疫病Phytophthorainfestans是马铃薯生产上的重要病害,种植马铃薯地区均有发生,给马铃薯生产造成较大损失,田间产量损失一般为20%-60%,严重时损失达100%。  相似文献   

南安市冬种马铃薯晚疫病发生规律及防治对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对南安市冬种马铃薯晚疫病的发生情况、为害症状和发生流行因素进行分析.提出了防治马铃薯晚疫病的对策。  相似文献   

人工释放普通草蛉田间防治棉蚜效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2013年利用人工繁殖的普通草蛉对新疆哈密地区棉田的棉蚜进行生物防治,结果表明,棉田释放密度为30、40、50和60粒/株的普通草蛉卵5~13d后,与对照相比,各处理棉田的棉蚜数量均呈不断下降趋势,与对照相比校正防效不断升高。其中释放卵50和60粒/株10~13d后,校正防效可达69.88%~78.73%,取得了较好的防治效果。本研究通过小区试验研究人工繁殖的普通草蛉对棉田棉蚜的生物防治效果,为新疆棉田棉蚜的生物防治研究提供了理论基础和指导依据。  相似文献   

Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is a disease of potato and tomato of worldwide relevance and is widespread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean region. While pathogen populations in northern Europe have been sampled and characterized for many years, the genetic structure of populations from southern Europe, including Italy, has been less studied. Between 2018 and 2019, we collected 91 samples of P. infestans from potato and tomato crops in Italy, Algeria, and Tunisia on FTA cards and genotyped them using 12-plex microsatellites. These samples were compared to genotypes of P. infestans previously collected within the framework of the EuroBlight network and from published sources. Four clonal lineages were identified: 13_A2 (Blue 13), 2_A1, 23_A1, and 36_A2. Two other isolates collected could not be matched to any currently known clonal lineage. The 13_A2 and 36_A2 lineages were found exclusively in southern Italy and Algeria, while 2_A1 was only found in Algeria. This is the first report of the 36_A2 lineage in Italy. Two isolates from Solanum nigrum were 13_A2, suggesting this weed host could be a reservoir of inoculum. The 23_A1 lineage was found widely on infected tomato crops in Italy and is the same as the lineage US-23 that is widespread in North America. Differences in genotypes across the country suggests that there may be different sources of introduction into Italy, possibly via infected seed tubers from other countries in Europe, tubers for consumption from North Africa, or tomatoes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The potato psyllid is a serious pest of potatoes. Sampling plans on potatoes for the potato psyllid have yet to be developed, thus the authors' objectives were (1) to determine the most efficient within‐plant sampling unit, (2) to determine the spatial dispersion of potato psyllids in potato fields and (3) to develop a binomial sequential sampling plan for this pest. RESULTS: Significantly more potato plants were infested with potato psyllids on the edges of the field, and significantly more plants were infested with psyllids on the ‘top’ and ‘middle’ of the potato plant. Significantly more psyllids were also found on the undersides of leaves. The potato psyllid has an aggregated distribution in potato fields. Binomial sequential sampling plans were developed for three action thresholds representing 0.5, 1 and 5 psyllids per plant. The average sample numbers for these action thresholds were between 12 and 16 samples, depending on the action thresholds. However, based on the shape of the operating characteristic curve, the 0.5 and 1 sampling plans were more reliable than the 5 psyllids per plant plan. CONCLUSION: The binomial sequential sampling plans are useful for detecting potato psyllids at low levels of infestation, which will be useful for pest management purposes. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

To investigate testing procedures for assessing the reproduction of potato cyst nematodes (PCN) on potato cultivars, and to minimize variation in results, trials were done jointly for 3 years at two UK National Listing test centres (DANI in Northern Ireland, DAFS in Scotland). Test clones comprised susceptible, resistant and ‘partially resistant’ cultivars. The factors under investigation included the effect of season, site, location, temperature, PCN population, inoculation method, pot size, hatch rates and methods of assessment of reproduction. Standard procedures are recommended for testing potato cultivars for resistance to PCN.  相似文献   

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