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Changes in the hydrologic balance in many irrigation areas, including those in the Murray Basin, Australia, have resulted in high watertables and salinity problems. However, where suitable aquifers exist, groundwater pumping and subsequent irrigation application after mixing with surface waters (referred to as conjunctive water use) can control salinity and watertable depth and improve productivity of degraded land. In order to assess where conjunctive water use will successfully control salinity, it is necessary to estimate the effects of pumped groundwater salinity on rootzone salinity. A simple steady rate model is derived for this purpose from mass conservation of salt and water. The model enables an estimate to be made of rootzone salinity for any particular salinity level of the groundwater being used in conjunction with surface water; this enables calculation of the required crop salt tolerance to prevent yield reductions. The most important input parameters for the model are groundwater salinity, the annual depth of class A pan evaporation, the annual depth of rainfall, the salinity of irrigation water, and a leaching parameter. For model parameters nominated in this paper, where groundwater salinity reaches 5 dS/m a crop threshold salt tolerance greater than 1.6 dS/m is required to avoid yield reductions. Where groundwater salinity approaches 10 dS/m, a crop threshold tolerance of 3 dS/m is required. Whilst the model derived indicates that rootzone salinity is sensitive to groundwater salinity, rootzone salinity is insensitive to leaching for leaching fractions commonly encountered (0.1 to 0.4). The insensitivity to leaching means that it could be expected that similar yields could be attained on heavy or light textured soils. This insensitivity also implies that there is no yield penalty from increasing the mass of pumped salt by pumping to achieve maximum watertable control in addition to leaching. The model developed is also used to estimate yield reductions expected under conjunctive use, for any particular levels of groundwater salinity and crop salt tolerance.  相似文献   

Agricultural production around the world is increasingly being constrained by hydrological factors—such as over-extraction of groundwater in some locations, rising water tables in others, and worsening groundwater quality in general. One such area is the Lower Burdekin irrigation area in northern tropical Australia, where rising watertable levels and increasing salinity concentrations within alluvial deposits are causing concern. The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the processes driving trends in groundwater quantity and quality in Mona Park, a conjunctive water use irrigation district in the Lower Burdekin. The analysis is intended to enable land and water managers to explore alternative policy and management practices to help support the reversal in current trends, and to improve water table conditions in terms of both water quantity and quality. Key lessons that are applicable to the development of new irrigation schemes in wet-dry tropical regions elsewhere in the world are emphasised.This study demonstrated that simple qualitative methods that link historical developments and observed climatic and hydrological trends can support development of a robust understanding of groundwater behaviour. The results showed that to minimise groundwater accessions in wet-dry tropical regions, a large soil water deficit should be maintained in the unsaturated zone prior to the onset of the wet season to buffer against potentially large wet season recharge events, and that this strategy should be implemented from when irrigation is first commenced. It is very clear that groundwater systems under or down gradient from irrigated areas need to be managed adaptively, such that: (1) timely decisions are made in response to changes in watertable level and groundwater quality; and (2) suitable mechanisms are in place to ensure farmers have the financial incentives and flexibility to respond in the short-term. The work also demonstrated that the establishment of good baseline data prior to irrigation development, and long-term analysis (>30 years) involving various combinations of wet and dry periods, are required in order to build a comprehensive understanding of potential groundwater behaviour and adaptive management needs.  相似文献   

A relationship between crop yield and irrigation water salinity is developed. The relationship can be used as a production function to quantify the economic ramifications of practices which increase irrigation water salinity, such as disposal of surface and sub-surface saline drainage waters into the irrigation water supply system. Guidelines for the acceptable level of irrigation water salinity in a region can then be established. The model can also be used to determine crop suitability for an irrigation region, if irrigation water salinity is high. Where experimental work is required to determine crop yield response to irrigation water salinity, the model can be used as a first estimate of the response function. The most appropriate experimental treatments can then be allocated. The model adequately predicted crop response to water salinity, when compared with experimental data.Abbreviations A Crop threshold rootzone salinity in Equation of Maas and Hoffman (dS/m) - B Fractional yield reduction per unit rootzone salinity increase (dS/m)–1 - Ci Average salinity of applied water (dS/m) - Cr Average salinity of rainfall (dS/m) - Cs Linearly averaged soil solution salinity in the rootzone (dS/m) - Cse Linearly averaged soil saturation extract salinity in the rootzone (dS/m) - Cw Average salinity of irrigation supply water (dS/m) - Cz Soil solution salinity at the base of the crop rootzone (dS/m) - C Mean root water uptake weighted soil salinity in equation of Bernstein and François (1973) (dS/m) - Ep Depth of class A pan evaporation during the growing season (m) - ETa Actual crop evapotranspiration during the growing season (m) - ETm Maximum crop evapotranspiration during the growing season (m) - I The total depth of water applied during the growing season (including irrigation water and rainfall) (m) - K Empirical coefficient in leaching equation of Rhoades (1974) - Kc Crop coefficient for equation of Doorenbos and Pruit (1977) to estimate crop water use - Ky Yield response factor in equation of Doorenbos and Kassam (1974) - LF The leaching fraction - Ro Depth of rainfall runoff during the growing season (m) - R Depth of rainfall during the growing season (m) - W Depth of irrigation water applied during the growing season (m) - Y Relative crop yield - Ya Actual crop yield (kg) - Ym Maximum crop yield (kg) - /z Dimensionless depth for equation of Raats (1974), and empirical coefficient for the leaching equation of Hoffman and van Genutchen (1983)  相似文献   

We describe the development, calibration and preliminary application of a dynamically coupled economic–hydrologic simulation–optimization model ensemble for evaluating the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater in small reservoir-based irrigation systems characteristic of the Volta Basin, Africa. We focus on a representative small reservoir-irrigation system located in the Antakwidi catchment in Ghana. The model ensemble consists of the physical hydrology model WaSiM-ETH and an economic optimization model written in GAMS. Results include optimal water storage and allocation regimes for irrigated production, given conjunctive surface water and groundwater systems. The goal of our research, conducted within the GLOWA Volta project, is to develop a decision support system for improving the management of land and water resources in the face of potential environmental change in the Volta Basin.  相似文献   

Summary The utility of a saline water source for irrigation might, in many cases, be greatly increased if it could be diluted by mixing it with a higher quality source of water prior to field application. This paper discusses a number of options for achieving such a dilution subject to imposed constraints. Firstly, we derive and discuss the principles of achieving control of irrigation salinity level when waters of two different qualities and flow rates are used. Secondly, we formulate and discuss the dynamic performance of a prototype on a controlled dilution junction with and without water storage. Finally, we discuss the general problem of achieving simultaneous salinity and flow rate control, using dual feedback control sensors to compensate for variations both in salinity and in flow rate of the saline supply source in order to produce a desired salt concentration in the irrigation water.  相似文献   

A long-term study in the rhizotron at the U.S. Salinity Laboratory established the yield and evapotranspiration of tall fescue as a function of irrigation water salinity, leaching fraction, and irrigation frequency. As the salt concentration of the irrigation water increased or leaching fraction decreased, dry matter production was reduced significantly. Differences in production because of irrigation frequency, however, were insignificant. With low stress (high leaching, L = 0.27, and low salinity water, S = 1 dS/m) annual dry matter yields were 2.0 kg/m2, compared to annual yields of 1.4 kg/m2 with high stress (low leaching, L = 0.09, and high salinity water, S = 4 dS/m).Annual evapotranspiration dropped from 1860 mm for low stress treatments to 1170 mm for high stress. Soil evaporation was negligible for the mature grass stand. In concurrence with several models, relative dry matter production was proportional to relative water use.The salt tolerance of treatments dominated by osmotic potential was in agreement with that published for tall fescue. As matric potential decreased among treatments yields fell significantly below that predicted by the salt tolerance model.  相似文献   

Summary Results are reported from a long-term field experiment designed to determine the effect of irrigation water salinity on the yield and water uptake of mature grapefruit trees. Treatments were started in 1970 and consisted of chloride concentrations in the irrigation water of 7.1, 11.4 and 17.1 meq/1 added as NaCl+CaCl2 at a 1 : 1 weight ratio.For the last four years of the experiment, 1973 to 1976, yield was linearly related to the mean chloride concentration in the soil saturation extract weighted according to the distribution of water uptake with depth and time (Fig. 2, Table 1). There was a 1.45% (1.68 Mg/ha) yield reduction for each 1 meq/1 increase in chloride concentration above a threshold value of 4.5 meq/1. This corresponded to a 13.5% (14.7 Mg/ha) decrease per 1 mmho/cm increase in the electrical conductivity of the soil saturation extract above a threshold value of 1.2 mmho/cm.Total water uptake was reduced as salt concentration in the soil increased (Fig. 3, Table 2). In the high salinity treatment, root concentration in, and water uptake from, the lower portion of the root zone were decreased. The maximum electrical conductivity (ECe) measured at the bottom of the root zone was 7.90 mmho/cm similar to the values of EC, obtained by linear extrapolation to zero yield and also to zero water uptake.Salt accumulation in the soil depended on the quantity and salt concentration of the irrigation water, rainfall, and on the amount of leaching. SAR and the Na+ concentration of the soil remained low throughout the experiment (Table 3). No leaf symptoms of either Cl or Na+ injury were observed. The results indicate an osmotic — rather than a specific ion effect — of salinity on grapefruit yield.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. 1977 Series No. 197-E  相似文献   

Good water management combined with appropriate soil management is necessary for sustainable crop production in drylands. A pot culture experiment was conducted using sand dune soil under greenhouse conditions to evaluate the response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the application of farmyard manure (FYM) or poultry manure (PM), and irrigation with water at two salinity levels (0.11 and 2.0 dS m−1) and two irrigation intervals (daily and every second day). The manure was applied at a rate of 20 Mg ha−1. The soil water content, measured 1 h before every irrigation, showed that soil treated with PM retained more water than that treated with FYM, while the control (no manure) contained the least water. FYM treatment resulted in 78 and 21% higher dry matter yield compared to the control and PM treatments, respectively, under daily irrigation using good-quality water. The increase was 29 and 55%, respectively, when saline water was used for daily irrigation. A similar trend was observed with the alternate day irrigation treatment; FYM gave the highest dry matter yield. The number of tillers and plant height showed that FYM was better than PM, which in turn was better than the control under irrigation with good-quality water regardless of the irrigation interval. When water of the highest salinity was used for irrigation, FYM was still always the best, but the control was now better than the PM treatment. The electrical conductivity of the soil measured at the end of the experiment was slightly higher with PM, as compared to the FYM and control treatments. A significant interaction between irrigation water quality and manure application was observed, affecting plant growth. PM aggravated the adverse affect of saline water on plant growth by increasing soil salinity.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for irrigation water to secure food for growing populations with limited water supply suggests re-thinking the use of non-conventional water resources. The latter includes saline drainage water, brackish groundwater and treated waste water. The effects of using saline drainage water (electrical conductivity of 4.2–4.8 dS m−1) to irrigate field-grown tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv Floradade) using drip and furrow irrigation systems were evaluated, together with the distribution of soil moisture and salt. The saline water was either diluted to different salinity levels using fresh water (blended) or used cyclically with fresh water. The results of two seasons of study (2001 and 2002) showed that increasing salinity resulted in decreased leaf area index, plant dry weight, fruit total yield and individual fruit weight. In all cases, the growth parameters and yield as well as the water use efficiency were greater for drip irrigated tomato plants than furrow-irrigated plants. However, furrow irrigation produced higher individual fruit weight. The electrical conductivity of the soil solution (extracted 48 h after irrigation) showed greater fluctuations when cyclic water management was used compared to those plots irrigated with blended water. In both drip and furrow irrigation, measurements of soil moisture one day after irrigation, showed that soil moisture was higher at the top 20 cm layer and at the location of the irrigation water source; soil moisture was at a minimum in the root zone (20–40 cm layer), but showed a gradual increase at 40–60 and 60–90 cm and was stable at 90–120 cm depth. Soil water content decreased gradually as the distance from the irrigation water source increased. In addition, a few days after irrigation, the soil moisture content decreased, but the deficit was most pronounced in the surface layer. Soil salinity at the irrigation source was lower at a depth of 15 cm (surface layer) than that at 30 and 60 cm, and was minimal in deeper layers (i.e. 90 cm). Salinity increased as the distance from the irrigation source increased particularly in the surface layer. The results indicated that the salinity followed the water front. We concluded that the careful and efficient management of irrigation with saline water can leave the groundwater salinity levels unaffected and recommended the use of drip irrigation as the fruit yield per unit of water used was on average one-third higher than when using furrow irrigation.  相似文献   

Excess salinity in irrigation water reduces sugarcane yield and juice quality. This study was conducted to compare the effect of irrigation with water of 1.3 dS m−1 vs. 3.4 dS m−1 on sugarcane yield and quality, and to evaluate whether an electrostatic conditioning treatment of the water influenced the salt effects. The study was conducted in a commercial field divided into large plots ranging from 1.0 to 1.2 ha in size. Cane and sugar yields were reduced approximately 17% by the 3.4 dS m−1 water compared to the 1.3 dS m−1 water, but juice quality parameters were not affected. Conditioning of the irrigation water using a device called an ‘electrostatic precipitator’ which claimed to affect various water properties had no effect on cane yield, juice quality or soil salinity levels. The detrimental effect of the high salt irrigation water was somewhat less than might be expected, probably due to good late summer rainfall which may have flushed the root zone from the excessive salts.  相似文献   

The majority of rice grown in south-east Australia is continuously flooded for much of its growing season, but reduced irrigation water availability brought about by a combination of drought and environmental flow legislation has presented a need to maintain (or even increase) rice production with less irrigation water. Delaying the application of continuous flooding until prior to panicle initiation can increase input water productivity by reducing non-beneficial evaporation losses from free water and the soil. A field experiment was conducted over two growing seasons, 2008/9 and 2009/10, comparing a conventional dry seeded treatment (the control - continuous flooding from the 3 leaf stage) with delayed continuous flooding (10-20 days prior to panicle initiation) with several irrigation scheduling treatments prior to flooding commencement. In the first year, the delayed water treatments were irrigated at intervals of 40, 80 and 160 mm of cumulative reference evapotranspiration (ETo) prior to delayed continuous flooding, thereby imposing differing degrees of crop water stress. In year 2, the 80 and 160 mm treatments were modified by use of a crop factor (Kc) when the plants were small and the 40 mm treatment was replaced with a continuously flooded treatment throughout the crop duration.Decreases in net water input (irrigation + rain − surface drainage) and increases in input water productivity were achieved by reducing the flush irrigation frequency during the pre-flood period. Savings of 150 and 230 mm (10 and 15%) were achieved in Year 1 from the 80 and 160 mm cumulative ETo irrigation frequency treatments, respectively, in comparison to the control. In the second year, net water input savings of 230 and 330 mm (15 and 22%) were achieved with the 80/Kc and 160/Kc mm treatments, respectively. Input water productivity of the 160 mm treatment was 0.06 kg/m3 (8%) higher than the control in Year 1, while in Year 2 a 0.15 kg/m3 (17%) increase in input water productivity above the control was achieved by the 160/Kc mm treatment. Delaying the application of continuous flooding in the second year greatly extended the period of crop growth suggesting the need for earlier sowing (by 7-10 days) to ensure pollen microspore still occurs at the best time to minimise yield loss due to cold damage. Nitrogen fertiliser management is an important issue when delaying continuous flooding, and nitrogen losses appeared to increase with the frequency of irrigation prior to continuous flooding. This was likely due to increased denitrification from alternate wetting and drying of the soil. Further research is required to determine the most appropriate nitrogen management strategies, and to also better define the optimal pre-flood irrigation frequency.  相似文献   

Water saving in irrigation is a key concern in the Yellow River basin. Excessive water diversions for irrigation waste water and produce waterlogging problems during the crop season and soil salinization in low lands. Supply control and inadequate functionality of the drainage system were identified as main factors for poor water management at farm level. Their improvement condition the adoption of water saving and salinity control practices. Focusing on the farm scale, studies to assess the potential for water savings included: (a) field evaluation of current basin irrigation practices and further use of the simulation models SRFR and SIRMOD to generate alternative improvements for the surface irrigation systems and (b) the use of the ISAREG model to simulate the present and improved irrigation scheduling alternatives taking into consideration salinity control. Models were used interactively to define alternatives for the irrigation systems and scheduling that would minimize percolation and produce water savings. Foreseen improvements refer to basin inflow discharges, land leveling and irrigation scheduling that could result in water savings of 33% relative to actual demand. These improvements would also reduce percolation and maintain water table depths below 1 m thereby reducing soil salinization.  相似文献   

Although ‘sewage farming’ or wastewater irrigation started in Australia in the latter parts of the 19th century, it was in the late 1960s that a considerable interest was revived in arid and semi-arid parts of the world due to scarcity of alternative water sources and the urgency to increase local food production. The practice has manifold benefits in the form of water conservation, nutrient recycling, surface and ground water pollution prevention. But for arid and semi-arid regions like many parts of Australia, while wastewater irrigation can be an attractive solution to irrigation water problems, it might not be the ideal solution for the common soil types encountered in these regions. Due to characteristic low rainfall, high evaporation and low leaching, these soils tend to have higher salt accumulations. This paper examines the soil salinity and sodicity effects of wastewater irrigation in soil types typical to South Eastern Australia and takes the soils of Western Treatment Plant (WTP) as a case study to highlight these issues.  相似文献   

Salinity, drainage and non-uniformity of irrigation water are important components in determining optimal water application and related profitability. A crop-water production function assuming steady state conditions is incorporated in a long-run economic model to investigate the combined effects of salinity, irrigation uniformity and different drainage requirements at the field scale for the specific crop.The analysis was conducted for corn and cotton as sensitive and tolerant crops to salinity, respectively. Optimum applied water and associated profits, yield and drainage volumes were computed for each crop. The computations were done for the condition that no drainage system was required and also where a drainage system was required and the drainage water was disposed of to either a free off-farm facility or to an on-farm evaporation pond constructed on productive or non-productive land.The main findings are that type of drainage disposal system affects the optimal values of applied water, profits, yield and drainage volumes, except for uniform water applications and non-saline irrigation water. Another finding is that in the long run, under saline conditions and/or different drainage disposal systems, a sensitive crop such as corn is not profitable and goes out of production. In general the profit levels associated with the various drainage options are in the order of no drainage requirement ? free off-farm facility > on-farm evaporation pond on non-productive land > on-farm evaporation pond on productive land. Uniformity of irrigation water affects values of the analyzed variables and the effects are greatest for the cases of on-farm evaporation ponds. Pumping cost effects are quite small, but water price effects are more significant. Breeding the crops for increased salinity tolerance has little effect when irrigating with water of low salinity and/or low irrigation uniformity.  相似文献   

The hydraulics of pitcher irrigation in saline water condition was studied in laboratory conditions in terms of flow behaviour of pitcher, soil moisture distribution, wetting front advance and distribution of salt concentration in the soil using different pitcher making materials. The Pitcher Type 1 (PT1) made up of local soil and sand yielded the lowest mean hourly depletion ranging from 0.42 to 0.62% depending on salinity of the water used. It was followed by PT2 made up of local soil, sand and resinous material with a mean hourly depletion of 0.51-0.69% and PT3 with local soil, saw dust and sand with a mean hourly depletion of 0.91-1.02%. In all cases, with the increase in salinity level of the water used (ranging from 5 to 20 dS/m), the depletion rate and moisture content in the soil profile were found to decrease.Similarly, it was found that PT1 yielded the lowest wetting front advance and salt movement followed by PT2 and PT3. It was observed that the wetting front advance in the soil decreased with increasing salinity level of the water. The salt concentration in the soil was minimum near the pitcher and maximum at the soil surface and periphery of the wetted zone. In case of PT1, the maximum salt concentration in the soil profile ranged between 1.09 and 3.88 dS/m using water with a salinity ranging from 5 to 20 dS/m, respectively. Similarly, for PT2 the maximum salt concentration in the soil profile also ranged from 1.09 to 3.88 dS/m and for PT3 from 2.30 to 6.07 dS/m. A paired t-test revealed that the moisture as well as the salt distribution of PT3 differed significantly from PT1 and PT2 at α = 0.05. Even, if the salt concentration remained the same and the moisture content remained within field capacity for PT1 and PT2, PT1 is preferred in comparison to PT2 and PT3 as the pitcher material of PT1 is locally economically available.  相似文献   

A great challenge for the agricultural sector is to produce more food from less water, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions which suffer from water scarcity. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of three irrigation methods, using effluent versus fresh water, on water savings, yields and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE). The irrigation scheduling was based on soil moisture and rooting depth monitoring. The experimental design was a split plot with three main treatments, namely subsurface drip (SSD), surface drip (SD) and furrow irrigation (FI) and two sub-treatments effluent and fresh water, which were applied with three replications. The experiment was conducted at the Marvdasht city (Southern Iran) wastewater treatment plant during 2005 and 2006. The experimental results indicated that the average water applied in the irrigation treatments with monitoring was much less than that using the conventional irrigation method (using furrows but based on a constant irrigation interval, without moisture monitoring). The maximum water saving was obtained using SSD with 5907 m3 ha−1 water applied, and the minimum water saving was obtained using FI with 6822 m3 ha−1. The predicted irrigation water requirements using the Penman-Monteith equation (considering 85% irrigation efficiency for the FI method) was 10,743 m3 ha−1. The pressure irrigation systems (SSD and SD) led to a greater yield compared to the surface method (FI). The highest yield (12.11 × 103 kg ha−1) was obtained with SSD and the lowest was obtained with the FI method (9.75 × 103 kg ha−1). The irrigation methods indicated a highly significant difference in irrigation water use efficiency. The maximum IWUE was obtained with the SSD (2.12 kg m−3) and the minimum was obtained with the FI method (1.43 kg m−3). Irrigation with effluent led to a greater IWUE compared to fresh water, but the difference was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

1 灌排区基本情况1.1 地理概貌江汉平原由于长江、汉水的冲积成土过程的影响 ,地势从西北向东南倾斜 ,地面高程在 5 0~ 2 5m(吴淞基面 ,下同 )以下。平原内部受网状水系的泥砂沉积过程中的水力泥砂的分选作用 ,以及地形局部差异的影响 ,形成了相对高差数米至十余米的沿江高地和河间湖洼地相分布的地貌特点。四湖地区位于江汉平原腹地 ,因区内有长湖、三湖、白露湖和洪湖四大湖而得名。区域面积 115 47km2 ,行政区划有荆州市、荆门市、潜江市等 8个县 (市 )、区 ,耕地约 42 .6 7万hm2 ( 6 40万亩 )。四湖地区的西北部的丘陵地区是漳…  相似文献   

Impact of research on water use for irrigation in Israel   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The decrease of annual irrigation application rate observed since 1950 was reversed in 1988 as a result of a sudden increase of the amount of treated effluents used for irrigation. Intensification of research on irrigation with effluents and marginal water starting in 1994 resulted four years later in the renewal of the decrease of irrigation application rate. Contribution No. 614/06 from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel.
Marcel FuchsEmail:

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