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Seed of 34 cultivars of winged bean of different origin were evaluated for their nutritional composition and the antinutritional factor, the trypsin inhibitor. The values ranged from 14.1–17.6, 6.12–8.73, 21.94–34.89 and 30.86–39.05% for their fat, fibre, carbohydrate and protein contents, respectively. The protein content in defatted seed meal ranged from 33.43–47.25%, whereas the trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) registered a wide variation from 63–123 mg g?1 with seed coat and 51–98 mg g?1 without seed coat. The strain selection-12 and NBRI selection contained the minimum TIA (63 mg g?1), while the highest value (123 mg g?1) was in variety V7, a 2-fold higher activity.  相似文献   

Anti-nutritional factors of developing seeds and pod walls of fenugreek were evaluated which affect their nutritional value. Sucrose, raffinose and stachyose decreased with maturity of seeds in all the cultivars. Total, non-reducing sugars increased and reducing sugars decreased at maturity in all the cultivars. The reducing sugars decreased with maturity of pod walls. The flatus producing sugars were maximum in PEB pod walls. Saponin content increased towards maturity of seeds but decreased at maturity of seeds and decreased at maturity in pod walls of all cultivars. Phytate increased with seed maturity up to 95 days after anthesis, while phytate decreased in pod walls of all the cultivars with maturity. Total phenol, catechol and flavonol decreased with advancement of pod wall development. Total phenol decreased except HM 46 a maturity of seeds.  相似文献   

The genetic variation in the nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors of 17 vegetable soybean genotypes were determined and a wide variation in protein %, total phosphorus (TPi) and available phosphorus (AP) was found among these genotypes. Variations in Ca, K, Fe, Mn, and Cu were also documented. Variation was also found for trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity and Phytate (PA) content. A highly significant and negative correlation (r=–0.533,P<0.01) was observed between TI and total protein. Strong positive correlation (r=0.90) was also found between TPi and AP. Several genotypes (Sooty, Emperor, Wilson-5, PI 416771, PI 417322) showed good nutritional potential and can be used in the breeding program. High protein %, TPi, and minerals are desirable qualities for vegetable-type soybeans that make it as food with high nutrient density. Studies on the nutritional evaluation of immature vegetable type soybean seeds at different reproductive stages are also underway.Agricultural Research Station Journal Article Series No. 172. The use of any trade name varieties, and/or vendors does not imply the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses and feeding experiments using rats were conducted to evaluate the nutritive value of winged bean and other legumes (soyabean, green gram, bambarra nuts, pigeon peas, field beans, cow peas) sources grown in Tanzania. Proximate analyses showed that the composition of winged bean was similar to soyabean, while the composition of the other legumes differed considerably. This was also the case for antinutritional constituents and minerals. As to the amino acid composition, the lysine level was high with the highest value in winged bean (7.5 g/16 g N). However, the concentration of methionine and cystine was low which limits their protein quality. Another important amino acid, threonine, was generally high, especially in winged bean (4.3 g/16 g N). With exception of field bean, true protein digestibility was above 80%, soyabean having the highest value (90.7%). The biological value was also highest in soyabean (76.1%) followed by winged bean (69.9%). Utilizable protein was high in soyabean (28.8%) and somewhat lower in winged bean (23.4%). Energy digestibility was around 80%, soyabean having the highest value of 85.8%. The study findings support the idea that winged bean is a good alternative plant protein source in Tanzania.  相似文献   

A cultivation trial of winged bean under its popularisation programme has been undertaken on marginal sodic soils. The study showed no abnormality at any stage of the culture and the food value of the produce was concurrent with those reported in literature. The seed production (0.7–1.56 tons/hectare) was in accordance with the average yield obtained in other tropical countries. The highest seed yield (2.199 tons/hectare) was obtained when the seeds were sown at 32.4 cm2 spacing. Staked crops yielded 73% more seeds. The oil (18%), free from parinaric acid, and protein (28.8% on the seed) contents of the seed tally with the values reported elsewhere. The seed oil can be stored for a longer time without any change in its quality.  相似文献   

The winged bean,Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC has been widely recognised as a potentially useful source of protein for tropical regions of the world. A neglected aspect of the plants nutritional quality has been the reporting of the accumulation of aluminum (Al) in the edible parts of the plant; the leaves, pods, seeds and tubers. The accumulation of Al in the plant on acidic tropical soils and the implication of Al to human health problems further justified the inclusion of Al in nutritional analysis. Field experiments on two varieties of the winged bean, the USDA-releaseHi-Flyer and an unnamed variety from the Phillipines, showed that all edible portions of the plant accumulate Al from high to very high levels when compared to an average of usually less than 300 ppm in other crop plants. Aluminum accumulation is generally highest in the youngest tissues particularly in the young roots with levels recorded as high as 25,000 ppm and these contents are as high as levels for recognised Al accumulators such as the leaves ofPinus and tea. Future improvement breeding programs for the winged bean will necessarily require identifying and taking advantage of possible variation in Al accumulation between varieties.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the effect of soaking, sprouting, fermentation and cooking on nutrient composition and some antinutritional factors of sorghum seeds (guineesia). Standard assay procedures were adopted to resolve both the nutrients and the antinutritional factors content of the products. Combination of cooking and fermentation improved the nutrient quality and drastically reduced the antinutritional factors to safe levels much greater than any of the other processing methods tested.  相似文献   

采用RT-PCR和RACE(Rapid amplification of cDNA ends)技术,从艾纳香(Blumea balsamifera (L.) DC.)叶片中克隆到4条编码艾纳香脱氢酶(BbADH1、BbADH2、BbADH3、BbADH4)基因的cDNA序列,并对4条核苷酸及其编码的氨基酸序列进行生物信息学分析。结果显示:4条艾纳香脱氢酶序列开放阅读框均在900 bp左右,蛋白质等电点(pI)值在5.0~9.0之间,含量最多的氨基酸为亮氨酸(Leu),最少的为色氨酸(Try),具有明显的疏水区和亲水区,N端未发现信号肽,且无跨膜区;同源性比对结果显示,艾纳香BbADH蛋白与其他植物中ADH蛋白具有高度的相似性,且具有脱氢酶的特征功能域;系统发育分析表明,艾纳香(B. balsamifera (L.) DC.)BbADH1和BbADH3同处于一个分支,且与胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)PeADH物种亲缘关系较近,而艾纳香BbADH4和BbADH2处于不同分支,且分别与葡萄(Vitis vinifera)VvADH和烟草(Nicotiana tabacum)NtADH物种亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

This study is designed to examine the yield components, fatty acid, and essential oil compositions and phenolic contents fruit essential oil composition, the total phenolic amounts as well as the antioxidant activities of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) seeds under drought. This plant is one of the most common aromatics in the Mediterranean kitchen. Plants were treated with different levels of water deficit: control (C), moderate water deficit (MWD) and severe water deficit (SWD). Our results indicated that MWD improved the number of umbels per plant as well as the number of umbellets per umbel and the seed yield, in comparison to the control, but it decreased under SWD. Fatty acid composition analysis indicated that petroselinic acid was the major fatty acid (55.9%) followed by palmitic (23.82%) and linoleic (12.40%) acids. Water deficit enhanced the palmitic acid percentage and affected the double bound index of the fatty acid pool and thus the oil quality. The essential oil yield was 1.64% based on the dry weight and increased by 1.40 folds under MWD. Nevertheless it decreased by 37.19% under SWD in comparison to the non treated seeds. Drought results on the modification of the essential oil chemotype from γ-terpinene/phenyl-1,2 ethanediol in the control seeds to γ-terpinene/cuminaldehyde in stressed ones. Besides, total phenolic contents were higher in the treated seeds (MWD and SWD). Results suggest that water deficit treatment may regulate the production of bioactive compounds in cumin seeds, influencing their nutritional and industrial values. Besides, antioxidant activities of the extracts were determined by four different test systems, namely DPPH, β-carotene/linoleic acid chelating and reducing power assays and showed that treated seeds (MWD and SWD) exhibited the highest activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of passage through the digestive tract of Bison bison on the recovery and germinability of undamaged passed seeds of Pseudoroegneria spicata, Elymus cinereus, Oryzopsis hymenoides, Stipa comata, Balsamorhiza sagittata and Sphaeralcea coccinea was tested. Recovery of undamaged passed seeds peaked 2 days after ingestion and then decreased to the lowest level on day 5 of sample collection for all species used, but the pattern of seed passage through time significantly differed among species. Recovery of passed seeds was greatest for round‐shaped, hard seed‐coated O. hymenoides and lowest for largest seed‐sized B. sagittata. The digestive tract of B. bison did not break seed dormancy of O. hymenoides, S. comata, S. coccinea or B. sagittata. Germination percentage of P. spicata and E. cinereus seeds decreased compared with unpassed seeds of the same species.  相似文献   

为了探讨四棱豆肽组分的抗疲劳效果及对抗疲劳肽进行分离和鉴定,采用碱性蛋白酶对四棱豆蛋白进行酶解,经反相液相色谱分离后,得到Sample1、Sample2和Sample3 3个主要组分,分别以1.5 g/kg体重的剂量灌胃小鼠。结果表明:经游泳耐力实验,3个组分都可以延缓小鼠的游泳疲劳,但与四棱豆蛋白组相比,仅Sample3肽成分可以显著延缓小鼠的游泳疲劳,提高血浆中葡萄糖和游离脂肪酸的含量和肝糖原的水平。通过氨基酸组成分析,Sample3中富含抗氧化的疏水氨基酸(Leu、Ala、Ile、Pro、Val和Phe),可以有效延缓由自由基引发的疲劳。经过色谱分离,得到Sample3肽成分中一个优势的小肽S1,其氨基酸序列为Gln-Ser-Pro-Pro-Glu-Ile-Asn-Thr-Val,符合抗疲劳肽的特点。灌胃小鼠sample3组分和分子量小于1 000的米渣蛋白肽,疲劳前的游泳时间没有显著性差异,灌胃肽S1后的小鼠疲劳前的游泳时间显著增加。说明肽S1是一种潜在的天然抗疲劳物质。  相似文献   

探讨艾纳香总黄酮对大鼠皮肤创伤愈合的影响及其作用机制。取大鼠150只,随机分为模型组、京万红组和艾纳香总黄酮高、中、低组,建立大鼠背部双侧圆形创伤模型,连续给药10 d,测定创面面积,计算愈合率;于术后的1、3 、5、7 、10 d检测创缘组织IL-1、TNF-α表达量并切取创伤边缘皮肤全层,制片,HE染色后镜下观察创面组织形态学的改变。结果表明:艾纳香总黄酮随药物剂量的增加而提高创面愈合百分率,缩短愈合时间,创伤早期增强创面IL-1、TNF-α的表达。艾纳香总黄酮促进大鼠皮肤创伤的愈合机制之一可能是增强创伤早期炎症因子的分泌,从而促进创面的修复愈合。  相似文献   

番木瓜设施栽培与露地栽培比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以非转基因番木瓜"梭罗"品种为试验材料,采用设施、露地2种栽培方法,对番木瓜的定植苗成活率、株高、单果质量、果皮外观、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白、维生素C、可溶性固形物、环斑花叶病发生率、炭疽病发生率、蚜虫危害、用药次数及环境因子进行比较研究。结果表明:设施较之露地栽培模式,定植苗成活率提高了90.4%,环斑花叶病和炭疽病发生率显著降低,且具有能防止蚜虫危害,减少用药次数,改善小气候环境,提高产量、促进植株生长、改善品质。因此采用设施栽培,有利于番木瓜规模化生产。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):287-293

The protein contents of the grain of 50 interspecific progenies developed from the cross between WAB56-104, an Oryza sativa variety, and CG 14, an Oryza glaberrima line, were investigated. In contrast to the higher protein content of O. glaberrima than O. sativa on the average, the protein content of CG 14 was always lower than that of WAB56-104. However, judging from the average of three seasons, 72% of the interspecific progenies had a higher protein content than the mid-parent and 50% of them had a higher protein content than WAB56-104. Although the actual values of protein content of the interspecific progenies were significantly different among the seasons, a highly significant correlation was always observed in protein content between any two of the three seasons. Protein content therefore was considered character of each interspecific progeny though it was also affected by environment. A significant correlation was not observed between paddy yield and protein content in any season; several interspecific progenies showed higher protein content and paddy yield than the mid-parents. A low paddy yield is likely to be associated with high protein content through physiological regulation without a genetic linkage between the two traits. However, the results suggest that the transgressive segregation of protein content observed in the interspecific progenies is attributed not to this physiological regulation but to a certain mechanism to concentrate protein in grains with a genetic background.  相似文献   

Summary Drying potatoes for 2 weeks after harvest decreased the severity of skin spot, silver scurf, black dot and black scurf after 20–26 weeks' storage at 5°C. Diseases were decreased more after early than late harvest.  相似文献   

There was no appreciable change in proteinase inhibitory activity in sorghum upon dry heat treatment. However, moist heating reduced trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors to a greater degree. Germination (5 days) brought about complete reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

甘蓝型油菜种子贮藏蛋白遗传距离与杂种优势关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对38份不同生态区来源的甘蓝型油菜种质进行了贮藏蛋白电泳多态性分析,并对165个杂交组合农艺、品质性状表现及杂种优势与亲本贮藏蛋白距离进行相关分析,探讨了贮藏蛋白标记遗传距离辅助甘蓝型油菜农艺及品质杂种优势利用的可能性。结果表明:甘蓝型油菜种子贮藏蛋白多态性丰富;谷蛋白标记遗传距离(GDglu)、清蛋白标记遗传距离(GDalu )与农艺、品质性状杂种后代表现及中亲优势存在不同程度的相关性,可以利这种相关性及谷蛋白标记遗传距离聚类辅助甘蓝型油菜杂交育种和品质育种的亲本选配,提高选配效率。  相似文献   

采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用法(HS-SPME-GC-MS)测定芒果香气成分,分析HS-SPME的平衡时间、萃取温度、萃取时间及解吸时间对香气成分分析结果(包括总峰数目、总峰面积)的影响,得到最佳萃取条件,并通过谱库比对鉴定芒果香气成分的组成及相对含量。旨在明确HS-SPME-GC-MS测定芒果果实香气成分的最佳萃取条件及海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农果实的香气成分组成及差异,为芒果香气品质判断及种质资源评价提供依据。结果表明:(1)HS-SPME最佳萃取条件为平衡时间10 min,萃取温度45 ℃,萃取时间60 min,解吸时间5 min。(2)海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农共鉴定出102种匹配度大于70%的挥发性香气化合物,2个品种的香气成分主要由萜烯类构成,贵妃萜烯类占香气成分总含量的74.70%,台农萜烯类占香气成分总含量的86.79%,另外还有少量的醇、醛、酮、酯、羧酸类。(3)贵妃、台农共有的挥发性香气化合物有α-异松油烯、3-蒈烯、柠檬烯、3-己烯-1-醇、2-己烯醛、γ-己内酯、异佛尔酮、棕榈酸等15种。因此,α-异松油烯、3-蒈烯为海南省芒果主产区主栽品种贵妃、台农的主要特征香气成分,且台农的主要特征香气成分相对含量明显高于贵妃。  相似文献   

Summary In investigating the effect of mechanical impact and storage conditions on subsurface hardening in boiled pre-peeled potatoes, potatoes (cv. Sava) were peeled using an industrial peeler, a laboratory knife peeler or a hand knife peeler, packed in polymer bags and stored at 4 to 18 °C for 6 days. Industrially peeled potatoes were significantly harder than potatoes peeled by hand or using a laboratory knife peeler. Potato hardening was not related to pectin methyl esterase activity (EC However, it was significantly correlated with mechanical impact from the peeler knives and by treatment in a damage barrel. Blunt knives resulted in harder potatoes than when sharp knives were used. An increase in storage temperature from 4 to 18 °C also increased subsurface hardening significantly. Maximum hardness was found below the wounded surface at a depth of 2–8 mm (average 4 mm).  相似文献   

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