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一例猪淋巴肉瘤的病理学诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过尸体剖检和病理组织学对1例病猪进行了病理学诊断。大体剖检以两肾高度肿大,全身各部位的淋巴结显著肿大为主要特征,病理组织学观察,可见器官组织的正常结构破坏、消失,被大量分化不成熟的淋巴瘤细胞所替代。病理学诊断该病猪患淋巴肉瘤。  相似文献   

杭州市郊某奶牛场580号奶牛(4岁),于1990年7月上旬在腹壁两侧(膁部)各出现一个乒乓球大的皮下肿块,部位对称,触摸会移动。不久又相继发现股前、肩前二侧淋巴结对称性肿大。并日趋隆起。8月20日病牛食欲开始减退,精神沉郁。8月25日发现两后肢集于腹下,牛体消瘦,奶产量下降。8月27日下午因两后肢无力,站立不稳而卧地不起。遂采血做血液学、免疫学检  相似文献   

犬猫纤维肉瘤4例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纤维肉瘤是纤维瘤恶变而成的恶性肉瘤,犬、猫的临床病例报道不多见,我们在临床中曾诊治过4例,现报道如下。1发病及诊治情况例1,波杂猫,8岁,♀导性,主诉:发病已4个月,先发现左后侧乳房处有结块,后愈来愈大,近1个月皮肤破溃,有白色脓样液流出,精神尚好,食欲欠佳。检查:左侧倒数第2乳头皮下有4X4cm硬块,表面皮肤部分破溃,有少量白色脓样液,在其前外侧皮下尚有1.5XIcm硬结,两硬块均有活动性,可游离,有蒂部,组织较硬,全身其他情况正常。例2,狼大,4岁,导性,主诉:发现左后乳房有硬块已半年,近来发现变大,其他都正…  相似文献   

猫嗜血支原体病是嗜血支原体引起的一种以贫血、黄疸、发热等为主要症状的疾病,现代医学对嗜血支原体的研究已经比较成熟,但中兽医理论指导下的猫临床病例鲜有报道。介绍一例嗜血支原体引起猫淋巴结肿大、发热、贫血为主要症状的病例,以中兽医理论进行辨证论治,确定为“瘰疬”或者“痰核”,八纲辨证为脾气虚、阴虚,肺气虚、阴虚,治疗以健脾润肺、软坚散结为原则,服用中药消瘰散,淋巴逐渐消肿,饮食欲和体况逐渐改善,效果显著,为临床中兽医诊疗该病提供参考。  相似文献   

猫急性淋巴白血病是由猫白血病病毒(FeLV)引起的以不成熟造血组织细胞恶性克隆增殖为特征的一种异质性疾病,也是猫的肿瘤性疾病中比较常见的一种恶性肿瘤。骨髓中异常原始细胞(白血病细胞)大量增殖并浸润各种器官组织,使正常造血受抑制,主要表现为贫血、出血和继发感染等。临床发病急,死亡率高,但由于诊断有一定难度,目前,临床确诊率比较低。作者最近在宠物门诊中,通过临床症状、血常规检查、生化检测、猫白血病病毒检测、剖检变化和病理切片,确诊1例典型的猫急性淋巴白血病,现报道如下。  相似文献   

淋巴肉瘤是多类型的肿瘤,犬猫等小动物均有发生。临床上以多中心型、消化型、胸腺型淋巴肉瘤为主。南京农业大学动物医院于2008年3月收治一病犬,经临床症状观察、血液学检查、血液生化检查、组织触片、血液涂片等病理学检查,最后诊断为犬淋巴肉瘤。根据病理组织学和剖检结果,该病例属于多中心型淋巴肉瘤。  相似文献   

淋巴肉瘤是从淋巴组织演变而来的恶性肿瘤,恶性细胞经淋巴途径进行播放,形成大小不等的结节或致密肿块,并逐渐增生、肿大,向周围组织侵入或转移。本病多发生于牛、猪等动物的淋巴系统,而心脏发生本病较为少见。现将1例生长在牛心脏上的淋巴肉瘤病例报道如下。  相似文献   

白血病是猫的恶性肿瘤,是以不成熟造血组织细胞恶性克隆增殖为特征的一种异质性疾病,也是猫的肿瘤性疾病中较常见的一种,临床发病急,死亡率高。骨髓中异常的原始细胞(白血病细胞)大量增殖并浸润各种器官组织,使正常造血功能受到抑制,主要表现为贫血、出血及继发性感染等。在医学上白血病的分类法是1976年由美国、法国和英国等国家的血液学家提供和拟定的一种国际性急性白血病(AL)诊断分型法。是以白血病患者血液细胞形态  相似文献   

一转诊病例患猫呈严重溶血性黄疸、高胆红素血症,症状多变,化验报告与症状变化矛盾,诊断及治疗出现困境。通过调理食欲,对症治疗、驱虫,症状出现转机,食欲增加,黄疸消退速度加快,溶血症状得到改善,配合精心护理,患猫得以痊愈。文章对治疗过程加以记录分析,以期为黄疸病例诊疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recombinant feline interferon-omega (rFeIFN-omega) was tested as a treatment option for cats with fibrosarcoma to assess safety and feasibility. HYPOTHESIS: Treatment with rFeIFN-omega in cats with fibrosarcoma is safe and feasible. ANIMALS: Twenty domestic cats. METHODS: In an open-labeled uncontrolled clinical trial 12 injections of 1 x 10(6) U/kg rFeIFN-omega were administered over a 5-week period: the 1st through 4th injections were given intratumorally, and the 5th through 12th injections were administered subcutaneously at the tumor excision site. Wide surgical excision of the tumors was carried out after the 4th injection and before the 5th injection of rFeIFN-omega. A Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) analysis was conducted. Flow cytometry of fibrosarcoma cells after incubation with rFeIFN-omega and recombinant feline interferon-gamma was performed to assess the biological effect of rFeIFN-omega. RESULTS: Changes in blood cell count, increases in serum aspartate-amino-transferase activity, serum bilirubin concentration, serum creatinine and serum electrolyte concentrations, weight loss, anorexia, increased body temperature, and reduced general condition were observed but were mostly minor (grade 1 and 2) and self limiting. Eosinophilia (P = .025), neutropenia (P = .021), and weight loss (P < .001) were statistically correlated with rFeIFN-omega-treatment (analysis of parameters before treatment and after 3 injections of rFeIFN-omega). Flow cytometry of 5 unrelated feline fibrosarcoma cell lines showed increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules (P = .026) in response to in vitro incubation with rFeIFN-omega, whereas expression of MHC class II molecules was not affected significantly. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: RFeIFN-omega for the treatment of feline fibrosarcoma is safe, well tolerated, and can be easily performed in practice. To assess the efficacy of the treatment, it should be tested in a placebo-controlled trial.  相似文献   

Mild nonregenerative anemia was detected in a 9-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat during a routine examination. Bone marrow core biopsy revealed erythroid hyperplasia; however, a specific cause was not identified. Over the next 8 months the anemia progressed, eventually becoming mildly regenerative, and moderate thrombocytopenia developed. On ultrasonographic examination, marked splenomegaly, mild hepatomegaly, and abdominal lymphadenopathy were found. Cytologic evaluation of splenic aspirates revealed increased numbers of mildly to moderately pleomorphic histiocytes that frequently had phagocytosed RBCs, leukocytes, and occasionally platelets. Histopathologic examination of the spleen and liver revealed effacement of splenic architecture by a histiocytic sarcoma (HS), and neoplastic histiocytes in hepatic sinusoids. A second bone marrow aspirate revealed neoplastic infiltration by similar cells. The histiocytes in all tissues were mildly to moderately pleomorphic and markedly erythrophagocytic. The immunophenotype of histiocytes in the spleen was CD1c(-)/CD11b(+)/CD18(+)/MHC-II(+), supporting a macrophage cell lineage. The clinical, pathologic, and immunophenotypic findings in this cat were similar to those in hemophagocytic HSs in dogs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a HS of purported macrophage phenotype in a cat.  相似文献   

The etiopathogenesis of feline mammary carcinoma is not well understood. Although putative, risk factors include breed, reproductive status, and regular exposure to progestins. An association between age at ovarihysterectomy (OHE) and mammary carcinoma development has not been established. Therefore, a case-control study was performed to determine the effects of OHE age, breed, progestin exposure, and parity on feline mammary carcinoma development. Cases were female cats diagnosed with mammary carcinoma by histological examination of mammary tissue. Controls were female cats not diagnosed with mammary tumors selected from the same biopsy service population. Controls were frequency matched to cases by age and year of diagnosis. Questionnaires were sent to veterinarians for 308 cases and 400 controls. The overall questionnaire response rate was 58%. Intact cats were significantly overrepresented (odds ratio [OR] 2.7, confidence interval [CI] = 1.4-5.3, P < .001) in the mammary carcinoma population. Cats spayed prior to 6 months of age had a 91% reduction in the risk of mammary carcinoma development compared with intact cats (OR 0.9, CI = 0.03-0.24). Those spayed prior to 1 year had an 86% reduction in risk (OR 0.14, CI = 0.06-0.34). Parity did not affect feline mammary carcinoma development, and too few cats had progestin exposure to determine association with mammary carcinoma. Results indicate that cats spayed before 1 year of age are at significantly decreased risk of feline mammary carcinoma development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this prospective clinical trial was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a commercially available rheolytic thrombectomy system in the treatment of naturally occurring feline aortic thromboembolic disease. All 6 cats enrolled in the investigation were affected at the level of the distal aorta and had signs of the disease affecting both pelvic limbs. Cats were anesthetized and an arteriotomy was performed on 1 carotid artery to gain access to the arterial system. Selective arterial angiography was used to confirm the presence of thromboembolic disease. The thrombectomy system was advanced to the level of the thrombus using fluoroscopic guidance. Repeat angiography was used intermittently to assess progress of thromboembolus dissolution throughout the procedure. The use of the rheolytic thrombectomy system resulted in successful thrombus dissolution in 5 of 6 cats. Three of 6 cats survived to discharge. Both of these results compare favorably with conventional therapies used in the treatment of this disease. Feline distal aortic thromboembolism is a frustrating disease that warrants a guarded to poor prognosis. Rheolytic thrombectomy may provide veterinarians with an alternative therapy in the treatment of thromboembolic diseases, including feline distal aortic thromboembolism.  相似文献   

Ocular sarcoma was diagnosed by light microscopic examination in enucleated globes ( n  = 4), orbital tissue biopsy ( n  = 1) and ocular evisceration contents ( n  = 1) from six cats. To determine if feline leukemia virus (FeLV) or a replication-defective FeLV, feline sarcoma virus (FeSV), was present in these ocular sarcomas, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for FeLV were utilized. Immunohistochemical staining for FeLV glycoprotein 70 (gp70) was performed on all six formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumors using an avidin–biotin complex technique. DNA was extracted from each specimen and a 166 bp region of the FeLV long-terminal repeat (LTR) was amplified by PCR. All tumors were composed primarily of spindle cells; two neoplasms had PAS-positive basement membrane enveloping areas of spindle cells. All tumors involved the uvea and five of six tumors showed transcleral extension, one of which invaded the optic nerve. Immunohistochemical staining for FeLV gp 70 was negative. PCR to amplify a portion of the FeLV LTR was negative. Based on these findings of these limited number of cases, FeLV/FeSV may not play a role in the tumorigenesis of feline ocular sarcomas. However, additional tumors representing all morphological subtypes should be investigated for the presence of viral antigen and DNA. It is important to determine the etiology and pathogenesis of these malignant ocular sarcomas. If the cell of origin and pathogenesis involve ocular and lenticular injury, and FeLV/FeSV is not present, then the clinical management of cases of feline ocular trauma, uveitis and glaucoma may prevent the development of this tumor.  相似文献   

Determination of prothrombin in feline plasma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determination of the major common pathway protein prothrombin, a vitamin K-dependent protein synthesized in the liver, may be useful for identifying coagulopathies in cats with liver disease or vitamin K antagonism. In people with liver disease, prothrombin is more commonly and more severely decreased than other procoagulant proteins. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a commercial chromogenic assay(DiaPharma Group, West Chester, Ohio, USA) for the determination of prothrombin activity in plasma from healthy cats. The method involves the cleavage of prothrombin by Ecarin, a nonphysiologic enzyme activator that cleaves prothrombin to meizothrombin, which then interacts with a chromogenic substrate. Citrated (n = 20) and EDTA (n = 37) plasma samples from clinically healthy cats were tested using 100-fold and on occasion 200-fold dilutions. The assay was run according to manufacturer's specifications and the relative percentage prothrombin activity was calculated using standard curves generated from a feline citrated plasma pool and human reference plasma. Slope and regression values (r =.998) were similar for feline and human samples, suggesting that Ecarin cleaves prothrombin in both feline and human plasma in an analogous manner. The correlation between results obtained using feline vs human reference plasma was high for both citrated (r =.910) and EDTA samples (r =.998). When prothrombin was determined using human reference plasma, results from citrated feline plasma samples were 75.7% +/- 9.0% of normal compared to 91.6% +/- 7.0% of normal when the feline standard curve was used. Similar results were obtained using EDTA plasma. Our results indicate that the prothrombin chromogenic assay may be useful for evaluating one component of the hemostatic pathway in feline plasma. The prothrombin chromogenic assay utilizes routine instrumentation, requires small sample volume (5 microliter/assay), and may be used on EDTA plasma. To optimize sensitivity, the assay should be run using a standard curve generated with a feline plasma pool.  相似文献   

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) infection resulting in clinical signs is invariably fatal despite clinical intervention. As FIP is an immune-mediated disease, treatment is mainly aimed at controlling the immune response triggered by the infection with the feline coronavirus (FCoV). Immune suppressive drugs such as prednisone or cyclophosphamide may slow disease progression but do not produce a cure. In nearly every published case report of attempted therapy for clinical FIP, glucocorticoids have been used; there are, however, no controlled studies that evaluate the effect of glucocorticoids as a therapy for FIP. Some veterinarians prescribe immune modulators to treat cats with FIP with no documented controlled evidence of efficacy. It has been suggested that these agents may benefit infected animals by restoring compromised immune function, thereby allowing the patient to control viral burden and recover from clinical signs. However, a non-specific stimulation of the immune system may be contraindicated as clinical signs develop and progress as a result of an immune-mediated response to the mutated FCoV.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old, neutered male, domestic shorthair cat housed at the North Carolina State University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory Animal Research facility as part of a research colony was examined because of mulifocal skin lesions. The lesions consisted of patchy alopecia with mild crusting of the periauricular region, neck, and dorsum; periauricular excoriations; marked dorsal seborrhea and scaling; and generalized erythematous papules. A moderate amount of ceruminous exudate was present in both ear canals. Results of testing for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) were positive. An ear swab specimen and superficial and deep skin scrapings were obtained, mounted with oil on glass slides, and coverslipped for microscopic examination. Two populations of mites were observed: a large population of slender, long (approximately 200 microm), adult mites with long, tapering abdomens that comprised two-thirds of the total body length; and a smaller population of more translucent and shorter mites (approximately 100 microm) with wide, blunt abdomens that had prominent transverse ridges. The interpretation was demodicosis, with Demodex cati and D gatoi co-infection. Histologic sections of biopsies from skin lesions on the neck, dorsum, and periauricular area contained a mild perivascular and perifollicular inflammatory infiltrate composed predominantly of histiocytes, lymphocytes, and plasma cells. Diffusely within the follicular lumina and occasionally within the superficial keratin, a myriad of Demodex organisms were observed. Intrafollicular mites were compatible in appearance with D cati whereas those in the corneal layer were suggestive of D gatoi. Demodicosis is an uncommon disease of cats, and rare cases of dual infection have been documented, occasionally in FIV-infected cats. The dual infection emphasizes the importance of doing both superficial and deep skin scrapings and of recognizing the unique microscopic features of different Demodex mites.  相似文献   

Cats are at risk for heartworm infection (Dirofilaria immitis) wherever the disease is endemic in dogs. Diagnosis is more difficult in cats, and little information is available regarding effective palliative and curative treatments for infected cats. In contrast to the challenges of diagnosis and treatment, chemoprophylaxis is highly effective, and current guidelines call for preventive medications to be administered to all cats in endemic areas. The purpose of this study was to survey feline heartworm management protocols used by 400 animal shelters and foster programs in the endemic states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. Only 23% of shelters performed feline heartworm testing. The most common reasons for not testing were expense (36%), lack of treatment options for infected cats (18%), and because the agency considers heartworm infections in cats to be less important than in dogs (12%). Most agencies (69%) did not provide preventive medication to cats. Reasons included because testing was not performed (36%), expense (35%), and the perception that local heartworm risk was low (10%). When preventive was provided, feline-labeled broad-spectrum products were used more commonly (81%) than livestock products (14%). The survey also indicated that many policy decisions were based on inaccurate knowledge of feline heartworm prevalence and pathogenesis. Issues of cost, feasibility, and education prevent most Southeastern sheltering agencies from adequately protecting cats against heartworm disease. Practical guidelines tailored to the needs of these agencies should be developed. Subsidized testing and preventive products may facilitate implementation of feline heartworm management protocols in sheltering agencies.  相似文献   

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