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本文对目前国内的臭氧水处理装置应用于水产养殖领域的不足之处进行了综述。指出了臭氧(O3)水处理装置使用方法和处理装置本身不能满足水质净化的问题所在,分析了臭氧水净化水质用于水产养殖发展缓慢的原因,并对臭氧(O3)水处理装置应用于海水养殖的方法进行了探讨,还介绍了许多国外将O3用于海洋世界和水族馆的成功例子。  相似文献   

臭氧水处理在甲鱼工厂化养殖中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
水处理技术是甲鱼工厂化养殖过程中的关键技术之一,臭氧水处理是集约化水产养殖系统中较为先进的水处理技术,本文介绍了臭氧水处理的原理,对水质改善的作用机理和臭氧,臭氧水的制作工艺;着重阐述了甲鱼养殖工厂的臭氧水处理结构,臭氧水的作用,以及臭氧水应用在甲鱼工厂化养殖水处理中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

臭氧特性及对水质的净化作用   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:19  
前 言臭氧可用于水中污染物的分解、脱色、除嗅、杀菌、灭藻与病毒灭活 ;除铁、锰、除硫化物、除酚、氰、除农药、除石油及合成洗涤剂、水中致癌物质 ,降解 BOD、COD等 ,都具特殊的效果。近年来 ,臭氧在水产养殖业取得了一些效果 ,但水产养殖或育苗用水处理及杀菌消毒效果的专题研究还不多。本文对臭氧水质净化有关资料进行整理 ,对水产养殖育苗试验中的水处理测试数据进行总结 ,并分析效果。以试图为在水产养殖与育苗生产中应用臭氧 ,为在设计水产业适用的臭氧水处理系统提供依据。1 臭氧的性质1 .1 臭氧的一般性质臭氧 (O3)是氧气 (…  相似文献   

工厂化内循环海水鱼类养殖水质净化技术   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
工厂化内循环养殖模式的主要优势是既不向外界排放、不污染环境,又不受外界水质污染的影响。其主要技术关键是水质净化,包括原水处理,滤除悬浮物,泡沫分离,微生物净化,以液态氧向养殖水体中补充溶解氧,利用紫外线、臭氧消毒灭菌,每1 h完成1个循环量,每平方米可获鱼产量30 kg以上。  相似文献   

在当今水资源十分匮乏的条件下,工厂化养鱼作为一种新兴产业得到了迅速的发展。工厂化养鱼是在全封闭水循环条件下的高密度养鱼系统,在这样一个系统中能否改善和净化养殖水质,则是工厂化养鱼系统能否正常运行的一个十分重要的问题。我们在工厂化养鱼系统中加入了臭氧水处理环节,对水体进行强化处理,鱼体生长正常,并可预防病害,提高成活率。1系统原理与结构1.1臭氧特性与水质净化原理犤1犦臭氧(O3)以其特有的气味而得名,它是氧气(O2)的同素异构体。臭氧在常温下是略带青色的气体。它的化学性质表现为氧化能力很强,其氧化还原电位仅次于氟,见…  相似文献   

随着我国水产养殖业的迅猛发展,各种先进的水处理技术得以广泛应用,如砂滤、微生物净化、紫外线杀菌消毒、泡沫分离等.但随着工业化封闭式循环水养殖设备在实际生产中的推广的应用,高密度、小水体的生产条件对水质的要求也更加严格.因此,应用具有高效、快速特点的臭氧进行水质处理的技术也就应运而生.  相似文献   

高效臭氧水处理装置   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
臭氧具有高效、广谱、无残留污染及应用方便等特点,在环保、食品、化工、医疗卫生等行业已得到广泛应用,应用臭氧进行消毒净化,具有无毒、无害、无任何残留的特点.目前臭氧在水产行业中的应用迅速增加,尤其在封闭式循环水养殖、育苗中的使用效果得到普遍认可.笔者经反复试验,研制出高效臭氧水处理装置,并且在水产养殖、育苗、贝类净化中进行中试应用,有效地促进了臭氧水处理装置在水产养殖业中的应用发展.  相似文献   

随着我国对虾养殖规模的不断扩大和精养程度的逐年提升,对虾养殖的自我污染和病害的传播蔓延也日益加剧,严重危及对虾养殖业的健康发展.因此,探索和开发可操作性强、效果显著的养殖水质综合调控技术,通过优化和改善池塘养殖环境,减少对虾养殖废水的排放,提高对虾养殖生产的经济效益和生态效益,对推动我国对虾养殖业的可持续发展具有重要的意义.臭氧是一种强氧化剂,具有极强的氧化能力,能快速分解水中有机物,杀菌力较强.臭氧在水产养殖中的应用,可通过其氧化反应起到灭菌、分解有机物和提高水体溶解氧浓度的作用,从而净化和改善池塘养殖水质.近几年,臭氧在水产养殖生产中的应用研究越来越广泛.孙广明等(2000)曾采用臭氧处理水进行海胆育苗及单细胞藻类培养试验;陈淑琴等(2001)曾利用臭氧处理水开展虾、蟹幼体培育试验;柳超等(2009)将臭氧水处理技术应用于凡纳滨对虾的养殖生产;他们的试验研究均取得明显的效果,为臭氧在水产养殖生产中的应用积累大量的有用数据.本试验通过在凡纳滨对虾的精养池塘中通入微量臭氧,监测养殖水质的变化情况以及对虾摄食生长状况,探讨臭氧水处理技术的应用对养殖水质和对虾养殖效果的影响,为臭氧在水产养殖的应用和推广提供参考.  相似文献   

臭氧在18世纪就被发现,以其强氧化性,达到消毒、杀菌,净化水质作用,并且可以自身分解产生氧气,不会产生残留,因而在水产养殖领域中日益受到人们的青睐。目前臭氧主要应用于鱼虾育苗、养殖加工过程中的水体消毒及水质净化。  相似文献   

在封闭式高密度养殖池中,水必须经过净化处理后再循环,以确保养殖对象的成长和节约用水。 净化的方法有生物过滤、沉淀、植物净化、沸石、紫外线和臭氧灭菌、增氧等。生物过滤采用生物转盘、生物转筒、过滤床。他们是靠附着于过滤器上生物膜净化水质,其效率通常用氨浓度表示。过滤床可用膨粘土材质,它是一种高性能材料,除氨效率可达70%—90%。植物净化就是用水栽植物净化水质。沸石去除氨的效率,在水的流速为2.51/s/m~2时,去除率可达95%,欧洲的天然沸石资源多,故早在70年代用于净化养鱼用水。紫外线灭菌常用于水处理量小的孵化池。要求水中的悬浮物少,铁质成分少。它依靠紫外线照射灭菌。  相似文献   

The high levels of water-reuse in intensive recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) require an effective water treatment in order to maintain good water quality. In order to reveal the potential and limitations of ozonation for water quality improvement in marine RAS, we tested ozone's ability to remove nitrite, ammonia, yellow substances and total bacterial biomass in seawater, considering aspects such as efficiency, pH-dependency as well as the formation of toxic ozone-produced oxidants (OPO). Our results demonstrate that ozone can be efficiently utilized to simultaneously remove nitrite and yellow substances from process water in RAS without risking the formation of toxic OPO concentrations. Contemporaneously, an effective reduction of bacterial biomass was achieved by ozonation in combination with foam fractionation. In contrast, ammonia is not oxidized by ozone so long as nitrite and yellow substances are present in the water, as the dominant reaction of the ozone-based ammonia-oxidation in seawater requires the previous formation of OPO as intermediates. The oxidation of ammonia in seawater by ozone is basically a bromide-catalyzed reaction with nitrogen gas as end product, enabling an almost complete removal of ammonia-nitrogen from the aquaculture system. Results further show that pH has no effect on the ozone-based ammonia oxidation in seawater. Unlike in freshwater, an effective removal of ammonia even at pH-values as low as 6.5 has been shown to be feasible in seawater. However, as the predominant reaction pathway involves an initial accumulation of OPO to toxic amounts, we consider the ozone-based removal of ammonia in marine RAS as risky for animal health and economically unviable.  相似文献   

臭氧消毒是工厂化水产养殖中水处理的关键技术之一。本文详细介绍了臭氧的物理、化学性质,论述了臭氧制造、水中溶解及水中溶解浓度的检测方法。结合国内外有关水产养殖水处理技术的研究成果与发展趋势,分析了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖水处理中的一些作用和应用特性。介绍了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖中消毒杀菌、氧化有机物、凝聚悬浮物、除臭与除色方面的作用,阐明了臭氧在工厂化水产养殖中的应用前景。  相似文献   

泡沫分离技术在水产养殖水处理中的应用   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在水质净化处理中,泡沫分离法有其独特的功能,它能将溶解性有机物及悬浮物通过气泡的吸附形成泡沫被去除,适用于集约化水产养殖中闭合循环水处理。本文借鉴目前国际、国内这方面的研究资料,对泡沫分离技术的原理、器械结构类型、功效以及设计参数等作了系统阐述,以利该项技术的完善和加快应用  相似文献   

本文通过在循环水养殖系统中添加不同浓度的臭氧,研究其对循环水养殖系统生物膜活性及其净化效能的影响.结果显示,当氧化还原电位(ORP)小于450 mV时,氨氮的去除率随着臭氧浓度升高而升高,最高去除率达39.9%,亚硝酸盐氮的平均去除率为28.2%,生物膜菌群的平均存活率为88.1%,生物膜对养殖水体氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的处理效果良好;当氧化还原电位为500 mV时,经过臭氧24 h处理,氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的去除率分别由36.5%、28.1%降到12.2%、8.4%,而臭氧4h处理后,生物膜对氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮的去除率分别由47.5%、32.1%降到5.0%、3.3%,水处理效果明显下降,生物膜菌群存活率由88.1%降到31.5%.由此可见臭氧添加浓度对生物膜及净化效能有重大影响.综合试验结果和分析评估,建议封闭循环水养殖系统的臭氧添加量以控制生物滤池内的氧化还原电位低于400 mV为宜,可保证循环水系统的安全性和经济性.  相似文献   

气调包装结合臭氧预处理保鲜鲟鱼片   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文研究了气调包装(MAP,50%CO2+10%O2+40%N2)结合臭氧处理用于鲟鱼片保鲜的效果。通过以未经过臭氧预处理的MAP做对照组,试验分别研究了臭氧预处理10min、20min和30min对鲟鱼片MAP保鲜期的影响。结果表明:臭氧预处理能有效减少鲟鱼片原始的带菌数,减缓贮藏期间细菌总数和TVB-N值的增加速度,以及减缓感官品质的下降。综合分析臭氧预处理时间对鲟鱼片贮藏期间感官品质、细菌总数、TVB-N值和肌肉持水力的影响,确定以臭氧预处理20min效果最好,与对照组比较,贮藏货架期延长3~5d。  相似文献   


Ozone is a USFDA and USDA approved food contact sanitizing agent and has been used in the seafood industry in both gaseous and dissolved forms to destroy bacteria. The wild harvest shrimp industry is the most economically important fishery in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico region, and in Louisiana the majority of the harvest is mechanically peeled and frozen. Dissolved ozone was measured in processing water at product application to study the optimization of ozonated water treatment for reducing microbial contamination of peeled shrimp meat. Shrimp samples were either sprayed or soaked in water with 1, 2, and 3 ppm dissolved ozone. Treatment times of 20, 40, and 60 seconds were investigated for all applications and concentrations. Similar volumes of water were applied for all treatments, and soaking showed greater bacterial reduction than spray treatments for all time and concentration combinations studied. Soaking in 3 ppm dissolved ozone for 40 s and 60 s showed the greatest reduction of total aerobic bacteria, and 60 s at 3 ppm resulted in the greatest reduction of Pseudomonas bacteria. Ozonated water treatment did not produce oxidation in the shrimp samples. The optimal treatment of soaking shrimp in 3 ppm dissolved ozone for 60 s will be used for further investigations of refrigerated shelf life extension and Listeria monocytogenes destruction in peeled shrimp meat.  相似文献   


The efficacy of ozonated water (0.6-1.5 ppm) was evaluated as a bactericidal agent for sanitizing food contact surfaces and for treatment of raw seafood. The presence of ozone reduced the bacterial levels substantially on stainless steel surfaces and to a lesser extent on plastic cutting boards. Ozone was about as effective as chlorine in lowering levels of Listeria innocua on inoculated food contact surfaces. Fish processing residuals present on the surface greatly reduced sanitizer effectiveness. In high organic conditions, chlorinated water was slightly more effective than ozonated water. However, ozonated water applied to fish fillets and roe was not effective for bacterial control. The presence of organic material, particularly with fillets, reduced the effectiveness of ozone. Ozone accelerated the development of rancidity in frozen roe and fillets, resulting in reduced shelf life. We recommend ozone only as a sanitizer for cleaned seafood contact surfaces.  相似文献   

By keeping tropical shrimp, like Litopenaeus vannamei, in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), valuable food for human consumption can be produced sustainable. L. vannamei tolerates low salinities, and therefore, the systems can operate under brackish water conditions. The stabilization of the microbial community in RAS might be difficult under high organic loads, and therefore, water treatment measures like UV irradiation or ozone application are commonly used for bacterial reduction. To investigate the impact of these measures, the effects of UV irradiation and ozone application were studied in small-scale brackish water RAS with a salinity of 15‰ stocked with L. vannamei. UV reactors with 7 and 9 W were used, and by ozonizers with a power of 5–50 mg/hr, the redox potential in the water was adjusted to 350 mV. Ozone had a stabilizing effect on the microbial composition in the water and on biofilms of tank surfaces and shrimp carapaces, prevented an increase of nitrite and accelerated the degradation of nitrate in the water. UV irradiation led to changes in the microbial composition and was less effective in optimizing the chemical water quality. Thus, the use of ozone could be recommended for water treatment in brackish water RAS for shrimp.  相似文献   


In recent years, increasing attention has been focused on food safety, and in particular on the intervention methods to reduce and/or eliminate human pathogens from fresh products. Many research and industrial trials are underway to validate the use of ozone in the food industry as an alternative treatment to improve food safety. Notably, when ozone is applied to food surfaces, it leaves no residues since it decomposes quickly. Chemical and physical properties of ozone, its generation, and the antimicrobial power of ozone were explained as well as many advantages of ozone uses in the seafood industry.  相似文献   

During a 1-year operation of a warm water recycling system (salinity about 8‰) sufficient water quality was maintained under high stocking density conditions using Tilapia and the European eel as potential candidates for intensive farming. The final fish: water ratio was 1 : 23 (or 43.5 g fish per 1 water) for the whole experimental culture unit. The total water volume of the system was about 5 m3. The water treatment unit held 52% of the total volume, whereby 46% was available for fish culture. Combined biological (trickling filter with Hydropack-foil) and chemical (ozonation) water treatment proved to be useful to meet water quality requirements under these rearing conditions. After an initial conditioning period of the biofilter, BOD varied from 4.5 to 6.0 mg O2/l, ammonium levels were maintained at less than 1 mg/l and nitrite concentrations averaged 1 mg/l. The average efficiency (oxidation rate) of the biofilter for NH4+-and NO2?-oxidation was 31% and 13.2%, respectively. The pH was stabilized slightly above 7.0 when a denitrification unit was connected to the system. Nitrate concentration of the system levelled of between 200 and 400 mg/l and was regulated by the addition of an electron donator (first glucose solution, then methanol) to the denitrification unit; the elimination rate averaged 50% with a maximum of 98%. High nitrite levels were avoided by ozone treatment of the recycled water. The accumulation of low-biodegradable substances was also successfully counteracted by ozonation. Fish growth rates of about 30% per month at high stocking densiteis were reached for Tilapia at a fish: water ratio of 1 : 4.6 (217 g fish per 1 water), indicating that a combination of biological water treatment and ozonation supports intensive fish culture in a closed aquaculture system.  相似文献   

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