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<正>流胶病是镇宁布依族苗族自治县樱桃主要病害之一。该病可为害樱桃树主干、主枝等部位,是一种综合性病害。发病原因复杂,很难彻底根治。树体流胶可造成樱桃树生理代谢失调,树势衰弱,果品质量下降,严重时引起死枝、死树,造成樱桃减产。1症状一是由侵染性病菌引起的流胶病,在根颈、主干、主枝等部位发生。发病初期,在枝杈处或伤口流  相似文献   

桃树流胶病是一种严重危害桃树生长、果实品质和产量的真菌病害.流胶病的发生主要由生理性因素和病虫害因素引起.本文对桃树流胶病的发病症状、发病原因、综合防治措施等进行了总结,以期做到对症施策,为桃树流胶病的有效防控提供参考依据.  相似文献   

流胶病在我国桃产区均有发生,是一种极为普遍的病害。植株流胶过多,会严重削弱树势,重者引起死枝、死树,是很值得注意的问题。除桃树外,其他核果类果树如杏、李、樱桃等也有流胶病。  相似文献   

钱开胜 《广西植保》2003,16(2):20-20
桃、李、杏等落叶果树常出现非侵染性的流胶病 ,而常绿果树中的流胶病 (有的也称树脂病 )则多具有侵染性 ,如柑、橙、沙田柚、杨梅、枇杷等。常绿果树的流胶病多因病虫危害 ,冷冻害或机械伤引起树干损伤 ,导致真菌侵染。一般 3月中旬开始侵染 ,4~ 5月发病 ,6~ 7月为发病高峰期。该病易引起果树树势衰弱、叶片黄化、果实产量与品质下降 ,严重时引起枝条或树体枯死。其中 ,甜橙发病后树体死亡率极高。  常绿果树流胶病重在预防 ,在果园中要经常观察 ,采取综合防治技术 ,及时对症用药 ,效果较为理想。1 加强果园管理 ,增强树体抗性  南…  相似文献   

近年,大棚樱桃的价格升高,其栽培面积也扩大。由于管理不当,致使许多树体流胶而死。为此特对樱桃树流胶病的发生与防治办法,作一介绍。一、流胶病的原因1、修剪不当引起的。樱桃树不能如其它落叶果树(苹果、梨等),在休眠期进行大量修剪,特别不能疏除较粗大的枝组...  相似文献   

贵阳地区樱桃常见主要病害及其为害现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樱桃作为特色果树,近年种植规模迅速扩大,已成为贵州省区域性优势资源果树品种,病害已成为生产优质樱桃的主要障碍之一。调查结果显示,贵阳地区樱桃生产常见病害15种。其中,真菌性病害10种,分别为褐斑病、炭疽病、黑斑病、白粉病、灰霉病、木腐病、膏药病、侵染性流胶病、腐烂病、褐腐病;细菌性病害2种:细菌性穿孔病、根癌病;病毒性病害1种:樱桃病毒病;生理性病害2种:裂果病、畸形果。其中,褐斑病、根癌病为绝对优势病害,为害较严重,尤其是根癌病发生普遍,植株死亡率高。  相似文献   

黑荆树流胶病是黑荆树(Acacia mea-rnsii De Wild.)常见的一种病害。染病株生长缓慢,严重时全株枯死。为了弄清流胶病的发生原因和发生规律,近年来我们进行了试验观察,现将结果报道如下。一、自然发病程度调查对全区范围内多数引种栽植点进行了调查,根据流胶病表现特点统计发病率和感病指数划分等级标准为: 级别分级标准代表数值一无病; 0二轻微流胶,泌胶呈滴状; 1  相似文献   

桃树主要病害的发生与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃树的病害种类比较多 ,但发生普遍、为害严重的病害主要有桃树流胶病、根癌病、缩叶病和细菌性穿孔病。1 流胶病桃树流胶病是桃树枝干上的一种重要病害 ,在南方温暖多雨桃区普遍发生。桃树受害后 ,树势衰弱 ,树体早衰 ,影响产量 ,已成为当前桃果生产上的重要问题之一。1 .1 症状流胶一般发生在主干和主枝上 ,严重时侧枝也可发病。发病初期病部膨胀 ,随后分泌出透明、柔软的树胶 ,同空气接触后 ,树胶慢慢变褐色 ,最后变成茶褐色硬质胶块。病部皮层及木质部随着流胶数量的增加逐渐变褐腐烂 ,杂菌极易腐生 ,树势日趋衰弱 ,树叶变黄变小 ,桃…  相似文献   

桃树流胶病的防治技术薛德乾(福建省上杭县临城农技站364200)桃树流胶病是一种生理性病害,发病因素十分复杂,病虫为害、霜害、水分过多或不足、施肥或修剪不当、结果过多等等都可引起此病的发生。患部大多在主干和大主枝上,被害处树皮裂开,上有一块块茶褐色的...  相似文献   

桃树流胶病在我国南北桃区均有不同程度的发生 ,常常因流胶过多导致树势衰弱 ,甚至引起枝枯和死树 ,造成严重减产。近年来 ,随着产业结构的调整 ,桃树面积增加 ,经调查 ,桃树流胶病发生普遍 ,一般果园发病率41%~47% ,严重威胁桃果生产。1症状桃树流胶病主要危害主干和主枝 ,以枝桠处较重 ,小枝和果实也有受害。田间调查流胶病发生部位所占百分数为 :主干27% ,主枝杈处32.5% ,主枝23.5% ,小枝及果实17%。主枝及主干受害初期 ,病部肿胀 ,早春流出树胶 ,初呈半透明黄色 ,最后变成茶褐色硬质胶块 ,严重时树皮和木质变褐腐烂 ,…  相似文献   

甜樱桃流胶病原菌的分子鉴定和致病性检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 为明确甜樱桃流胶病的病原菌,采用普通细菌学方法从15个病样中分离获得10个代表性菌株,对病原菌的形态学特征、生理生化特性以及致病性进行了研究。利用PCR对菌株的16S-23S rDNA转录间隔区(ITS)序列进行扩增,扩增产物克隆测序,结果显示该菌株属于丁香假单胞菌(Pseudomonas syringae)。用MegAlign构建系统发育树,结果显示该菌株与丁香假单胞菌丁香致病变种(P. syringae pv. syringae)亲缘关系最近,两者最先聚在一起。分离菌株中均可检测到syrB基因研究结果表明P. syringae pv. syringae为甜樱桃流胶病的病原菌。  相似文献   

桃流胶病是桃树栽培中的常见病害,该病发生原因复杂,目前仍缺乏有效的防控手段。本研究从健康桃树叶片中分离筛选到一株内生细菌J5,J5对桃流胶病菌可可毛色二孢(Lasiodiplodia theobromae)JMB-122菌株有较强拮抗作用。结合16S r DNA鉴定、磷脂脂肪酸鉴定以及Biolog微生物自动鉴定系统的分析结果将J5鉴定为枯草芽孢杆菌。进一步研究发现J5可在桃树内定殖且存活至少2年以上。离体致病力测定表明J5定殖或其发酵滤液处理的桃树枝条在接种JMB-122后产生的病斑长度均较对照的小。J5定殖的桃树枝条接种7 d后病斑长度为14.0 mm,而对照枝条接种后病斑长度达到32.5 mm,表明内生细菌J5能有效抑制桃树流胶病的发生,在防治上有一定应用潜力。  相似文献   

Phytophthora gummosis and phytophthora root rot are the most important fungal diseases of citrus in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Phytophthora citrophthora and P. nicotianae var. parasitica are the main species that incite both diseases in all the citrus-growing areas of the State. Studies on the control of gummosis and root rot with systemic fungicides have been under way in the State since 1980. The efficacy of fosetyl-A1 and metataxyl to control gummosis incited by both fungi in lemon and sweet orange trees was confirmed. The best control was achieved when foliar sprays of fosetyl-A1 were combined with soil applications of metataxyl. The best timing was determined for application of these systemic products to control gummosis in the state.  相似文献   

氮钾水平与全多酚对柠檬流胶病抗性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
魏胜林 《植物保护》1997,23(4):10-12
N、K水平与柠檬抵御流胶病病原菌侵染能力有密切关系。在营养液中N浓度大于240mg/kg,树体对流胶病抵御能力降低;在K浓度小于220mg/kg范围内,提高K水平能明显提高树体抗流胶病的能力。叶片中全多酚的含量与树体抗流胶病能力强弱有关,在营养液中N浓度为240mg/kg,K浓度为220mg/kg时,叶片全多酚含量为9.17mg/g,树体具有较强的抗流胶病能力。  相似文献   

Over 1000 cherry trees, as rootstocks, nursery sweet cherry or ornamental cultivars or orchard trees up to 7 years old, with or without galls, were examined to determine the effect, if any, of crown gall disease on tree growth. No clear, consistent differences between healthy and galled trees were found. Healthy 1-year-old F12/ 1 rootstocks were smaller than their galled counterparts but the reverse was true for 2-year-old sweet cherries and ornamental cultivars. The mean girth of non-galled 6-year-old trees of cv Schrecken was greater than that of galled trees from the same orchard. Detailed records on two sweet cherry cultivars, Napoleon and Roundel, revealed some differences in growth rate in the early years between healthy trees and those with various levels of galling at planting, but these differences were not sustained. Irrespective of gall status at planting no correlation was detected between final gall status and ultimate tree size. The data support the view that there is no consistent effect of crown gall on cherry tree growth and that the adverse appearance of affected nursery material is the main problem with this disease.  相似文献   

For the identification and analysis of new RNA plant viruses infecting fruit trees, an initial step often involves the laborious procedure of isolation and cDNA synthesis and cloning from purified viral dsRNA. For subsequent RT-PCR detection of these and other viruses from tissue with high phenolic and polysaccharide concentrations, a simple and efficient extraction protocol for viral nucleic acid is also important. A method for rapid cDNA cloning from small amounts of purified dsRNA using a modification of degenerate oligo primed polymerase chain reaction mbox(DOP-PCR), and a modification of a protocol for effective extraction of viral RNA for use in RT-PCR are presented. Both methods were used to analyze a number of mottling diseases described in cherry. The causal agents for two of these diseases have been previously described, Cherry green ring mottle virus, a tentative member of the foveaviruses, and Cherry mottle leaf virus, a member of the trichoviruses. For the diseases cherry rusty mottle and cherry necrotic rusty mottle, data are presented identifying viruses associated with each disease. Viruses associated with cherry rusty mottle, cherry necrotic rusty mottle and European isolates of cherry mottle leaf diseases, are closely related to Cherry green ring mottle virus and can be tentatively included in the foveavirus genus. An additional virus, related to cherry green ring mottle virus, was discovered by RT-PCR cloning and appears to be a common latent virus of cherry. Finally, isolates of cherry necrotic mottle disease could be assayed positive by RT-PCR for a virus  相似文献   

合欢吉丁虫(Agrilussp.)是合欢树的主要蛀干害虫,引起树干流胶导致合欢树整株死亡。该虫一年发生一代,以不同龄期的幼虫在被害枝干内越冬,成虫羽化盛期为5月上、中旬,幼虫一直为害至10月份开始越冬,合欢吉丁虫幼虫期有3种寄生性天敌。  相似文献   

葡萄座腔菌属(Botryosphaeria)引起的果树病害及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
葡萄座腔菌属(Botryosphaeria)真菌在国内外分布广泛,是许多果树常见的病原菌、内生菌和腐生菌,能引起果实腐烂、叶斑、坏死、溃疡和流胶等症状。本文概述了该属真菌引起的果树病害的发生、危害症状、主要病原菌种类、流行学和病害控制、栽培管理策略;展望今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

Fruit tree branch and bark samples have been collected from several European countries (Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, European part of USSR) from apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry and sour cherry. Twenty-five scale insect species were found in the samples. Distribution maps of Quadra & pidiotus perniciosus on different fruit species are given. No significant changes in the distribution of this species in Central Europe can be observed in the last 30 years. Q. perniciosus is present in higher density on apple wherever it occurs, and is less frequent on pears and plums. It is frequent on peach and sometimes on cherry, but generally at low densities. It is rare on sour cherry.  相似文献   

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