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The July 1973 issue of the New Zealand Journal of Agriculture discussed the Tama revolution. No mention was made of the possibility of nitrite poisoning in cattle grazing ‘Grasslands Tama’ (tetraploid westerwolds) ryegrass. There have been deaths from nitrite poisoning in cattle grazing Tama ryegrass and other crops in many districts this year, and this experience with a brief discussion on nitrite/nitrate poisoning is presented for the guidance of those who may be considering Tama ryegrass as a fodder crop.  相似文献   

肃南鹿场甘肃马鹿生产性能研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
1999-2001年调查了肃南鹿场甘肃马鹿的基本情况.甘肃马鹿的鲜茸产量随鹿龄增长分为,产茸量快速增加阶段(1~6岁)、产茸量缓慢增加阶段(6~11岁)和产茸量下降阶段(11岁以后).总体上呈凸抛物线变化,11岁达到产茸高峰,鲜茸产量与体重,饲养群数量与鹿茸总产量极显著正相关(P<0.01).甘肃马鹿体型在我国8个马鹿亚种中属中等偏下,幼鹿的体长指数和头长指数低于成年鹿,肢长指数和管围指数高于成年鹿,幼公鹿的胸围指数和体躯指数高于成年公鹿,但幼母鹿则低于成年母鹿,成年鹿体尺指数的性别差异大于幼鹿.1999和2000年适龄母鹿的繁殖率和繁殖成活率平均分别为61.5%和55.6%,母鹿繁殖率在3~5岁间逐渐增加,5岁马鹿最高,此后随着年龄的增加总体上呈下降趋势,但6~9岁之间下降幅度较小,意外伤害和疾病是影响繁殖成活率的两大因素.甘肃马鹿饲养群结构基本呈正金字塔型,不合理出售是甘肃马鹿饲养群性比和年龄结构失调的主要因素.甘肃马鹿的性比结构与鹿茸价格有正相关联系,性比的变化周期在8年左右,可以用作鹿茸市场预测.公鹿在6岁以前体重随年龄呈指数增加,1岁公鹿的体重可达60 kg左右,屠宰后产出/投入为4.26,具有发展成为肉用型家畜的潜力.肃南鹿场高山草原-甘肃马鹿生产系统通过完善生产层次,经济效益提高3.3倍,效益波动降低2.7倍.根据调查结果,结合甘肃马鹿发展预测,提出6项研究与生产建议.  相似文献   

In this paper I review diseases reported in both captive and free-ranging wapiti in western North America, with some reference to diseases in captive red deer in Great Britain, Europe, New Zealand, and eastern North America.

With the exception of coronavirus in neonates, few viral agents are reported to cause serious disease losses in wapiti in North America at this time. Bacterial diseases of current significance include brucellosis (focus in Wyoming), clostridial diseases, coliform enteritis of neonates, pasteurellosis, and necrobacillosis. The endoparasites most likely to be seen causing lesions in wapiti of western North America are lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus), arterial worm (Elaeophora schneideri), and, possibly, liver fluke (Fascioloides magna). Ectoparasites of importance to wapiti are Psoroptes cervinus and Dermacentor albipictus. Nutritional diseases are not covered in this review.


从2004年起,我国将分阶段对动物疫情实行解密(逐步取消使用“5号病”等加密用语),定期向世界各国及世界动物卫生组织(OIE)公布国内新发动物疫情。一旦某省发生重大疫情,在规定时间内不能得到控制,农业部将宣布该省为疫区,其它地方可拒绝、封堵来自该省的畜产品。这一措施将对我国畜产品外销、市场销售与居民消费心理、畜牧业健康发展和农民增收等带来严重影响。今年是入世过渡期的第四个年头。我国将于2005年末全面放开国内市场,国外的质优价廉的农产品进入我国将更为畅通,有可能对我国畜牧业构成重大挑战。动物疫情解密对畜牧业的影响是…  相似文献   


Sir:- We would like to report an outbreak of ryegrass staggers in Canadian wapiti (Cervus elaphus mannitobensis) which occurred at the Invermay Agricultural Research Centre, Mosgiel. As far as we are aware this is the first recorded case of ryegrass staggers in deer associated with grazing perennial rye grass (Lolium perenne L.).  相似文献   

在肃南裕固族自治县甘肃马鹿(Cervus elaphus kansuensis)不同放牧率(1.00、1.45、2.45、3.45、4.85、6.90AUM·hm-2)的冬季牧场,研究草原生产力与群落结构对牧草最佳生长期刈割的短期响应。结果表明,1)随放牧强度增加,刈割群落物种丰富度呈先增加后减少趋势,其中4.85 AUM·hm-2放牧率下的群落物种丰富度最高;刈割显著增加草地地上生物量。2)刈割群落的牧草株高和地上生物量均表现为超补偿生长,补偿指数分别以3.45、6.90AUM·hm-2放牧样地最高;各优势种变化趋势不同。3)刈割群落的Simpson优势度指数、Pielou均匀度指数在放牧较重样地最高;随放牧强度增加,群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数呈先增加后减少趋势,以4.85 AUM·hm-2群落最高;且除4.85 AUM·hm-2群落外,刈割后的群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数显著高于刈割前的(P0.05)。4)各功能群植物对不同放牧强度响应不同。因此,适宜放牧强度下,刈割能发挥草地最大生产潜力并维持群落结构稳定性。  相似文献   

The formalin-ethyl acetate sedimentation procedure was used to detect ova of the giant liver fluke, Fascioloides magna, in feces of farmed wapiti in Alberta. Twenty (3.2%) of the 629 fecal samples examined contained ova of F. magna. Thirteen (33.3%) of the 39 farms surveyed had wapiti positive for F. magna. The presence of F. magna in farmed wapiti north of the North Saskatchewan River is confirmed, and 3 areas where the infection has become endemic are identified.  相似文献   


Sir, — We wish to record the identification of the nematodes Dictyocaulus viviparus (Bloch, 1782) Railliet and Henry, 1907; and Elaphostrongylus cervi Cameron, 1931, from the wapiti (Cervus canadensis).  相似文献   

Hypoxemia is a commonly observed complication during the chemical immobilization of wild ruminants. If severe and left untreated, it can predispose animals to arrhythmias, organ failure, and capture myopathy. The following prospective study was designed to measure the degree of hypoxemia in wapiti that were immobilized with a combination of xylazine and tiletamine-zolazepam and to assess the response to nasal oxygen therapy. Pulse oximetry and arterial blood gas analysis were used to assess the degree of hypoxemia prior to nasal insufflation of oxygen and to demonstrate any beneficial effects of this intervention. All wapiti exhibited mild to marked hypoxemia (PaO2 = 43 +/- 11.8 mmHg) prior to treatment and showed marked improvement after 5 minutes of nasal insufflation of oxygen at 10 L/min (PaO2 = 207 +/- 60 mmHg). This inexpensive, noninvasive technique has great benefit in treating clinical hypoxemia under field conditions, and we recommend that nasal insufflation of oxygen be implemented during xylazine-tiletamine-zolazepam-induced immobilization of wapiti and other wild ruminants.  相似文献   

以与东北马鹿物种最近的牛(Bos taurus cattle,序列号为AB076403)的肌肉生长抑制素(myostatin,MSTN)基因序列为模版,根据该基因保守序列进行引物设计,扩增产物连接入pMD18-T载体,克隆出3个外显子片段.根据5′-GU-AG-3′规则和同源基因比对拼接出带有部分5′、3′末端的cDNA,并采用生物信息学技术对编码氨基酸序列进行蛋白质同源性比较和二级、三级结构等分析.结果表明:所获序列全长为1 128 bp,编码375个氨基酸;具有较明显的螺旋、片层和无规卷曲等二级结构;有1个较明显的跨膜区和1个疏水区,并发现明显的信号肽和糖基化位点.三级结构同源建模预测结果显示与Human Activin A的相似性为42%.结果说明东北马鹿和其他哺乳类生物的肌肉生长抑制素基因之间关系密切,并同属于TGF-β家族.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to compare the effectiveness of ring block anesthesia (LA) and electroanesthesia (A) for antler removal in elk given a long-acting tranquilizer to remove stress from restraint. Thirty-two male wapiti were given 1 mg/kg body weight of zuclopenthixol acetate; the next day, they were restrained in a hydraulic chute, provided with electroanesthesia or a lidocaine ring block, and had their antlers removed. Behavioral response to antler removal was scored. Significantly more (P = 0.032) animals responded to antler removal in the EA group. Heart rates and arterial pressures were measured by a catheter connected to a physiological monitor. Heart rate increased significantly over time with EA, but not with LA. Heart rate increased from baseline significantly more in the EA group immediately prior to antler removal (P = 0.017), immediately post antler removal (P = 0.001), and at 1 min post antler removal (P = 0.037). It was concluded that EA is not as effective a method of anesthesia as is LA for antler removal.  相似文献   

This research compared ring block lidocaine anesthesia (L) and compression (C) for velvet antler removal in elk. Thirty-two wapiti were given 1 mg/kg body weight of zuclopenthixol acetate. The next day, they were restrained in a hydraulic chute and given either a compression device or a lidocaine ring block on the antler pedicle. Behavioral and physiological responses to treatment application and antler removal were recorded, and blood was collected for cortisol analysis. During application of L and C, increases in mean heart rate and systolic arterial blood pressure were greater in the C treatment group (P < 0.05, and P = 0.05, respectively). When antler was removed, more behavioral responses occurred in the C treatment group (P = 0.02) and its median behavior score was higher (P = 0.03). Mean heart rates increased for both treatment groups when antlers were removed (P < 0.01). It was concluded that application of C may be painful, and that C was not as effective as L for analgesia for velvet antler removal.  相似文献   

为了探索科学的饲养管理方法,提高甘肃马鹿的养殖水平,本试验对仔马鹿进行了早期断奶及其代乳料的试验研究。试验采用单因子随机分组设计,将24只60日龄甘肃仔马鹿随机分为4组,其中A、B、D为试验组,C为对照组,自然哺乳。试验组于仔鹿60日龄断奶,进行了30 d饲养试验,结果表明,仔鹿60日龄早期断奶是可行的,试验期内断奶仔鹿未发生腹泻、下痢等疾病。60日龄断奶后,饲喂A、B两组代乳料的效果与自然哺乳C组相近;D组效果则不理想。  相似文献   

选择16头天山马鹿种公鹿电刺激采精,通过探讨不同稀释液和甘油浓度等条件对精液冷冻处理的影响,拟建立一种天山马鹿精液冷冻的方法,并对冷冻精液品质和人工授精效果进行评定。结果表明:天山马鹿对电刺激采精有耐受性,麻醉保定的采精频率每周2次最佳,10月中旬精液品质最好;6%甘油的稀释液冷冻效果最优;细管冻精活率(48.14&#177;13.15)%,顶体完整率(56.34&#177;14.84)%;诱导同期发情和自然发情人工授精情期产羔率分别达到50.80%和78.50%。  相似文献   

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