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牛血清是医药生物技术产品中重要的原辅材料之一,做好牛血清的质量控制是提高生物制品质量的重要环节。本研究通过应用PK15、BHK21和ST三种兽用生物制品研制中常用的细胞作为载体,选用国内同等价位5个不同厂家生产的新生牛血清作为比较对象,采用细胞倍增时间测定法、细胞克隆形成率测定法、细胞三次连续传代培养法、MTT比色法和微量终点稀释法五种血清质量鉴定的方法进行比较,检测新生牛血清的促细胞生长活性,最终确定了MTT比色法作为便捷高效快速筛选新生牛血清的检测方法。  相似文献   

如何做好新生犊牛血清的生产管理和质量监控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行动物细胞、器官或组织的培养时,大多都需要在培养基中添加必需的新生犊牛血清或者胎牛血清。由于价格上新生犊牛血清比胎牛血清要低得多,并且也足以满足一些常规培养的要求,因此,新生犊牛血清制品在很长一段时间内会拥有广阔市场,生产这一产品会带来很大经济效益。由国家药品监督管理局颁布的《中国生物制品生产用主要原辅材料质控标准》(2000年版),首次登录了“牛血清”条目,  相似文献   

<正>近年来,生物制品在生产以及应用方面取得了不小的进展,与社会生活的联系也愈发紧密。由于新生牛血清中病毒来源广、种类多,因此针对新生牛血清的病毒检测十分必要。本文通过研究新生牛血清病毒检测的特点和概况,简要分析了常用的病毒检测方法,以期提高牛血清中病毒的检出率,提高我国生物制品质量以及行业水平。1新生牛血清病毒检测概况1.1新生牛血清的定义新生牛血清指的是在一段时间未进食的牛身上经过采血以及除菌过滤后制成的血清,常用于  相似文献   

牛血清中牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病毒抗体检测的初步分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了初步分析新生牛血清中牛病毒性腹泻/粘膜病毒抗伴(BVD/MD-Ab)的检出率及其来源,将不同来源的新生牛血清进行分类分组,采用犊牛睾丸细胞微量中和试验法检测该抗体。结果表明,各区该抗体的阳性检出率分别为华北区11.7%、华东区23.4%、西南区29.4%、华南区30.5%、华中区31.3%、中南区42.2%、西北区37.8%,内蒙古地区62.9%,超过50%,且存在数犊牛睾丸细胞病变物质。试验为生产不含BVD/MD-Ab,且无细胞毒性的新生牛血清提供了参考依据和可行的方法。  相似文献   

反复冻融新生牛血清对促细胞生长效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择促细胞生长性能良好的三批新生牛血清,经不同次数冻融后用其配制MEM培养淹,用于培养SP2/0细胞,从细胞最大增殖量和倍增时间2个指标测定促细胞生长效应。结果,用经不同次数冻融的新生牛血清配制的MEM培养液,对SP2/0细胞的最大增殖量和倍增时间影响不大;但反复冻融20次以上的新生牛血清配制的培养没使细胞的倍增时间延长。由此可见,为了防止细胞倍增时间延长,所用新生牛血清的冻融次数应该控制在20次以内。  相似文献   

为制定兽用生物制品生产用牛血清对Sp2/0细胞增殖试验的质量标准,将处于对数生长期的Sp2/0细胞分散,配制成50万/mL细胞悬液,用含10%不同牛血清的MEM营养液,在96孔细胞培养板上作对倍稀释,在5%CO2培养箱37℃培养48 h,计数每种血清对Sp2/0细胞的绝对克隆形成率。结果表明,胎牛血清对Sp2/0细胞的绝对克隆形成率为20%-26%,犊牛血清对Sp2/0细胞的绝对克隆形成率为12%-18%。以胎牛血清作为标准参考血清计算不同牛血清对Sp2/0细胞的相对克隆形成率,3批胎牛血清的相对克隆形成率均在80%以上,6批有效期之内的新生牛血清的相对克隆形成率为50%左右。因此,将兽用生物制品生产用胎牛血清对Sp2/0细胞增殖试验的质量标准规定为对标准血清相对克隆形成率不低于80%;新生犊牛血清对Sp2/0细胞增殖试验的质量标准规定为对标准血清相对克隆形成率不低于50%。  相似文献   

裂解性噬菌体能够特异性裂解细菌,本研究分析了一株从自然界中分离的宽宿主谱裂解性大肠杆菌噬菌体的种属和进化关系。前期用Adams双层平板琼脂法从猪场污水中分离纯化出一株裂解性噬菌体v B_Eco M_JS09,裂解谱分析能够裂解禽致病性大肠杆菌和产肠毒素大肠杆菌。扩增分析gene18、gene 23序列,并根据gp18和gp23氨基酸序列构建系统进化树,分析JS09的遗传进化关系。结果表明噬菌体v B_Eco M_JS09基因组为ds DNA,属于有尾噬菌体目、肌尾噬菌体科、T4-like噬菌体、T-evens亚群。其gp18氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌噬菌体RB69同源性最高,为100%;gp23氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌T4噬菌体同源性最高为96%。该结果为禽致病性大肠杆菌和产肠毒素大肠杆菌的防控提供了生物学基础。  相似文献   

细胞培养过程中血清的选择对细胞的促生长增殖具有重要作用。本试验分别以商品新生牛血清、自制新生牛血清、自制成年牛血清培养成纤维细胞、骨髓瘤细胞、杂交瘤细胞,通过MTT比色法来判断细胞的增殖能力,进而对血清质量作出评价。结果表明,自制新生牛血清具有良好的促细胞生长作用(相对生长率>0.96),并且3次试验结果比较差异不显著(P>0.05),具有较好的重复性;而成年牛血清和无血清空白对照组促细胞作用不明显。因此应用MTT比色法能够评价血清质量。  相似文献   

为研究羔羊血清促细胞生长的效果,用羔羊血清以及羔羊与新生牛混合血清来培养VERO、BHK-21细胞,同时培养SP2/0-Ag14细胞并进行计数。结果表明:羔羊血清促细胞生长效应明显低于新生牛血清,但是与牛血清以不同比例混合后,促细胞生长效应有明显的提高,比例在4∶6和5∶5时,促细胞生长能力与牛血清接近。因此,在细胞培养过程中,把羔羊血清和新生牛血清按1∶1混合使用,既可降低成本,又具有良好的促细胞生长效果,使羔羊血清得到了充分利用,并产生一定的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

应用MTT比色法评价不同牛血清促细胞生长作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞培养过程中血清的选择对细胞的促生长增殖具有重要作用。本试验分别以商品新生牛血清、自制新生牛血清、自制成年牛血清培养成纤维细胞、骨髓瘤细胞、杂交瘤细胞,通过MTT比色法来判断细胞的增殖能力,进而对血清质量作出评价。结果表明,自制新生牛血清具有良好的促细胞生长作用(相对生长率>0.96),并且3次试验结果比较差异不显著(P>0.05),具有较好的重复性;而成年牛血清和无血清空白对照组促细胞作用不明显。因此应用MTT比色法能够评价血清质量。  相似文献   

[目的]为了分析河西走廊地区犊牛腹泻致病性大肠杆菌携带毒力基因和耐药性情况,[方法]2020—2021年在河西走廊地区采集患腹泻病犊牛的粪便、肛拭子及肝脏等病料组织279份,采用人工感染试验动物、PCR方法和K-B药敏纸片法分别检测犊牛腹泻性大肠杆菌致病性、毒力因子和耐药性。[结果]结果表明,分离得到了126株大肠杆菌,其中79株犊牛腹泻性大肠杆菌能引起小鼠死亡;分离的79株致病性大肠杆菌的毒力基因crl、irp2、fimH、papC、K88、K99、stx1、stx2检测率在40.5%~100%之间,其他毒力基因检测率在15.2%~34.2%之间;分离的79株致病性大肠杆菌对氨苄西林、阿莫西林、新霉素等8种药物的耐药率在49.4%~96.2%之间,对其他药物的耐药率在5.1%~32.9%之间。[结论]从河西走廊地区患腹泻病犊牛病料组织中分离得到79株致病性大肠杆菌,这些菌株携带多种毒力基因,对临床中常用的抗菌药物产生了耐药性。  相似文献   

犊牛脐炎又称犊牛脐带炎,是指新生犊牛脐血管及其周围组织的炎症,是犊牛常见的疾病之一,是由病原微生物(主要是大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌和破伤风杆菌)感染脐带引起的一种化脓性炎症。临床特征为脐带和脐孔周围组织充血、发炎、肿胀、疼痛、坚硬,常形成大小不等的脓肿及排出灰白色浓汁。如果治疗不及时,或者方法不得当,轻者会导致化脓、坏死,形成顽固性硬肿或化脓性脐炎,造成犊牛发育不良;重者常引起犊牛出现败血症,全身器官感染,造成犊牛死亡。奶牛场因养殖规模和饲养密度大,犊牛脐炎的发病率高,本文详细介绍了犊牛脐炎的临床症状、病因、治疗、预防等,为奶牛场犊牛脐炎的综合防治提供参考。  相似文献   

陕西省某规模化奶牛场发生一起新生犊牛腹泻病例,为了确定发病原因,通过临床剖检,无菌采集病料进行细菌分离鉴定、PCR检测病毒等技术,最终确诊这起疫病为牛冠状病毒(BCoV)、牛轮状病毒(BRV)和大肠埃希氏菌混合感染所致的犊牛腹泻.对分离到的大肠埃希氏菌进行药敏试验,结果显示分离菌对左氟沙星和诺氟沙星敏感,对四环素、复方...  相似文献   

Atresia coli in a twin calf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Atresia coli was diagnosed in a newborn calf. The calf was an identical twin, as evidenced by identical blood type and identical electrophoretic patterns for hemoglobin, transferrin, and amylase. The other calf was clinically normal. The calves resulted from embryo transfer and represented cleavage of a single embryo in the recipient animal. These findings indicate atresia coli in this calf was probably not hereditary.  相似文献   

Cross-reactive antibody in immunity to colisepticemia in calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cattle were immunized with a uridine diphosphate galactose epimerase deficient mutant of Escherichia coli to prepare antiserum cross-reactive with different serotypes of E. coli. Hypogammaglobulinemic calves were given bovine anti-J5 serum before oral challenge with virulent E. coli derived from a septicemic calf. Passively immunized calves had delayed and decreased bacteremia compared with calves given saline before challenge. Calves given antiserum also lived longer than control calves. A second experiment using ampicillin and antibody to treat colisepticemia also showed increased survival in anti-serum-treated calves. Decreased bacteremia was probably not due to the killing of the challenge strain by antibody and complement, as the strain was serum-resistant. However, anti-J5 serum did increase phagocytosis of the challenge strain of E. coli (JL9) by bovine neutrophils. Thus, partial protection by antiserum was probably due to increased clearance of bacteria as well as neutralization of endotoxin.  相似文献   

This study uses cluster analysis techniques to describe the antibiotic susceptibility patterns seen in calf fecal Escherichia coli (E. coli). Cohorts of 30 dairy calves at six farms were sampled at 2-week intervals during the pre-weaning period. At each sampling occasion five fecal E. coli isolates per calf were analyzed for antibiotic susceptibility to 12 antibiotics using the disk diffusion method. All isolates had a profile consisting of the aggregate measured inhibition zone size for each of the evaluated antibiotics. Several cluster analytic algorithms were assessed to partition the E. coli isolates. For our data, Ward's minimum variance method met the objectives of the study. Relative to the number of possible combinations of resistance clusters, a parsimonious set of 14 patterns was developed. This set of E. coli isolates exhibited a limited set of resistance patterns to the different antibiotics indicating that certain resistance genes may be linked.  相似文献   

It is believed that the intensive use of antibiotics in the management of disease in pre-weaned calves contributes to high levels of antibiotic resistance in commensal and pathogenic bacteria. We described the temporal dynamics of antibiotic-susceptibility patterns seen in bovine enteric Escherichia coli in pre-weaned calves on dairy farms and dedicated calf-rearing facilities. Cohorts of 30 calves at each of six farms were sampled at 2-week intervals during the pre-weaning period. Faecal E. coli isolates were analyzed for antibiotic susceptibility to 12 antibiotics with the disk-diffusion method and grouped using cluster analysis of inhibition-zone patterns. The influences of calf age, farm-type, and individual-calf antibiotic therapy on the clusterings were assessed using stratified analyses and cumulative multinomial logistic regression using generalized estimating equation with antibiotic-resistance cluster as an ordinal-dependent variable. The model controlled for farm and cohort by a nested design and included a repeated measure on calf at each sampling occasion. E. coli from calves 2 weeks of age were more likely to be increasingly multiply resistant than E. coli from day-old calves (OR = 53.6), as were 4- and 6-week-old calves (OR = 29.8 and 16.4, respectively). E. coli from calves on dedicated calf-rearing facilities were more likely to be increasingly multiply resistant than E. coli from dairy-reared calves (OR = 2.4). E. coli from calves treated with antibiotics within 5 days prior to sampling were also more likely to be increasingly multiply resistant than E. coli from calves not exposed to individual antibiotic therapy (OR = 2.0).  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of enterotoxigenicity among Escherichia coli isolated from calves with diarrhea and from a control group of normal calves. The test organisms consisted of 200 E. coli recovered from scouring calves less than two weeks of age and 100 E. coli from normal calves. The enterotoxigenicity of the cultures was evaluated by three methods, namely, injection of ligated segments of piglet intestine, injection of ligated segments of calf intestine and oral inoculation of suckling mice. Live cutures of all the test organisms were used for the ligated intestine studies whereas sterile broth culture supernatants were used in the suckling mouse tests. Of the isolates from scouring calves, 36% were enterotoxigenic in the piglet intestine and 28% in the calf intestine. Amongst the isolates from normal calves, none was enterotoxigenic in the piglet intestine and one was enterotoxigenic in the calf test system. The ligated piglet intestine was considered unsuitable for determining the enterotoxigenicity of bovine E. coli, whereas the ligated calf intestine test was satisfactory and correlated completely with the suckling mouse test. The enterotoxigenic E. coli of bovine origin produced an enterotoxin that resembled the heat stable enterotoxin of typical porcine enteropathogenic E. coli.  相似文献   

The influence of colostral leukocytes on the concentration of immunoglobulins and antibodies against an enterotoxigenic strain of E. coli in the sera of newborn calves was investigated for four weeks using four experimental groups. The calves received either complete colostrum (COL-, n = 16), cell-supplemented milk substitute (MS+, n = 7) or pure milk substitute (MS-, n = 6) during the first three days of life. The cows were not specifically immunized. The sera of the COL+ calves had significantly higher concentrations of antibodies against E. coli mainly of IgG1 specificity on the second day of life as compared to those of the COL-. The sera of the COL+ calves contained significantly more IgM on days 2 and 5 and slightly more IgA during the first week. Both COL groups had equal concentrations of serum IgG. It appears that colostral leukocytes which are an integral part of the colostrum enhance the passive immunity of the neonatal calf, especially in regard of antibodies and immunoglobulin classes which are essential for intestinal immunity. The concentration of IgM in the sera of the MS+ calves was reduced, that of IgG did not rise to appreciable amounts; the IgA synthesis started one week later as compared to the MS- group. The administration of isolated colostral cells led to an impairment of the natural active immunization.  相似文献   

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