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HS-57为高粱两用不育系,对其雄性不育的不育性和恢复性研究表明,HS-57在晋中盆地的育性表现,不同年份存在差异。其不育性的恢复受两对等位显性基因控制。A1类型保持系不能恢复其育性,A2类型保持系和恢复系对其育性表现恢复。  相似文献   

油菜核不育两用系不育基因RAPD标记研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立有效的不育基因分子标记辅助育种平台,以5个核不育两用系为研究材料,选用20条随机引物,利用RAPD混合集群分离分析法,对各两用系可育与不育基因池进行分子标记的初步分析.结果表明,在油研10号筛选到2个与不育基因相关的标记:BA2084-600和S1354-1300;在萝×诸中筛选到1个与不育基因相关的标记:LC02-500.在827AB、T18筛选到集团间有差异的引物,未筛选到通过集团单株检测的与其育性基因相关的标记.通过RAPD混合BSA法可以筛选到与不育基因相关的特异DNA标记.  相似文献   

在省内3个不同生态地区,对7个两用核不育系的分期播种的育性观察试验表明,核不育系不育期的长短变化规律是随海拔增高由长变短。可育期内繁种结实性是随海拔增高由低到高,因此,可采取低海拔地区制种、高海拔地区繁种的方法利用水稻两用核不育系。同时,提出了参试不育系在贵州省的适用范围和繁制种措施。  相似文献   

本文研究了两用核不育系 W6184S,K-9S,8902S 在不同生态点的育性表现。提出了两用核不育系育性转换具有不育基因表达的启动温度,不育基因完全表达的临界温度,育性恢复起始温度和育性完全恢复的临界温度四个温度阀值的新观点,核不育基因的表达与育性恢复是一个非常复杂的生物学现象。同时,讨论了核不育系的选育问题。  相似文献   

选用水稻两用核不育系龙S以及配合力表现较好的Y58S和广占63S作母本,与农艺性状优良的4个恢复系配制12个杂交组合,研究主要农艺性状的配合力.结果表明:1)龙S的杂种一代单株产量显著超过对照威优46,比对照增产的主要原因是每穗粒数的增加,比Y58S杂种一代增产的主要原因是千粒重较高,比广占63S杂种一代增产的主要原因是单株穗数较多.2)龙S在单株产量、单株穗数、每穗粒数和生物产量上的一般配合力值高于Y58S和广占63S,杂种一代表现有效穗多、每穗粒数较多和产量较高.3)龙S杂种一代在单株穗数、每穗粒数、结实率、充实度、千粒重和生物产量上表现较大的特殊配合力方差.  相似文献   

314A是由赤峰市敖汉良种场选育而成,它具有植株矮、不育性稳定、早熟、配合力高等优点。文章介绍了314A的选育及特征特性和衍生杂交种的特征特性。  相似文献   

Y两优599是以刘建丰教授为首的课题组育成的两系法杂交晚稻新组合。该组合具有以下特点:1)丰产性和稳产性好。2006年湖南省区试平均产量7.89t/hm^2,比对照威优46增产5.07%,。2007年续试平均产量7.10t/hm^2。比对照增产3.25%,稳产性优于对照。  相似文献   

水稻两用核不育系育性转换光温反应型的分类研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
 在人工控制的9种光温处理下,对76份水稻两用核不育系的育性转换光温反应进行了研究。根据自交结实率的光周期效应、温度效应和光温互作效应的分析,供试的两用核不育系中,占96%的不育系的育性转换光温反应型可归为以下3种:(1)光周期敏感不育型,其统计学特征是育性转换的光温互作效应和光周期效应显著而温度效应不显著;(2)温度敏感不育型,其统计学特征是育性转换的温度效应显著而光周期效应不显著、光温互作效应显著或不显著;(3)光温互作不育型,其统计学特征是育性转换单独的光周期效应和温度效应不显著,仅光温互作效应显著。在供试的粳型不育系中,有34.8%、13.0%和47.8%的材料分属上述3种光温反应型;在供试的籼型不育系中,有73.6%和22.6%的材料分属温敏型和光温互作型,没有一份材料为光敏型。结果表明现有的两用核不育系育性转换光温反应是多型性的。文中还对实用性籼型两用核不育系育性转换光温反应型的选择问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

中国高粱春播早熟区雄性不育系存在的问题探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文中叙述了高粱雄性不育系的类型和应用情况,并对不育系的发芽出土能力、雌蕊败育、自交结实等问题进行了阐述,探讨了新型细胞质不育系的培育利用问题。  相似文献   

[Objective] The study aimed to reveal the effect of photoperiod and temperature on male fertility of cytoplasmic male sterile line Vtai911289a in wheat and discuss the mechanism of male fertility alteration. [Method] The sowing-date tests and designed conditions were conducted during 2003-2005. [Result] Fertility of Vtai911289acould alter under specific photoperiod and temperature conditions. Temperature is one of the main factors influencing male fertility of the male sterile lines. Vtai911289a showed stable sterility under the condition of the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 19 ℃ and presented partial fertility when the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 20-22 ℃. Photoperiod to some extent affects the male fertility of Vtai911289a,long-day condition is helpful for the male fertility of the sterile line. [Conclusion] The application of photoperiod temperature-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterile line in production has a higher safety than that of temperature sensitive sterile line.  相似文献   

[Objective] The study aimed to reveal the effect of photoperied and temperature on male fertility of cytoplasmic male sterile line Vtai911289a in wheat and discuss the mechanism of male fertility alteration. [Method] The sowing-date tests and designed conditions were conducted during 2003 - 2005. [Result] Fertility of Vtai911289acould alter under specific photopefiod and temperature conditions. Temperature is one of the main factors influencing male fertility of the male sterile lines. Vtai911289a showed stable sterility under the condition of the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 19 ℃ and presented partial fertility when the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 20 -22 ℃. Photoperiod to some extent affects the male fertility of Vtai911289a, long-day condition is helpful for the male fertility of the sterile line. [Conclusion] The application of pbotoperiod tempera- ture-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterile line in production has a higher safety than that of temperature sensitive sterile line.  相似文献   

[目的]研究温光条件对小麦胞质不育系V太911289a雄性育性的影响,探讨胞质不育系雄性育性的转换机制。[方法]于2003~2005年在湛江进行了分期播种试验和人工定温定光试验。[结果]在一定的温光条件下,胞质不育系V太911289a的雄性育性可以发生转换。温度是影响其自交种雄性育性的主要原因之一。当育性敏感期日平均温度低于19℃时,表现稳定不育;日平均温度为20~22℃时,则表现部分可育。光照时间是对其雄性育性也有一定的影响,长日照利于雄性发育。[结论]胞质不育系用于生产杂交种安全性远高于温敏不育系。  相似文献   

[Objective] The study aimed to reveal the effect of photoperiod and temperature on male fertility of cytoplasmic male sterile line Vtai911289a in wheat and discuss the mechanism of male fertility alteration. [Method] The sowing-date tests and designed conditions were conducted during 2003-2005. [Result] Fertility of Vtai911289acould alter under specific photoperiod and temperature conditions. Temperature is one of the main factors influencing male fertility of the male sterile lines. Vtai911289a showed stable sterility under the condition of the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 19 ℃ and presented partial fertility when the mean of daily temperature at fertility sensitive stage lower than 20-22 ℃. Photoperiod to some extent affects the male fertility of Vtai911289a,long-day condition is helpful for the male fertility of the sterile line. [Conclusion] The application of photoperiod temperature-sensitive cytoplasmic male sterile line in production has a higher safety than that of temperature sensitive sterile line.  相似文献   

研究自然播种和人工控制光温条件下V型胞质不育系的雄性稳定性,以期为选育新的光温敏胞质不育系提供试验依据。  相似文献   

安徽省籼型两系不育系育性不稳的原因及对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
安徽省是水稻种植大省 ,年种植两系杂交籼稻 18.7万hm2 。近年由于制种期低温造成籼型两系不育系育性不稳杂交种不纯 ,使得两系籼稻的推广严重受挫。笔者分析了导致籼型两系不育系育性不稳的育性转化起点温度漂变的成因 ,指出该漂变是由籼型两系不育系内在遗传机制决定的 ,只可减弱 ,不可避免 ;并且提出了在生产上应对籼型两系不育系育性不稳的几项对策。  相似文献   

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