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The Common Agricultural Policy supports the use of free-ranging cattle herds to control woody encroachment and fire hazards in Europe. There is, however, little empirical evidence about the effectiveness of extensive grazing to preserve open landscapes in the Mediterranean Basin. In this work, we evaluated the effects of extensive beef cattle grazing on the vegetation structure in a Mediterranean ecosystem using a twofold framework: 1) analyzing temporal changes in the forest, shrub, and grassland cover in areas under different grazing pressures for 16 yr (1993 ? 2009) and 2) studying diet selection to assess the impact of cattle on the local Mediterranean vegetation. Our landscape structure analyses revealed a remarkable change in land cover over the study period. However, woody community dynamics seemed to be more related to natural vegetation succession than to cattle effects. Extensive grazing seemed to preserve grasslands but only at high stocking rates. On the other hand, the diet analyses supported the lack of a role for cattle in encroachment control. Beef cattle diets were based on herbaceous plants (59%) with lower contribution of woody ones (41%). Cattle only showed a significant preference (P < 0.05) for few woody species (Erica multiflora, Olea europaea, Quercus ilex, and Rosmarinus officinalis), mostly at high-density stocking rates. Hence, our results support the idea that extensive cattle grazing alone exerts a negligible effect on shrub encroachment and thus on the risk of fire in the studied Mediterranean area. We urge a redesign of current research to truly integrate extensive cattle grazing as High Nature Value farming in European policies to successfully meet its putative goals, such as shrub encroachment control and wildfire risk prevention.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infections in indigenous Zebu cattle in the lower plain (lowland zone) of the southern highlands of Tanzania. Gastrointestinal tracts were randomly purchased at the Iringa regional abattoir and at Kihesa and Ipogolo slaughter slabs in different seasons of the year. The contents of the abomasum, small intestine and large intestine were processed separately to recover the worms. The results indicated that 140 out of 144 (97.2%) of the examined animals were infected. The mean (±SE) total worm burden was 1284±183 (range 10–12 600) worms per animal and most infected animals contained more than one nematode species. The nematode species present, their prevalence and mean burden were as follows: Haemonchus placei, 84.7%, 316; H. similis, 5.6%, 1; Oesophagostomum radiatum, 79.2%, 66; Cooperia pectinata, 55.6%, 713; C. punctata, 44.4%, 157; Bunostomum phlebotomum, 5.6%, 5; Trichuris globulosa, 5.6%, 2; and Trichostrongylus colubriformis, 1.4%, 24. The burdens were mainly composed of Cooperia pectinata (55.5%), Haemonchus placei (24.6%), Cooperia punctata (12.3%) and Oesophagostomum radiatum (5.1%). The highest burdens occurred at the end of the rainy/early dry season, while the lowest burdens were found at the end of the dry/early rainy season. There was no difference in the burdens between male and female animals. Immature cattle (<3 years) had significantly higher worm burdens than mature cattle (p<0.01). A poor grade for a live animal was associated with higher worm burdens only in immature cattle and then especially during the dry season (r = 0.456, p<0.001). Anthelmintic treatments in the late rainy/early dry season and early rainy season are recommended in order to prevent outbreaks of helminthosis during the dry season and to reduce carryover of infection into the next rainy season. An additional wet season treatment is advisable in immature cattle, but may not be needed for mature cattle owing to the availability of plenty of mature, good quality pasture.  相似文献   

A study concerning performance traits of the Ethiopian camel indicated that, in the camel herds examined, there was one active bull camel for 25 females. The bull camel was 5 years old at puberty; it reached rutting vigour at the age of 9 years, the number of mountings per day was 8 during the breeding season, and the reproduction span was 10 years. The female camel reached puberty at 4 years of age; the age at first calving was 5 years, and the lactation period was one year; the calving interval was 2 years, the calving rate was 50%, and the reproduction span was 10–15 years. The survival rate of the newborn calves was 50%. The average milk yield was 2.5 L per day; the price of camel's milk was higher than that of cow's milk at US$0.5. Adult camels weighed around 500 kg; the dressing-out percentage was 52%. Mutton was preferred to camel meat, which came second in popularity, costing US$2/kg. Owing to their poor reproductive performance, camels are not efficient for producing meat. The camels worked for 16 h per day, covering 60 km. Animal health problems encountered were trypanosomosis, camel pox, camel pustular dermatitis, camel cephalopsis, dermatomycosis, mange mite, tick infestation and balantidiosis, most of which mainly affected the young animals.  相似文献   

Cattle rearing is the single most important activity in the agricultural sector of Botswana, and cattle enjoy a high status among both rural and urban dwellers. In recent years, farmers have begun to intensify the production of small ruminants owing to an increasing recognition by policy makers that they are a potential alternative source of farm income. However, as yet, small ruminants have not approached the social importance of cattle. This may be attributable to several factors, including economic considerations. The present study focused on the economic factor. It comprised a comparative economic assessment of cattle- and goat-rearing enterprises for an average smallholder farm-household to throw light on their relative economic efficiency. It was concluded that rearing either cattle or small ruminants is economically viable in the study area. The net profit measured as the net margin either per enterprise or per animal was far higher for a cattle-rearing enterprise. Nevertheless, when expressed in terms of the return on the capital invested in each enterprise, cattle rearing had only a slight edge (1.93%) over rearing of small ruminants  相似文献   

A series of 6 daylight observations was made each summer and again each winter over 2 years to map cattle distribution on a California foothill pasture. Sixty animals were used in the study with no animals appearing in &spigt; 1 observation series. During daylight hours, small herds of cows containing between 14 and 16 animals were scan-sampled and videotaped every 15 minutes. A global positioning system was used to record the position of the camera to aid in accurately locating individual animals. Animal locations and individual identifications were then entered into a geographic information system (GIS) by on-screen digitizing using color orthophotographs. Animal positions were determined to be within 5 m of their true location. Association software, ASSOC1, was used to analyze animal positions to determine cattle subgroups and herd units. This position-based grouping was compared with observation-based grouping by researchers. Direct observation also identified dominant herd members. Older animals, up to 16 years of age, were generally dominant over younger animals, and subgroups tended to be composed of animals of similar age. The size of naturally occurring subgroups was between 3 and 6 animals. Some animals exhibited independence in their actions and behaviors compared with subgroup members. ASSOC1 produced grouping results consistent with direct observations. However, accurate interpretation of the ASSOC1 results depended on direct observational data. ASSOC1 identified close association patterns in 3 of the observations that defined the dominant animals in the herd. Forage availability and thermoregulatory needs influenced the distance between associated subgroup members. Distance between animals decreased when animals sought shade in summer or shelter in winter. Computer analysis of spatial data from GPS collars may be able to determine the social structure and identify dominant animals in herd situations. Incorporating knowledge of cattle social behavior should improve management of cattle on the range.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to identify the species of ticks found on camels (Camelus dromedarius) and their seasonal population dynamics in Eastern Ethiopia. Collection and identification of the ticks were undertaken at 2-month intervals from December 1997 to August 1999. On each occasion, all the visible adult ticks were collected from one side of the body of each of the same 17 camels. The most abundant species of ticks on the camels were Rhipiephalus pulchellus (85.2%), Hyalomma dromedarii (5.9%), Amblyomma gemma (4.0%) and Amblyomma variegatum (1.8%). The average tick load per camel was higher during rainy months than during dry months. The smallest number of ticks per camel was observed during the driest month (December), whereas the highest was recorded in the wettest month (August). Any strategy intended to mitigate problems of tick infestation of camels in this area should take into account the identified tick species and their season of abundance.  相似文献   

Detection of antibodies against peste des petits ruminants virus in sera of cattle, camels, sheep and goats in Sudan.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to create operational replacement guidelines under various conditions concerning reproductive performance, supply of replacement heifers and individual milk yield. Nine culling strategies were defined by three average insemination periods and by three discrimination policies between high- and low-yield cows. The effect of the nine culling strategies was analysed with combinations of heat detection rate and time of initiation of breeding after calving under two replacement heifer purchase policies: purchase (open herd) and no purchase (closed herd). The strategies were evaluated using a stochastic simulation model that simulated production and reproductive status in herds composed of dual-purpose cattle with additional young stock. The evaluation of the strategies was made in a situation without a milk quota under typical Danish conditions in 1993. Results showed that discriminating between high- and low-yield cows improved net revenue significantly in open herds but not in closed herds. Irrespective of the purchase policy, using longer insemination periods increased net revenue significantly in herds with poor reproductive performance; whereas net revenue in herds with good reproductive performance tended to increase by using shorter insemination periods. The culling rate is a poor figure when evaluating culling strategies and culling strategies should be assessed at herd level rather than per cow.  相似文献   

Extensive range-based livestock production has suffered a sharp decrease in Mediterranean Spain in recent decades due to two opposing trends in land use: progressive abandonment of practices in marginal rural areas and land use intensification in more productive areas. In this study, we explored the visions of key stakeholders on the current and future situation of silvopastoral systems in the Sierra Morena mountain range of southern Spain, where extensive livestock grazing is declining because of competition with other more profitable activities, such as intensive olive groves and game hunting. We performed a discourse analysis using Q methodology and evaluated the existing relationships of information exchange and conflict among local institutions such as farmer’s associations, the provincial council, and conservation organizations using social network analysis. Semistructured interviews were conducted with key stakeholders representing local formal and nonformal institutions involved in extensive livestock production. Results showed three distinct discourses among stakeholders related to profitability, conservation, and modernization. There was a strong consensus on the management strategies that should be promoted to support extensive livestock production and preserve the associated silvopastoral systems. Social networks revealed high cohesion and communication exchange and a low level of conflict among stakeholders, with few exceptions. The low influence of livestock producers on policy decision making largely hinders the development of participatory management schemes. Nevertheless, similarities among the visions and opinions of different institutions suggest that new possibilities might emerge for silvopastoral systems through the collaboration among the different socioeconomic sectors present in the area.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to determine the prevalence and distribution of Salmonella from apparently healthy slaughtered camels in Eastern Ethiopia. A total of 714 samples (faeces, mesenteric, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles) from 119 slaughtered camels were analysed. Salmonellae were detected from 116 (16.2%) of the 714 samples examined. Eighteen (15.1%) faeces, 19 (15.9%) mesenteric lymph nodes, 14 (11.8%) livers and 17 (14.3%) spleen samples (n = 119 for each) were positive for Salmonella. Salmonellae were found in 20.1% of the abdominal and diaphragmatic muscles. A total of sixteen different serotypes were identified of which Salmonella saintpaul (38.8%) and S. braenderup (22.4%) were the most prevalent followed by S. muenchen (8.6%), S. kottbus (6.0%) and S. havana (5.2%). Other serotypes, including S. typhimurium, S. heidelberg and S. enteritidis were also detected from Ethiopian camels.  相似文献   



Cattle brucellosis has significant economic and zoonotic implication for the rural communities in Ethiopia in consequence of their traditional life styles, feeding habits and disease patterns. Hence, knowledge of brucellosis occurrence in traditional livestock husbandry practice has considerable importance in reducing the economic and public health impacts of the disease.


A total of 1623 cattle sera were serially tested using the rose Bengal test as screening and complement fixation test as confirmatory tests. The Stata survey command was used to establish prevalences for the overall and individual variables, while potential risk factors for seropositivity were analyzed using a multivariable logistic regression analysis.


The results showed that 3.5% (95% CI = 2.4, 4.5%) of the animals and 26.1% (95% CI = 18.6, 33.7) of the herds tested had antibodies against Brucella species. Village level seroprevalence ranged from 0% to 100%. A higher seroprevalence was observed in pastoral system than mixed farming although this variable was not significant in the final model. The final logistic regression model identified herd size; with large (odd ratio (OR) = 8.0, 95% CI = 1.9, 33.6) and medium herds (OR = 8.1, 95% CI = 1.9, 34.2) showing higher risk of Brucella infection when compared to small herds. Similarly, the odds of Brucella infection was higher in cattle aged above 4 years when compared to age groups of 1-2 (OR = 5.4, 2.1, 12.9) and 3-4 years (OR = 3.1, 95% CI = 1.0, 9.6). Herd level analysis of the risk factors revealed that large and medium herds as well as herds kept with multiple livestock species were at higher risk of acquiring Brucella infection. Brucellosis in traditional livestock husbandry practices certainly poses a zoonotic risk to the public, in consequence of raw milk consumption, close contact with animals and provision of assistance during parturition. Due to lack of diagnostic facilities and information on its occurrence, human brucellosis is most likely misdiagnosed for other febrile diseases prevailing in the areas and treated empirically.


The results of this study demonstrated that bovine brucellosis is widely prevalent in the study areas particularly in pastoral production system. Hence, the study suggests the need for implementing control measures and raising public awareness on prevention methods of brucellosis.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study of brucellosis in small ruminants was carried out from October 2008 to March 2009 in Jijiga District, Somali Regional State of Ethiopia. Seven hundred thirty sera samples (421 of sheep and 309 of goats) were randomly collected from purposively selected villages of the study area. Structured questionnaire format was developed, pre-tested and administered to assess the perception of the community pertaining to brucellosis in sheep and goats. Sera samples were screened by Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), and all samples tested positive by the RBPT were subjected to Complement Fixation Test (CFT) for confirmation. Of 12 serum samples that were positive by RBPT, 11 were positive by CFT. Statistically significant differences were not observed between the species as well as the sex groups (P > 0.05); however, the variation between the age groups was statistically significant (P < 0.05). Analysis of the questionnaire survey suggests that improper handling of aborted materials, consumption of raw milk, and lack of awareness about the disease, among others, might greatly contribute to further spread of brucellosis in their livestock and exposes the community to a public health hazard. In general, the sero-prevalence in the study area was not so high; nevertheless, appropriate brucellosis control and prevention methods should be implemented to circumvent future potential for economic losses and the public health hazard of the disease.  相似文献   

Rangelands and the wildlife and livestock they support are critical to human livelihoods, but rangeland ecosystems increasingly suffer from overgrazing and degradation. Planned grazing, a strategy that commonly involves time-controlled rotations of high-density (bunched) groups of cattle across a pasture, is marketed as a method to enhance rangeland health and lessen livestock impacts. However, the behavioral mechanisms underlying any potential rangeland improvements resulting from rotational, high-density planned grazing have rarely been examined. To investigate these mechanisms, we compared planned grazing with conventional continuous grazing management in a savanna ecosystem in Kenya. We surveyed cattle grazing behavior, measured changes in vegetation characteristics through surveys conducted before and after cattle grazing, and measured native ungulate abundance following grazing using camera traps. Stocking rates were held constant across treatments, resulting in a commensurate decline in total foliar hits per pin (a proxy for vegetative biomass) across treatments. Planned grazing management altered cattle behavior and reduced grazing selectivity by restricting movements, causing cattle to walk more slowly while grazing and to take more bites per step. Vegetation survey results supported this finding: cattle in the planned grazing treatment ate significantly more Pennisetum grasses (typically avoided because of their unpalatability), creating the opportunity for regrowth of more palatable species after seasonal rains. We also documented significantly higher zebra presence in planned grazing plots after cattle grazing, likely due to increased relative abundance of more palatable grass species. This investigation of grazing behavior, and specifically decreased grazing selectivity as a mechanism underpinning the benefits of planned grazing, shows that when conducted at appropriate stocking densities, planned grazing has the potential to help mitigate rangeland degradation and improve rangeland sustainability for both livestock and wildlife in pastoral African savanna ecosystems.  相似文献   

The productivity and the prevalence rates of the major parasites of camels (Camelus dromedarius) kept under traditional management conditions at Errer valley, Ethiopia were assessed for a year (October 1997–September 1998). The daily milk offtake was significantly higher (p<0.05) during the wet season (3.12±0.03 L) than during the dry season (1.49±0.04 L). Likewise, significantly higher (p<0.05) daily weight gains (50.68±0.54 g) were observed during the wet season than during dry season in immature camels aged 1–4 years. Trypanosoma evansi, Sarcoptes scabiei and strongyle parasites were present throughout the year, but their prevalence rates were higher during the rainy months than during the dry months. The minimum and maximum point prevalence rates for T. evansi were 5.4% and 20.6%, respectively. Similarly, the point prevalence rates for S. scabiei also varied from 4.7% during the dry season to 21.7% during the rainy months. The highest strongyle egg counts per gram of faeces and highest point prevalence rate (85.7%) were observed in October, a rainy month, whereas the lowest number of eggs per gram of faeces and the lowest point prevalence rate (61.5%) were recorded in April, a dry month.  相似文献   

Plant selection pattern and performance of lactating cattle and camels were compared on semiarid savanna rangelands in Kenya in the rainy season (RS) and a transition period (TP) between the RS and the main dry season. It was further evaluated whether supplementation with rumen-degradable protein (RDP) had an effect on these parameters. In both seasons, two cattle types (local ‘Pokot’ cattle and Guernsey × Boran crossbreds) and camels were used, with six females per treatment group (supplemented and nonsupplemented) each (n = 72 animals in total). The experimental periods consisted of 8–10 d of adaptation and 36–40 d of data and sample collection. The diet selected by the cattle types was similar and consisted almost exclusively of grasses. The camel diet consisted mainly of herbs and shrubs with higher contributions of woody plants in the TP than in the RS. Forage from woody plants overall made up a higher proportion of the diet, which was also reflected by a longer browsing time (overall and in the TP) of the supplemented camels compared with the nonsupplemented camels. This result indicates that supplementation of browsers like camels with RDP can be used to increase the intake of forage from woody plants rich in plant secondary compounds, which could be an effective measure for managing rangeland to limit bush encroachment. Overall, no seasonal differences in milk yield were found for the camels and Pokot cattle, but crossbreds had a lower yield in the TP compared with the RS. Overall, the cattle had higher milk fat content than the camels while the camels had slightly higher protein content. Supplementation had no effect on milk yield and composition. The results of diet selection and performance (milk yield) reflect the advantage of camels in arid rangelands.  相似文献   

Data on reproduction and mortality were collected over one year from 5100 sheep and 13 300 goats in treated and control flocks. The treated animals received vaccination against peste des petits ruminants (PPR) and anthelmintics twice a year. Productivity parameters (fecundity and mortality rates) obtained with and without prophylaxis were fitted into a benefit–cost economic analysis model and run for project lifespans varying from one to five years. At a 7% discount rate, the overall benefits for a project lifespan of five years were estimated as over 15 million FCFA and 11 million FCFA for sheep and goats, respectively. The benefit–cost ratio ranged from 2.26 to 3.27 in goats and 3.01 to 4.23 in sheep, depending on the project lifespan. It was concluded that PPR and gastrointestinal helminthosis are important causes of economic losses in small ruminants in Cameroon. A national or even a regional vaccination campaign against PPR and strategic anthelmintic treatment of small ruminants are recommended.  相似文献   

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