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樱桃是蔷薇科,李属,樱桃亚属果树,我国栽培的有4种,即中国樱桃、甜樱桃、酸樱桃及毛樱桃,分布很广,北起辽宁、华北,南至云、贵、川,西至甘肃、新疆等地。园艺品种很多,常见的有垂丝樱桃、泰山樱桃、短杷大果等。20世纪以来引入欧洲大樱桃,经过选育,品种日益丰富,常见的有红灯、先锋、黑珍珠、龙冠等。由于樱桃开花早,果实成熟早,加之果实含铁量比苹果、柑桔、梨高20多倍,每100克樱桃中含铁量多达59毫克,居于水果首位。  相似文献   

烟台素有“水果之乡”的美名.所产水果有苹果、梨、樱桃、草莓、杏、李、沙果等10多种,其中烟台苹果、莱阳梨、福山大樱桃在国内具有较高的知名度。烟台苹果以栽培历史悠久、品种齐全、产量高、品质好而驰名中外。1997年烟台苹果通过中国绿色食品中心认证.  相似文献   

正梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck),又名东方果蛀蛾、桃折梢虫等,简称"梨小",属于鳞翅目Lepidoptera卷叶蛾科Tortricidae,是一种世界性的果树害虫,主要以幼虫蛀食梨、桃、苹果、油桃、樱桃等多种仁果类和核果类果树的果实或新梢。近年来,由于我国农业产业结构的调整,果树栽培种类增多,种植  相似文献   

利用“农乐”益植素(硝酸稀士)和 “常乐”益植素(氯化稀土)两种微肥在 苹果和梨树上进行了不同浓度、不同时期 和次数的喷施试验。结果在供试浓度中(500~2000倍),苹果以1000~1500 倍、梨1500—2000倍为宜。喷施时期和次 数是:若喷施一次时,可在果实膨大期喷 施,苹果亩增产255kg,增产率11.3%, 梨亩增产346kg,增产率为14.5%;喷施两次时,小年树可在盛花期和果实膨大期喷施,以提高座果率,大年计在生理落果期和果实膨大期喷施,以减少疏花疏果.据调查苹果亩场 308一436kg,增产率为20.2、-22.2y0,梨面增产 446—520k g,增产。字为18.7~21.8畅。…  相似文献   

裂果是果实发育过程中发生的一种现象,在苹果、梨、桃、李、樱桃、大枣等果树都有发生,严重影响果实的商品价值,是果树生产上存在的主要问题之一。  相似文献   

书名邮购价(元)书名邮购价(元)书名邮购价(元)中国果树志·苹果卷苹果学中国野生果树中国果树实用新技术大全(常绿果树卷)中国果树实用新技术大全(落叶果树卷)中国西瓜甜瓜(专著)苹果全套袋栽培大棚梨大棚樱桃桃艺新探大棚甜瓜西瓜早熟高产优质栽培法现代大樱桃栽培樱桃高产栽培苹果矮化高产栽培及病虫害防治怎样种好网纹无网纹甜瓜石榴高效栽培技术现代草莓生产新技术世界苹果品种研究苹果优良品种原色图谱苹果优良品种矮化密植栽培苹果树合理整形修剪图集中国梨(英文版)1301759518318316318889891…  相似文献   

果树地膜覆盖栽培现状及发展预测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、果树地膜覆盖栽培现状国外以日本在果树上应用地膜覆盖栽培最早,目前日本还在苹果、梨、桃、樱桃、葡萄和柿等果树上采用地膜覆盖。一般在北方用透  相似文献   

果树害虫防治(图说连载之二十五)李润临文晋普 图(接上期30页)四十六,梨圆介壳虫梨圆介壳虫分布很广,在梨和苹果区普遍发生,我省南部为害较重。此虫寄主很广,果树中主要有梨、苹果、海棠、桃、李、杏、樱桃和枣等。若虫或雌成虫吸食枝条和果实的汁液,造成树势...  相似文献   

2007年9月15-23日,随大连市农委组织的农业考察团到日本、韩国考察苹果、樱桃、梨栽培管理技术以及农业旅游观光园的建设情况.在日本参观了札幌农业旅游观光园,青森县苹果试验场,弘前市苹果采后处理车间、苹果观光园及生产园,山形县'红王将'观光果园、樱桃生产园;在韩国参观了光州全罗南道农业技术院的旅游观光园和梨新品种新技术示范研究园.……  相似文献   

含铁量是苹果和梨的20倍的“贵族水果”———樱桃,今夏以“平易近人”的价格走进京城百姓家。近期,从北京四道口方正园果品批发中心了解到,目前樱桃上市量比去年扩大了30%以上,价格明显低于去年,因此销量大增。目前市场上的樱桃以山东樱桃为主,分为反季和应季两种。个头较小的应季樱桃价格在6元/kg左右,一些果肉少、味道偏酸的樱桃最低能达到5元/kg。个头偏大的应季樱桃批发价格在14~16元/kg之间。从市场上了解到,目前应季樱桃品种非常多,有“红灯”、“大紫”、“大红”、“先锋”、“意大利早红”等,还有一种名为“雷尼”的黄色樱桃。从…  相似文献   

秦华  徐志琼 《西南园艺》1999,27(3):33-35
园林草坪主要是指应用低矮、质优、扩展性强、质地纤细的植物作覆盖,并以它们大量的根、匍匐茎布满土表的地被.草坪是现代园林的一个重要组成部分,具有观赏、实用、改善生态环境等综合功能.  相似文献   



It is generally accepted that controlled vocabularies are necessary to systematically integrate data from various sources. During the last decade, several plant ontologies have been developed, some of which are community specific or were developed for a particular purpose. In most cases, the practical application of these ontologies has been limited to systematically storing experimental data. Due to technical constraints, complex data structures and term redundancies, it has been difficult to apply them directly into analysis tools.


Here, we describe a simplified and cross-species compatible set of controlled vocabularies for plant anatomy, focussing mainly on monocotypledonous and dicotyledonous crop and model plants. Their content was designed primarily for their direct use in graphical visualization tools. Specifically, we created annotation vocabularies that can be understood by non-specialists, are minimally redundant, simply structured, have low tree depth, and we tested them practically in the frame of Genevestigator.


The application of the proposed ontologies enabled the aggregation of data from hundreds of experiments to visualize gene expression across tissue types. It also facilitated the comparison of expression across species. The described controlled vocabularies are maintained by a dedicated curation team and are available upon request.

以文冠果种子为试材,设置10种不同催芽方法,包括水浴加热、不同浓度的H2_SO_4、KNO_3、PEG-6000等试剂处理文冠果种子,诱导发芽后调查种子的发芽率、活力、发芽势等发芽参数,并对不同催芽方法进行了比较分析,筛选适合文冠果种子快速解除休眠的方法。结果表明:80℃水浴加热、4%KNO_3溶液、5%PEG-6000溶液、GA_3溶液、2%KNO_3溶液、10%PEG-6000溶液、4℃蒸馏水浸种、50%H_2SO_4溶液处理,均可不同程度的提高文冠果种子的发芽率,而高浓度H_2SO_4溶液处理对文冠果种子发芽有抑制作用;文冠果种子经80℃水浴加热10min处理可使发芽率提高到55.83%,为未处理的9.3倍。  相似文献   

Light emissions in lux from single incandescent lamps ranging from 60 to 200 watts were arranged in tables according to the lamp height above the ground. The method of calculating the desired lamp spacing to achieve a desired light intensity is illustrated. A table showing the reduced light emission due to various voltage drops is given along with precautions to avoid them.  相似文献   

《Landscape Ecology》2005,20(8):1039-1046

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,103(2):249-255
Bromeliad growers report severe leaf quality problems for Aechmea cultivars grown under commercial greenhouse conditions. In this research, a leaf damage ‘sensitive’ and ‘insensitive’ A. cultivar were compared for their C-metabolism and hydrophysiology under these greenhouse conditions. Stomata opening index indicated CAM (Crassulacean acid metabolism) for both cultivars, with 45–50% open stomata around 4:00 a.m. and 5–10% in the afternoon. Malic and citric acid were the major organic acids present in the leaves, with diurnal malic acid accumulation during the night. The leaf damage ‘sensitive’ cultivar showed higher malic acid accumulation than the ‘insensitive’ cultivar (200 μmol/gfw versus 170 μmol/gfw). Leaf osmotic potential and turgor pressure were linked with diurnal malic acid fluctuations: organic acid accumulation during the night generated high leaf turgor pressures (up to +0.86 MPa).A leaf damage sensitivity test was designed and confirmed previous experiences of several bromeliad growers. Both cultivars showed higher leaf damage percentages (98 and 78%) when leaf malic acid accumulation was high. We attribute this elevated sensitivity to lethal turgor pressures and consider them to be caused by the water capturing mechanism generated by high organic acid accumulation. Under current greenhouse conditions, this water capturing mechanism can be disastrous for plant leaf quality. Especially, under high relative humidity, hindering plant transpiration and stimulating water uptake by dew formation, leaf quality could be endangered.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(1):153-159

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