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In the Lower Yellow River Delta, soil salinity is a problem due to the presence of a shallow, saline water table and marine sediments. Spatial information on soil salinity at the field level is increasingly needed, particularly for better soil management and crop allocation in this area. In this paper, a mobile electromagnetic induction (EMI) system including EM38 and EM31 is employed to perform field electromagnetic (EM) survey, and fast determination and quantitative evaluation of the spatial pattern of soil salinity is discussed using the field EM survey data. Optimal operation modes of EM38 and EM31 are determined to establish multiple linear regression models for estimating salinity from apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa). Spatial trend and semivariogram are illustrated and spatial distribution of field salinity status is further visualized and quantitatified. The results suggest that ECa (EM38 and EM31) data is highly correlated with salinity, and that the interpretation precision of soil salinity at various layers can be improved using EM38h and EM31h (where h represents the horizontal mode of EM measurement). Both EM38h and EM31h exhibit significant geographic trend. Nested spherical models fit the semivariance of EM38h and EM31h better than single spherical models. Spatial autocorrelation of EM31h is stronger than that of EM38h, and short-range variation is the chief constitute of spatial heterogeneity for both EM38h and EM31h. Quantitative classification shows that soil salinity exhibits the trend of accumulation in the root zone. In 0-1.0 m solum, heavy salinized and saline soils are the predominant soil types, accounting for 54% and 41% of total survey area, respectively. The area of light and moderate salinized soils is comparatively small, which accounts for only 0.4% and 4.6%, respectively.  相似文献   

针对螺旋弯管内的流动与传热特性,以螺旋弯管传热试验中试验件模型为研究对象,基于Realizable k-ε湍流模型、第一类热边界条件下的薄壁热阻模型,对不同进口来流条件下,采用Fluent对螺旋弯管内水的流动与换热进行数值模拟.计算得到了螺旋弯管内速度场与温度场的分布,通过数值模拟结果与试验结果的比较,验证了数值模拟方法的正确性.结果表明:随着进口来流雷诺数的增大,螺旋弯管内的二次流迪恩涡核心向弯管管壁扩张;在螺旋弯管小曲率比、来流雷诺数2 280~6 000内,螺旋弯管的强化换热综合性能最佳;对模拟结果数据利用多元线性回归法,推导出螺旋弯管内换热努赛尔数、进出口压力降的准则关系式.研究结果可为螺旋管式换热器设计与优化提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

为研究翼型对直线翼垂直轴风力机启动特性的影响,选取了厚度相似的正装非对称翼型S809与通用对称翼型NACA0018进行两叶片垂直轴风力机的对比研究.首先,运用数值模拟的手段得到采用2种翼型风力机的周期静态力矩曲线,取得二者力矩差异较大的特定方位角,并且进一步获得特定方位角下的涡量图和矢量图.然后通过可视化试验得到叶片周...  相似文献   

为解决泵喷系统以及潜艇武器大型化和稳定化发展中的混流泵瞬态启动特性和诱导空化问题,结合混流泵外特性试验和高速摄影可视化技术,研究泵瞬态启动性能和空化流场特性.结果表明:在无空化启动时,启动时间和启动流量不影响混流泵的稳态性能,泵流量、转速和扬程同时刻达到稳态峰值,具有较好的同步性,泵扬程在启动初期具有明显的滞后性,设计流量下,启动扬程滞后时间约为启动时间的50%;在空化启动条件下,混流泵叶顶间隙最先出现空化,随着启动时间的增加,空泡云发展出“长条状”形状,随着进口压力的降低或进口流量的增大,空泡云逐渐呈现出“三角状”,最终发展到堵塞流道.通过高速摄影试验捕捉不同启动条件下混流泵流道内的空化形态演变,发现缩短启动时间、减小启动流量、增加泵进口启动压力是抑制启动空化发生的有效途径.  相似文献   

自动化稳流气道试验台数据处理与评价方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了现代自动化内燃机气道稳流试验装置组成结构 ,以及适用于工程实践蹬几种进气道试验与评价方法 ,阐述了气道试验所采取的试验方法  相似文献   

针对空间导叶传统设计方法的不足,以离心泵的空间导叶为研究对象,采用设计工况下泵的扬程和效率提升为优化目标,在保证叶片进口安放角、出口安放角、导叶轴面等设计参数不变的前提下,通过CFD数值模拟计算不同包角的空间导叶叶型与泵的水力效率之间的关系,从而寻找效率最优的导叶叶型.计算结果表明:空间导叶的叶片包角对泵的内流场结构和泵的外特性有重要影响,在其他流道参数不变的情况下, 存在使泵效率最高的最优包角;随着导叶叶片包角的增大,叶片工作面上的高压区域逐步由进口向出口移动,叶片由“前载型”逐步变为“后载型”;小包角时,由于叶片前部分的叶片安放角变化较大,在叶片背面的中部到后部的部分区域存在低速脱流区,且随着叶片包角的增大该脱流区面积逐渐减小并逐渐向出口方向移动;随着叶片包角的增大,叶片进口堵塞现象加重,导叶进口速度逐渐增大.揭示了空间导叶流动结构与导叶包角、型线间的内在关系,为空间导叶的优化及设计提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   

为了解决柔性结构体或刚性结构体与黏性流体相互作用产生的影响,采用网格生成简单,计算效率较高,适用于复杂结构外形浸入边界法进行处理,避免了贴体动网格生成的困难,相比传统的浸入边界法主要适用于柔性体,对于刚性边界问题Lai和Peskin使用反馈力近似处理.文中基于此方法对水轮机双列叶栅动态绕流特性进行数值模拟.在整个流场中使用笛卡儿自适应加密网格,利用有限差分法进行离散求解.通过数值计算,得到水轮机双列叶栅的流场分布特性以及导叶尾迹区内各流向断面压力、速度以及涡量分布的不均匀度指标.计算成果为进一步研究导叶动态绕流形成的不均匀流场对水轮机叶片流激振动的影响提供参考.  相似文献   

滴头最大流量偏差率计算方法及影响因素评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先分析了滴头水力特征曲线方程中流量系数分布规律,当流量系数服从正态分布时,流量系数在其平均值的±3倍标准差之间变化的概率为9973%(近似于100%),因此流量系数最小值为平均值减3倍标准差,最大值为流量系数平均值加3倍标准差,在此基础上提出了综合考虑水力偏差、制造偏差和微地形偏差的综合流量偏差率计算公式;然后以制造偏差系数、流态指数、压力差、平均工作水头及田面局部高差作为影响因子进行流量偏差率及毛管造价敏感性分析.结果表明:对流量偏差率影响程度由大到小的顺序为滴头制造偏差系数、滴头流态指数、压力偏差.当制造偏差系数大于004时,毛管造价急剧增大,在设计中应尽可能选择制造偏差系数小、流态指数小的滴头.对于常规滴灌系统,当滴头工作水头大于10 m时,田面局部高差对流量偏差率影响可忽略.  相似文献   

Sap flow measurements based on the heat balance method offers the opportunity to evaluate directly and quite easily the mass flow rate of water in plants. However, extrapolation of measurements of water use by individual stems to that for a canopy is tricky. In the present study, 14 sugarcane stems, out of a canopy of nearly 200 000, were equipped with Dynamax sap flow gauge. We extrapolated these individual measurements to determine the transpiration of the canopy and compare this transpiration to the crop evapotranspiration calculated on the basis of the Penman–Monteith method. The method used for the extrapolation assumes that the transpiration of a sugarcane plant is proportional to its leaf area. Transpiration of the canopy determined by this method was overestimated by more 35% as compared to the reference evapotranspiration results. Different sources of possible errors were examined and lead to suppose that it is very difficult to determine the transpiration of a heterogeneous canopy in growth by using the sap flow measurement technique.  相似文献   

Micro-irrigation has become an optimal means for providing water and nutrients to crops. There is an ample space for improving fertilizer use efficiency with micro-irrigation, if the movement and reactions of fertilizers in the soil are well understood. However, the rhizosphere dynamics of nutrients is very complex, depending on many factors such as soil temperature, pH, water content, and soil and plant characteristics. Many factors cannot be easily accurately quantified. However, using state-of-the-art modelling techniques, useful and reliable information can be derived.An attempt was made to evaluate the reactive transport of urea in the root zone of a sugarcane crop under drip irrigation, and to quantify the fluxes of urea, ammonium, and nitrate into the crop roots, volatilization fluxes, and deep drainage using a numerical model. This quantification helped in designing an optimal fertigation schedule. Various parameters used in the model were taken from either the literature or the field study. A typical scenario, based on the recommended total quantity of urea for sugar cane crop under drip irrigation in India, was tested using HYDRUS-2D. The total amount of urea was divided into fortnightly doses, depending on the stage of crop growth. For this scenario, the modelled crop uptake was found to be 30% higher than the crop demand. Consequently, an optimal fertigation schedule was developed that reduced the use of urea by 30% while at the same time providing enough N for its assimilation at all stages of crop growth. This type of modelling study should be used before planning field experiments for designing optimal fertigation schedules.  相似文献   

戴宗信  袁文革 《节水灌溉》2001,1(2):35-35,37
0 概述  水库渗漏量是水库工程管理和大坝安全的一个重要参数 ,根据渗漏量的大小可以确定水库蓄水损失大小 ,观察大坝安全状况。对于中小型水库 ,可以采用比较简单的方法确定水库渗漏量的大小。正常情况下 ,水库渗漏量与库水位存在一定的函数关系 ,故只要在一个库水位变化周期内 ,测量各水位下相应的渗漏量 ,得到一组实测数据 ,然后通过数据处理 ,求得关于水深与渗漏量之间的函数关系式。笔者曾用最小二乘法对几个水库进行了水深与渗漏量的曲线拟合 ,并与实际观测数据进行比较 ,证明用此法求水库渗漏量是可行的。1 用最小二乘法拟合水库…  相似文献   

Sap flow meters based on the stem heat balance method were used to measure the mass flow rates or water use in young potted tea (Camellia sinensis L.) plants of clones AHP S15/10 and BBK35. The meters were constructed on site and installed onto the stem or branch sections of field growing plants in an experiment originally designed to study the effects of plant population density and drought on the productivity and water use of young tea clones. The objective of the study was to use the SHB method as a first attempt to use sap flow meters for determining the water use of young tea growing in the field under well watered conditions in Tanzania. The results are reported and recommendation made for further work on using the technique.  相似文献   

为研究长短叶片混流式水轮机的内部流动特性,基于CFX软件平台,运用N-S方程和SST湍流模型,对HLA542-LJ-130长短叶片水轮机全流道典型小流量工况进行三维湍流计算,得到了水轮机各过流部件内流场的流动信息.计算结果表明,从固定导叶到活动导叶出口,速度矢量随压力降低而均匀增大,而且压力和速度分布在圆周方向的周向性较好,从叶片进水边到出水边,长短叶片压力变化为均匀减小,压力分布比较合理,叶片工作面表面没有明显的回流和二次流,流线分布较为流畅,尾水管进口压力、速度分布基本对称,压力沿径向分布比较均匀,尾水管肘管之前有与转轮旋转方向相同的涡带,涡带在尾水管中发展至尾端,但没有明显的偏心,在扩散段内逐渐减弱.研究结果对高水头水电站的水轮机选择和设计具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

为了研究口环间隙对前置诱导轮离心泵空化性能的影响,基于RNG k-ε湍流模型和Rayleigh-Plesset方程均相流空化模型,以前置诱导轮离心泵为研究对象,选取口环间隙为0.15,0.25,0.40和0.60 mm这4种方案对其进行空化流动数值计算,并与试验结果对比分析.研究结果表明,口环间隙大小对诱导轮离心泵的外特性和空化性能影响较大,随着口环间隙的增大,总扬程效率和叶轮扬程效率均减小,与口环间隙为0.15 mm时相比,总扬程效率和叶轮扬程效率分别降低了0.60%和4.21%,效率分别下降了6.50%和9.32%;而口环间隙的增大使得诱导轮扬程和效率均增加,分别增大了29.86%和28.40%.另外,随着口环间隙的增大,空化性能曲线出现波动现象,间隙越大,波动越明显;离心泵主叶轮工作面靠近前盖板出现云状空泡分布,空化不稳定,间隙越大,空化越不稳定,临界空化数越大.经分析,引起空化不稳定性的因素可能有: 口环间隙出口处泄漏高压流体对主流的冲击;口环附近空化的发生以及诱导轮空化引起叶片出口液流角的变化.  相似文献   

The steady-state drainage equation ofHooghoudt (1940) has adrawback that tables for the determination of the so-calledequivalentlayer, de are needed. These calculations arecumbersome as de is dependenton the unknown spacing. Moreover, additional head islost due to theconvergence of stream lines towards the finite numberof perforations withinthe pipe wall. Therefore, corrections are required byreplacing the actualdrain radius by its effective radius. The designers inEgypt assume that thedepth of impermeable layer is infinity which resultsin an over estimationof drain spacing that will affect the ability of thedrainage system.Van der Molen and Wesseling (1991) have developed aseries solution toreplace the Hooghoudts approximation method for theequivalent depth by anexact solution. A comparison between this solution andthose of Lovell andYoungs (1984) and Hooghoudt (1940) showed that theexact solution proved tobe very accurate and efficient solution. The mainobjective of this study isto verify an accurate depth of the impermeable barrierand an effectiveradius of drain pipes which should be used in thedesign process using theexact solution.A field investigation was conducted in a study area of33,138 ha in theNorthern Delta of Egypt within Daqahliya Governorate.The results indicatethat a 5 m depth instead of infinity for theimpermeable layer in Nile Deltaand an effective radius of 90 mm should be used in thedesign process. Theuse of the exact solution for equivalent depth is acrucial issue especiallywith the high rate of on-going drainage projects inEgypt.  相似文献   

为了抑制熔盐泵空间导叶内存在的二次流以及轴向旋涡,提高熔盐泵的效率和稳定性,提出一种分流式空间导叶体.采用k-ε模型、SIMPLE对2种不同形式空间导叶的熔盐泵模型进行了数值模拟,以获得2种不同形式熔盐泵的外特性参数及其内部的速度、压力分布等特性.结果显示:在0.8Q和1.0Q下,分流式空间导叶内部速度分布更为均匀,导叶吸力面二次流、旋涡明显减少,提高了模型泵的效率.在1.2Q下,分流式导叶导致模型泵效率降低.但在空间导叶出口速度分布均匀,低速区域明显减少.分流式空间导叶内部压力脉动幅值叶频占主导地位,其出口压力脉动得到明显改善,在设计工况下,压力脉动幅值比常规空间导叶低近40%,空间导叶轮缘面压力脉动普遍高于轮毂面,在导叶轮缘面上,其压力面的压力脉动幅值低于吸力面;在导叶轮毂面上压力脉动幅值则基本相同.  相似文献   

为全面地研究超低比转数离心泵的内部流动和非定常特性,以一台比转数ns=25的超低比转数离心泵为研究对象,对其进行三维非定常数值计算,并与试验结果进行对比,进而对内部流场、叶轮上的径向力和蜗壳各断面的压力脉动进行分析.研究结果表明:在不同流量工况下,叶轮流道内存在数量不等、大小不一的旋涡;靠近隔舌的2个相邻流道内,在叶轮出口边工作面的位置存在高流速区域,随着流量的增大,此处高流速区域逐渐消失;在大流量工况下,低速区面积逐渐减小,旋涡区的范围和数量逐渐减少,叶轮内相对速度分布逐渐变均匀;叶轮上的径向力大小和方向时刻变化,呈现六角星型分布,径向力脉动的主要激励频率均为叶频及其整数倍频;蜗壳各断面内压力脉动峰值随着断面变化逐渐增大,蜗壳各断面内压力脉动的主要激励频率均为叶频及其整数倍频,说明叶轮出口与蜗壳的耦合作用是蜗壳内压力脉动的主要影响因素.研究结果可为超低比转数离心泵的水力优化设计和合理运行区间的选择提供一定参考.  相似文献   

为了研究叶轮翼型轴向积叠方式对轴流泵水力性能和内部流场的影响,以轴流泵模型ZM25为基础,设计了5种不同方式的翼型积叠方案.保持轮缘处的翼型断面不变,其他翼型断面中心沿斜向直线积叠,积叠角度分别为-8°,-4°,0°,+4°和+8°.基于CFX对5种方案在不同运行工况下的水力性能与内部流态进行预测模拟,并将计算结果与试验测量值进行对比验证.研究结果表明:翼型由负角度积叠时,可以提高泵的扬程,但泵的效率降低;翼型由正角度积叠时,泵的效率提高,但扬程减小;对于泵的内部流场,翼型由负角度积叠时,可以改善叶片背面的压力分布,同时改善泵的空化性能和泵内部沿轴线方向的轴向速度分布,减小泵内的径向流动;翼型由正角度积叠时,可以使轴流泵出口的轴向流动更加均匀.研究结果可为轴流泵的设计提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

为了研究不同喷雾参数优化方法对温室风送式弥雾机喷雾效果的影响,在试验的基础上,分别运用二次多项式回归和BP神经网络,建立了温室风送式弥雾机喷雾分布均匀性响应面模型.结果表明: BP神经网络响应面模型的相关系数、均方根误差分别为0.987 1,0.134 0,而二次多项式响应面模型的相关系数、均方根误差分别为0.928 2,0.215 9,BP神经网络模型较高的相关系数和较低的均方根误差说明其拟合精度较高;对二次多项式回归模型寻优,预测的雾滴分布变异系数最小值为1.47%,实际值为1.58%;采用BP神经网络协同遗传算法寻优,雾滴分布变异系数预测值和实际值分别为1.21%,1.28%;表明在喷雾参数优化中,基于BP神经网络的遗传算法比二次多项式响应面法具有更好的准确性.   相似文献   

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