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2002~2003年度,参加试验的品种共有6个,全部为一年生多花黑麦草品种,分别为特高、牧杰、抗锈王、邦德、萨卡尼,以国产多花黑麦草为对照。2003~2004年度,参加试验的品种共有5个,其中一年生多花黑麦草品种2个,为特高和苏畜1号,多年生紫花苜蓿品种2个,为三得利和游客,以国产多花黑麦草冬牧70为对照。  相似文献   

小麦品种淀粉糊化特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用快速粘度仪(RVA)分析了山西省2008~2009年度冬小麦新品种区试和生产试验的75个参试品种的面粉糊化特性。结果表明,我省小麦品种糊化性状变异范围较大;面粉的糊化特性在不同的种植区域表现不同,粘度参数有随地区纬度增高而增加的趋势;环境变异越大,小麦淀粉特性差异越大。  相似文献   

<正>笔者从农业部农药检定所获悉,该所于11月20日在福建省厦门组织召开了2013~2014年度农药登记环境试验总结暨技术交流会。该所隋鹏飞所长、福建省农业厅黄华康副厅长出席会议并讲话。隋鹏飞所长强调了农药环境安全性评价的重要意义,深刻阐述了农药登记管理"三个安全一个转型"的发展趋势,并对环境试验管理和环境影响资料部省联动审评等相关工作提出了要求。他指出,环境生态安全与农产品数量安全和质量安全关系密切,各单位要积极创造条件,培养人才;要推行环境试验管  相似文献   

夏大豆多年滚动区试品种产量的秩次分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用秩次分析法,对6个年度河北省夏大豆区域试验中的大豆新品种(系)产量性状及稳定性进行评价。通过对各品种产量表现秩次值H2,环境区分指数YM,秩次均方值S2等统计数的计算,剔除了对品种产量差异区分能力弱的试验点次(试验环境),及试验点次过少的品种(系),进行品种间产量的高低及稳定性比较。对6年滚动试验中36个可评价参试品种给予客观、公正的评价。证明了用秩次分析法对农作物区域试验产量性状进行评价是可行的。  相似文献   

为探讨在高产栽培条件下黑马603的适宜种植密度,搞好良种良法配套技术的试验研究与推广,2010~2011年度连续两年对黑马603玉米新品种进行了密度试验.通过试验,取得了良好的效果,现将两年试验结果汇总如下.  相似文献   

1品种来源濮麦9号系濮阳农科所1994年用徐州174×内乡183的F1代作母本,豫麦24号作父本复合杂交,经多年单株选择,于2000年选育而成。2004年河南省审定(审定号为:豫审麦2004009);2005年国家审定(审定号为:国审麦2005012)。2产量表现2002~2005年参加河南省、国家区试及生产试验,获得5个产量第一位。2002~2003年度参加河南省超高产区试,平均亩产518.4kg,比对照豫麦18号增产5.02%,居12个参试品种的第1位。2003~2004年度参加河南省区试,平均亩产592.6kg,比对照豫麦18号增产12.06%,达极显著水平,居13个参试品种的第1位;参加河南省生产试验,平均…  相似文献   

冬小麦新品种陇鉴386是甘肃省农业科学院旱地农业研究所于1995年用抗锈丰产亲本1321作母本,综合农艺性状优良、抗旱、抗寒、抗锈好的陇鉴127作父本,在连续旱作条件下经6年选育而成,原系号959-5-1-2-3。2001~2002年度参加新品系鉴定试验,较对照增产13.4%;2002~2004年度参加新品系比较试验,2004~2006年区域试验结果表明较对照品种增产4.7%;2006~2007年生产试验较对照增产10.72%,证明是高抗丰产优质的更新换代品种,适宜在甘肃陇东旱塬及同类地区种植。  相似文献   

迟熟中籼新组合荃9优3号高产稳产性分析与综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明荃9优3号在长江中下游稻区的丰产、稳产性及综合表现,推荐其参加2016年度长江中下游杂交水稻科研单位试验联合体新品种区域试验,利用2016年度试验结果资料通过DPS数据处理系统对荃9优3号在23个试验点结果进行综合分析评价。结果表明,荃9优3号丰产性、稳产性和适应性好,稻米品质、抗病性和主要农艺性状等综合表现优良,符合继续推荐2017年度长江中下游杂交水稻科研单位试验联合体新品种区域试验标准,建议续试。  相似文献   

南通地区8个小麦品种比较试验研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2008~2009年度在江苏省南通地区5个试验点对8个小麦品种(系)的产量、主要农艺性状、生育期和抗逆性进行了多点比较试验.扬06 G-138、扬Y 808、扬Y 708、扬06 G-5和镇05185折合产量比对照扬麦11增产4.9%~9.9%.根据5个试验点的综合表现,认为扬06 G-138、扬Y 808、扬Y 708和镇05185丰产性较好,抗寒性较强,抗倒、抗病性中等,生育期适中,可以在南通开展进一步试验.其余品种(系)因抗寒性或单产不及对照,不建议在南通种植.  相似文献   

<正>第十八届全国农药药效试验总结暨技术交流会于2012年10月23日至25日在广西南宁顺利召开,杀虫剂专业组对2011~2012年度完成的杀虫剂新产品田间药效试验进行了认真的讨论和评价。两年来,在全国开展的杀虫剂农药试验总数超过3400个,其中杀虫剂新产品有28个,包括24种化学农药和4个生物农药,单制剂产品23个、复配制剂产品5个。试验对象涵盖水稻、小麦、玉米、蔬菜、果树、林木、花卉、甘蔗、烟草、牧草等十余大类寄主上的各类主要害虫。新农药主要包括新有效成分产品、新使用范围产品、新混配制剂产品及新剂型产品,下面分别就涉及到的产品药效情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

Mean grain yield performance of 12 wheat and one triticale genotypes were measured at four locations over four consecutive years, using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The genotypes used were commercial cultivars and advanced lines from different wheat breeding projects located in different areas in Iran. Two locations were in semiarid regions and the other two locations in the temperate zones. The combined analysis of variance indicated highly significant genotype-environment (GE) interactions. From combinations of locations and years three sets of environments were generated. Set I and set II, each, consisted of eight environments (two locations and four years) representing semiarid and temperature environments, respectively. Set III consisted of 16 environments including both semiarid and temperate conditions. Set I and set II were used to measure specific adaptation of the genotypes while set III was employed for measuring general adaptation. The methods of Eberhart and Russell (1966) were used for partitioning GE interactions. The mean square associated with the heterogeneity of regression was highly significant under all sets of environments. These observations indicated that a major part of GE interaction could be accounted for by differences in the regression of the individual genotypes. All the genotypes had significant regression mean square under set I, set II, and set III environments, with the exception of two genotypes under set II. However, mean yields, regression coefficients, and the mean squares associated with deviation from regression greatly varied over the sets of environments. Only three genotypes, a commercial cultivar and two new advanced line, were identified as having specific adaptation and yield stability to semiarid environments. Among all the genotypes, only a commercial cultivar was identified as adapted and stable to temperate conditions. Two of the three genotypes which were adapted to semiarid environments also showed general adaptation to set III environments. However, the mean yield of these two genotypes under semiarid conditions (set I) were significantly greater than their respective mean yields under set III environments. Thus, wider adaptability was compensated by lower mean yield. The present study indicates that, while a wide range of environments is necessary and recommended for measuring general adaptation reactions and yield stability of various genotypes, one should not ignore the possibility of finding some genotypes with specific adaptation to specific environments and thus maximizing yield production. Stable genotypes with general of specific adaptation should be utilized in breeding projects in order to develop even more desirable lines.  相似文献   

Summary Two lines of descent were established from an F3 bulk lot of oats (Avena sativa L.) initiated by mixing seeds from approximately 250 crosses. For one line of descent, seeds were radiated with thermal neutrons or X-rays from F3 through F6, followed by five generations of bulk propagation. The second was propagated for 10 generations. No artificial selection was practiced in either line of descent. Grain yield data from 20 random strains from each of four generations from the radiated (F7, F8, F9, and F11) and five from the nonradiated (F3, F6, F7, F8, and F12) line of descent and 20 check cultivars tested in 14 environments were used for estimating regression stability indexes of oat strains.The 14 environments were assigned randomly to two sets of seven, and regression stability indexes were computed for the 180 experimental oat strains for both sets. Intrageneration correlations between regression stability indexes from the two sets of environments ranged from –0.35 to 0.64 (18 d.f.), and only one of nine was significant, indicating poor repeatability for estimates of this statistic computed from different sets of environments.Correlations between regression stability indexes from two sets of environments, one in which the environments varied by soil nitrogen levels and a second in which they varied by soil phosphorus levels, ranged from –0.01 to 0.28, none of which was significant.The relative magnitudes and ranking of the regression stability index values for the oat genotypes were nearly identical when environmental productivity indexes were assessed with any number of check cultivars from 2 to 20.Journal paper No. J-8080 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station. Ames. Iowa. USA 50010. Project 1752.  相似文献   

Summary Genotype by environment interaction was investigated for yield data from the official Dutch Variety List trials for potato. The data set included 64 genotypes by 26 environments, where environments consisted of year by soil type combinations. Factorial regression models incorporating genotypic and environmental covariates in the interaction were used to analyse the data. The merits of factorial regression models were compared with those of biadditive models. Factorial regression models and biadditive models described comparable amounts of interaction, but factorial regression models provided a better basis for biological interpretation of the interaction.  相似文献   

Summary Genotype by environment interaction was investigated for yield data from the official Dutch Variety List trials for potato. The data set included 64 genotypes by 26 environments, where environments consisted of year by soil type combinations. Factorial regression models incorporating genotypic and environmental covariates in the interaction were used to analyse the data. The merits of factorial regression models were compared with those of biadditive models. Factorial regression models and biadditive models described comparable amounts of interaction, but factorial regression models provided a better basis for biological interpreration of the interaction.This article was previously published in Euphytica 82: 149–155.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the effects of heterogeneity and heterozygosity on yield stability in faba beans, genotypes were generated with contrasting population structures, differing only in their levels of heterogeneity and heterozygosity. All entries were based on either eight or 36 inbred lines, respectively. The population structures tested consisted of pure stands of the inbred lines (1) and of their F1,-hybrids (2), blends of the inbred lines (3) and of their F1 hybrids (4), four-component synthetics in different Syngenerations (5), the open-pollinated source varieties (6) and 36 polycross progenies (7). Five different entry sets (= data sets), each covering several of the seven population structures listed, were grown during 1986 to 1991 in at least four different environments in Western Germany and tested for yield. Stability parameters, i.e., the regression coefficient and deviation from regression (EBERHART and RUSSELL 1966), and the ecovalence (WRICKE 1962), revealed that yield stability of the different population structures was improved by increasing heterozygosity as well as heterogeneity. But the impact of both factors of diversity on yield stability varied between the different data sets. Positive effects of both factors on yield stability seemed to be additively combined in the hybrid blends (data set I). The same proved to be partly true for the four different Syn-generations of the nine synthetics tested. Yield advantage of the different heterozygous variety structures over the homozygous ones in creased with increasing yield level at test sites, as indicated by regression coefficients larger than 1.  相似文献   

Summary Yield data from the 5th–12th international mungbean nursery (IMN) trials conducted at 23 sites in 15 countries were analyzed by conventional stability analysis—regression of genotype mean on the environmental index, and by segmented regression analysis—fitting separate linear regressions in low yielding and high yielding environments. The gene pool base concept allows comparison of genotypes from different IMN trials grown in different years and sites. A very high positive linear relationship was observed between the regression coefficient and the average yield of cultivars, indicating that high yielding cultivars were less stable across environments. When data points of the regression of genotype mean and site mean for VC 1973A, a high yielding and widely adapted cultivar, were examined, the relationship appeared not to be linear. The segmented regression analysis improved the coefficient of determination (r2) and the genotypes were grouped based on regression coefficients in high yielding and low yielding environments. Different categories of genotypes suitable for high input environments, widely adaptable genotypes, and highly stable genotypes were identified.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Article 23208.  相似文献   

Summary A series of international trials with the potato crop was conducted in eight countries representing widely differing environments. The purpose of the experiments was: (1) to develop a method for obtaining environmental indexes which measure productivity of diverse potato-growing areas, and (2) to construct performance models for individual genotypes based on the environmental indexes. Yield data of 32 genotypes obtained from a series of 13 experiments conducted in the eight countries in 1983 and 1984 were used in the study. The response pattern of the genotypes was studied by a multivariate analysis. Five genotypes were chosen as representatives for different response patterns to the environments and their data were used for calculating a series of independent indexes for each of the experimental sites based on principal component analysis. Performance models for each of the genotypes were constructed by stepwise regression analysis of yields of a genotype on the environmental indexes based on 1983 data. Yield data of 1984 experiments were used to verify the models. Satisfactory correspondence between observed and predicted yields was obtained for most of the genotypes.  相似文献   

Twenty-five genotypes of forage peas (Pisum sativum L.) were evaluated under rainfed conditions for two years at four locations in Syria and one in Lebanon. Since local climatic variation is significant, each location in each year was treated as a separate environment, to give ten environments. Genotype-environment interactions (GXE) were analysed using linear regression techniques. There was considerable variation in herbage and seed yields within both genotypes and environments. Genotype-environment interactions were present for both herbage and seed yields; a large proportion of these interactions was accounted for by the linear regression. Although the non-linear component was also significant, its magnitude was smaller than that of the linear component. The highest and most stable herbage yields were obtained from accessions 46/61, 135/175, 3211/323, 99/103 and 88/335. The highest and most stable seed yields were produced by accessions 4/166, 2428/240, 424/242 and 88/335. Accession 88/335 from Germany, F.R. was the only genotype to combine high herbage and seed yields with wide adaptation and stability and could thus be considered the most widely adapted genotype. Other stable genotypes were identified as suitable for poor environments. Yield of the locally collected genotype, though often high, was found to be unstable. The importance of genotype-environment interactions in future breeding strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

Variation in streptomycin sensitivity and dark sensitivity of 36 rice genotypes of three different maturity groups and 30 ragi genotypes of two different maturity groups were studied. Streptomycin sensitivity and dark sensitivity of rice and ragi genotypes were expressed in terms of bleaching index (BI) and senescence index (SI), respectively. Genotypes of each maturity group of each crop showed wide variation in their BI / SI values. The objective of this investigation was to find the relationship of the BI / SI parameter with yield, adaptability, and stability in yield performance of rice and ragi genotypes. Yield performance of rice and ragi genotypes were evaluated over 12 and nine environments, respectively. Adaptability and stability analysis were done following the linear regression model of Eberhart and Russell (1966) and the AMMI Stability Value (ASV) of Purchase (1997). BI parameter showed a positive correlation with yielding ability and deviation from regression (S2d) in both rice and ragi, and a negative correlation with adaptability parameter (b) for all the maturity groups of rice and ragi except in the early ragi group. SI parameter showed a negative correlation with yielding ability for all the maturity groups of rice and ragi except in the early ragi group and a positive correlation with adaptability parameter (b) for all the maturity groups of rice and ragi. This experimental study revealed that sensitivity of rice genotypes to streptomycin (SM) in terms of BI could be used to predict yielding ability of genotypes, and dark sensitivity (SI) could be used to indicate adaptability to rich and poor environments. This novel approach may help the breeder in indirect selection of high-yielding genotypes and genotypes well-adapted to rich or poor environments at an early seedling stage before going for multilocation trials.  相似文献   

Summary Two-way classification analysis, combined with analysis of variance and linear regression techniques, was applied to a set of yield data from twenty-one genotypes grown at twelve locations for two years in International Mungbean Nursery trials. Genotypes and environments with similar yield response patterns were grouped and differences between groups identified. Genotypes were also grouped on the basis of flowering time and the relation between days to flower and yield was examined. It was concluded that cluster and associated analyses are of value in determining response patterns of mungbean genotypes to a wide range of environments, and a useful aid in the selection of materials and locations for mungbean evaluation. In particular we note the adaptation of genotypes M409 and M1134 to high elevation locations, and the positive yield response of M374 (MG50-10A) to high yielding environments. Highest yielding lines were also the earliest to flower. Disease resistance was considered the most important breeding objective for mungbean yield improvement.  相似文献   

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