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Performance of white clover/perennial ryegrass mixtures under cutting   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Clover persistence in mixtures of two varieties of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) with contrasting growth habits and three white clover (Trifolium repens) varieties differing in leaf sizes was evaluated at two cutting frequencies. An experiment was sown in 1991 on a clay soil. The plots received no nitrogen fertilizer. In 1992, 1993 and 1994, mixtures containing the large-leaved clover cv. Alice yielded significantly more herbage dry matter (DM) and had a higher clover content than mixtures containing cvs Gwenda and Retor. Companion grass variety did not consistently affect yield or botanical composition. Cutting at 2 t DM ha?1 resulted in slightly higher total annual yields than cutting at 1.2 t DM ha?1, but did not affect clover content. In 1992 the mixtures yielded, depending on cutting frequency and variety, 10·6–14·6 t DM ha?1 and 446–599 kg ha?1 N, whereas grass monocultures yielded only 1·2–2·0 t DM ha?1 and 25–46 kg ha?1 N. From 1992 to 1994 the annual mean total herbage yield of DM in the mixtures declined from 12·2 to 10·5 to 8·7 t ha?1, the white clover yield declined from 8·7 to 6·5 to 4·1 t ha?1 and the average clover content during the growing season declined from 71% to 61% to 46%, whereas the grass yield increased from 3·4 to 4·0 to 4·5 t ha?1. The N yield decreased from 507 to 406 to 265 kg N ha?1 and the apparent N fixation from 470 to 380 to 238 kg N ha?1. Nitrate leaching losses during the winters of 1992–93 and 1994–95 were highest under mixtures with cv. Alice, but did not exceed 10 kg N ha?1. The in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM) was generally higher in clover than in grass, particularly in the summer months. No differences in IVDOM were found among clover or grass varieties. The experiment will be continued to study clover persistence and the mechanisms that affect the grass/clover balance.  相似文献   

Herbage at various stages of growth from three field experiments, one with Italian ryegrass, one with perennial ryegrass and one with white clover, red clover and lucerne, was incubated for 0, 24 or 48 h in rumen liquor followed by 48 h in acid-pepsin. The proportion of cell content OM in herbage (measured by pepsin) declined with advancing stage of growth more quickly in the legumes than in Italian ryegrass. At a high level of digestibility the legumes had a higher proportion of cell content OM than Italian ryegrass, but the position tended to be reversed at a low level of digestibility. Decline in proportion of cell content and decline in digestibility of cell wall were both major contributors to the decline in digestibility of Italian ryegrass with advancing maturity, whereas in white clover the decline in proportion of cell content was entirely responsible for the decline in digestibility. Lucerne and red clover occupied intermediate positions. At an early vegetative stage rate of digestion appeared to be higher in Italian than in perennial ryegrass. Rate of digestion was higher in the legumes than in the ryegrasses, the difference being largest at an advanced stage of growth.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the growth, senescence and defoliation fluxes in a mixture consisting of alternate rows of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and white clover (Trifolium repens) was used to calculate the actual and potential efficiencies of grass and clover utilization under continuous sheep grazing. White clover contributed relatively more to the growth than to the herbage mass of the mixture and its relative growth rate was usually significantly greater than that of its companion grass. The primary reason for the greater potential efficiency of herbage use of the white clover component was, however, its lower rate of senescence. Greater potential efficiency was not reflected in a greater actual efficiency because the contribution of white clover to the total herbage removed was always smaller than its contribution to the growth flux of the mixture. Despite the commonly assumed sheep preference for white clover, the legume was usually the least defoliated species, presumably because of the lower surface height of white clover compared with grass, which resulted in a lower vertical availability of white clover, thereby restricting its defoliation rate. The positive net herbage accumulation observed with white clover at a constant sward surface height occurred partly through stolon and bud development and partly through the growth of undefoliated leaves from axillary growing points and contributed to a net herbage accumulation per unit dry weight in white clover greater than that in ryegrass. This resulted in an increase in the white clover content of the sward, which was observed independently by destructive measurements.  相似文献   

In two experiments with ryegrass/white clover mixtures, the proportion of clover was measured before and after cuts which removed 8-75% of above-ground biomass. Cutting was found to reduce the proportion of clover leaf area in the crop in both experiments, sometimes by as much as two-thirds, and the proportion of clover dry weight, by up to half, in one of them. That is, the harvested material contained a greater proportion of clover than did the sward before the cut. This disproportionate removal of clover was due to clover having a greater proportion of its leaf near the top of the canopy than grass. It showed that preferential removal of clover occurs as a result of the purely passive selection by a mower, not only as a result of grazing by animals which may be capable of active as well as passive selection.
Despite the disadvantage to clover of losing more of its leaf area than grass, and in some cases more of its dry weight also, when the mixture was cut, the clover content of the sward did not decrease during the growing season as a whole. This was because, where no nitrogen fertilizer was applied, clover had a greater relative growth rate (RGR) than its companion grass during the growth periods between cuts and this increased its percentage of the mixture. Even where nitrogen was applied, clover equalled the RGR of grass and maintained its proportion of the crop, except in one instance.  相似文献   

Previous results with red clover ( Trifolium pratense ) leaflets, leaf petioles and stems indicated that the epidermis continued to impose a barrier to water loss at low water contents. Further experiments with red clover leaf petioles and stems suggest that cuticular wax is the epidermal component concerned and that treatments which remove or merely modify this will also increase drying rate. However, when treatments to reduce epidermal resistance were applied to pseudostems and flowering stems of Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) the initial increase in drying rate produced was not sustained at low water contents. The pseudostems consisted of three layers of leaf material rolled one within the other and the true flowering stems were surrounded by one leaf sheath. Their pattern of response to treatments suggested that these affected only the outer sheath, which produced an initial acceleration in drying rate, but that this was not sustained after the outer sheath was dry because the lower untreated layers dried in a similar way to untreated controls.
The results suggest the possibility of devising practical treatments to increase drying rate at low water contents with crops containing a high proportion of leaf or stem not surrounded by leaf sheath. Devising such treatments for crops with a high proportion of grass pseudostem or flowering stem surrounded by leaf sheath will be considerably more difficult.  相似文献   

Three diploid—Sabtoron, Violetta and Essex—and three tetraploid—Hungaropoly, Teroba and Red Head—red clover cultivars were sown alone and with each of three companion grasses—timothy (S48), tall fescue (S170) and perennial ryegrass (S24). The productivity and persistence of the red clover cultivars were compared. Results obtained over the first four harvest years were presented in an earlier paper (McBratney, 1981) and this paper presents results from the fifth and sixth (final) harvest years.
The low yield obtained in the fifth and sixth year from Essex under each seeding treatment indicated a deterioration in its persistency or vigour or both. In the fifth year the remaining two diploids, Sabtoron and Violetta, were as highly productive and persistent as the three tetraploids but in the sixth year the decrease in productivity was greater in the diploids than in the tetraploids. In the fifth year Teroba, the highest yielder, produced 9 8 t total DM ha−1 over all seeding treatments of which 73% was clover DM; in the sixth year Teroba was again highest yielding, producing 9.3 t ha−l with 67% clover content. Tall fescue was the most consistent companion grass in the mixed swards, in the sixth year contributing 53% grass DM to the total 8 8 t DM harvested ha−1.
The trial demonstrates the potential of a number of red clover cultivars grown either pure or with a suitable perennial grass to achieve and maintain a high output of herbage of good quality over a period of 6 years without any application of fertilizer N. The practical agricultural implications of using red clover are discussed.  相似文献   

The regrowth of Italian ryegrass was studied at weekly intervals from 2 to 14 weeks after a cut in late April when 140 kg ha-1 N was applied. Reduction in digestibility with delay in date of harvest was due to both an increase in the proportion of cell wall and a reduction in the digestibility of the cell wall, particularly the former from week 2 to about week 5 and particularly the latter after week 5. The reduction in the digestibility of the cell wall was about equally attributable to reduction in digestibility of cellulose and to reduction in digestibility of hemicellulose. The proportion of lignin in cell wall was highly correlated with both digestibility of cellulose and digestibility of hemicellulose. The proportion of digestible cell wall in dry matter was not as constant as has sometimes been noted, increasing by about 5 percentage units from week 2 to week 5 and decreasing by about 10 percentage units from week 5 to week 13. During the latter period the decline in digestible cell wall in dry matter accounted for nearly half the decline in true digestibility of dry matter. The ratio of cellulose:hemicellulose averaged 1:0.89 and hemicellulose was more digestible than cellulose. Rate of increase in yield of cell contents appeared to diminish from about the third week of regrowth onwards, whereas the rate of increase in yield of dry matter did not begin to diminish until about the seventh week. In vitro dry matter digestibility was not increased by adding extra N to the digestion tubes, even with samples containing only 1% N in dry matter.  相似文献   

Six red clover cultivars, three diploid—Essex, Sabtoron and Violetta—and three tetraploid— Teroba, Red Head and Hungaropoly—were sown alone and with each of three companion grasses—timothy (S48), tall fescue (S170) and perennial ryegrass (S24). The productivity and persistency of the red clover cultivars were compared over 4 years. Dry matter (DM) yield, DM digestibility and the crude protein (CP) concentration were assessed and botanical analyses conducted on herbage samples from each treatment at each of three harvests per annum. Annual fertilizer application consisted of 165 kg P and 312 kg K ha-1. Comparing clover cultivars alone Essex was significantly less productive and less persistent than the other five cultivars. Yield and persistency of the five other cultivars did not differ markedly within years with the exception that the diploids were significantly less productive than the tetraploids in the fourth year. Over all 4 years mean annual total DM and clover DM yields of the five cultivars were between 12·2 and 13·2 t ha-1 and between 9·2 (79·2% of total DM yield) and 10·2 (83·2%) t ha-1 respectively, and differences were not significant. Up to the end of the third year there was little or no advantage gained by the inclusion of a companion grass, annual total DM yields being between 11·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover alone and between 10·2 and 14·2 t ha-1 for clover-grass mixtures. In the fourth year there was an overall tendency for the yield of the clover alone to be lower, between 7·2 and 12·2 t ha-1, than that of the clover-grass mixture, between 8·2 and 13·2 t ha-1, and this was more pronounced with the diploid than with the tetraploid clover cultivars. Sown with companion grasses, Essex and Hungaropoly were lower in yield and in contribution than the other cultivars over the 4 years. The influence of the companion grass on total dry matter yield showed that the contribution of timothy was low relative to that made by tall fescue and perennial ryegrass. Perennial ryegrass made the most varied contribution from year to year. Tall fescue was the most consistent contributor with all clover cultivars and at the end of 4 years both yield and clover-grass balance had not changed materially. No pronounced differences in DM digestibility were evident between treatments. Crude protein concentration of the pure clover was similar to that of the clover-timothy treatments and both would appear to be superior to either the clover-perennial ryegrass or clover-tall fescue mixtures. It is considered that red clover dominant swards are suitable for use under a cutting regime and can provide high yields of DM at a low cost for up to 4 years. Such swards are self-sufficient in N and in addition soil N accumulation can be exploited in the production of succeeding crops.  相似文献   

Results of experiments where timothy, perennial ryegrass and mixtures of these two in the presence and absence of white clover and receiving various nitrogen treatments were compared, have been considered in the light of previous related experiments. There is evidence that under certain conditions greater yields of sown grass can be achieved from mixed seedings than from either of the two grasses on its own. No yield advantage was gained from mixtures of species when cut infrequently after a late first cut. Inclusion of white clover changed the balance of species in favour of perennial ryegrass and no yield advantage occurred with mixtures in the presence of clover. Yield advantage may be related to seasonal changes in the order of dominance of the two grass species in mixed seedings.  相似文献   

The high nutritive value and persistence under a wide range of climatic and soil fertility conditions make Caucasian clover a potentially useful forage legume but there is little information about the performance of livestock grazing Caucasian clover/grass swards. This study compared liveweight gains of lambs grazing Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and white clover/perennial ryegrass swards on high fertility (Olsen P 20 mg L?1, SO4‐S 12 mg kg?1) and low fertility (Olsen P 11 mg L?1, SO4‐S 7 mg kg?1) soils from 1998 to 2001 in the South Island of New Zealand. Mean annual liveweight gains were 1178 kg ha?1 for Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass and 1069 kg ha?1 for white clover/perennial ryegrass swards at high fertility compared with 1094 kg ha?1 and 1015 kg ha?1, respectively, at low fertility. There was a higher mean proportion of clover in Caucasian clover/perennial ryegrass (0·19) than white clover/perennial ryegrass (0·11) swards, but there were no differences in total herbage production between the two clover/perennial ryegrass swards. The mean concentration of crude protein in the herbage of Caucasian clover (302 g kg DM?1) was higher than that in white clover (287 g kg DM?1) and grass herbage (227 g kg DM?1). Estimated mean metabolizable energy concentrations in the herbage were 12·5 MJ kg DM?1 for the two clovers and 11·6 MJ kg DM?1 for grass herbage. The difference in liveweight gain between swards on soils of high and low fertility was associated with an increase in total herbage production of similar composition and nutritive value, giving a greater number of grazing days for the swards on soils of high than low fertility.  相似文献   

The combined benefits of a high crude protein concentration, and possible protein protection and growth‐promoting properties, make forage legumes potentially attractive as a natural means of increasing liveweight gain and time to slaughter of lambs in lamb finishing systems. An experiment was conducted to compare the production performance and meat quality of grazing lambs finished on red clover (Trifolium pratense), lucerne (Medicago sativa) or perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards. Replicate (n = 2) swards of red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass were rotationally grazed by ten ram lambs and ten ewe lambs from weaning until selection for slaughter at UK fat class 3L. Lambs grazing the red clover sward had a significantly higher liveweight gain and required significantly fewer days to slaughter than lambs grazing the lucerne sward (305 g d?1 vs. 243 g d?1; 38 d vs. 50 d), which in turn had a higher liveweight gain and required fewer days to slaughter than lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (184 g d?1; 66 d). Lambs grazing the red clover and lucerne swards had significantly higher herbage intakes than those grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (2·06, 1·72 and 1·16 kg DM d?1 respectively), but in vivo digestibility of herbage was similar. Lambs grazing the red clover and lucerne swards also had significantly higher serum urea concentrations than those grazing ryegrass (12·5, 11·1 and 6·2 mmol L?1 respectively). Killing‐out percentage was significantly higher for lambs grazing the red clover sward than for lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward (48% vs. 46%). There were no significant effects of finishing system on meat flavour, but meat from lambs finished on the lucerne sward was oxidatively less stable than that from lambs finished on the perennial ryegrass sward. Grazing the forage legume swards significantly increased the proportion of linoleic and linolenic acid in muscle tissue, and therefore the proportion of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids (0·19, 0·16 and 0·12 for the red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass swards respectively). However, the n?6/n?3 ratio was significantly lower for the muscle of lambs grazing the perennial ryegrass sward compared with those grazing the forage legume swards (1·13, 1·08 and 0·98 for the red clover, lucerne and perennial ryegrass swards respectively). The results indicate that by grazing lambs on forage legume swards it is possible to increase individual lamb performance without compromising meat quality.  相似文献   

This study aimed to support red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) breeding programmes by investigating germplasm adaptive variation. Four landraces representative of the former commercial ecotypes from northern and central Italy, thirteen natural populations collected in Italy across a wide latitudinal and altitudinal range in exploited or abandoned old natural grasslands, natural pastures or in the wild, and the varieties Perseo and Divin were evaluated for 2‐year forage yield, for plant survival and for some morphophysiological traits. Evaluations were made at two sites, one with a subcontinental climate (Lodi) and the other with a Mediterranean climate (Viterbo). Specific adaptation was particularly large in natural populations, whose interaction with location implied a widespread inversion of population ranks across sites for forage yield depending on their geographical origin. Forage yield and persistence of the populations were not correlated, owing to the trend of landrace and variety germplasm towards high yield but poor persistence. At Lodi, forage yield was associated with winter hardiness and was maximized by landrace germplasm, whereas persistence depended on various factors and was high only in a set of natural populations collected from pastures. At Viterbo, natural populations that evolved under severe summer drought stress tended towards high yield and persistence, showing no yield disadvantage relative to the best‐performing landrace or variety germplasm.  相似文献   

The effects of spatial location of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) within a perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.)/white clover pasture on stolon and petiole extension were investigated in two experiments, where patch size containing white clover (0·5 m, 1·5 m and 4 m diameter), location within the patch (inside and edge) and cutting height (4 cm and 8 cm) were varied. Stolon extension rate was greater on the edge of a patch (12·1 mm week−1) than inside the patch (7·2 mm week−1). Patch size affected both stolon and petiole extension rate, which were both greater in small and medium-sized than in large patches. It is suggested that the fastest spread of white clover in patchy sward environments should occur from small patches, which could double in diameter during a growing season. Manipulating the heights of vegetation within and outside large patches affected light quality (red-far red; R/FR) at ground level, which was greater under shorter than taller swards and greater under the canopy of the grass matrix than the grass/white clover patch. However, the height differences between adjacent vegetation had little effect on stolon or petiole growth. In May only, stolon extension at the patch boundary was greatest when both patches and the grass matrix had a height of 8 cm.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to characterize sward dynamics of lucerne ( Medicago sativa L.) and perennial, Italian or short rotation hybrid rye-grass ( Lolium perenne L. and L. multiflorum Lam.) binary mixtures under hay management. Lucerne/timothy ( Phleum pratense L.) mixtures were included as controls. The study was conducted on two farms in central Pennsylvania, USA on Hagerstown silt loams (fine, mixed, mesic hapludalf). Total dry matter yield, grass yield and yield of digestible dry matter were higher for tetraploid perennial and tetraploid Italian ryegrass mixtures than for timothy mixtures. Seasonal production differed for the three kinds of ryegrass. Italian ryegrass dry matter yields were higher in cuts 2 and 3 than perennial ryegrass yields. Grass yields represented 34%, 24% and 12% of total yields of the Italian, perennial or short rotation, and timothy mixtures, respectively. However, herbage in vitro dry matter digestibility of Italian was lower than that of perennial ryegrass.
The tetraploid perennial ryegrasses Grimalda and Reveille had high-ranking N concentrations more frequently than other cultivars, while Bar-vestra and Reveille tetraploid perennials and Bison short rotation ryegrass had high-ranking dry matter digestibility values more frequently than the other cultivars. Perennial ryegrass cultivars and Lipo tetraploid Italian ryegrass persisted well for 4 years and produced higher yields with a lower weed content than timothy mixtures. It is concluded that perennial ryegrasses and Lipo Italian ryegrass should be recommended over timothy, as companion grasses with lucerne.  相似文献   

This study assesses near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) as a rapid and reliable method for estimating the clover content of clover/grass mixtures. NIRS calibrations were derived both for red clover ( Trifolium pratense ) and white clover ( T. repens ) mixtures. To maximize variability, the set of samples for analysis was selected from field plots receiving a wide range of nitrogen fertilizer application and harvested over 2 years at weekly intervals throughout the growing season. The samples were scanned using a NIR-Systems model 5000 monochromator. A total of 183 white clover/grass and 282 red clover/grass samples were used to calibrate and cross-validate the equations derived. The NIRS calibrations obtained from this study have the potential to be used in research on clover/grass mixtures as well as for advisory work.  相似文献   

The nature of competition between perennial ryegrass and white clover   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Perennial ryegrass and white clover were grown in boxes with either no competition, root competition only, shoot competition only, or both root and shoot competition between them, Boxes received either no nitrogen or 200 kg N ha−1 as a split application. The experiment was harvested at 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks after sowing. Perennial ryegrass was more competitive than white clover throughout the experiment and its overall competitive ability increased with Lime. The effects of root competition were greater than those of shoot competition at the first harvest, with both forms of competition having similar affects at the second harvest, while at the third and final harvests shoot competition had greater effects than root competition. At the later harvests N application increased the overall competitive ability of perennial ryegrass, relative to white clover, mainly owing to the increase in its shoot competitive ability.  相似文献   

In a field experiment carried out over 3 years, the nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards increased exponentially with nitrogen application rate, but herbage nitrate content appeared to reach potentially dangerous concentrations only when nitrogen application rates were greater than those needed to stimulate dry-matter production. Thus, on average over all the harvests, maximum yield could be obtained with annual application rates of 400 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 67 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass and 300 kg N ha–1 (six applications of 50 kg N ha–1) for perennial ryegrass/white clover (Trifolium repens) swards, whereas the mean nitrate concentrations were 3340 and 2929 mg NO3 kg–1 dry matter (DM) respectively. Nitrate content, however, varied considerably from harvest to harvest, reaching maxima of 9345 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 400 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and 6255 mg NO3 kg–1 DM at 300 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover. The nitrate content of herbage from perennial ryegrass/white clover swards was always greater than that of perennial ryegrass swards receiving the same rate of nitrogen application, even though in the herbage from the mixed sward the nitrate content of white clover was usually less than half that of the perennial ryegrass component. The physical environment did not have a clearly interpretable effect on nitrate content, although herbage harvested in May had a much lower nitrate content than that harvested at any other time of the season. It was not possible to find a single multiple regression equation relating herbage nitrate content to nitrogen application and to other environmental variables that explained more than 60% of the variance in herbage nitrate, but it is suggested that, by reducing the later-season nitrogen applications from 67 to 50 and finally to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass and from 50 to 33 kg N ha–1 for perennial ryegrass/white clover, it would be possible to achieve over 90% of the maximum yield while reducing average nitrate content to <40% of that at maximum yield, with no samples containing more than 2300 mg NO3 kg –1 DM.  相似文献   

Replicated plots of Hungaropoly red clover were sown on a sterilized area in May 1975 alone (seed rate 11 kg ha-1) or with one of six cultivars of perennial ryegrass (seed rate 3·5 kg ha-1) viz. Cropper and S24 (early heading), Barlenna and Hora (medium heading) and Melle and Perma (late heading). In 1976 and 1977 primary growth was cut at one of four dates ranging from mid-May to mid-June and thereafter plots were harvested twice each year.
Varying the time of first cut did not have a significant effect on total dry matter (DM) yield in either year despite differences in means of cutting treatments on annual red clover yields of the order of 6–9%.
In some companion grass treatments total DM yield in 1976 was increased and total red clover yield and percentage red clover contribution were reduced relative to swards sown only with red clover. In 1977 a similar but non-significant trend was found. Swards containing early ryegrasses had higher total herbage DM yields but lower red clover yields and contents than all other swards at the first harvest in both years.
Delay in date of taking the first harvest in 1976 reduced DM digestibility in the first cut and increased it in the second in both years.
It is suggested that by cutting early and increasing the number of harvests from three to four per year, differences in the content of red clover between the first and second cut might be reduced, and it is concluded that more benefit is derived from red clover when medium or late heading ryegrasses are used as companion grasses.  相似文献   

Grass and clover production and nitrogen cycling were compared in 1983 and 1984 at three sites: an upland peaty gley and upland and lowland brown earths. The clover varieties Olwen and S184 were compared in 1983 and S100 and S184 in 1984. Ammonium and nitrate sources of 15N were used to measure nitrogen recovery from fertilizer and soil, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen transfer from clover to grass. Acetylene reduction was measured once, in 1983, but isotope dilution was used in both years.
Olwen clover produced more dry matter and took up more 15N than S184. Olwen fixed more nitrogen than S184 over the whole season, as measured by 15N isotope dilution. Companion grass took up more soil nitrogen when growing with S184 than with Olwen. The clover variety S100, tested at the lowland site in 1984, caused no significant variations in dry matter accumulation or N fixation.
In the dry 1984 season, grass dry matter accumulation and 15N uptake were less than in 1983, and plants actually lost total nitrogen from their roots to the soil. Fixation rate varied more in 1984 than in 1983. Nitrogen transfer from clover to grass was detected by isotope ratio differences in 1983, and by total N differences in 1984.
Site differences were dominated by the greater dry matter accumulation of Olwen in the lowland in 1983, but in that year there was also increased dry matter accumulation and increased 15N fertilizer uptake, but less nitrogen fixed on the mineral upland site than on the peat soil.
Whether 15N was given as ammonium or nitrate made little difference in these experiments.  相似文献   

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