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We attempted to estimate the survival rates of larval cohorts (3–15 mm in body length) of the Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus population in Hiuchi‐nada, Seto Inland Sea, Japan, and examined the relationship to their food availability. The survival rates were directly calculated from the change in larval density during the survey. The estimated daily survival rate ranged between 0 and 89% d−1, but increased with the increase in the mean concentration of small‐sized copepod nauplii (<100 μm in body length) sampled at 10 m depth. When the food concentration was higher than about 5 nauplii L−1, the daily survival rate of larval anchovy reached an asymptote of approximately 89% day−1. It might be possible to provide a framework for the forecast for larval abundance immediately prior to recruitment size (10–15 mm SL), based on larval abundance of the monitored size (3–8 mm SL) and the survival rate which is estimated from the concentration of small‐sized nauplii.  相似文献   

We propose a method of estimating natural mortality of marine pelagic fishes, especially for early-life stages, based on their fecundity. To estimate size-dependent fecundity, growth and mortality of Pacific anchovy (Engraulis japonicus), the most abundant fish species in coastal waters off the Korean peninsula, we undertook a synthesis of results from past studies and data. Assuming that the growth coefficient K varies with water temperature, we derived a modified von Bertalanffy growth equation covering all life stages based on otolith analysis of anchovies collected from southwestern coastal area of Korea in 1996. By revisting a past study on spawning and egg production of anchovies in the southern Korean coastal waters, we calculated a monthly-averaged fraction of mature females spawning per day to estimate that an average female anchovy spawns 36 times per year, and that the mean number of eggs produced by an average female is ca. 160 × 103 yr−1. Accepting the ‘bigger-is-better’ hypothesis, we derived a theoretical mortality curve that assumes instantaneous natural mortality as an inverse function of anchovy body length. Assuming equilibrium status of stock, estimated annual instantaneous mortality of anchovy between egg to age-1 stage was 11.3 yr−1 and estimated size-specific mortality was 1.24 d−1 mm in fork length. The derived theoretical mortality curve fit well the stage-specific mortalities, which were estimated independently based on ichthyoplankton surveys and anchovy samples collected by commercial nets, but underestimated the egg mortality (0.89 d−1 vs. 0.83 d−1).  相似文献   

The spawning season and grounds of red sea bream in Hiuchi-nada, the central part of the Seto Inland Sea, were described using a new method based on monoclonal antibodies for identifying Pagrus major eggs, and the daily egg production (standardized by the incubation time and survival rate) was estimated. At the peak of spawning (May), the ranges of sea temperature, salinity, and chlorophyll a where red sea bream eggs occurred were 14.8–17.4°C, 32.0–33.0, 0.5–4.4 μg/L, respectively. The main spawning grounds of the red sea bream were confirmed as being the areas near the Geiyo Islands, Misaki Peninsula, Saijyo, Niihama. The spatial spread of red sea bream eggs increased with the egg developmental stage. The ranges of daily egg production in 2005 and 2006 were 0.3–19.3 and 0.2–6.7 × 109 eggs/day, respectively. In Hiuchi-nada, aquaculture farms are located close to the spawning grounds, and the potential spawning population from the aquaculture farms equaled or exceeded that of the estimated spawning population obtained by the egg production method. Red sea bream eggs in Hiuchi-nada might be produced by both wild and aquaculture-based spawning populations.  相似文献   

The Japanese sand lance (Ammodytes personatus) population in the Seto Inland Sea shows large fluctuations every few years. Its recruitment to the fishery resources is much more dependent on the survival rate of 0-age fish than is the case for other fish species because 0-age fish directly recruit to next-year spawning adults. Since the 0-age fish population depends on its larval population, which is easily influenced by natural and human impacts, high larval mortality due to predation by adults and high dispersion of larvae by wind-driven currents from spawning grounds to other locations can have very important effects on stock fluctuations. A numerical model of population dynamics of the sand lance in the eastern Seto Inland Sea was developed that focuses on wind-induced transport and adult predation of the larvae. The model successfully simulated the two-year periodic fluctuation and was consistent with actual fluctuations in fishery catches. It suggests that the various coefficients given in the model are appropriate to explain the actual population dynamics of the sand lance. The model shows that adult predation on the larvae plays a very important role in the two-year periodic fluctuation, and the maximum predation rate is estimated to be ten individuals per day. Wind-induced transport modifies the impact of this predation. Variances in the two-year periodic fluctuation become smaller with weaker westerly wind velocity. The appropriate transport rates from Bisan Strait and the Harima-nada Sea are estimated to be 0.04 d-1 and 0.01 d-1, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:     To estimate the daily rations of Paralichthys olivaceus , Tarphops oligolepis and Favonigobius gymnauchen and to clarify diel variation in food availability to them, diel sampling was conducted over a 24-h period at a sandy beach in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The mean total length and body weight (BW) of P. olivaceus , T. oligolepis and F. gymnauchen were 32.6 mm (0.35 g), 23.7 mm (0.13 g) and 50.2 mm (1.03 g), respectively. The mean stomach contents index and percentages of stomachs with food were high during the day but low at night, indicating that these species are day-feeders. Paralichthys olivaceus and F. gymnauchen consumed mainly mysids and crangonids, whereas T. oligolepis fed chiefly on mysids. The estimated mean daily rations (95% confidence intervals) for P. olivaceus , T. oligolepis and F. gymnauchen made with the bootstrap method were 18.1 (9.3–31.3)%BW, 13.2 (7.9–24.3)%BW and 3.7 (1.7–7.4)%BW, respectively. Mysids were more abundant in the near-bottom layer during the day than at night, but the opposite was true for crangonids.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from 135 stations in the western part of the Seto Inland Sea (Iyo Nada, Suo Nada, Beppu Bay, Tokuyama Bay, Hiroshima Bay, Aki Nada, Hiuchi Nada and Bingo Nada) to determine the horizontal distribution and abundance of resting cysts of Alexandrium spp. ( A. tamarense  +  A. catenella ). Enumeration of the cysts was performed using the primuline-staining direct count method. Cysts of Alexandrium spp. were rarely found in Iyo Nada, Suo Nada and Beppu Bay, but were widely distributed in Tokuyama Bay, Hiroshima Bay, Aki Nada, Hiuchi Nada and Bingo Nada. Cyst concentrations ranged from not detected (ND) to 14, ND to 17, ND to 4, 93 to 8137, 8 to 4454, ND to 6, ND to 18 and 4–29 cysts/cm3 wet sediment in Iyo Nada, Suo Nada, Beppu Bay, Tokuyama Bay, Hiroshima Bay, Aki Nada, Hiuchi Nada and Bingo Nada, respectively. The majority of cysts occurred in Tokuyama Bay and Hiroshima Bay, where higher densities were observed in the inner bay and along the coastal margin. Relatively higher cyst concentrations were observed at stations with a higher mud content. The abundance of Alexandrium spp. cysts in western Seto Inland Sea is lower than in the eastern Seto Inland Sea, except for Tokuyama Bay and Hiroshima Bay. However, because sporadic blooms of Alexandrium have been observed, continuing monitoring is necessary to prevent paralytic shellfish poisoning outbreaks in this area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The occurrence and distribution of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder Paralichthys olivaceus and major demersal fish from May to September were examined at seven sandy beaches at the central Seto Inland Sea. The flounder appeared from late May to August and were mainly collected at a depth of 2–5 m. Settlement of larval flounder was seen from late May to late June. A total of 6412 individuals of 17 species representing 12 families were collected in the study area. The dominant fish species were Favonigobius gymnauchen (56.0%), Tarphops oligolepis (8.1%), Rudarius ercodes (7.8%), P. olivaceus (7.3%), Repomucenus spp. (7.0%) and Heteromycteris japonica (3.3%). The catches of flounder differed among beaches and months. The number of flounder in June at Ohama Beach, where the most flounder were collected, was 22.6 individuals per haul (400 m2). The density of the flounder correlated negatively to that of F. gymnauchen .  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The abundance of food organisms and feeding habits of larval and juvenile Japanese flounder were examined during the period from May to August in 1999, 2000 and 2001 at the sandy Ohama beach, the central Seto Inland Sea. The food organisms collected with a sledge net consisted of 40 families from 18 orders, dominated by mysids, crangonids and gammarids. The mean densities of mysids, crangonid shrimp ( Crangon spp.), gammarids and fish were 2.74, 6.74, 2.91 and 0.15 individuals/m2, respectively. The main prey of the flounder ( n  = 202; range of total length 9.80–75.95 mm) was mysids and small crangonid shrimp (<14 mm in body length). Prey fish availability was low, as the density of fish was low. The small crangonid shrimp was abundant, and the large crangonid shrimp, which could prey on larval flounder, was not abundant. The crangonid shrimp was important not as a predator for the flounder but as prey. The flounder preferred epifaunal mysids, Nipponomysis ornata and Anisomysis ijimai , to sand-burrowing mysids, Iiella oshimai , and avoided crangonid shrimp.  相似文献   

应用激光剥蚀(LA)-ICPMS技术对采集于黄海南部吕泗产卵场的产卵期蓝点马鲛耳石横截面从核心到边缘进行了分析,并结合耳石微结构分析比较各测定元素与钙的比值在不同生活史阶段的变化。结果显示,测定的Li、Na、Mg、Fe、Co、Sr和Ba含量在耳石上均呈非均匀分布,但Ba:Ca比值从核心到边缘波动较大(2.13~5.05 μmol/mol),总体为核心(0~40 μm)部分高,核心向外(40~320 μm)部分快速下降,其余部分(320~1 440 μm)低。Ba:Ca比值在不同生活史阶段间表现出了显著性差异,孵化阶段明显高于越冬和产卵阶段。相较其他元素,Ba元素更适合作为标志性元素重建蓝点马鲛生境履历。根据Ba:Ca比值重建了黄海南部蓝点马鲛的生境履历,结果发现它们在胚胎发育和孵化阶段生活在高Ba浓度生境,早期发育阶段游离近岸高Ba浓度生境,随后的生长发育阶段则会长期处于Ba浓度稍低的生境进行越冬和产卵洄游。  相似文献   

Sequence variation of a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was examined using polymerase chain reaction and direct sequencing among three populations of Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus from the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. A total of 24 and 47 nucleotide sites were detected variable defining 29 and 32 haplotypes in cyt b and COI data, respectively. All variable sites except one in COI were silent in the two sets of sequences. The Ewens-Watterson test indicated that the observed allelic configurations in both data sets were in full agreement with neutral expectations. The variation level was high, with h=0.957±0.018, π=0.644±0.387 (%) in cyt b data set and h=0.958±0.021, π=0.640±0.386 (%) in COI data set, respectively. However, at the population level, Fst values between pairs of populations were not significantly different from zero (P>0.05) in both data sets. The analysis of haplotype frequency distribution showed no significant differences among populations. Similarly, the analysis of the partitioning of molecular variance indicated that all or almost all of the genetic variation was distributed within populations. Based on the data from this study, the existence of separate genetic stocks in this area were not detected. Mixing of stocks to some extent in migration cycle and dispersal capacity of anchovy’s planktonic larvae could be the reasons for genetic homogeneity in this species in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea.  相似文献   

Satoru  KAMURA  Hiroaki  HASHIMOTO 《Fisheries Science》2004,70(6):1019-1035
ABSTRACT:   The food habits of 595 houndsharks of four species, Triakis scyllium ( n  = 179, 42–148 cm total in length), Hemitriakis japanica ( n  = 57, 42–102 cm), Mustelus griseus ( n  = 193, 39–100 cm), and Mustelus manazo ( n  = 166, 43–120 cm), found in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan, from March 1997 to October 1999 and May 2000 to July 2002, were studied. T. scyllium changed their main food items from shrimps to echiuran worms then to cephalopods with their growth. Comparing food habits by the value of similarity (maximum = 1), the small-sized T. scyllium had a low value (0.17) compared to larger sharks. T. scyllium gradually increased the diversity of food until it reached 700 mm long in total length, however, after that it decreased. H. japanica appeared mainly in summer and autumn and ate cephalopods and fishes. M. griseus preyed on various crustaceans and decreased the diversity of food with growth. M. manazo preferred crustaceans and polychaetes. There was no certain tendency in the diversity of the food habit for M. manazo .  相似文献   

The relative abundance of adult Argentine anchovies ( Engraulis anchoita ) and the thermal structure of the sea between 41° and 45°30'S during four research surveys were compared. Acoustic data were collected while making parallel transects along which CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth) stations were regularly distributed. Anchovy abundance was related to both the sea surface temperature and the stratification of the water column, as classified according to the φ parameter of stability ( Simpson, 1981 ). Regarding the whole water column, the sea temperatures where adult anchovies were recorded ranged from 8.5 to 16.5°C, but anchovy echo traces from waters above 14°C were obtained mainly at night. The sea surface temperature bounds for anchovy distribution were 11 and 17°C, with a preferential range between 12.5 and 16°C, but no absolute value of sea surface temperature was found to be most favourable for the species. The highest fish abundances were related to sharp thermal gradients, either horizontally recorded in frontal zones (≈ 0.02°C or more per km) or vertically associated to the occurrence of a thermocline (stability > 10 J m–3). Sea fronts seemed to be the axes for the distribution of anchovy shoals, and the annual changes in the positions of the fronts seemed to be followed by analogous changes in the locations of the main anchovy concentrations. Within thermally stratified areas and during the daytime, anchovies apparently preferred the thermocline layer or the layer immediately above that, although a few fish shoals were located below the thermocline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   Feeding habits of Favonigobius gymnauchen , Repomucenus spp. and Tarphops oligolepis were examined during the period from May to August in 1999, 2000 and 2001 at a sandy beach in the central Seto Inland Sea, Japan. The three species of fish accounted for more than 60% of all fish collected in terms of number of individuals. All three species mainly consumed small crustaceans. However, the major prey of F .  gymnauchen and Repomucenus spp. differed from that of T .  oligolepis . F .  gymnauchen and Repomucenus spp. mainly consumed mysids and small crangonid shrimp (<12 mm in body length), which predominated in the study area. T .  oligolepis actively selected only epifaunal mysids Nipponomysis ornata and avoided crangonid shrimp and gammarids . The frequencies of occurrence of fish in the guts of the three dominant species were very low, and larval and juvenile Japanese flounder were not observed in any of the three fish species. The diet of juvenile Japanese flounder was similar to that of the three species. From these results, it appears that these three fish are competing species for the flounder.  相似文献   

In the southern part of the East China Sea (ECS), a large spawning ground of jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus has recently been found: Larval survival during the period of transport from the spawning ground along the shelf break is potentially a critical stage prior to recruitment. As such, the distribution of copepod nauplii in this region was investigated during the main spawning period in 2003–2006. The average naupliar density in 2003 was significantly higher than the other years along the shelf break, which is a major transport pathway for jack mackerel larvae (sea-surface temperature 20–23°C). Estimated egg production rates for Paracalanus spp., one of the most dominant genera of copepods in the southern ECS, based on temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration could not fully explain the spatial and annual variation in naupliar distribution and abundance. Although naupliar densities showed significant positive correlations with chlorophyll-a concentration for all years, an analysis of covariance revealed that naupliar density in 2003 was high even if the effect of chlorophyll-a concentration was excluded. This suggests that apart from copepod production, adult female distribution plays an important role in variability of the naupliar distribution and abundance in the southern ECS.  相似文献   

Age determination of wild captured Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, was conducted using sagittal otoliths of 806 specimens (47–260 cm in fork length) caught in the waters off Japan and Taiwan. Otoliths were transversely sectioned and the opaque and translucent zones were analyzed. Opaque zones mainly appeared on the otolith edge from April to July, indicating that the opaque zone is formed annually. The opaque zones formed during later life (age 10+) were more distinct than the earlier zones. The estimated ages of specimens ranged from 1 to 26 years. Parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function were estimated to be 249.6 cm, 0.173, and −0.254 years for L, k, and t0, respectively. Growth of younger fish was rapid up to 5 years old attaining about 150 cm, and then growth rate decreased. After that, fish attained about 200 cm at 9 years old and about 225 cm (90% of L) at 13 years old (50% of maximum age). This paper updates the biological information on length at age with a large size range to support stock assessment model analyses for this commercially valuable species.  相似文献   

东海带鱼渔获量对捕捞压力和气候变动的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王跃中  贾晓平  林昭进  孙典荣 《水产学报》2011,35(12):1881-1889
为了解捕捞压力和气候变动对东海带鱼渔业产量的共同影响,对1956-2006年东海带鱼渔获量进行了分析.东海带鱼渔获量时间序列可划分成变化趋势和年间变动.变化趋势主要归因于捕捞努力量的单调增长,Fox模型拟合结果,东海带鱼渔获量与捕捞努力量关系显著(P<0.01).移除趋势后,其年间变动与陆地降水、季风风速、海表水温和热带气旋影响指数相关(P<0.05).结果表明,气候变动影响到东海带鱼渔获量年间变动:陆地降雨和径流携带大量营养盐进入沿岸生态系统;而季风则驱动营养盐的扩散和循环,影响着营养盐的利用效率;水温的升高不仅有利于带鱼的性腺发育与成熟,还能增加带鱼的饵料供应;热带气旋所形成的水团流动、风生混合、上升流等能促进营养盐供应并增加水域的生物量.从捕捞努力量和气候变量拟合东海带鱼渔获量的结果来看,与实际渔获量显著相关(P<0.01),并且能够很好地反映出实际带鱼渔获量的变化趋势和年间变动.这说明渔获量的变化受到捕捞效应和气候变动的双重影响,未来气候变化将有利于东海带鱼渔业产量的增加,且渔获量年间变动幅度将会比以往更大.  相似文献   

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