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In response to uncertainty among cattle producers in Australia regarding the need to treat Bos indicus and B. indicus crossbreeds, the scientific literature relating to the productivity effects of Boophilus microplus on cattle of all breeds was reviewed. Estimates of the mean effect of each engorging tick (damage coefficient, d) were made from a simple analysis of the reported data. On average, each engorging female tick is responsible for the loss of 1.37 +/- 0.25 g bodyweight in B. taurus cattle. The comparable value for B. taurusxB. indicus cattle is 1.18 +/- 0.21 g/engorging tick. These values were not statistically significantly different, indicating that if a threshold approach to tick control were taken, then the threshold number of standard ticks would be the same regardless of cattle genotype. No studies provided useable estimates of the effect of tick infestation on pure B. indicus cattle. An economic threshold for treatment, below which acaricide application is not beneficial, can be predicted, using known values for the cost of acaricide application and the price of beef. However, the application of a threshold approach to control has not been embraced by government advisers and runs contrary to the accepted principals of strategic control programs.  相似文献   

Data were analyzed to compare crossbred females produced by crossing exotic Angus and Red Poll males to indigenous Ankole, Boran and Small East African Zebu (Zebu) females with straightbred females of the Ankole, Boran and Zebu breeds at the Ruhengere Field Station in the Ankole District of Southwestern Uganda. Progeny of the straightbred and crossbred dams were by Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental sires. Crossbred exotic X indigenous dams were favored over straightbred indigenous dams by 13.7% (P less than .01) in calf birth weight and by 14.8% (P less than .01) in calf weaning weight. Cross-bred cows exceeded (P less than .01) straightbred cows by 61.9% (48.5 kg) in calf weight weaned per cow exposed to breeding. Crossbred cows weighed 37, 46 and 42 kg more (P less than .01) than straightbred cows at parturition, weaning and cow mean weight, respectively. Angus X Boran and Red Poll X Boran crossbred dams were compared specifically with straightbred Boran dams. Exotic (Angus, Red Poll) X Boran crossbred dams exceeded straightbred Boran dams by 27.0% (P less than .05) in calf crop born, by 8.3% (P less than .05) in progeny birth weight and by 14.7% (P less than .01) in progeny weaning weight. Weight of calf weaned per cow exposed to breeding favored (P less than .01) the Angus X Boran and Red Poll X Boran crossbred dams over the straightbred Boran dams by 50.5% (50 kg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four consecutive annual calf crops of known genotype from a single property in northern Australia were examined for the presence of stephanofilarial lesions. The animals ranged in age from 60 to 348 days at the time of examination. Initial lesions of stephanofilariasis developed adjacent to the medial canthi of the eyes; animals as young as 69 days of age were found infected. In all years, prevalence of lesions increased with age for all genotypes, and was significantly lower in genotypes with higher Bos indicus content (P less than 0.01). Males had a higher prevalence of lesions than females in only one year, and in two of the years, dark-coloured animals had a higher prevalence of lesions than light-coloured ones.  相似文献   

Some effects of the plane of nutrition on the development of anaplasmosis in Brahman cross steers were investigated. Batches of 39 and 30 Brahman cross steers, aged approximately 27 months were each divided by stratified randomisation into 4 groups of similar mean PCV and body weight. Two similar experiments, designated A and B were conducted. Groups 1 and 2 were fed a ration of lucerne chaff at the rate of 1 M Cal ME/80 kg live weight/day for 8 weeks aimed to reduce body weight by approximately 5 kg/week. Animals in groups 3 and 4 were fed a ration for the same period aimed to increase body weight by approximately 2 kg/week. Groups 1 and 3 were then inoculated with approximately 10(10) Anaplasma marginale infected erythrocytes and the effects of the subsequent infections during the clinical and recovery phases were examined by measuring humoral antibody response, packed cell volume, parasitaemia and body weight. Groups 2 and 4 were uninfected controls. Anaplasmosis, as measured by three responses, was less severe in the starved animals of group 1. Significant differences in packed cell volume and parasitaemia were detected for short periods between the infected groups 1 and 3. Anaplasmosis caused losses of 6.2% and 5.9% in the mean body weight of group 3 animals in experiments A and B respectively. Most of this loss occurred during the clinical phase of the disease. The disease caused no apparent loss of weight in the infected animals of group 1.  相似文献   

Growth and carcass data on 7,154 cattle from a purebred project and 1,241 cattle from a crossbred project, comprising 916 first-crosses and 325 purebred Brahman controls, were analyzed to estimate genetic parameters, including the genetic correlations between purebred and crossbred performance (rpc). The data also allowed the estimation of sire breed means for various growth and carcass traits. Crossbred calves were produced using 9 Angus, 8 Hereford, 7 Shorthorn, 14 Belmont Red, and 8 Santa Gertrudis sires bred to Brahman dams. These same sires produced 1,568 progeny in a separate purebreeding project. Cattle in both projects were managed under two finishing regimens (pasture and feedlot) to representative market live weights of 400 (domestic), 520 (Korean), and 600 kg (Japanese). The traits studied included live weight at around 400 d of age (400W), hot carcass weight (CWT), retail beef yield percentage (RBY), intramuscular fat percentage (IMF), rump fat depth (P8), and preslaughter ultrasound scanned eye muscle area (SEMA). Estimated breeding values (EBV) of sires from their BREEDPLAN genetic evaluations were used to assess their value in predicting crossbred performance. Regressions of actual crossbred calf performance on sire EBV for each of the traits differed little from their expectation of 0.5. Angus sires produced crossbred carcasses with the highest P8 and lowest RBY but highest IMF. In contrast, crossbred progeny from Belmont Red sires had the lightest 400W and CWT, lowest P8, and highest RBY. Estimates of rpc were 0.48, 0.48, 0.83, 0.95, 1.00, and 0.78 for 400W, CWT, RBY, IMF, P8, and SEMA, respectively. Commercial breeders selecting sires for crossbreeding programs with Brahman females, based on EBV computed from purebred data, might encounter some reranking of sire's performance for weight-related traits, with little expected change in carcass traits.  相似文献   

Summary Sera from 184 N'Dama cattle randomly selected and averaging 2.7 years of age were tested for the presence of specific antibodies toAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis andB. bigemina, using one or more serological tests including complement fixation, rapid card agglutination and indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA). Tests forA. marginale andB. bovis were essentially negative. Utilising the IFA test 65% of the sera tested were positive forB. bigemina.Three randomly selected two-year-old N'Dama bulls were splenectomised. All three showed an acute recurrence of aB. bigemina parasitaemia. Two died following typical signs of acute babesiosis and a third recovered following diminazene therapy.No. evidence of either B. bovis orA. marginale recrudescence was observed in the single surviving bull.Babesia bigemina appears endemic in the N'Dama cattle of The Gambia but no confirmed serological or clinical evidence ofB. bovis orA. marginale was observed.
Prevalencia De Anaplasmosis Y Babesiosis En Ganado N'doama De Gambia
Resumen Se examinaron sueros colectados de 184 animales N'Dama seleccionados al azar y de una edad aproximada de 2.7 años, por la presencia de anticuerpos específicos deAnaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis yB. bigemina, usando fijación del complemento, la aglutinación en tarjeta y la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes. Las pruebas paraA. marginale yB. bovis fueron esencialmente negativas. Mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes 65% de los sueros fueron positivos aB. bigemina.Se esplenectomizaron tres toros N'Dama de dos años escogidos al azar. Todos tres desarrollaron parasitémia alta recurrente porB. bigemina. Dos de ellos murieron con lesiones típicas de babesiosis y el otro se recuperó después de la terapia con diminazene. No se observó recaída del toro sobreviviente porB. bovis oA. marginale. LaB. bigemina parece endémica en el ganado N'Dama de Gambia, pero no hay evidencia serológica deB. bovis o A. marginale.

Prevalence De l'Anaplasmose Et De La Babesiose Chez Les Bovins n'Dama De Gambie
Résumé Les sérums de 184 bovins N'dama, sélectionnés au hasard et âgés en moyenne de 2,7 ans, ont été examinés pour la présence d'anticorps spécifiques vis-à-vis d'Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bovis etB. bigemina par un ou plusieurs tests sérologiques dont la fixation du complément, l'agglutination rapide sur carde et l'immunofluorescence indirecte (IFI). Les tests pourA. marginale etB. bovis ont été essentiellement négatifs. Pour le test IFI, 65% des sérums testés ont été trouvés positifs pourB. bigemina.Trois taureaux N'dama de deux ans pris au hasard, ont été splenectomisés. Tous trois ont montré une récurrence aiguë de parasitémie aB. bigemina. Deux sont morts après avoir montré des signes typiques de babésiose aiguë; le troisième a guéri après un traitement au diminazène. On n'a pas noté de recrudescence deB. bovis ni d'A. marginale chez ce taureau survivant.B. bigemina semble être endemique chez le bétail N'dama de Gambie mais il n'y a aucune évidence sérologique ou clinique pourB. bovis etA. marginale.

Data were analyzed to estimate the effects of heterosis and breed on a series of maternal and individual traits. Crossbred cows were Boran X Ankole and Boran X Zebu; straight-bred cows were Ankole, Boran and Small East African Zebu (Zebu). Cows of all breed groups were mated to Friesian, Brown Swiss and Simmental sires to produce crossbred progeny. While not generally significant, the average effects of heterosis of both crosses for the traits analyzed were: calf crop born, 7.0%; preweaning viability, 7.2%; overall viability, 7.3%; birth weight, 6.0%; weaning weight, 5.4%; 12-mo weight, 4.2%; 18-mo weight, 3.7%; 24-mo weight, 3.6%; calf weight weaned per cow exposed to breeding (cow productivity index), 24.5%; cow parturition weight, 3.5%; cow weaning weight, 4.2% and cow mean weight, 4.0%. Boran cows weaned 31.8 kg (48.0%) more (P less than .05) calf weight per cow exposed to breeding than Ankole cows. Boran cows were generally superior to Zebu cows in progeny weights at all ages (P less than .01). Boran cows weaned 34.5 kg (54.3%) more (P less than .05) calf weight per cow exposed to breeding than Zebu cows. Boran cows weighed an average of 70.8 kg more (P less than .01) than Zebu cows. Although progeny of Ankole dams were heavier (P less than .05) than the progeny of Zebu dams at all ages, the two breeds did not differ (P greater than .05) in calf weight weaned per cow exposed to breeding. Mean weight of Ankole cows was 75.8 kg heavier (P less than .01) than mean weight of Zebu cows.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of ticks and tick-borne disease infections on the lactation and weight gain of Mashona cattle were studied at Mbizi Quarantine Station in the south-eastern lowveld of Zimbabwe. Twenty-nine Mashona cows were allocated to 2 balanced groups and kept in separate paddocks at a stocking rate of one animal per 8 ha. One group received regular acaricide treatment to control bont(Amblyomma hebraeum) and other ticks. The other group was left untreated. The cows were artificially inseminated. The acaricide-treated cows and calves were essentially tick free throughout the experiment, while the untreated cows and calves were continuously tick infested. There was a drought-related decline in tick infestations in the second year of the experiment. Antibodies toCowdria ruminantium, Babesia bigemina andAnaplasma marginale were detected in cows and calves from both groups, though the untreated group had significantly higher titres toC. ruminantium (P < 0·001). The total, measured amount of milk suckled by untreated calves was significantly more than treated calves (273 kg vs. 241 kg,P 0·05). By interpolating between the twice weekly measurements, it was calculated that over the entire lactation untreated calves suckled an average of 935 kg/hd vs. 837 kg/hd for the treated group. There were no statistical differences in the weights of the 2 groups of calves at birth, weaning, 180 and 210 dayspost partum (P < 0·05). For cows, there were no statistically significant differences in gestation periods (288 vs. 279 days), reconception rates or weight patterns over time (P < 0·05). The results show that intensive acaricide treatment in areas of Zimbabwe where heartwater is enzootically stable is uneconomical. The maintenance of enzootic stability for tick-borne diseases through minimal tick control is clearly a more economic and practical control option.
Efecto De La Infestacion Por Garrapatas Y De Las Enfermedades Transmitidas Por Garrapatas (Cowdriasis, Anaplasmosis Y Babesiosis) Sobre La Produccion De Leche Y El Crecimiento Del Ganado Vacuno De Raza Mashona En El Sureste De Zimbabwe
Resumen Se estudiaron los efectos de la infestación por garrapatas y de las enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas sobre la producción de leche y el crecimiento del ganado vacuno de raza Mashona. El estudio se realizó en la Mbizi Quarantine Station, situada en la zona de estepa baja del sureste de Zimbabwe. Un total de 29 vacas Mashona se distribuyeron en 2 grupos y se mantuvieron en 2 parcelas separadas a una densidad de 8 ha por animal. Uno de los grupos fue tratado regularmente con acaricidas para controlar la infestación porAmblyomma hebraeum y otras garrapatas. El otro grupo no recibió ningún tratamiento. Las vacas se inseminaron artificialmente. Las vacas y terneros del grupo tratado con acaricida estuvieron libres de garrapatas durante todo el experimento, mientras que los animales del grupo que no fue tratado estuvieron continuamente infestados. Durante el segundo año del experimento se produjo una disminución en el nivel de infestacion debido a la sequia. Tanto en los terneros como en las vacas de ambos grupos se detectaron anticuerpos frente aCowdria ruminantum, Babesia bigemina y Anaplasma marginale, si bien los animales del grupo no tratado tuvieron titulos de anticuerpos frente aC. ruminantum màs altos que los animales tratados (P < 0·001). La cantidad total de leche media consumida por los terneros fue significativamente mayor en el grupo no tratado que en el grupo tratado (273 kgs vs. 241 kgs,P < 0·05). Mediante interpolación a partir de las dos mediciones semanales se calculó que a lo largo de toda la lactación los terneros del grupo no tratado consumieron una media de 935 kgs de leche, mientras que los terneros del grupo tratado consumieron una media de 837 kgs. No hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos en los pesos de los terneros al nacimiento, al destete, a los 180 días postparto ni a los 210 días postparto (P < 0·05). No hubo diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de vacas en la duración de la gestación (288 vs 279 dias), tasa de fertilidad ni variaciones de peso a lo largo del tiempo (P < 0·05). Los resultados indican que el tratamiento intensivo con acaricidas en zonas de Zimbabwe donde la cowdriasis es enzoóticamente estable no resulta económico. Mantener la estabilidad enzoótica de las enfermedades transmitidas por garrapatas mediante un control mínimo de las garrapatas es una alternativa claramente màs pràctica y económica.

Effet De L'infestation Ixodidienne Et Des Maladies Transmises Par Tiques (Cowdriose, Anaplasmose Et Babesiose) Sur La Lactation Et Le Gain De Poids Chez Le Betail Mashona Du Sud-Est Du Zimbabwe
Résumé On a étudié à la station de quarantaine de Mbizi, dans le bas veld du sud-est du Zimbabwe, les effets des infestations ixodidiennes et des maladies à tiques sur la lactation et le gain de poids chez le bétail Mashona. Vingt-neuf vaches Mashona ont été réparties en 2 groupes équilibrés et placés dans des enclos séparés au taux d'occupation d'un animal pour 8 ha. Un groupe a reçu un traitement acaricide normal pour contrôlerAmblyomma hebraeum et les autres tiques; l'autre groupe a été laissé sans traitement. Les vaches traitées par acaricide, ainsi que leur veaux, sont restées pratiquement libres de tiques pendant toute l'expérience alors que les vaches et veaux non traités étaient infestés en permanence. Pendant la seconde année de l'expérience s'est produit une baisse de l'infestation ixodidienne concommitante d'une sécheresse. Des anticorps contreCowdria ruminantium, Babesia bigemina etAnaplasma marginale ont été detectés chez les vaches et les veaux des deux groupes bien que le groupe non traité ait des titres antiC. ruminantium significativement plus élevés (P < 0,001). La quantité total mesurée de lait ingéré par les veaux non traités a été significativement plus elevée que celle des veaux traités (273 kg contre 241 kg,P < 0,05). Par interpolation entre deux mesures bi-hebdomadaires, on a calculé que, pour toute la période de lactation, les veaux non traités ont tété une moyenne de 935 kg/tête contre 837 kg/tête pour le groupe traité. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n'a été noté pour les deux groupes de veaux, à la naissance, au sevrage, à 180 et à 210 jours aprés la naissance (P < 0,05). Chez les vaches, on n'a noté aucune différence statistiquement significative dans les périodes de gestation (288 et 279 jours), les taux de reconception ou les courbes de poids (P < 0,05). Ces résultats montrent que, dans les régions du Zimbabwe où la cowdriose est en stabilité enzootique, les traitements acaricides intensifs sont antiéconomiques. Le maintien de la stabilité enzootique pour les maldies transmises par tiques gráce a un contrôle anti-ixodidien minimum est, à l'évidence, l'option de contrôle la plus économique et la plus pratique.

Deceased  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the physiological responses of Bos taurus (Angus cross, n = 6) and Bos indicus (Brahman, n = 6) cattle to prolonged heat and humidity, as can occur during live export by sea. Each experiment was carried out in climate-controlled rooms, where heifers were exposed to 15 d of sustained heat and humidity. The treatment was designed to be representative of a long-haul, live-export voyage leaving a southern Australian winter and traveling to a Middle Eastern summer. Wet bulb temperature (WBT) was used to give a combined measure of dry bulb temperature and relative humidity and was increased over several days, culminating in 5 d at 32 degrees C WBT between d 7 and 11. By d 11, the respiratory rate and core body temperature increased (P < 0.001) compared with values at lower ambient temperature on d 1 and 2 when climate-controlled rooms were not operating. Feed intake of Bos taurus was reduced (P < 0.001) by d 11, whereas that of Bos indicus did not change (P = 0.14). Despite no diurnal variation in climatic conditions, core body temperature of both Bos taurus and Bos indicus continued to show a circadian amplitude of approximately 1 degrees C throughout the hottest period. This amplitude increased during the recovery period after heat was removed (up to 1.8 degrees C for Bos indicus and 1.6 degrees C for Bos taurus). Water intake for both Bos taurus and Bos indicus increased when WBT increased (P < 0.01 on d 11). Significant acid-base and blood electrolyte imbalances occurred in both Bos taurus and Bos indicus, with changes in Bos taurus being more substantial and prolonged. The increase in respiratory rate coincided with a decrease in the partial pressures of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in venous blood. However, during the hottest period, average daily venous blood pH remained unchanged. When the heat load was reduced after d 11, the blood pH decreased, indicating metabolic acidosis. Blood pH declined from 7.44 to 7.36 for Bos taurus (P < 0.001) and from 7.44 to 7.38 for Bos indicus (P < 0.001). Other parameters measured include heart rate; packed cell volume; plasma and urine Na, K, and Cl; urine pH; and specific gravity. Our results suggest that Bos taurus cattle experience significant physiological changes during exposure to prolonged and continuous high heat and humidity, with alterations persisting for some days after the heat-stress conditions subside. Bos indicus experience similar but less pronounced physiological changes.  相似文献   

Boran (Bos indicus) heifers were immunised by infection with local Theileria parva parva, T p lawrencei and T mutans stocks and treated with parvaquone and later exposed to natural tick and tick-borne disease challenge in the Trans-Mara Division of Kenya. The Theileria species parasites in the challenge were maintained in African buffalo and cattle and the tick vectors were supported by several species of wild Bovidae and domestic livestock present in the area. Thirty immune cattle were observed for 30 weeks while grazing on a ranch in the Trans-Mara Division. Of these, 15 were immersed in toxaphene at weekly or twice-weekly intervals while 15 cattle remained without acaricide application. Cattle which became pregnant were withdrawn from the experiment. There was no evidence of any clinical tick-borne disease in either group of cattle during the experiment. Five species of ixodid ticks infested the cattle during the experiment and cattle which were not treated with acaricide had far more ticks. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus was the most abundant tick species, with a mean infestation of 46 adults per animal in the undipped cattle. This tick also appeared to be the cause of the observed reduction in weight gains. Major haematological parameters did not differ significantly between the groups. Behavioural studies showed that the undipped cattle spent less time grazing and ruminating. This study has shown that, at the expense of some loss in productivity, zebu cattle, immunised against ticks and theileriosis, can be kept despite tick infestation.  相似文献   

The economics of strategic dipping compared to nil treatment of cattle ticks (Boophilus microplus) on Droughtmaster cattle was assessed using a partial budget analysis. The analysis was based on reported experimental data which showed a bodyweight gain advantage from strategic dipping of 45 kg/head for growing cattle and 35 kg/head for breeding cows. Costs of dipping were calculated using 3 acaricide costs, that is 5.9¢, 20.9¢ and 62.7¢ per head and allowances were made for mustering, maintenance of facilities and annual cost of asset purchase under an intensive farm management system similar to the reported experimental conditions. The net gain of benefits over costs per annum for each acaricide cost was $927, $810 and $483 per 100 breeders and their progeny. Breakeven beef prices at which it was worth dipping were found to be 61¢, 69¢ and 94¢ per kg dressed weight depending on the cost of acaricide used for dipping. All prices and costs are expressed in 1981 dollars of purchasing power.  相似文献   

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