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基于层次模型及权重分析的湖北省雷电灾害易损度区划   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用湖北省2008-2011年闪电监测数据和2000-2009年雷电灾害统计数据,选取雷击大地密度、大于50kA强雷击密度、雷电灾害频度、生命易损模数及经济易损模数作为湖北省雷电灾害易损性评估指标。提出了对雷灾频度因子的修正,只有把该参数放到同一起点比较,雷电灾害易损性分析及风险区划才具科学性,同时引入大于50kA强雷击密度作为雷电灾害易损性评估指标之一。采用层次模型及权重分析对雷电灾害易损性指标划分了5个等级,最后形成湖北省雷电灾害易损度区划。研究结果表明:高风险区的城市主要特征是雷灾频度较高、经济发展水平较好、人口密集;低风险区则与之相反。雷电灾害易损度不仅与单位面积上的雷电密度、雷灾频度关系密切,还与单位面积上的经济发展水平、人口密度息息相关。  相似文献   

切削液的合理选择是提高切削加工绿色化程度的重要途径之一。根据绿色制造原理,在首先满足加工质量的前提下,建立了一种综合考虑时间、质量、成本、资源消耗和环境影响5个因素的切削液评价体系。采用油基切削液和不同类型的水基切削液进行剃齿加工对比试验,从工件质量、刀具寿命、成本和资源环境影响几个方面进行对比分析。结合试验结果,利用模糊综合评价方法对加工结果进行了评价,并据此提出了用于剃齿加工的切削液综合选择模型,通过剃齿加工实例验证了该模型的可行性。试验证明:采用水基切削液进行剃齿加工仍能满足质量要求,与传统油基切削液相比,水基能有效降低生产成本,同时减少对环境的污染。  相似文献   

Based on Group Technology, a CAD/CAPP integrated system is developed. This paper mainly covers the research work of the CAPP subsystem. In this subsystem, geometric and manufacturing information is obtained from the CAD data base, modular block programming and full Chinese menu are adopted, process planning is produced with the semi-generative method, and process card involved the operation charts is yielded by printer. The operation is simple and convenient, and the performance is quick. The ? CAPP subsystem is successfully integrated with the CAD subsystem. The subsystem is an advanced CAPP system.  相似文献   

智能变电站作为智能电网建设的核心部分,其二次设备运行状态关系着电力系统的安全性和稳定性。针对智能变电站二次设备故障原因错综复杂以及运行状态信息不完全的特征,建立智能变电站二次设备状态评估层次模型和指标体系,引入灰色聚类对智能变电站二次设备状态进行灰色分类以及构建灰色白化权函数,并利用层次分析法计算状态指标权重,结合层次分析法与灰色聚类对智能变电站二次设备进行定性和定量的状态评估。实例分析验证了文中方法有效易行,为智能变电站二次设备状态检修工作提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

基于层次分析法的信息安全风险评估要素量化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息安全风险评估是保障信息系统安全的重要基础性工作,但现有风险评估标准和相关研究提供的评估模型和计算方法的评估结果不能有效体现信息系统资产在保密性、完整性、可用性上的不同安全需求和面临的不同风险。利用层次分析法建立风险评估层次分析模型,在借鉴通用脆弱性评分系统指标评价体系基础上改进脆弱性要素量化方法,利用构建的层次分析模型偏量判断矩阵计算“安全事件损失”“安全事件可能性”和“风险值”。通过实验验证,与现有方法相比,所提方法的评估结果能够直观体现资产在保密性、完整性和可用性上面临的不同风险,能为制定风险控制措施提供更加准确、合理的建议。  相似文献   

Roll pass design is one of the important content of making the rolling technology of section steel.The traditional pass design relies mainly on artificial experience,which brings some tedious calculation and great consumption of raw materials.In order to improve production efficiency,the constitute and the design methods of the roll system for thread-steel-bar are analyzed during stretching,further rolling and finished rolling.The mathematical models and the(experience) formulas used for the roll design in the past are revised.The computer aided roll design system is developed for thread-steelbar based on the structural means of compiling program.The authors adopt Visual Basic6.0 as a visual program tool,and combine the basic design theory of the thread-steel-bar's roll and the practical experience.The system can shorten the design cycle of the new product development,and reduce the energy consumption of the rolling mill and the distribution of production.  相似文献   

The idea for an expert system approach to the computer aided design of intelligent controllers (ESCAD1C) is discussed and the idea of two step modelling of an intelligent controller is presented on the basis of emulating human control behaviours to solve complex problems. The structure, functions and characteristics of ESCADTC system , and the design procedures of intelligent controllers are gived. The knowledge base and simulating functions for designing intelligent controllers are also described.  相似文献   

A computer aided method for architectural shape design was developed based on the L systems algorithm, the shape grammar and the space surface equation theory. Various 3D entities such as building grounds, building walls and building domes with fractal characteristics could be generated in a short time by using the computer program. These generative 3D entities were saved in a component database which could help to accumulate design knowledge through continuous expansion. A building could successfully be formed by the designers through selecting proper building grounds, walls and domes from this database. The effectiveness of the proposed method was approved with a case study.  相似文献   

The improved Analytic Hierarchy Process is adopted for the optimal decision of waste water treatment process. The unified test of traditional method is avoided owing to using the three scale method and inducting the optimum transfer matrix and then converting into the unified judgement matrix. It is proven by example that it is feasible to use the improved Analytic Hierarchy Process in the optimal decision of the waste water treatment process.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to study the problem of automatic continency selection and ranking with the analytic hierarchy process, and takes into consideration the relative importance of transmission lines and the situation that the real and reactive power security constraints are violated as the line outage appears. Thus, the precise information in the real time security analysis and economic dispatch can be provided.  相似文献   

Based on central air conditioning system of Xi'an-Xianyang international airport, energy efficient utilization with life cycle theory and analytic hierarchy process was conducted. Firstly, the application of life cycle and analytic hierarchy process to building energy was deeply studied. Secondly, life cycle inventory analysis was conducted combined with the practical cases data. And the data resource is related to the proposed model. Thirdly, On basis of analytic hierarchy framework model and analysis of energy consumption as well as potential environmental impact on air-conditioning project, the study on how to evaluate energy-consumption project with the use of life cycle impact assessment is done. Based on the life cycle assessment of practical cases data, a new hierarchical evaluation model of energy utilization is put forward. And in view of the model, several suggestions are given such as establishing energy utilization process monitoring and evaluation from the point of whole life cycle assessment. This provides a theoretical basis for policies about enormous quantity of building energy and energy saving of air conditioning system.  相似文献   

Conceptual design is one of the most important stages in building design, and energy efficiency analysis is one of the key issues in building conceptual design stage. The existing energy efficiency analysis methods and tools require inputing large number of parameters. However, the detail information of most parameters is not identified at the stage of conceptual design. And the current prevailing energy consumption simulation methods and tools are not appropriate at the stage of conceptual design. The proposed method can be used to compare the energy efficiency of multi strategies at the conceptual design phase. Minimum data were required to be input for achieving the optimal building design scheme. The method can provide a solution to the gap between the rapid building design cycle and the sustainable development demand in China.  相似文献   

农业进一步发展的主要矛盾已经从生产领域转向市场流通领域,国内农产品市场面临进一步开放的严峻挑战,农户小生产与流通大市场的矛盾将更加突出。在此背景下,本研究以黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市为研究对象,通过对其农产品流通的现状进行调查,从而了解到齐齐哈尔市农产品流通现状,并构建了农产品流通体系的基本构架,然后建立齐齐哈尔农产品流通体系评价指标的层级,并运用层次分析法找到各要素的相对影响程度,最后分析齐齐哈尔市农产品流通体系中存在的问题,为建设齐齐哈尔市农产品流通体系提出新思路。通过本研究,希望可以推动齐齐哈尔市农业经济发展,构成开放、竞争、规范、有序的农产品市场体系,为齐齐哈尔市农产品顺利流通做出贡献。  相似文献   

Decision making of sewage treatment process directly affects the accuracy and efficiency of the process selection. An optimized fuzzy decision method is proposed based on fuzzy decision and contrast weighting method. Moreover, a web based decision making support system for the selection of sewage treatment process is developed with the Apache+PHP+MySQL development environment. The system had realized the online decision making for sewage treatment process, and enhanced accuracy and reduced the decision making time.  相似文献   

河北省冬小麦干旱综合监测模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
干旱是影响河北省冬小麦生产的主要灾害之一。为了客观地辨识、监测干旱的发生发展,针对河北省冬小麦干旱监测业务服务需求,开展冬小麦干旱综合监测模型研究,选取能反映土壤、作物、大气三方面干旱的土壤相对湿度指数、作物水分亏缺距平指数、降水量距平指数,采用层次分析法确定各指数权重系数,建立冬小麦干旱综合监测模型;应用1981-2010年唐山、涿州、定州、黄骅、深县、栾城、南宫、肥乡8个农业气象观测站资料,计算各站冬小麦干旱综合指数,并对其描述干旱的能力进行分析。结果表明:当不存在旱情时,各单一指数和综合指数均可正确反映,这种情况占总样本的17.6%。当存在旱情时,综合指数克服了距平指数不能反映灌溉对旱情的影响,及土壤相对湿度指数受灌溉影响,掩盖前期旱情的不足,比较客观地反映了旱情的发生发展情况,这种情况占总样本的67.6%;同时,综合指数也克服了距平指数对降水过渡敏感的不足,既能反映降水对旱情的影响,又能反映降水大小对旱情的影响程度,较单一指数能更准确的反映旱情,这种情况占总样本的14.8%。  相似文献   

The application of the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)has become popular in different areas of construction management. However, the comparison matrix(CM)is not consistent as required. An Improved AHP(IAHP) [25] was proposed to improve consistency by cons  相似文献   

四川省暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
为了进一步完善四川省暴雨洪涝灾害评估工作,提高气象防灾减灾服务能力,以全省149个气象站1961—2010年逐日降水数据及高程、水系、农业经济等数据为基础,选取对暴雨洪涝灾害具有明显影响的降水强度、地形、河网、农业人口、耕地分布等要素作为区划因子,利用GIS工具分别建立暴雨洪涝灾害致灾因子危险性、孕灾环境敏感性、承灾体易损性及抗灾能力评估模型,计算暴雨洪涝灾害风险指数,最终完成针对农业的四川省暴雨洪涝灾害风险区划。结果显示,农业经济最受关注的四川省盆地区内,盆东北、盆西南大部地区及盆中、盆南和盆西的部分区域灾害风险等级较高,容易发生致害性较强的暴雨洪涝灾害;而盆周高山区及深丘区是盆地暴雨洪涝灾害风险最低的区域,在这些地区暴雨洪涝灾害对农业生产的危害不大。  相似文献   

Application fields of CIMS and related technologies have become more and more wider,especially in manufacturing industry,but there isn't paid an attention to value in construction industry.This paper expounds the great functions of CIMS on improving the comprehensive competitive capabilities and quality of construction of building enterprises, as breakthrough with quality management and control of building engineering. On the basis of throughly analyzing the feasibility and necessarility of application of CIMS in construction enterprises,combining with the practical conditions of construction industry,it puts forward the point that CIMS's rope theory applied in manufacturing industry popularizes to construction industry. With making full use of the present conditions and combining with integrations of information and function of CIMS, the construction enterprises will set up CAQ systems of building engineering which are suitable for the practical conditions of China.  相似文献   

青岛地区彩叶树种的综合评价研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为丰富青岛地区彩叶植物种类,探索基于层次分析法对引种到青岛地区的彩叶树种进行定性与定量评价的途径。以引种到青岛地区的34种彩叶树种为评价对象,通过2个生长季节的露地栽培试验,对其生物学特性、生态习性及观赏价值进行观测,利用层次分析法对上述树种进行综合评价研究。结果表明:34 种彩叶树种根据综合评价分值高低共分为4 个级别,Ⅰ级(>4.0)为综合应用价值高的树种,共9种;Ⅱ级(3.5~4.0)为综合应用价值较高的树种,共10 种;Ⅲ级(3.0~3.5)为综合应用价值一般的树种,共11种;Ⅳ级(<3.0)为综合应用价值较低的树种,共4 种。建议综合价值高的树种在青岛市园林景观工程中重点推广应用,本研究首次对青岛地区彩叶树种进行综合评价研究,可为合理开发利用彩叶树种提供一定的理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

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