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不同灌水条件对小叶女贞蒸散特性和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨不同水分处理对北方城市常见绿篱树木小叶女贞蒸散量及生长的影响,在呼和浩特市和林格尔县盛乐经济园区进行了小区和盆栽试验。盆栽设9种水分处理,小区设4种,滴灌灌溉。研究结果表明,小叶女贞蒸散量随灌水量增加而增加,在75%~100%田间持水量(FC)时最大,35%~45%FC时最小;株高、冠幅与蒸散量呈开口向下的二次抛物线关系,在65%~100%FC时株高、冠幅最大,地上生物量与蒸散量呈正相关;小叶女贞水分利用效率(WUE)随蒸散量的增加呈减小的趋势,在35%~45%FC时小叶女贞的WUE最大,但此区间的生物量最小,生长发育受到干旱胁迫最明显;小区滴灌的较佳灌水模式是滴头流量选4L/h或5L/h,灌水量控制在415~470mm范围内。  相似文献   

小叶女贞果实花青素组分鉴定及色谱纯化技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为提高小叶女贞果实的食用、药用价值,该文系统研究了果实中花青素种类构成及提取物的制备技术。试验采用紫外可见光谱法、高效液相色谱-质谱串联法、酸水解制备苷元等技术对小叶女贞果实花青素含量、单体种类进行了测定,并借助提取、萃取、柱层析等技术研究了花青素提取物的分离纯化过程。研究结果如下:测得每100 g小叶女贞果实中含花青素总量为(499±18.42)mg,从中鉴定出2种花青素单体,分别为矢车菊素-3-O-葡萄糖苷和牵牛花色素-3-O-葡萄糖苷,并以后者为主要存在形式;获得了纯天然、简单易行的花青素提取物制备技术,主要包括酸化乙醇提取、乙酸乙脂萃取、Amberlite XAD-7HP大孔树脂层析分离步骤,最终制得的花青素提取物纯度为35%、得率为0.6%。该研究为后期制备高纯度牵牛花素-3-O-葡萄糖苷单体提供了良好原料基础,为深入研究小叶女贞果实花青素功能活性及其在食品、药品领域潜在应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

小叶女贞(Ligustrum quihoui Carr.)是木犀科女贞属的落叶或半常绿灌木,别名小叶冬青、小叶水蜡树、小白蜡、楝青。叶小,对生,具光泽,凌冬青翠,6—7月开白花,11—12月果熟,可采摘播种。病虫害较少,能减低噪音,吸收二氧化硫等有害气体。喜阳光,稍耐阴,耐寒性极强。可植作树丛,配于草坪一隅;也可用作绿篱,是庭院风景树良材。因其叶小,萌芽力强,耐  相似文献   

首先对主干进行造型,主干通过蟠扎,沿不规则方向弯曲成之或反之型、S型或反S型,也可根据树相师法自然造型。修去对生枝、轮生枝、交叉枝、平行枝、逆枝、重叠枝等,选留适当位置,将枝条用金属丝(铝丝最好,铁丝易锈)绑扎定  相似文献   

(1)盆面及露根处理。树不露根,如同插木。单株树只需用水经常冲刷盆面让根桩显露出来给人以立体感就行了。用浅盆栽植水旱式、丛林式等类,要注意盆面处理,让青苔铺满盆面2/3。为避免单调,选取长绒苔、短绒苔、小草搭配使用,让人感觉有森林般意境。(2)缺铁黄化病的防治。盆栽小叶女贞易发生缺铁黄化现象。症状:株形矮小,幼嫩部分叶肉失绿黄化,叶细脉仍为绿色,严重时整张叶片黄色乃至白色,嫩叶极小、枯焦、脱落,根茎生长受抑制,长期缺铁状况下,新梢就会枯死。引起缺铁原因:a.盆土中铁含量  相似文献   

醋酸棉酚对土壤脲酶动力学特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过不同浓度醋酸棉酚存在下的土壤脲酶催化尿素水解试验,研究醋酸棉酚对土壤脲酶的抑制作用,得到酶促反应的降解动力学参数和有关的热力学参数.结果表明,醋酸棉酚对土壤脲酶活性的抑制能力随醋酸棉酚浓度的增大而增强.由尿素浓度的倒数和水解速率的倒数为横纵标的双倒数曲线得到米氏常数(Km)和最大速率(Vmax),随着醋酸棉酚浓度的增大,酶促反应的Km和Vmax降低.在温度30℃时,Km由3.918 mol/L降到1.164 mol/L,Vmax由1.185×10-4 mol/(g·h)降到5.6×10-6 mol/(g·h).在醋酸棉酚的影响下,酶促反应的热力学参数包括活化能(Ea)、活化焓变(△H)和温度系数(Q10)有所下降.  相似文献   

稻田脲酶抑制剂对^15N—尿素去向的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陈苇  卢婉芳 《核农学报》1997,11(3):151-156
尿素施入稻田后迅速水解成NH^+4,两天后水层HN^+4-N含量即达峰值,混施脲酶抵制剂后,峰值可推迟1天,峰高降低,^15N示踪试验表明:PPD和NHPT两种抑制剂能明显促进水稻对氮素的吸收,亦提高水稻对尿素氮的利用率,减少损失率,并在一定程度上具有增产效果,尤其是在高氮水平下,效果更加明显,而HQ则较差。稻草的施用对水稻生长有一定的影响,降低了水稻对肥料氮素的吸收,但能能提高肥料氮素在土壤中的  相似文献   

研究了不同温度条件下脲酶抑制剂氢醌(HQ)对东北3种典型土壤(白浆土、棕壤、褐土)脲酶动力学参数的影响。结果表明,土壤类型、培养时间、培养温度及其相互作用均显著影响土壤脲酶动力学参数。与对照相比,加入HQ使土壤脲酶米氏常数(Km)增加,最大反应速率(Vmax)降低,表明HQ对土壤脲酶的作用机理属于混合型抑制。与白浆土相比,棕壤和褐土脲酶动力学参数受HQ的影响程度较大,表明高肥力土壤生物学活性较稳定。随着培养时间延长,土壤脲酶Km降低,Vmax和Vmax/Km增加。随着温度升高,土壤脲酶Km和Vmax增加,Vamx/Km无规律性变化。相关性分析表明,土壤脲酶动力学参数Km、Vmax和Vmax/Km与p H值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮和质地组成之间存在显著相关关系。  相似文献   

棉酚渣对尿素水解及土壤氨挥发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用棉酚渣、尿素和土壤混合培养,测定剩余尿素量及氨气吸收量的方法,探究棉酚渣对尿素水解及土壤氨挥发的影响。结果表明,随尿素中棉酚渣的用量增加,尿素残余量增加,氨气检测量减少。与对照相比,培养时间为4 d时尿素残留差异率达78.81%,氨气挥发抑制率可达80.40%。土壤含水率变化对脲酶和产生脲酶的微生物的活性有较大影响,在活性高时,棉酚渣对尿素水解和氨挥发的抑制作用更加明显。随着培养温度的升高,尿素水解增加,氨挥发迅速增加。35℃时,棉酚渣对尿素水解的抑制效果最好,尿素残留差异率达79.72%,30℃时,棉酚渣对氨气挥发抑制效果最好,氨挥发抑制率达55.34%。上述结果表明,棉酚渣对尿素水解及土壤氨挥发具有较强的抑制作用,具有推广应用的潜力。  相似文献   

醋酸棉酚对土壤脲酶活性的抑制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用实验室模拟培养、测定剩余尿素量的方法,对醋酸棉酚作为一种新型脲酶抑制剂进行初步研究,并探讨醋酸棉酚对红壤脲酶活性抑制作用的影响因素。结果表明,醋酸棉酚与尿素混合施用,培养2d,1%醋酸棉酚(相对于尿素质量)的脲酶抑制率为53.57%。土壤持水量对脲酶活性有较大影响,且在脲酶活性高时,醋酸棉酚的脲酶抑制作用更强。随着温度的升高,醋酸棉酚对土壤脲酶的抑制作用越来越明显,且表现出混合性抑制的特征。醋酸棉酚提前施用7d,尿素回收率从混合施用的73.64%增加到99.00%,说明改进施用方式可大幅度提高醋酸棉酚的脲酶抑制效果。  相似文献   

Summary Several workers have reported that O2 has little, if any, effect on hydrolysis of urea by soil urease, but others have reported that it has a marked effect, hydrolysis being significantly faster in soils under aerobic conditions than in O2-depleted soils. In studies to account for these divergent results, we found that whereas plant residues and other readily decomposable organic materials markedly stimulated microbial production of urease in soils under aerobic conditions, they did not greatly stimulate production of urease in soils under anaerobic conditions. We also found that although anaerobic conditions retarded production of urease by soil microorganisms, they did not inhibit hydrolysis of urea by soil urease. These observations suggest that the divergent findings concerning the effect of O2 on hydrolysis of urea by soil urease may have resulted from differences in the amounts of readily decomposable organic materials in the soils studied.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory studies to evaluate 3-methylpyrazole-1-carboxamide (MPC) as a soil nitrification inhibitor showed that it was comparable to nitrapyrin (N-Serve) for inhibiting nitrification of ammonium in soil, but was not as effective as etridiazole (Dwell) or 2-ethynylpyridine. They also showed that the effectiveness of MPC as a soil nitrification inhibitor is markedly affected by soil type and soil temperature, that MPC is more effective for inhibiting nitrification of ammonium-N than of urea-N, and that MPC has little, if any, effect on hydrolysis of urea or denitrification of nitrate in soil. These observations and other work discussed indicate that MPC is one of the most promising compounds so far proposed for inhibition of nitrification in soil.  相似文献   

山杨和油松是晋西地区重要的建群树种,采用整株收获法分析了山杨和油松各器官生物量以及地上地下生物量分配格局.采用胸径(DBH)、树高(H)、树木因子(D2H)、平均冠幅(CW)和冠长(CL)等变量建立了叶、枝、干、根、地上部分及整株生物量模型,并选取了最优模型.结果表明:(1)山杨的叶、枝、干、根生物量分配比例分别为3.42%,11.23%,64.30%和21.06%,油松的叶、枝、干、根生物量分配比例分别为13.44%,19.86%,47.52%和19.18%;山杨和油松地上生物量和地下生物量比值分别为3.32∶1和3.99∶1.(2)山杨和油松的地上生物量与地下生物量之间呈极显著线性相关(p<0.001).(3)山杨和油松各器官生物量拟合的最优模型形式均为CAR类型,模型解释量均超过92%.(4)基于树木胸径D的山杨和油松各器官单变量模型可解释量除叶(解释量>83%)外均达到或超过了90%,树高不宜单独对各器官生物量进行预测.综合考虑模型的可解释量和生产实践中的需要,胸径是预测山杨和油松不同器官生物量的可靠变量.  相似文献   

Summary We compared the effects of N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT), N-(diaminophosphinyl)-cyclohexylamine (DPCA), phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD), and hydroquinone on transformations of urea N in soils. The ability of these urease inhibitors to retard urea hydrolysis, ammonia volatilization, and nitrite accumulation in soils treated with urea-decreased in the order NBPT > DPCA PPD > HQ. When five soils were incubated at 30°C for 14 days after treatment with urea (1 mg urea N g–1 soil), on average, the gaseous loss of urea N as ammonia and the accumulation of urea N as nitrite were decreased from 52 to 5 % and from 11 to 1%, respectively, by addition of NBPT at the rate of 10 g g–1 soil (0.47 parts of NBPT per 100 parts of urea). The data obtained support previous evidence that NBPT is more effective than PPD for reduction of the problems encountered in using urea as a fertilizer and deserves consideration as a fertilizer amendment for retarding hydrolysis of urea fertilizer in soil.  相似文献   

Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to study the influence of increasing concentrations of N-(n-butyl)phosphorothioic triamide (NBPT) on NH3 volatilization and rate of urea hydrolysis and evolution of mineral N in Ozzano, Rimini and Carpi soils with different physicochemical characteristics. Low concentrations of NBPT reduced NH3 losses due to volatilization after urea fertilization and the effectiveness of the inhibitor was related to the soil characteristics (e.g. high concentrations of organic C and sand). After 15 days of incubation, no significant reductions of losses were found for any of the NBPT concentrations employed in Rimini soil. The application of NBPT led to a considerable reduction of the formation of nitrite. This process was completely annulled with the highest dose of NBPT (0.5% w/wurea) in the Carpi soil after 15 days. In Rimini soil, however, the use of NBPT was less effective in influencing nitrite formation. The use of NBPT favoured accumulation of nitrate proportional to the NBPT concentration employed while it had no influence on the NH inf4 sup+ fixation by 2:1 layer silicates. The data obtained support previous evidence that NBPT is effective in reducing the problems encountered in using urea as fertilizer. However, environmental conditions and soil physicochemical characteristics may have an important influence on the effectiveness of NBPT.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the comparative efficiency of urea as an N fertilizer with and without the addition of different urease inhibitors. Ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) was used as the test plant and the N balance technique with 15N was applied. Three urease inhibitors, hydroquinone, phenyl phosphorodiamidate (PPDA), and N-(n-butyl) phosphorothioic triamide (NBPT), were evaluated for their effects on urea-N uptake as well as on grass yield. The addition of urease inhibitors, except for hydroquinone in the later growth period, did not significantly influence the dry matter weight. Throughout the whole growth period, only NBPT significantly increased the total urea-N uptake. In the uninhibited system, the major fertilizer N loss occurred during the first period of grass growth, presumably via NH3 volatilization, since the environment did not favour the other pathways of N loss. However, an appreciable amount of urea N was lost during the later growth period in all inhibited systems, especially in the hydroquinone-treated system. This indicates that the application of urease inhibitors could not eliminate the urea N loss. The greater N loss in the hydroquinone-treated soil appears to be related to the inhibition by hydroquinone of nitrification.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted on an Aquic Udifluvent Belgian soil in order to study the movement of urea and its hydrolysis products. This study was carried out at two moisture levels (10 and 20%) upon the addition of three types of urease inhibitors: hydroquinone, phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPDA), and N-(n-butyl)phosphorothioic triamide (NBPT). The results clearly show the effects of the inhibitors in retarding the hydrolysis of urea. The highest effect was observed with NBPT, followed by hydroquinone, and PPDA. The effect was more pronounced at 10% than at 20% moisture content. It was clear that subsequent nitrification of the NH inf4 sup+ formed was inhibited at the lower moisture level. At 10% moisture, from the 7th day of incubation on, some NH inf4 sup+ moved about 3 cm and reached the top of the soil column. At 20% moisture, no NH inf4 sup+ reached the surface as it was quickly nitrified. After 17 days of incubation and at 20% moisture, the total mineral N was more or less homogeneously distributed within the soil column. In contrast, at 10% moisture, the remaining urea and the hydrolysis products were still concentrated at the place of application. The distribution of urea and its hydrolysis products was comparable with 7 days of incubation at 20% moisture and 17 days at 10%.  相似文献   

为研究紫茎泽兰叶片提取物对杂草生长发育的抑制效应及作用机制,用纸卷发芽和盆栽试验等方法,研究了不同浓度梯度(200、400、600、800、1 000 mg·L-1)的紫茎泽兰叶片提取物,对鬼针草、马齿苋、猪毛菜和鹅绒藤4种田间杂草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响.发芽试验结果表明,杂草种子的萌发指标随提取物浓度增加而降低,当...  相似文献   

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