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通过对新疆昌吉州草地生产力2006~2010年5年监测结果显示:各草地类型植被不同程度退化。植物种类减少,草群结构单一,优势种出现频率很低,一年生和短命植物比例增加,中山带毒害草(醉马草)大量出现;草层高度不同程度下降。除山地草甸外,高寒草甸、草甸草原、典型草原和荒漠草层高度下降明显,下降幅度都超过了10%;植被覆盖度降低。除荒漠外高寒草甸、山地草甸、草甸草原、荒漠草原和低地草甸下降明显,下降幅度都超过了10%;草地生产力不同程度下降,在2009~2010年草地生产力有所上升。  相似文献   

草原与荒漠一年生植物性状对降水变化的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
草原与荒漠生态系统中一年生植物是高度顺应气候波动、特别是降水波动的特殊类群。本试验以内蒙古草原与荒漠区4种一年生植物为研究对象,通过室内模拟5,20,70和150 mm 4个有效降水梯度,分析了4种一年生植物物候及其形态等性状对降水变化的响应。结果表明,草原与荒漠一年生植物类群生长期通常在40~90(<100)d;随降水梯度的增加,一年生植物的生长期、植物高度、叶长、生物量等均增加,5 mm有效降水能基本完成生活史,70 mm有效降水资源分配达到最佳化,结实量最大;一年生猪毛菜类在不同降水条件下的物候期长短的变化比一年生小禾草类小,倾向于以调整生殖生长期的长短的方式,减少结实量为代价加速种子成熟的方式响应降水量不足;一年生小禾草类能根据降水量变化及时调整各物候期长短以适应生长和繁殖;相同降水条件下小禾草类植物的生长期相对较长;在适应方式上,猪毛菜类植物表现出更强的避旱能力,而小禾草类植物则表现出相对更强的耐旱能力。  相似文献   

毛滴虫是猪体内较为常见的原虫,目前有关猪毛滴虫的报道较少,其兽医公共卫生学意义尚未确定。文章就猪毛滴虫的分类地位、虫体形态、生活史、致病性、流行病学情况、诊断、防治等方面的内容作一综述,为猪毛滴虫和毛滴虫病的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

鸽毛滴虫病一直是危害养鸽业的一种重要的寄生虫性疾病。文章简要介绍了鸽毛滴虫及鸽毛滴虫病的危害,主要综述了鸽毛滴虫病预防和治疗的研究进展,希望为临床生产时间中鸽毛滴虫病的控制提供一些参考。  相似文献   

Efficacy of ipronidazole against trichomoniasis in beef bulls   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Preputial smegma samples from 195 beef bulls were collected repeatedly and cultured for Tritrichomonas foetus. Seventy-five (38.5%) of these bulls were positive for trichomonads on at least 1 culture. Sensitivity of the culture procedure (number of positive cultures/number of total cultures from known-positive bulls) was 81.6%. Storage of preputial smegma in lactated Ringer's solution at 5 C for 24 hours resulted in a 14% loss of sensitivity. Seventy-three of the 75 infected bulls were available for treatment and were alloted randomly to 2 groups. Bulls in both groups were treated with procaine penicillin (7,000 IU/kg, IM) for 2 days before ipronidazole treatment. Thirty grams of ipronidazole powder was dissolved in 60 ml of sterile water, and was given IM to group 1 bulls. Group 2 bulls were given a similar 30-g ipronidazole solution IM on day 1, and were given 15 g of ipronidazole dissolved in 30 ml of sterile water on days 2 and 3. Efficacy of treatment (ie, negative cultures of preputial smegma for trichomonads for 6 consecutive weeks after treatment) was 92.8% for the 42 bulls treated once and 100% for the 31 bulls treated 3 times.  相似文献   

Blood gas partial pressures, pH, and bicarbonate and lactate concentrations were measured from the basilic vein of mourning doves (Zenaida macroura) and the jugular vein of boat-tailed grackles (Quiscalus major) and house sparrows (Passer domesticus) to assess immediate impacts of mist net capture and handling for banding and venipuncture. Mourning doves and house sparrows exhibited mild acidemia (median [minimum-maximum] venous blood pH(41 degrees C) = 7.394 [7.230-7.496] and 7.395 [7.248-7.458], respectively), relative to boat-tailed grackles (Quiscalus major; 7.452 [7.364-7.512]), but for different reasons. Mourning doves exhibited relative metabolic acidosis (lower venous blood pH, higher lactate concentrations, lower bicarbonate, and no significant differences in partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) or partial pressure of O2 (pO2) compared with boat-tailed grackles). House sparrows exhibited relative respiratory acidosis (lower venous blood pH, higher pCO2, lower pO2, and no significant differences in bicarbonate and lactate concentrations compared with boat-tailed grackles). All birds captured by mist net and handled for banding and venipuncture experienced some degree of lactic acidemia; and values were greater in mourning doves (lactate, 7.72 [3.94-14.14] mmol/L) than in boat-tailed grackles (5.74 [3.09-8.75] mmol/L) and house sparrows (4.77 [2.66-12.03] mmol/L), despite mourning doves resisting least and being easiest to disentangle from the mist net. House sparrows were more susceptible to respiratory acidosis, warranting particular care in handling birds <30 g to minimize interference with ventilation. The different sample collection site for mourning doves may have affected results in comparison with the other two species, due to activity of the wing muscles. However, despite the higher lactate concentrations, pCO2 was relatively low in doves. The metabolic, respiratory, and acid-base alterations observed in this study were minor in most cases, indicative of the general safety of these important field ornithology techniques. The effect of other adverse conditions, however, could be additive.  相似文献   

犬毛滴虫病是由五鞭毛滴虫引起的以幼犬粘液性出血性腹泻为特征的一种人畜共患寄生虫。笔者在临床上接诊一例犬的慢性腹泻,经病史调查、临床检查、实验室检查确诊为犬毛滴虫病,应用甲硝唑治疗5天痊愈出院  相似文献   

草地生态系统是干旱半干旱区生态系统类型的重要组成部分,在区域生态系统碳平衡中起着极为重要的作用。采用涡度相关法对科尔沁沙质草地生态系统进行连续两年(2015和2016年)的碳通量观测,此两年恰逢研究区的相对干旱之年,年降水量约为历史平均值的60%。研究结果表明:1)年最大日均CO2吸收速率分别为-6.68和-9.58 g·m-2·d-1,年最大日均释放速率分别为5.69和5.21 g·m-2·d-1。2)生长季(5-9月)碳吸收量分别为-120.54和-139.83 g·m-2,非生长季碳释放量分别为230.33和212.82 g·m-2。3)全年尺度上沙质草地生态系统表现为碳源,2015年净碳释放量(109.79 g·m-2·年-1)稍高于2016年(72.99 g·m-2·年-1)。4)生态系统净CO2交换量(NEE)与空气温度、土壤温度及土壤湿度存在显著相关关系,但不同年份同期NEE对环境温度和湿度的响应程度不尽一致。  相似文献   

Background: A critical trait for successful urban dwelling by birds is the ability to tolerate high levels of disturbing stimulation by humans. If such tolerance is partly acquired gradually after colonization, species with a long history of residence in cities are likely to be more tolerant of such stimulation than recent urban colonists, but this has not often been tested.Methods: We tested whether introduced Rock(Columba livia) and Spotted(Streptopelis chinensis) Doves, historically long-term residents of Melbourne, Australia, were more tolerant of disturbance by humans than the very recent colonist, the native Crested Pigeon(Ochyphaps lophotes) by comparing the Flight Initiation Distances(FID) and time allocations to vigilance during foraging of all three species in urban Melbourne. That all three species are members of the Columbiformes reduces the possibility that any species differences in tolerance are simply phylogenetic in origin.Results: Flight initiation distance was shorter in Rock Doves than in the other two species, which did not differ in approachability by a human. Rock Doves retreated from an approaching human mainly by walking a relatively short distance, Crested Pigeons mainly by running a relatively short distance and Spotted Doves primarily by flying a comparatively long distance. The time allocation to anti-predator vigilance of Rock Doves was smaller than that of the other two species, whose allocations were similar.Conclusions: The very recent colonist of eastern Melbourne, the Crested Pigeon, was not the least tolerant of disturbance by humans of the three related species. Natural selection for tolerance therefore probably cannot entirely explain the pattern of tolerance evident among these urban dove species and behavioural flexibility is probably involved. Length of residency in a city is not an infallible guide to a species’ level of tolerance of disturbance by humans.  相似文献   

The diagnostic test for Tritrichomonas foetus in bulls is microscopic examination of cultured preputial samples. Trichomonads other than T. foetus can be present in a preputial sample. Both a staining technique and a polymerase chain reaction assay were useful in differentiating between T. foetus and another trichomonad observed in samples from virgin bulls.  相似文献   

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