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1 发病情况 乐都县碾伯镇某养鸡户的 460只鸡 74日龄 ,于 2 0 0 0年 9月 2 8日上午发病 ,前来求诊 ,主诉 :昨天下午从市场上捡回商贩遗弃的腐烂青海黄鱼约 5kg ,今天早晨 8时左右 ,未经任何处理 ,将一半鱼直接给鸡吃 ,约半小时后 ,发现有 9只鸡瘫在地上 ,到求治时已有 42只发病。2 临床症状 病鸡站立不稳 ,颈部肌肉松弛 ,头颈软弱无力 ,向前伸张 ,羽毛松乱 ,翅下垂拖地 ,行动困难 ,闭目似瞌睡状 ,腹泻呈水样 ,泄殖腔松驰。3 剖检变化 胃粘膜充血 ,小肠壁充血 ,粘膜水肿 ,心内外膜上有点状出血 ,肺、肝充血。4 临床诊断 根据主诉 :…  相似文献   

1 发病情况  嫩江县伊拉哈镇新化村养鸡场建在村旁的草塘边 ,共饲养小笨鸡 15 0 0只 ,平日以放养为主。 2 0 0 3年 7月10日 ,发现有鸡只死亡 ,当天死亡 6 5只鸡。该养鸡户曾用抗生素治疗 ,但不见好转 ,死亡不断 ,11日死亡 82只鸡 ,12日死亡95只鸡 ,13日死亡 98只鸡。于是该养鸡户前来就诊 ,初步诊断为鸡肉毒梭菌毒素中毒。通过采取措施 ,鸡只死亡得到了控制 ,共计死亡 340只鸡。2 临床症状  病鸡闭目昏睡 ,对外界刺激不敏感 ,两腿无力 ,站力不稳 ,颈部肌肉麻痹 ,颈软 ,头颈伸直 ,平铺地面 ,翅膀张开、下垂于地面。病鸡羽毛松乱 ,用手捉…  相似文献   

肉毒梭菌中毒是由于吸收肉毒梭菌毒素而发生的一种中毒性疾病。临床上以运动中枢神经麻痹和延脑麻痹为特征。2006年7月18日,蓬莱市刘家沟镇宋某的养兔场发生疑似肉毒梭菌中毒症。  相似文献   

肉毒梭菌中毒是由于吸收肉毒梭菌毒素而发生的一种中毒性疾病。临床上以运动中枢神经麻痹和延脑麻痹为特征。2006年7月6日,蓬莱市养鹅专业户刘某家饲养的鹅发生疑似肉毒梭菌中毒症。得知疫情后我们立即组织人员进行调查,结合临床症状、剖检变化及动物试验结果确诊为鹅肉毒梭菌中毒。  相似文献   

陈明 《四川畜牧兽医》2007,34(12):50-50
1 临床症状 病鸭反应迟钝,精神萎靡,嗜睡,头颈、翅膀和两腿麻痹。重症见头颈伸直垂地、软弱无力,眼睑紧闭,翅下垂,两腿瘫痪,腹泻,排绿色稀便。 2 病理剖检 剖检死鸭7只,濒死鸭4只。大部分鸭嗉囊内有难闻的酸臭味,十二指肠空虚无食,但充血、出血严重,整个肠道充血,喉和气管中有少量带泡沫的黏液,咽喉黏膜有少量的出血斑点,肺轻微出血,心外膜有针尖样出血点,其他脏器未见明显变化。  相似文献   

20 0 0年 8月 ,我场李某饲养的 5 0 0只 4月龄金定鸭 ,每天都到场区南部的死水沟中放牧觅食 ,2 3日 ,有 386只金定鸭突然发病 ,损失惨重。经临床观察 ,饲料分析 ,病理剖检及实验室诊断 ,确诊为C型肉毒梭菌中毒。临床症状 :病鸭精神萎糜 ,羽毛松乱 ,易脱落 ,眼半闭 ,颈部肌肉麻痹 ,头颈伸直 ,步态不稳 ,行走困难 ,个别排绿色稀粪 ,最后因昏迷而死。剖检变化 :剖检无特殊变化 ,主要变化是咽喉部粘膜、胃肠粘膜充血、出血、小肠充血、出血严重 ,心内膜有少量出血点 ,肝、肾、脾等脏器充血。诊 断 :根据临床症状 ,剖检变化及实验室检验和动物…  相似文献   

2004年4月25日至5月3日,在我旗查干布拉 格苏木查干淖尔嘎查张某等3户放牧的羊群中发生 了一种以吞咽困难为主要特征的疾病,现将有关情况 报告如下。 1 基本情况 2004年4月25日至5月3日,我旗查干布拉格 苏木查干淖尔嘎查张某、段某、陈某等3户牧民共饲 养羊454只,其中山  相似文献   

发病情况及症状:京巴狗,雄性,2岁,体重5kg。早上喂饲放置过夜的鸡肉,下午喂饲时则见吞咽困难,头颈部肌肉麻痹,四肢无力,最后瘫痪。病狗继而呈嗜眠状态,瞳孔散大,对外界刺激无反应。后期呼吸困难,黏膜发绀,心跳加快,体温正常。曾静注5%糖盐水,肌肉注射。肾上腺素,终因呼吸麻痹而窒息死亡。  相似文献   

1 发病情况 我县某种犬场饲养的30条种犬,于2005年5月24日上午突然精神沉郁,四肢软瘫,其中10条较重.经了解,该场23日晚从宰鸡场取回鸡内脏(稍有异味),24日晨经简单冲洗后,放在锅中尚未煮沸就取出粉碎喂犬,过3~4 h后出现症状.  相似文献   

2006年8月,台前县某养貉专业户饲养的42只貉因进食腐败鱼片导致肉毒梭菌中毒并出现死亡.此病以运动中枢神经和延脑麻痹为主要症状,死亡率高,现报告供参考.  相似文献   

犬肉毒梭菌中毒,是由犬食入含肉毒梭菌毒素的食物而引起的一种中毒病症,临床上以精神沉郁、食欲废绝、运动神经中枢和延脑麻痹及肠道机能障碍为主要特征.本病在温暖和炎热的季节较多发生,临床上多是由于将土壤中的肉毒梭菌或其毒素随同饲料、饮水一同饲喂犬引起,也可因采集腐败肉类而引起.现就临床中的1起病例论述如下.  相似文献   

1407 fish caught in Scandinavian waters, the North Sea and the North Atlantic have been examined for the presence of Cl. botulinum. The incidence in gut samples expressed as percentage of fish tested was generally highest in fish from Scandinavian coastal waters and the Baltic Sea (4--43%), decreasing in fish from the North Sea (0--8%), and the organism was practically absent in fish from the North Atlantic. When gut samples were examined, the incidence was highest in demersal fish (cod and flatfish) as compared with pelagic fish (herring). The latter fish species were mainly contaminated on outer surfaces and gills. Only type E was detected in this survey, and Cl. botulinum was not detected in any wild fresh water fish. It is suggested that type E spores may originate in the sea bed and that they be spread by fish and water currents.  相似文献   

描述了成都彭州市某养鸡场使用马杜霉素治疗鸡球虫病因用量不当而引起肉鸡中毒的临床症状、剖解变化、病理组织变化和实验室检查的诊断过程,以及确诊后应用药物治疗经过.  相似文献   

In this study the influence of bovine serum protease inhibitors, trypsin and proteases produced by different types of Clostridium botulinum has been investigated. Trypsin and botulinum proteases had the capability of increasing the toxicity in growing cultures in Clostridium botulinum types A, B and E. Trypsin increased the toxin level to a greater extent than proteases from Clostridium botulinum types A, B, C and F. Protease inhibitors did not influence the toxin formation to any extent compared with the controls. The combined effects of proteases and protease inhibitors on the development of toxin in Clostridium botulinum type B were also investigated by adding proteases and protease inhibitors to the same culture at different time intervals. Protease inhibitors did not reduce the toxicity of the cultures as compared to the controls. Altogether a complex relationship seems to exist between protoxin, toxin, proteases and inhibitors in the culture, and the order and time sequence of addition seem to be of importance. The results obtained in this investigation indicate that proteases of Clostridium botulinum play a part in the formation and/or activation of toxin in growing cultures of proteolytic strains such as Clostridium botulinum types A and B. As to the activation of protoxin and progenitor toxin produced by non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum types B and E, botulinum proteases showed a marked capability of increasing the toxicity in these cultures. Trypsinization may be valuable for the detection of Clostridium botulinum types A and B in foods, as well as for type E, where it is commonly used.  相似文献   

肉毒梭菌毒素灭鼠研究进展   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
阎高峰  张西  陆艳 《草业科学》2001,18(6):55-59
就肉毒梭菌毒素用于灭鼠的研究和应用情况进行了综述,充分肯定了C型肉毒梭菌毒素灭鼠制剂毒力强,适口性好,对非靶动物毒性低,作用缓慢,无2次中毒,易降解和适合于规模灭鼠的特点,为鼠害防治提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

A toxoid was prepared from type B toxin of Clostridium botulinum by treatment with 0.6% formalin for 6 weeks. The toxoid was adsorbed to aluminium hydroxide and this vaccine was evaluated for safety in guinea pigs, mice and horses, and for immunogenicity in guinea pigs and horses. Neutralising antitoxin was demonstrated in adult horses receiving two 2 ml subcutaneous doses 6 weeks apart, and in a foal which suckled its vaccinated dam. Another vaccinated mare and the passively immunised foal were protected against subcutaneous injection of 1600 and 2000 mouse lethal doses of toxin per kg respectively.  相似文献   

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