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Several baboon troops were studied during a two year study period. Sub-troop formation in troops was regularly observed and such sub-troops are defined as temporary or semi-permanent. Sub-troops are either normally or abnormally composed as far as age and sex classes are concerned. A temporary sub-troop sleeps apart from the main sub-troop, and these sub-troops reunite the following morning. A semi-permanent sub-troop separates from the main sub-troop for several days. During this period the semi-permanent sub-troop only joins the main sub-troop at sleeping places. The behaviour of certain males is prominent when sub-troops are formed. This study revealed that the baboon troop is wrongly referred to as a stable unit.  相似文献   

A histological survey was conducted on 604 pairs of adrenal glands from yellow (Papio cynocephalus) and olive (Papio anubis) baboons used in drug safety evaluation studies. Spontaneous lesions were found in 372 glands--34 of which had more than one change. Cortical lesions consisted of accessory nodules (190), nodular hyperplasia (7), hepatoadrenal adhesion (18) and partial fusion (1), focal mineralization (20), ectopic bone marrow (6), and focal fatty change (60). Medullary lesions were confined to focal lymphocytic (66) and plasma cell (1) infiltrates.  相似文献   

A single troop of free-ranging chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) was found to be infected with tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis. It is assumed that some members of the troop originally became infected when feeding on a tuberculous carcass in the veld or on tuberculous material scavenged at a nearby post mortem facility. Subsequently, apparent aerosol transmission took place while sleeping in an unused room. Oral transmission probably also occurred due to continuous contamination of the floor of this room and the common, narrow access (a train bridge crossing the Sabi River) to it with faeces and urine. A macroscopic prevalence of 50 % was found and the disease was noted to progress rapidly in infected baboons. A variety of organs had typical tuberculous lesions, of which the spleen, lungs and mesenteric lymph nodes were consistently, grossly affected. Using Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism analysis, all but one of the baboon isolates were found to be identical to the most common African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) isolate (genotype 1) in this Park. The opportunistic sleeping facility was made inaccessible to the troop, which was forced to revert to sleeping in trees. A follow-up survey six months after closure, demonstrated that the disease had disappeared from the troop, and that no spillover infection had occurred into neighbouring troops.  相似文献   

Thymosine fraction V was shown to exert a stimulation activity on T lymphocytes from Papio papio, as determined by E. Rosette and active E. Rosette formation. Testosterone inhibited this effect of thymosin.  相似文献   

A baboon (Papio anubis) was used as a model for the study of the physiology of the esophagus. This model closely resembles the human being phylogenetically and physiologically. Base-line lower esophageal sphincter pressure and peristaltic amplitude are similar to that of man. In addition, the anatomic transition from striated to smooth muscle is identical to that of the human esophagus. The sphincter-depressing effect of ketamine anesthesia was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate whether baboon females respond to an ovarian stimulation protocol incorporating pituitary suppression with a GnRH agonist (GnRHa) and either highly purified human FSH (hphFSH) or recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) with follicular development and oocyte maturation. A modified human ovulation induction protocol was applied to 5 adult female baboons with a history of regular menstrual cycles (33-34 days). A long-acting GnRHa implant containing goserelin acetate was placed subcutaneously (s.c.) on Days 22-24 of their menstrual cycle. Concentrations of serum oestradiol (E2), progesterone (P4) and human FSH were obtained by ELISA. Menses occurred approximately 10 days after GnRHa implantation. Daily hphFSH or rhFSH (75 IU i.m.) treatments were started approximately 10 days following menses. When the majority of follicles were > or = 5 mm in diameter and the E2 levels had reached a maximum, hCG (2000 IU i.m.) was administered to induce final maturation of oocytes and ovulation. Thirty to 34 h after hCG administration, transabdominal follicular aspiration was performed using a variable frequency transvaginal transducer with ultrasound. A total of 71 oocytes were collected from 4 animals (average: 17). The meiotic maturity of oocytes was evaluated 3 h after retrieval. Ninety-one percent of oocytes were in metaphase 2 and of grades I and II which are appropriate for in vitro insemination.  相似文献   

Spontaneous endometriosis is an estrogen-dependent, progressive and painful disease that affects a variety of nonhuman primates, including several species of baboons (Papio sp.). This case documents multimodal management of severe endometriosis in a captive female baboon within a zoological institution. An 18-yr-old, intact female Guinea baboon (Papio papio) was found to have an enlarged uterus. Fifteen months post ovariohysterctomy, scarring associated with endometrial tissue resulted in ureteral strictures, bilateral hydronephrosis, and azotemia. Cystoscopic placement of bilateral ureteral stents with fluoroscopy was performed and resulted in short-term clinical improvement. The animal's condition declined and euthanasia was elected 4 mo after ureteral stent placement. Severe endometriosis with secondary inflammation resulting in bilateral hydroureter and hydronephrosis, as well as concurrent cystitis, ureteritis, and pyelonephritis were confirmed at necropsy. Despite possible complications, ureteral stents can be considered a useful therapeutic option in patients with ureteral disease.  相似文献   

Rhinosporidiosis was diagnosed in six dogs from the southeastern United States. All six dogs had unilateral nasal polyps with multiple small white sporangia visible beneath the surface. Microscopically, the polyps consisted of organisms and fibrovascular tissue with a surface of columnar or squamous epithelium. Juvenile sporangia were unilamellar, 15-75 microns in diameter, nucleated, and accounted for about 65% of sporangia seen. Approximately 5% of the sporangia were in intermediate stages of maturation, were bilamellar, 100-150 microns in diameter, and contained immature endospores. Mature sporangia comprised about 30% of the total, were usually unilamellar, 100-400 microns in diameter, and contained a mixture of immature and mature endospores. The inner layer of the wall of the intermediate sporangia and the single wall of the mature sporangia were argyrophilic and carminophilic. Ultrastructurally, the earliest stage contained a nucleus and many ribosomes, lipid droplets, and phagolysosomes. Maturing sporangia contained discrete membrane-bound, round clevage products. These structures subsequently matured to spores, each of which had a wall and contained a nucleus and many lipid droplets. The organism from one dog was cultured and grown in vitro for 7 months and is the first successful cultivation of Rhinosporidium seeberi.  相似文献   

Thirty hamsters diagnosed with a Notoedres infestation on the basis of their clinical signs and skin scrapings were allocated to three matched groups. The hamsters in group 1 received ivermectin at 400 microg/kg subcutaneously once a week for eight weeks, those in group 2 were treated with moxidectin at 400 microg/kg orally once a week, and those in group 3 were treated with moxidectin at the same dosage, but twice a week. The hamsters' skin lesions were scored weekly on the basis of the severity of crusting, erythema, scaling and excoriations at various sites. In all three groups the lesion scores were significantly lower after four and eight weeks, and there was no significant difference between the efficacy of the treatments. However, at the end of the treatment, skin scrapings were negative in only 60 to 70 per cent of the animals in each group.  相似文献   

Abstract— A unique, presumably hereditary pyogranulomatous and vasculitic disorder of the nasal planum, nostrils and nasal mucosa is described in five Scottish terriers. Clinical signs were first heralded by a bilateral nasal discharge at 3 to 4 weeks of age or a bilateral ulcerative and destructive process of the nasal planum, nostrils and nasal mucosa at 5 to 6 months of age. Histopathological findings included nodular-to-diffuse pyogranulomatous inflammation with concurrent leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Special stains were negative for microorganisms. Therapy was unsuccessful and all dogs were euthanized. Résumé— Un pyogranulome et une vasculite isolés planaum nasale, des narines et de la muqueuse nasale, probablement héréditaires, sont décrits chez 5 Scottish Terriers. Les premiers signes cliniques sont un jetage bilatéral à l'áge de 3–4 semaines ou une ulcération et une destruction bilatérale du planaum nasale, des narines et de la muqueuse nasale à 5–6 mois. Les lésions histologiques sont celles d'une inflammation nodulaire à pyogranulomateuse diffuse associée à une vasculite leucocyoclasique. Des colorations spécifiques n'ont permis de meure en évidence des microorganismes. Les traitements on été inefficaces et les animaux euthanasiés. Zusammenfassung— Bei fünf Scotchterriern wird eine einzigartige, wahrscheinlich erbliche, pyogranulomatöse und vaskulitische Veränderung des Nasenspiegels, der Nasenöffnungen und der Nasenschleimhaut beschrieben. Die klinischen Symptome wurden zuerst durch einen beidseitigen Nasenausfluß im Alter von 3 bias 4 Wochen oder durch beidseitige, ulzerative und destruktive Veränderungen des Nasenspiegels, der Nasenöffhungen und der Nasenschleimhaut im Alter von 5 bis 6 Monaten angekündigt. Die histopathologischen Befunde bestanden unter anderem in nodulärer bis diífuser pyogranulomatöser Entzündung mit gleichzeitiger leukozytoklastischer Vaskulitis. Spezialfärbungen auf Mikoorganismen verliefern negative. Die Therapie war erfolglos, alle Hunde wurden euthanasiert. Resumen Un único, presumiblente hereditario piogranulomatoso y vasculítico trastorno del piano nasal, ventanas y mucosa nasal es descrito en cinco Scottish Terriers. Los signos clínicos fueron anunicados primero por una descarga nasal bilateral entre las 3 y 4 semanas de edad o un proceso bilateral, ulcerativo y destructivo del piano nasal, ventanas y mucosa nasal entre, los 5 y 6 meses de edad. Los descubrimientos histopatológicos incluían inflammación piogranulomatosa de nodular a difusa con vasculitis leucocitoclástica concurrente. Manchas especiales eran negatives para microorganismos. La terapia no fue exitosa y se practicó la eutanasia a todos los perros.  相似文献   

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