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Regulation of circadian rhythmicity   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Daily rhythms in many behavioral, physiological, and biochemical functions are generated by endogenous oscillators that function as internal 24-hour clocks. Under natural conditions, these oscillators are synchronized to the daily environmental cycle of light and darkness. Recent advances in locating circadian pacemakers in the brain and in establishing model systems promise to shed light on the cellular and biochemical mechanisms involved in the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

Environmental temperature cycles are a universal entraining cue for all circadian systems at the organismal level with the exception of homeothermic vertebrates. We report here that resistance to temperature entrainment is a property of the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) network and is not a cell-autonomous property of mammalian clocks. This differential sensitivity to temperature allows the SCN to drive circadian rhythms in body temperature, which can then act as a universal cue for the entrainment of cell-autonomous oscillators throughout the body. Pharmacological experiments show that network interactions in the SCN are required for temperature resistance and that the heat shock pathway is integral to temperature resetting and temperature compensation in mammalian cells. These results suggest that the evolutionarily ancient temperature resetting response can be used in homeothermic animals to enhance internal circadian synchronization.  相似文献   

We generated mice lacking Cks2, one of two mammalian homologs of the yeast Cdk1-binding proteins, Suc1 and Cks1, and found them to be viable but sterile in both sexes. Sterility is due to failure of both male and female germ cells to progress past the first meiotic metaphase. The chromosomal events up through the end of prophase I are normal in both CKS2-/- males and females, suggesting that the phenotype is due directly to failure to enter anaphase and not a consequence of a checkpoint-mediated metaphase I arrest.  相似文献   

The tau mutation is a semidominant autosomal allele that dramatically shortens period length of circadian rhythms in Syrian hamsters. We report the molecular identification of the tau locus using genetically directed representational difference analysis to define a region of conserved synteny in hamsters with both the mouse and human genomes. The tau locus is encoded by casein kinase I epsilon (CKIepsilon), a homolog of the Drosophila circadian gene double-time. In vitro expression and functional studies of wild-type and tau mutant CKIepsilon enzyme reveal that the mutant enzyme has a markedly reduced maximal velocity and autophosphorylation state. In addition, in vitro CKIepsilon can interact with mammalian PERIOD proteins, and the mutant enzyme is deficient in its ability to phosphorylate PERIOD. We conclude that tau is an allele of hamster CKIepsilon and propose a mechanism by which the mutation leads to the observed aberrant circadian phenotype in mutant animals.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of mammals are entrained by light to follow the daily solar cycle (photoentrainment). To determine whether retinal rods and cones are required for this response, the effects of light on the regulation of circadian wheel-running behavior were examined in mice lacking these photoreceptors. Mice without cones (cl) or without both rods and cones (rdta/cl) showed unattenuated phase-shifting responses to light. Removal of the eyes abolishes this behavior. Thus, neither rods nor cones are required for photoentrainment, and the murine eye contains additional photoreceptors that regulate the circadian clock.  相似文献   

Requirement of heterochromatin for cohesion at centromeres   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Centromeres are heterochromatic in many organisms, but the mitotic function of this silent chromatin remains unknown. During cell division, newly replicated sister chromatids must cohere until anaphase when Scc1/Rad21-mediated cohesion is destroyed. In metazoans, chromosome arm cohesins dissociate during prophase, leaving centromeres as the only linkage before anaphase. It is not known what distinguishes centromere cohesion from arm cohesion. Fission yeast Swi6 (a Heterochromatin protein 1 counterpart) is a component of silent heterochromatin. Here we show that this heterochromatin is specifically required for cohesion between sister centromeres. Swi6 is required for association of Rad21-cohesin with centromeres but not along chromosome arms and, thus, acts to distinguish centromere from arm cohesion. Therefore, one function of centromeric heterochromatin is to attract cohesin, thereby ensuring sister centromere cohesion and proper chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

军曹鱼幼鱼对饲料中精氨酸的需要量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选择初始平均质量为(14.70±0.30)g的军曹鱼幼鱼,在56 d的饲养期中分别饲喂含精氨酸质量分数为1.84%、2.07%、2.30%、2.53%和2.76%(或饲料蛋白中精氨酸质量分数为4.0%、4.5%、5.0%、5.5%、6.0%)的等氮等能精制饲料,观察精氨酸对军曹鱼生长和全鱼组成成分的影响.结果表明,当饲料中精氨酸质量分数为2.30%时,军曹鱼的特定生长率、增质量率及存活率达到最高值.饲料中精氨酸质量分数为2.30%时,全鱼粗蛋白和精氨酸水平达到最高;精氨酸质量分数为2.76%时,全鱼粗脂肪水平达到最高.以增质量率为指标,一元二次回归分析表明,军曹鱼对饲料中精氨酸的适宜需要量为2.38%(占饲料蛋白质量分数的5.17%).  相似文献   

32只加利福尼亚肉兔被随机分成4组,采食不同 S-氨基酸饲粮。4组试验日粮分别含有0.43%,0.56%,0.68%和0.81% S-氨基酸,研究加利福尼亚肉兔 S-氨基酸的需要量。基础饲粮含有10.46 MJ·kg~(-1)消化能和15%粗蛋白。进行了3期饲养试验和1次氮平衡试验。结果指出:日增重和每日 S-氨基酸进食量呈强相关,回归分析得到 Y(日增重)=-77.65+260.92X(每日 S-氨基酸进食量)-150.21X~2。加利福尼亚肉兔每日进食0.868 g S-氨基酸获得最佳增重效果。N-平衡试验结果证明;S-氨基酸进食量为0.765 g 时,N 存留量达到最大值。因此认为,每日采食量140.0 g 时,饲粮含0.62%的 S-氨基酸,可获的加利福尼亚肉兔最佳生长效果。  相似文献   

通过动态公差图,分的了最大实体要求(MMR)及其可逆要求(RR)的功能及合格条件。阐述了在保证孔轴自由装配的前提高,如何降低加工成本及提高产品合格率的措施。  相似文献   

为确定梨需冷量适宜的评价模型,2009-2012年对28份梨品种应用≤7.2℃模型、0~7.2℃模型和犹他模型进行测试比较分析。结果表明,以秋季日平均温度稳定低于7.2℃的日期为需冷量测定的起点,以≤7.2℃模型累积低温值作为梨需冷量的评价标准比较适宜;0~7.2℃模型在长需冷量范围内能有效预测休眠的结束,不适宜低需冷量品种的测定;犹他模式不适宜作为梨品种需冷量评价模式。  相似文献   

起伏地段干线管道的试压要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管道干线试压是管道建设中一项非常重要的工作,尤其是起伏地段的管道干线试压,由于位差发生变化,在试压强度取值等方面不能照搬普通管道的要救亡 去进行。介绍了库鄯管道干线试压按照三项要求所进行的工作:①按管道截断阀间距划分试压段落,而不是采取站间和整体试压;②各分段之间的环焊缝采用100%X射线探伤,提高安全性;③以水作为试压介质,及时发现环焊缝的针孔等缺陷。  相似文献   

Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for maintenance of CpXpG methylation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Epigenetic silenced alleles of the Arabidopsis SUPERMAN locus (the clark kent alleles) are associated with dense hypermethylation at noncanonical cytosines (CpXpG and asymmetric sites, where X = A, T, C, or G). A genetic screen for suppressors of a hypermethylated clark kent mutant identified nine loss-of-function alleles of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 (CMT3), a novel cytosine methyltransferase homolog. These cmt3 mutants display a wild-type morphology but exhibit decreased CpXpG methylation of the SUP gene and of other sequences throughout the genome. They also show reactivated expression of endogenous retrotransposon sequences. These results show that a non-CpG DNA methyltransferase is responsible for maintaining epigenetic gene silencing.  相似文献   

Early and late eclosion strains were developed from Drosophila melanogaster cultures. The Oregon-R parent strains (isolated in 1925) showed significantly more selectability than the W(2) parent strain collected at the beginning of this study (1971). This is consistent with the hypothesis that the selective advantage of circadian behaviors is reduced in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

校园一卡通系统的需求分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高校信息化的推进,校园卡正日益广泛被采用,而目前大多数校园应用系统互不兼容,资源不能合理配置和共享;同时学生手中持有多种证卡,使用携带不便。目前,随着各大学校园网的建成和投入使用,智能卡应用技术的日渐成熟,校园一卡通系统的建立在技术可行性上已不存在问题,校园一卡通系统提供的统一身份认证、统一消费认证、统一信息查询及共享数据平台,最终将实现资源数字化、传输网络化,  相似文献   

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