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近年来,随着水产业的迅猛发展,单胞藻类的培养越来越成为影响海珍品育苗成败的关键因素。基于基层生产单位设施、设备较差,技术力量相对薄弱的实际情况,笔者在多年生产实践的基础上,总结出一套能有效降低生产成本,节省人力、物力的单细胞藻类培养方法,此技术在单胞藻的一、二级培养中做了较大改进。现介绍如下: 相似文献
随着人工育苗技术水平的成熟,单细胞藻类在贝类、虾蟹类、鱼类人工育苗中得到了广泛应用。单细胞藻类不仅为水生动物幼体提供了适口的饵料,而且在一定程度上改善育苗水质。本文就规模化培养单细胞藻类方面概括了几方面的技术要点,以期为同行业者提供借鉴。1培养准备1.1培养器材 相似文献
培养单细胞藻类在接种以后,就进入培养管理阶段,其工作非常重要。1 日常管理操作1.1 搅拌 用开放式不通气方法培养.搅拌是十分必要的。搅拌对藻类的生长繁殖很有好处,搅拌的作用有3个。第一,通过搅拌增加水和空气的接触面,使空气中的二氧化碳溶解到培养液中,以补充 相似文献
<正>单细胞藻类与水产养殖息息相关,单细胞是鱼、虾、蟹、贝类等幼体的直接饵料,在水产养殖以及育苗过程中起着决定性作用。本人多年从事贝类育苗、海参育苗工作,下面对贝类育苗、海参育苗中单细胞藻类常用种类和培养方法做如下介绍。1常用种类贝类育苗中常用种类较多,有小球藻、塔胞藻、扁藻、金藻(等鞭金藻和叉变金藻)、硅藻(新月菱形藻);海参育苗中常用种类有盐藻、角毛藻和新月菱形藻。以上几种藻类对温度、盐度、光照有 相似文献
单细胞藻类培养应注意的问题 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对虾、河蟹、贝类育苗需要大量的单细胞藻类,单细胞藻类培养的好坏关系到育苗的成败,是水产动物育苗成功的首要条件。只有培养出大量的无原生动物污染的、鲜嫩的多种单细胞藻类,贝类等水产动物的人工育苗才能获成功。笔者在生产实践中,积累了一些经验,现介绍如下,以供大家参考。1藻种种源 同一类藻最好从不同地方采集,获得多个品种进行培养,而且在培养过程中分别放置在不同培养瓶中进行,这样可避免某一品种培养失败而带来的损失,也可获得适应本地区培养的品种。如金藻可培养3011、wp、wfj3个品种。2 扩 种 扩种用的烧… 相似文献
Victoria Patiño-Suárez Dalila Aldana Aranda & Arturo George Zamora 《Aquaculture Research》2004,35(12):1149-1152
This work presents food ingestion and digestibility analysis carried out by means of epifluorescence microscopy of 1‐day‐old Strombus gigas (Linnaeus, 1758) larvae fed five different algal cells: Tetraselmis suecica, T. tetrathele, Chlorella keslleri, Chlorella sp. and Chaetoceros cerastoporum. Absolute ingestion and digestion indices (AII and ADI) were used to compare larval feeding behaviour. Differences in efficiency of ingestion and digestion were observed, according to the diet: the highest AII and ADI were observed with T. suecica and T. tetrathele (>90% and 85–88% respectively). With C. cerastoporum and Chlorella sp. these indices were zero. We confirm the use of Tetraselmis as a suitable diet for S. gigas hatchery. On the contrary, Chlorella sp. and C. cerastoporum are not recommended during the early larval stage, due to their non‐ingestion and digestion. 相似文献
采用生化手段对舟山附近海域中浮游桡足类夏季优势种—太平洋纺锤水蚤(Acartia pacifica)进行营养成分测定,比较分析两种单胞藻饵料小球藻(Chlorella sp.)和三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)对其营养价值的影响。结果表明,太平洋纺锤水蚤在投喂三角褐指藻和投喂小球藻后,其体内粗蛋白湿重含量分别为(6.51±0.46)%和(5.21±0.98)%,比对照组(2.44±0.63)%显著上升(P0.05);投喂三角褐指藻后太平洋纺锤水蚤粗脂肪湿重含量(0.25±0.03)%显著上升(P0.05),投喂小球藻后粗脂肪湿重含量(0.15±0.03)%显著下降(P0.05);但总糖和灰分湿重含量变化不明显(P0.05)。本研究检测出太平洋纺锤水蚤体内共含17种氨基酸,其中鱼类必需氨基酸(EAA)9种,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)8种,对照组与投喂两种饵料后太平洋纺锤水蚤中EAA含量均较高,干重含量为(47.56±0.04)%~(49.84±0.07)%;检测出太平洋纺锤水蚤共含21种脂肪酸,投喂三角褐指藻后太平洋纺锤水蚤的DHA和EPA干重含量之和最高(28.00%),其次为投喂小球藻(21.51%),均高于对照组(9.77%),而对照组干重(9.77%)也仍高于强化后轮虫DHA和EPA干重含量(0.8%)和强化后卤虫DHA和EPA干重含量(8.40%)。通过本实验发现,自然状态下的太平洋纺锤水蚤DHA和EPA含量较高,营养价值高,而投喂后三角褐指藻后太平洋纺锤水蚤营养价值明显增加,表明人工培养条件下太平洋纺锤水蚤具有作为水产经济动物活体开口饵料的潜在开发价值。 相似文献
During 1975 and 1976 it was found that lower growth and therefore productivity from 20 l semi-continuous cultures of Isochrysis galbana Parke and Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butch. was related to an increase in salinity from 31 to 36‰ of the natural sea water used in medium preparation. This effect was removed in 1977 by lowering salinity to 25‰ prior to medium preparation. Small-scale trials with Isochrysis in 1977 showed that growth was improved when the salinity was reduced to 28‰. Optimal salinity ranges for growth in medium prepared from artificial sea water were found to be 15–25‰ for Isochrysis and 25–30‰ for Tetraselmis. 相似文献
Susan D. Utting 《Aquacultural Engineering》1985,4(3):175-190
Chaetoceros calcitrans (Paulsen) Takano, Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butch. and Isochrysis galbana Parke were grown in artificial seawater containing either normal (9·8 mg atoms litre?1) or reduced (0·613 mg atoms litre?1) nitrogen. When grown in the nitrogen-deficient medium protein decreased and carbohydrate increased in all three species; lipid, however, increased in Chaetoceros and Isochrysis but decreased in Tetraselmis.The biochemical composition of Tetraselmis and Isochrysis sampled during the post-exponential phase of growth from normal medium was similar to that of cells growing exponentially in nitrogen-deficient medium. Salinities of 10–35‰ did not affect protein levels in Tetraselmis or Isochrysis but carbohydrate increased and lipid decreased in Isochrysis over the salinity range. Temperatures of 18–25 °C had little effect on the cell composition of either species.The energy potentially available from a unit volume of Chaetoceros and Isochrysis cells from normal medium was similar to that from cells grown in nitrogen-deficient conditions in both species. Tetraselmis had 34% more energy available when grown in normal compared to nitrogen-deficient medium. 相似文献
扣蟹培育实用技术要点 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
养殖扣蟹的池塘,要求近离水源充足、水质良好、上游无污染源,土质以粘土或粘砂土为适宜。池塘的模式有四种: 1、池塘式:其形状为长方形或正方形,如养鱼池塘,面积1-10亩左右,池水深1.2-1.5m;也有的池塘中间剩1/3的浅水平台,平台水深 0.2-0.3m;池塘两端建有进排水设施,进排水口均要安装60目网纱的过滤网,防止敌害鱼虾入池和扣蟹的逃逸。池塘坡比为1:3。池塘式养殖扣蟹投放苗量为每亩放大眼幼体1kg,或豆蟹3万只。 2.稻田养蟹式:通常采用在稻田四周开挖环沟,环沟的宽为2-2.5m,沟深为… 相似文献