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测量不确定度是评定测量水平的指标,是判定测量结果质量的依据.一切测量结果都不可避免地具有不确定度,不确定度是由于测量误差的存在而导致被测量值不能肯定的程度,一切测量结果都不可避免地具有不确定度,大肠菌群的检测也不例外.根据国家标准和测量不确定度的评定方法以及国际通用的普松理论,评定牛乳中大肠菌群检测结果的不确定度.通过...  相似文献   

冰淇淋中大肠菌群的传统检测方法繁琐且费时费力,不能适应现代化大型食品企业检测工作的需求。本研究将Soleris实时光电微生物检测技术引入到大肠菌群的快速检测中,得到了冰淇淋中大肠菌群检测标准曲线LogCFU=9.5175-0.854×DT(R2=0.9717);并用国标平板法对标准曲线进行了验证,结果表明Soleris法测得的结果与平板计数结果偏差在±0.5范围以内,具有较好的一致性,重复性验证结果RSD值在0.443%~0.501%之间。而与平板计数法相比,Soleris法具有快速的优点,可使冰淇淋产品放行时间缩短13~62h。本研究建立的大肠菌群Soleris检测法具有检测时间短、灵敏度高的优势,为冰淇淋产品的微生物检测提供了一种新的方法。  相似文献   


One hundred seven Aeromonas spp., 26 Edwardsiella ictaluri, 6 E. tarda, 12 Plesiomonas shigelloides, and 6 Pseudomonas spp. (131 piscine isolates and 26 reference isolates) were studied with 36 biochemical tests from the Minitek system, 20 tests from the API 20E system, and corresponding standard tube tests. Isolates were incubated at 25°C. Arginine dihydrolase, ornithine decarboxylase, mannose, and citrate showed less than 95% agreement between the Minitek system and the tube tests. Arginine dihydrolase, lysine decarboxylase, nitrite reductase, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate showed less than 95% agreement between the API 20E system and the tube tests. The 26 reference isolates were examined with the three systems and were incubated at both 25 and 37°C. There were no major differences between tests run at 25 and 37°C except with nine Aeromonas spp. that did not grow well at 37°C. Both the Minitek and API 20E systems will reproduce standard biochemical tube test results with at least 95% accuracy when used to test warmwater fish pathogens incubated at 25°C. However, the numerical identification databases for both the Minitek and API 20E systems were not usable for identifying fish pathogens.  相似文献   

对我国观赏鱼的资源现状及目前市场开发中存在的问题进行了调查分析 ,并就此提出改革建议  相似文献   

牛磺酸在鱼类营养中的作用及其在鱼类饲料中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
牛磺酸是维持鱼类正常生理功能的营养物质之一,在鱼类营养中有着非常重要的作用.本文综述了牛磺酸的性质与分布、合成与代谢、营养生理功能及鱼类牛磺酸的需要量及其在鱼类饲料中的应用.  相似文献   

广东是渔业大省,在我国有着举足轻重的地位。2002年全省水产业总产值416亿元,占农业总值23.4%,水产品总产量628.06万吨,产值和产量分别比上年度增长6.7%和3.02%。养殖渔业的产量达430.04万吨,其中淡水养殖240.4万吨,海水养殖189.64万吨。2002年是我国入世后的第一年,我省无公害  相似文献   

In Nepal, most dogs are free to roam and may transmit diseases to humans and animals. These dogs often suffer from malnutrition and lack basic health care. Minimal information is available about their demographics and about public attitudes concerning dogs and diseases. We carried out a study in Chitwan District (central Nepal), to collect baseline data on free‐roaming owned dog demographics, assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of dog owners concerning dogs and rabies, evaluate rabies vaccination coverage and anthelmintic treatment of dogs, measure dogs' response to rabies vaccination and assess dog health through body condition scores and parasites. We conducted household interviews with owners of free‐roaming female dogs (n = 60) and administered dogs with rabies vaccination and anthelmintics. Dog owners regularly fed free‐roaming dogs but provided minimal health care; 42% of respondents did not claim ownership of the dog for which they provided care. We collected skin, faecal and blood samples for parasite identification and for measuring rabies virus‐specific antibodies. Ninety‐two per cent of dog owners were aware of the routes of rabies virus transmission, but only 35% described the correct post‐exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following a dog bite. Twenty‐seven per cent of the dogs had measurable rabies virus‐specific antibody titres and 14% had received anthelmintics in the previous year. Following rabies vaccination, 97% of dogs maintained an adequate antibody titre for ≥6 months. Most dogs appeared healthy, although haemoprotozoans, endoparasites and ectoparasites were identified in 12%, 73% and 40% of the dogs, respectively. Poor skin condition and parasite load were associated. Seventy‐four per cent of the females had litters in 1 year (mean litter size = 4.5). Births occurred between September and February; we estimated 60% mortality in puppies. We concluded that vaccination coverage, PEP awareness and anthelmintic treatment should be emphasized in educational programmes focussed on animal welfare, veterinary and public health.  相似文献   

动物性食品兽药残留是我国当前食品安全问题中对社会公众健康及经济健康运行危害尤为严重的一类主要问题。从公共经济学的角度去分析动物性食品兽药残留问题,主要是市场失灵问题,即表现为信息不对称、资源配置扭曲、欺诈交易、偏好不合理和外部效应现象。纠正动物性食品兽药残留的市场失灵,政府需选择合适介入的角度和做法,包括认清政府自身定位及选择主动培育市场和组合运用多种市场干预方法。  相似文献   

气载细菌内毒素的国内外研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简单介绍了气载细菌内毒素的形成及生物学作用,并从人的生活环境及动物舍环境两方面介绍了国内外对气载内毒素的研究现状,使得人们对气载内毒素有一个初步认识,便于更好的控制环境、改善环境质量。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了气载细菌内毒素的形成及生物学作用,并从人的生活环境及动物舍环境两方面介绍了国内外对气载内毒素的研究现状,使得人们对气载内毒素有一个初步认识,便于更好的控制环境、改善环境质量。  相似文献   

乳酸作为一种重要的生物基平台化合物,是众多手性物质的合成前体,广泛应用于农业、食品、医药、化工等领域.本文从乳酸合成的种属分布、代谢途径及代谢调控等方面,综述乳酸菌合成L-乳酸和/或D-乳酸的研究现状,并展望其发展前景.  相似文献   

Following the lead of human athletic training, equine massage therapy is becoming a more common part of the management of equine athletes and pleasure horses alike. The basic science rationale for massage is supported by research indicating that massage may affect a number of physiologic systems as well as cellular and fascial components of the muscular system. Equine therapeutic massage, or sports massage, employs a number of techniques first developed in humans and has been reported to increase range of motion and stride length, reduce activity of nociceptive pain receptors, and reduce physiologic stress responses. Additional preliminary research indicates that massage therapy also may improve some aspects of exercise recovery. Although important evidence has begun to document the potential benefits of massage therapy for equine athletes, the current review may say less about the true clinical effects of massage therapy than it does about the current state of research in this field. Additional prospective study of massage therapy using sufficient scientific rigor will be necessary to provide veterinarians, trainers, and owners with definitive data and scientifically based confidence in the use of equine massage. In the meantime, the preliminary research, anecdotal positive effects, and case studies indicating potential benefit are not to be ignored; equine massage therapy already plays a valuable practical role in the care and training of many equine athletes.  相似文献   

Extensive range-based livestock production has suffered a sharp decrease in Mediterranean Spain in recent decades due to two opposing trends in land use: progressive abandonment of practices in marginal rural areas and land use intensification in more productive areas. In this study, we explored the visions of key stakeholders on the current and future situation of silvopastoral systems in the Sierra Morena mountain range of southern Spain, where extensive livestock grazing is declining because of competition with other more profitable activities, such as intensive olive groves and game hunting. We performed a discourse analysis using Q methodology and evaluated the existing relationships of information exchange and conflict among local institutions such as farmer’s associations, the provincial council, and conservation organizations using social network analysis. Semistructured interviews were conducted with key stakeholders representing local formal and nonformal institutions involved in extensive livestock production. Results showed three distinct discourses among stakeholders related to profitability, conservation, and modernization. There was a strong consensus on the management strategies that should be promoted to support extensive livestock production and preserve the associated silvopastoral systems. Social networks revealed high cohesion and communication exchange and a low level of conflict among stakeholders, with few exceptions. The low influence of livestock producers on policy decision making largely hinders the development of participatory management schemes. Nevertheless, similarities among the visions and opinions of different institutions suggest that new possibilities might emerge for silvopastoral systems through the collaboration among the different socioeconomic sectors present in the area.  相似文献   

Veterinary Research Communications -  相似文献   

通过对钠冷快堆辐射源和安全分析,结合CEFR辐射监测系统的设计经验,进一步从工艺系统设备的密封性和工艺系统操作的合规性方面探讨工艺辐射监测的设计要素。  相似文献   

<正>2应用试验2009年7月28日~10月30日在贵州罗甸龙滩水库将新设计的生态环保养殖模式应用于生产,进行中试试验,并与传统网箱的养殖效果进行了对比。2.1材料和方法2.1.1养殖水域。  相似文献   

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