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Zinc (Zn) has a vast number of functions in plant metabolism, the lack of which had dramatic effects on growth and yield of plants. Plants have morphological and biochemical responses to enhance mineral solubility in the soil and facilitate uptake, such as root plasticity, secretion processes and symbioses. Root architecture modification is an important plant response to nutrient availability. The aim of this study was to identify root morphological reactions to Zn efficiency in Iranian bread wheat genotypes. Soil and solution cultures were used to survey Zn efficiency. In soil culture, six and seven genotypes with high and low Zn contents were selected among 110 Iranian bread wheat genotypes, respectively. The solution culture experiments were set up in a completely randomized block design and plants fed with Johnson’s grass solution. All traits were assessed at 30 and 60 DAPs (days after planting). Our results showed a significant difference between two groups of efficient and inefficient genotypes only at 60 DAP, and Zn-efficient genotypes showed 1.63-, 1.50-, 1.69- and 1.92-fold increases in root diameter, surface area density, shoot and root dry weight, respectively, compared to inefficient genotypes. In contrast, Zn-inefficient genotypes had 1.20- and 2.62-fold more root length and fineness, respectively, than efficient genotypes. The positive significant correlations were observed between shoot and Zn uptake as well as root dry weight and Zn uptake at both stages. Furthermore, shoot and root dry weight showed a significant correlation with root fineness, diameter and surface area density at both stages. The path analysis showed indirect effects on Zn uptake through root traits. Our results showed that roots have a major role in Zn efficiency. Therefore, the better growth and greater Zn uptake in efficient genotypes, compared to inefficient ones, can be attributed to greater root diameter and surface area density, and lower root fineness in these genotypes.  相似文献   

In this study, the yields, yield components, agronomic, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) traits of the eighty-four winter wheat cultivars were investigated under nitrogen (N)-sufficient and -deficient conditions. Dramatic variations were observed in the yield and agronomic traits among the cultivars. Based on absolute yields under the N treatments, the cultivars were categorized into N efficiency groups of high, close high, medium, and low, in which the high efficiency group cultivars generally exhibited improved agronomic traits under these contrasting N-supply conditions. Additionally, the wheat cultivars were classified into various N response groups, including toleration, relative toleration, sensitive, and most sensitive based on the ratios of yield under N deficiency to that under N sufficiency. Regression correlation analyses revealed that straw biomass, total biomass, grain N amount, and straw N amount were significantly correlated with yield, suggesting that these traits can be acted as indices in evaluating yield potentials in wheat.  相似文献   

在严重干旱的 1999~ 2 0 0 0年 ,采用 3个品种 ,3个追肥量 ,3个追肥时期和 3次重复的完全组合设计 ,对大运河以东黑龙港低平原区高产田小麦春季追氮时期和追氮量进行了系统研究。结果表明 :春季追肥时期宜晚 ,第一次肥水在 4叶 1心到 5叶 1心期为好 ,追肥量以尿素 75kg/hm2 为高限 ,甚至可以考虑不追肥。  相似文献   

The phenotypic performance of a genotype is not necessarily the same under diverse agro-ecological conditions. Two commercial wheat cultivars and 33 wheat landrace varieties were selected for screening drought tolerance and the investigation of genotype × environment interactions (GEI). The study site experiences drought stress at reproductive stages. Fully irrigated along with two drought stress trials at early heading (EHS) and 50% heading stages (HDS) were performed in 2 years. The highest antioxidant and proline contents were accumulated under EHS. Reduction in cell membrane stability in EHS was 90.9% in 2011–2012. The lowest grain yield belonged to EHS (3.2 t ha?1) while the highest (6.8 t ha?1) was observed in the irrigated trial. GEI analysis indicated that the Pinthus’s coefficient was not an efficient index for screening GEI. Positive correlations were found between GEI parameters such as regression deviation, Wricke’s ecovalence and Shukla’s variance. Regression coefficients over trials ranged from 0.65 to 1.42, indicating genotypes had different responses to environmental changes. Regression models, GEI variances and grain yield showed that some varieties (KC4557, KC4862, KC3891, KC4495, and KC4633) had higher stability under drought stress and fully irrigated conditions and can be involved in breeding programs for drought stress tolerance.  相似文献   

不同氮效率基因型冬小麦生理特征的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用田间小区试验,通过对两个不同氮效率基因型冬小麦小偃22(XY22)和小偃6号(XY6)产量和构成因素,氮素吸收利用效率以及关键生育期的硝酸还原酶、叶水势、叶绿素含量等生理指标测定,探讨了其对氮素利用的差异及其机理。结果表明,不施氮处理,子粒产量、硝酸还原酶活性、叶水势、叶绿素含量明显降低,而施氮后明显提高;氮素吸收利用效率、叶水势、叶绿素含量在施N150 kg/hm2时保持在较高水平。两个基因型中,小偃22比小偃6号的生理代谢更加旺盛,施氮加强了这种作用,这可为进一步选育氮高效利用型小麦品种提供科学依据。  相似文献   


A group of spring wheat cultivars originating from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, and the Netherlands was analysed for powdery mildew resistance. Using functional molecular markers, two alleles of the major resistance gene Pm3 were detected among the cultivars under the study. One of the alleles, Pm3d, was detected in the resistant cultivars ‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, and ‘Zebra’, and in ‘Tjalve’, a cultivar of earlier release susceptible to the local population of powdery mildew. The second allele of Pm3 detected in the analysed group of cultivars was the allele Pm3f, rarely used in Europe. It was identified in the resistant cultivars ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, and in the moderatively resistant cultivar ‘Mahti’. Pm3f was found to be effective against the local population of powdery mildew in Estonia, while Pm3d provided no protective effect. Besides the Pm3d allele on chromosome 1A, monosomic analysis of the cultivar ‘Vinjett’,which is almost immune to powdery mildew, identified two additional loci on chromosomes 5D and 7D, respectively, presumably responsible for the high resistance in this cultivar. In contrast to the earlier cultivars, six recently released cultivars (‘Vinjett’, ‘SW Estrad’, ‘Zebra’, ‘Satu’, ‘Helle’, ‘Meri’) demonstrated a high resistance to the powdery mildew fungus Blumeria graminis DC. f. sp. tritici both in the field and seedling tests, showing that the genetic basis of powdery mildew resistance in Nordic spring wheat has been improved noticeably in the last ten years.  相似文献   

Spring-sown crops are expected to have a higher risk of drought during summer in the next decades in Central Europe due to expected climate change. Therefore, a two-year experiment was conducted under Pannonian growing conditions in Eastern Austria to investigate the effect of autumn- and spring-sowing of facultative wheat. Autumn-sowing of facultative wheat enhanced crop development, soil coverage, crop stand height, crop growth rate, and nitrogen (N) utilization efficiency during the vegetation period compared to spring-sowing; duration of growth stages was prolonged and crops were earlier ripe. In contrast, spring-sowing resulted in higher relative growth rates, higher N concentrations of aboveground dry matter, higher relative N uptake rates, and more mineral N in the soil. At harvest, grain yield and yield components ears m?2 and thousand kernel weight (TKW) were higher in autumn-sown than in spring-sown wheat, resulting thereby in an increased seed yield. Spring-sown wheat had higher N concentrations in grain and in straw. Anyhow, N yield was slightly higher with autumn-sowing due to the higher grain and straw yields. Grain and straw yield, plant stand height, ears m?2, and TKW were impaired in the second experimental year by a severe drought for both sowing dates as well as N concentrations and N yields of grain and straw, partial factor N use efficiency and N utilization efficiency. But the yield components harvest index, grains m?2, and grains ear?1 were strongly impaired with spring-sowing under drought conditions. Thus, autumn-sowing of wheat resulted in higher yield stability across both years, based on these yield components highlighting possible benefits of autumn-sowing with expected summer drought under climate change.  相似文献   


Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown in nutrient solution in the greenhouse. Mn concentrations in the nutrient solutions used ranged from 0.0025 to 50,000 mg/1. Visual symptoms associated with high tissue Mn content were stunting, general chlorosis, necrotic leaf spots, white flecking, purpling, and leaf tip burn. Mn tissue concentrations of 380 mg/kg were found to reduce dry matter production by 10%.  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖麦田水分动态及水分利用效率研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
试验研究表明,秸秆覆盖可改变作物耗水规律。即前期能抑制土壤蒸发,减少土壤水分无效消耗;后期则增强植株蒸腾,促进干物质积累,使农田耗水由物理过程向生物学过程转化,有利于提高产量和作物水分利用效率。不同覆盖期和不同土壤水分条件下覆盖效果不同,土壤含水量55%~70%的麦田覆盖效果最佳,覆盖时间以冬小麦进入越冬期停止生长时覆盖为宜。  相似文献   


New studies are needed to optimize the nitrogen (N) amount that can be applied to utilize the Azospirillum brasilense benefits. In addition, information regarding the interaction between the urease inhibitor and biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and how they affect the macronutrients accumulation are also needed. We evaluate the effect of N sources and doses associated with A. brasilense regarding the macronutrients accumulation in straw and grains and wheat grain yield in tropical conditions. A randomized block experimental design was used with four replications in a 2?×?5?×?2 factorial arrangement as follows: two N sources (urea and urea with urease enzyme inhibitor NBPT; five N doses (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200?kg ha?1) applied in topdressing; with and without A. brasilense inoculation. We found that an increase in N doses positively influenced the accumulation of macronutrients in straw and grains and the wheat grain yield. N sources have similar effects. Inoculation with A. brasilense increased accumulation of Mg and S in straw and P, Ca, and Mg in grains, regardless of the N dose. The inoculation with A. brasilense associated with 140?kg ha?1 of N increased wheat grain yield. The inoculation can contribute in a more sustainable way to wheat nutrition and optimizing N fertilization.  相似文献   

The effect of fertilization with silicon (Si) compounds on accumulation of Si in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has been studied. Wheat plants were grown under identical growing conditions, but subjected to fertilization with various Si compounds (pyrolitic fine silica particles [aerosil®], sodium silicate, silica gel), and the Si content of the above ground plants was analyzed via X‐ray microanalysis (EDX) and atomic‐absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Silicon was predominantly deposited in the epidermis cells of the leaves and their cell walls. The efficiency of the Si compounds used as fertilizers to augment the Si content of the plants increased in the order sodium silicate > silica gel > aerosil® and thus seemed to correlate with the ease of formation of orthosilicic acid from these compounds.  相似文献   

This research was carried out to estimate yield stability of 18 barley breeding lines using different parametric and non-parametric statistics across 15 environments during 2012–2015 growing seasons. The results of combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) and additive main effect and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) analysis showed that environments (E), genotypes (G), GE interaction, as well as the first four interaction principal component axes were highly significant, suggesting that the lines interacted differentially with environments, so further general adaptability and stability analysis across environments should be followed before being introduced for cultivation. Based on correlation coefficient and principal components analysis (PCA), most of the non-parametric statistics were significantly inter-correlated with parametric statistics, hence seem to be suitable alternatives to complement parametric statistics. Furthermore, according to the static and dynamic concepts of stability, the results revealed that stability statistics can be clustered into three groups. The overall stability analysis following different stability methods concluded that four lines (G5, G7, G17 and G20) were highly stable for grain yield in rain-fed conditions of subtropical regions of Iran. Thus, these lines can be recognized as the most stable lines for cultivation in diverse environments of semi-warm regions of Iran.  相似文献   

氮、硫配施对冬小麦氮素利用效率及产量的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】氮(N)、硫(S)是生物所必需的营养物质,对小麦籽粒产量和品质起着重要作用。硫素供应不足,特别是在当前大量氮素供应情况下引起的作物生理性缺硫将导致作物产量和含硫氨基酸蛋白质含量下降。本文旨在探索氮、硫配施对冬小麦氮素利用效率和籽粒产量的促进效果并提出合理的区域氮、硫施肥技术。【方法】20122013年,在河南温县以国审冬小麦品种豫麦49-198为供试材料,进行大田试验。设置不同施氮量0、120、180、240和360 kg/hm2(分别以N0、N120、N180、N240和N360表示)和施硫0和60 kg/hm2(S0和S60)试验,调查氮、硫对冬小麦干物质积累、氮素积累分配、籽粒产量和氮素利用效率的影响。【结果】对冬小麦生育后期干物质积累分析表明,干物质积累随施氮量增多而提高,相同施氮量条件下施硫较不施硫小麦干物质积累量显著提高,其中成熟期干物质积累量N180S60、N240S60和N360S60分别较N180S0、N240S0和N360S0提高2225、3607和3120 kg/hm2,而且氮素低的处理添加硫后干物质积累量高于氮素高不加硫处理,如N180S60N240S0、N240S60N360S0,处理间差异均达显著水平。随施氮量增多,冬小麦植株氮素积累总量增加,在N 240和360 kg/hm2水平,硫素供应显著增加小麦植株氮素积累。不同施氮量条件下施硫较不施硫均显著提高了小麦籽粒产量,分别提高了10.5%、18.3%、5.2%、5.6%和4.9%。随施氮量增多,氮肥偏生产力下降,氮回收效率、生理效率和农学效率则均以N 180达最高值。不同施氮水平下,施硫均显著提高了冬小麦氮素回收效率,但对氮生理效率影响不显著,其中在施N量为120、180和240kg/hm2时,施硫较不施硫氮肥偏生产力和农学效率均显著提高。【结论】在当前小麦生产中,采用控氮或减氮增硫技术措施,可实现小麦氮利用效率和籽粒产量的同步提高。在本试验地区小麦生产中,达到冬小麦稳产高效或增产高效的适宜施氮量为180 240 kg/hm2配合60 kg/hm2硫肥施用。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, to study the response of spring wheat to boron applied as boron-coated urea (BCU) and the effect of boron (B) coating on the use efficiency of applied fertilizer urea nitrogen. The BCU (0.5% B) significantlyrecorded the highest increase in leaf area index (30.2%), spike length (12.5%), number of spikes (10.9%), filled grains (15.7%) and grain weight (16.3%) per spike in spring wheat than uncoated prilled urea (PU). Furthermore, the application of 0.5% BCU enhanced the grain and straw yields of spring wheat by 11% and 10.6% over uncoated PU. The BCU (0.5% B) also significantly increased the N concentration and N uptake both in wheat grain and straw. The BCU (0.5% B) recorded 24.8% higher recovery efficiency of applied nitrogen and an increase of 3.6 kg grain kg?1 N applied in agronomic efficiency compared to uncoated PU. The net returns (USD915.1 ha?1) and benefit:cost ratio (1.40) werealso the highest with 0.5% BCU, significantly higher than uncoated PU. Therefore, 0.5% boron coating onto PU is recommended for increased productivity and enhanced efficiency of applied fertilizer nitrogen for spring wheat in Indo-Gangetic plains of India.  相似文献   

利用高光谱指数进行冬小麦条锈病严重度的反演研究   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
通过选取不同条锈病抗性品种(高抗、高感、中间)进行田间不同梯度(对照、轻度、中度、重度)的接种试验,在接种后每隔7 d左右,同步测定了不同品种、不同处理的冠层光谱、单叶光谱和对应目标的病情指数以及叶面积指数、叶倾角等生物物理参数和叶绿素、SPAD数值等生物化学参数。通过对获取的光谱数据和生物物理参数和生物化学参数进行统计分析。研究结果表明,小麦被条锈病感染以后,叶片叶绿素含量急剧下降,通过研究叶片绿度值(SPAFD)值与叶绿素含量之间的关系,建立了叶片叶绿素含量和叶片SPAD数值之间的线性关系方程。通过在借鉴前人研究结果的基础上,通过筛选光谱指数,在冠层水平上构建作物冠层结构不敏感色素反演指数(CCII=TCARI/OSAVI)来反演全生育期不同处理的SPAD数值,此反演结果受品种类型、冠层结构和土壤背景的影响较小,线性方程的决定系数达到极显著的水平。在单叶水平选取归一化的光化学指数(NPRI)来反演单叶的病情指数(DI),线性方程的决定系数达到极显著的水平。所以该文通过选取适当的高光谱指数进行冬小麦条锈病严重度的反演的理论和方法是可行的。且反演结果受不同品种、不同叶面积指数和土壤背景等的影响均较小。  相似文献   

Winter wheat grain yield is connected with radiation use efficiency (RUE). A suitable planting pattern and irrigation strategy are essential for optimizing RUE. In order to investigate the effects of planting patterns and irrigation frequency on winter wheat RUE, a field study was conducted with two planting patterns and three irrigation frequencies. The two planting patterns were wide-precision (WP) and conventional-spacing (CS). The three irrigation frequencies were irrigated 120 mm at jointing stage, 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages, and 40 mm each at jointing, heading, and milk stages. The results showed leaf area index (LAI) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in WP than in CS. In addition, the LAI in WP decreased with the increase in irrigation frequency. Under the same irrigation frequency, the photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) interception and dry matter were higher in WP than in CS. In WP, reduced irrigation frequency significantly increased the PAR interception at 60 cm above the ground surface. The largest grain yield and highest RUE was found in WP when plants were irrigated twice. The results indicate WP in combination with irrigated 60 mm each at jointing and heading stages maximized the winter wheat grain yield and RUE.  相似文献   


Nitrogen uptake being part of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is largely decided by root traits. Root traits variability has hardly been explored by breeders mainly because of difficulties in scoring. The hydroponic system requiring lesser space for precise phenotyping of large numbers of genotypes independently of the growing season can be a suitable alternative. However, the effectiveness of hydroponic screening methods needs to be verified under the soil condition of the field or pot. In the present study, root traits and NUE were investigated in 19 genotypes under two conditions (hydroponic and pipe filled with soil). Both environments revealed large variability for root traits and NUE under high and low N conditions establishing the absence of any direct selection for these traits in the past. Under both sets of experimentation, NUpE was largely responsible for improved nitrogen efficiency mainly because of higher root biomass. The significant association between the two screening methods i.e. hydroponic and pot filled with soil under both low and high N condition support large scale screening for root traits under hydroponic condition.  相似文献   


Enhancing the phosphorus (P) use efficiency is critical for the sustainable cultivation of winter wheat. In this study, we investigated the effects of P fertilization level on plant P-uptake and agronomic traits under deficit irrigation, by using two wheat cultivars sharing contrasting water responses (i.e., Jimai 585 and Shimai 22). The high P level treatment (P120) improved plant biomass and P accumulation at each growth stage, grain yields, P remobilization amount to grain (PRA), P remobilization rate (PRR), and P contribution rate (PRR) of the cultivars with respect to the low P treatments (i.e., P90 and P60). Compared with Jimai 585, a cultivar acclimated to affluent water, the drought tolerant cultivar Shimai 22 exhibited similar behaviors on plant biomass, P-associated traits at each stage, and agronomic traits at maturity under P120. However, Shimai 22 was more improvement on P-associated and agronomic traits than Jimai 585 under P60 and P90. P contents were increased whereas moisture contents decreased in soil profile treated by P120 with respect to those by P60. Meanwhile, the soil profile cultivated by Shimai 22 displayed reduced moisture and P contents under P deprivation (i.e., P90 and P60) respect to that by Jimai 585, suggesting the contribution of more consumption of soil P and water storage to improved agronomic traits of Shimai 22. Together, our investigation suggested that suitable P input management positively mediates plant P-associated traits and grain formation capacity under deficit irrigation by improving supply and internal translocation of P across tissues in winter wheat plants.  相似文献   

施氮模式对冬小麦/夏玉米产量及氮素利用的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用大田试验,在小麦季N 250kg /hm2和玉米季N 200kg /hm2氮肥供应条件下,连续2年度(2007~2009)观测了不同施氮模式对冬小麦/夏玉米产量及氮素利用的影响。结果表明,与对照相比,常规施肥、有机无机复合肥、控释复合肥、控失复合肥以及改变氮肥基追配比处理均显著提高冬小麦/夏玉米子粒产量和干物质积累量,小麦季各处理产量大小依次为:控释复合肥控失复合肥有机无机复合肥改变氮肥基追配比常规施肥,提高幅度在107.5%~147.4%;玉米季各处理产量大小依次为:控释复合肥控失复合肥有机无机复合肥常规施肥改变氮肥基追配比,提高幅度在28.5%~56.1%。与常规施肥处理比较,控释复合肥、控失复合肥和有机无机复合肥处理冬小麦氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率提高2.2~5.1 kg/kg,夏玉米提高3.6~7.6 kg/kg;但改变基追配比处理在小麦季高于常规处理,在玉米季则低于当地常规施肥处理。从产量和氮肥利用率方面综合分析,有机无机复合肥、控释复合肥、控失复合肥均可作为适宜研究区域推广的肥料品种,而改变基追配比处理相对较适宜冬小麦季。  相似文献   

Large areas of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. Fion et Paol.) are grown under above-optimal temperatures causing significant yield reductions. Adaptation of wheat to such areas through genetic improvement is a way of increasing production in those regions. To identify new and novel sources of heat tolerance, 2,255 Mexican wheat landraces, grown for seed regeneration under semi-controlled conditions in the screenhouse, were evaluated for leaf chlorophyll content (LCC). The landraces were collected from areas with seasonal high temperatures. Based on these initial results, two subgroups of 127 landraces each were selected, one with high LCC values and one with low LCC values. During 1997 the selected subgroups were grown in the screenhouse and in field trials in Cd. Obregon, Mexico. The landraces were evaluated for traits associated with heat tolerance: LCC, canopy temperature depression, and thousand-kernel weight (KWT). The objectives of the study were to identify new sources of heat tolerance and to assess the feasibility of combining basic seed regeneration with characterization for needed traits like heat tolerance. A highly significant correlation was found between LCC in the screenhouse and in field trials, indicating the promise of using a screenhouse for cost effective evaluation of heat tolerance traits. This strategy could be used to identify regions or groups of germplasm that merit more intense screening. Highly significant correlations were also found between LCC and KWT. Three landrace cultivars with superior and consistent LCC values were identified. These accessions are potentially useful sources for improving heat tolerance in cultivated wheat.  相似文献   

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